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hopefully soon we will forget who is on the board and who owns us and go back to those days of our youth when we just worried about the team


I agree but that is unlikely to happen with Crouch kicking around in the background. Lets face it if Crouch is in the door then given his friendship with McMenemy it woudln't surprise me if he is welcomed back as well. As Frank mentions in his last post above if things start to go a bit pear shaped then with some old school faces knocking around the new structure are unlikely to be afforded the slack a completely new set up would engender IMO.

Shouldnt Lowe be on the board as well to balance things up ? Its only fair..........


I know that is said very much tongue in cheek but...


Only on this board are Lowe and Crouch two seperate sides. In the boardroom, it's just a case of which men are best for the job. Putting someone from 'Lowes side' of the argument is balancing things in the same way the Japanese attempted to 'balance' WW2 with Pearl Harbor.


FWIW I wouldn't mind having Leon Crouch on board. On the plus side he is a Saints fan and has always acted with the clubs best interests at heart, even if things didn't pan out the way we would have wanted. On the negative side, it would really p*ss of 19C and I'm sure nobody wants that to happen.

Personally I don't give a monkeys who is on the new board as long as :


a) The club is financially stable !

b) They appoint the right manager !

c) They concentrate only on the football and not peripheral businesses !

d) They adopt a low profile (good start as we don't even know who Mr Big is yet)!


e) Their names aren't Rupert Lowe or Michael Wilde.

lol fair one... otherwise known as admitting defeat!


Not defeat Robbie because I will still be in the queue for my season ticket, Crouch or not, but it will be with a sense of abject disappointment as oppose to a sense of excitement that a completely brand new set up could deliver. I may be wrong but I think you would even agree with me that a brand new board with none of the old baggage would be far more unifying both initially and in the long run.


Crouch kept the club afloat but IMO was partly culpable for its demise and questions remain unanswered about his donations post administration as mentioned above. Were they made with conditions? If so what were those conditions if any, as they would question the spirit in which we believe the donations were given, IMO.

I know that is said very much tongue in cheek but...


Only on this board are Lowe and Crouch two seperate sides. In the boardroom, it's just a case of which men are best for the job. Putting someone from 'Lowes side' of the argument is balancing things in the same way the Japanese attempted to 'balance' WW2 with Pearl Harbor.


FWIW I wouldn't mind having Leon Crouch on board. On the plus side he is a Saints fan and has always acted with the clubs best interests at heart, even if things didn't pan out the way we would have wanted. On the negative side, it would really p*ss of 19C and I'm sure nobody wants that to happen.


LOL! Surely Andrew Cowen is well respected as the man who was allegedly the unsung hero of the stadium that Lowe built and should be offered a role of all the past execs. He is certainly the most respected IMO and would be most likely to add real value.

I agree but that is unlikely to happen with Crouch kicking around in the background. Lets face it if Crouch is in the door then given his friendship with McMenemy it woudln't surprise me if he is welcomed back as well. As Frank mentions in his last post above if things start to go a bit pear shaped then with some old school faces knocking around the new structure are unlikely to be afforded the slack a completely new set up would engender IMO.

Fortunately MLT is not as daft as you, and will hopefully ensure that Lawrie is involved in some way, even if not on the Board. Thats the great thing about having someone involved who understands the Club; history is important, and those who contributed greatly to that history are welcome not made to feel like pariahs. Only those who contributed to our downfall, the true pariahs such as Lowe, Wilde, Hone and Dulieu would be banished.

LOL! Surely Andrew Cowen is well respected as the man who was allegedly the unsung hero of the stadium that Lowe built and should be offered a role of all the past execs. He is certainly the most respected IMO and would be most likely to add real value.


Yeah because he added real value last season.

LOL! Surely Andrew Cowen is well respected as the man who was allegedly the unsung hero of the stadium that Lowe built and should be offered a role of all the past execs. He is certainly the most respected IMO and would be most likely to add real value.


I don't know enough about Cowen's involvement in the club to comment on that.


I'm really no expert on boardroom affairs, just like all the ITKs on here. All I'll say is I wouldn't mind having Crouch back as he puts the clubs best interests first in my eyes. I don't want Lowe, Wilde or anyone else who doesn't, back at the club.

not going to ruin another thread by answering


To be fair he has a few points. The new owners wont get as much room for mistakes if they have any of the previous failures on board giving there tuppance worth. Crouch oversaw the club while the overdraft got mullered (not putting the blame on him just saying) so as far as a new start goes the new owners would probably do better to go on without any of the previous board.


Crouch kept the club afloat but IMO was partly culpable for its demise and questions remain unanswered about his donations post administration as mentioned above. Were they made with conditions? If so what were those conditions if any, as they would question the spirit in which we believe the donations were given, IMO.


Several posters on here have said there were no conditions, but you keep coming back and asking the same question. Even if there were, at least he put his hand in his pocket , that said, I am assured by someone unconnected with this forum, that these sums of money were gifts as such.


Give it a rest..........

LOL! Surely Andrew Cowen is well respected as the man who was allegedly the unsung hero of the stadium that Lowe built and should be offered a role of all the past execs. He is certainly the most respected IMO and would be most likely to add real value.



I have asked many many times, of anyone on this forum or of peeps who support Rupes, that I have met in Southampton, to point me towards ANY evidence whatsover that Ruperty Lowe or Andrew Cowan were or have been sucessful businessmen.


I was always asking jonah or even GM, who was so good at investigating peeps CVs/antecedents but alas without any response so far..


If you are able to enlighten me as to the sucess that these Gentlemen...Rupert and Andrew have enjoyed in days gone by...I would be very grateful.....I really can't find what makes posters like your good self, believe they were ever really good at running business...As for that retirement homes mularkey...Any substance to that...Please help me out 19.

LOL! Surely Andrew Cowen is well respected as the man who was allegedly the unsung hero of the stadium that Lowe built and should be offered a role of all the past execs. He is certainly the most respected IMO and would be most likely to add real value.


Unsung hero????

The only thing Cowen ever did was line his own pockets at the expense of SFC.

If Cowen and Lowe never darken the doors of St Marys ever again,i will be very happy.


so we don't want a true Saints fan, who is prepared to put his money up front to save the club, on the board of the new company?


But we do want someone whose identity we don't even know, to own the whole thing?


That logic beats me.


Oh, and before anyone starts, yes I DO want mystery man to save us.Very pleased about it.

Not defeat Robbie because I will still be in the queue for my season ticket, Crouch or not, but it will be with a sense of abject disappointment as oppose to a sense of excitement that a completely brand new set up could deliver. I may be wrong but I think you would even agree with me that a brand new board with none of the old baggage would be far more unifying both initially and in the long run.


Crouch kept the club afloat but IMO was partly culpable for its demise and questions remain unanswered about his donations post administration as mentioned above. Were they made with conditions? If so what were those conditions if any, as they would question the spirit in which we believe the donations were given, IMO.

You really are obsessed with Crouch aren`t you?

Shouldnt Lowe be on the board as well to balance things up ? Its only fair..........


Why he's had his 2 goes...so has Wilde whereas Crouch has only had 1 so its his turn. He wont have to do much to equal their disasters will he?

Why he's had his 2 goes...so has Wilde whereas Crouch has only had 1 so its his turn. He wont have to do much to equal their disasters will he?




Hang on, I have absolutely no issue with Crouch being a member of Tony's new board, it's not a bad move PR wise and he did have some time at the club, during which I would hope he learnt lessons from watching the cr*p around him.


That is fine and he will be a good value add. You can never beat experience.


But I would shudder if it was him actually getting the keys to play with the train set as Chairman, that would not fit into the bright new future I thought was coming with MLT & Tony. Would grin and bear it, but would be a little disappointed.


Nothing I have seen in the leak earlier today makes me think that is actually likely, but I would start to worry if some of the others come back with him, LM, MC et al

I agree but that is unlikely to happen with Crouch kicking around in the background. Lets face it if Crouch is in the door then given his friendship with McMenemy it woudln't surprise me if he is welcomed back as well. As Frank mentions in his last post above if things start to go a bit pear shaped then with some old school faces knocking around the new structure are unlikely to be afforded the slack a completely new set up would engender IMO.


"IMO" - thank god for that troll boy.

TBF the original report on Solent said a place on the board. No indication of him being Chairman.



You must of been lucky to hear that at all because i listened to a number of news bulletins on RS this afternoon and heard nothing about Crouch.



You at least gave the Rupert Lowe loving saddos and trolls something to moan about on here for the day anyway.


Don't worry, MLT will be the Chairman although I don't know what Crouch's role if any will be. If he is on the board that might well be a good move as he knows the club at board level better than any alternative including Le Tiss. He has surely proved that he's a fan and prepared to work for nothing and contribute cash when needed. You may question his judgement but not his passion.Probably best to wait for the official Board membership to be announced before doubting their collective ability.

Don't worry, MLT will be the Chairman although I don't know what Crouch's role if any will be. If he is on the board that might well be a good move as he knows the club at board level better than any alternative including Le Tiss. He has surely proved that he's a fan and prepared to work for nothing and contribute cash when needed. You may question his judgement but not his passion.Probably best to wait for the official Board membership to be announced before doubting their collective ability.


I agree with your conclusion but occassionaly you can get sucked into the debate somewhat.


I agree Crouch is a big fan but no more than any of the big fans out there who attend every game home and away and devote their life to Saints but don't have the financial resources of Crouch to give high profile donations. We must not lose sight that Crouch's ability to throw money at the club does not make him a bigger or more passionate fan than many others just more wealthy.


His judgement is open to question and in fact I think its fair to say the book on that subject has been closed. I don't believe he knows the club at board level better than anyone as his comments on R5L would suggest and some of his comments after he took over from Dulieu and Hone regard finances showed a lack of insight at best IMO.


IMO the new collective will miss a trick offering Crouch a role and the chance to genuinely create a completely new prototype for the future. It is clear to me that even the most divided of fans are agreeing on a clean slate so what purpose does Crouch deliver and can he really deliver the expertise that any credible director could find out for themselves by hitting the ground running and uncovering for themselves the things that need to be focussed on.


Still as you say and what I said in my first post, lets wait and see what the structure is before we make further comment but its clear to me most of us want a clean slate to unite us all and forget the past. Lowe, Crouch, Administration, Jackson, Donations, Pledges or Pinnacle bottom line whatever your opinions we all support Southampton FC lets go forward untarnished by our darkest days and the bad blood that came with it.

Hmmm, not sure about that. Much kudos for him putting his money where his mouth is (or at least leaking stories that say he has paid the wages, even though it's bull) and I do agree that he loves the club, but I really feel we need a completely new start.



Why he's had his 2 goes...so has Wilde whereas Crouch has only had 1 so its his turn. He wont have to do much to equal their disasters will he?



Actually i think Crouch has had 2 goes hasnt he.

Anyway i wouldnt mind him being on the board as i am sure a couple of new faces will appear in due course.

The last thing we need though is another saga like wildes execs all on a fortune draining resources.

You must of been lucky to hear that at all because i listened to a number of news bulletins on RS this afternoon and heard nothing about Crouch.



You at least gave the Rupert Lowe loving saddos and trolls something to moan about on here for the day anyway.


It was on the Sports Bulletin at 7.20am. TBF I think that to the vast majority of posters on this thread are reasonably happy to have Crouch on the Board. There are only a small handful of people that obviously have a real problem with him.

Some of the hatred and bile from some posters is very similar to one Rupert the Bear...Same old Ruperts boyzz with such vile tongues.....

New owners will appoint the best for their board and it will never be incompetents like Wilde and Lowe. If Crouch gets appointed it will be because a very sucessful businessman/Lady sees his value....Now you Lowe dancing bears...can you tell me Rupes was ever sucessful in business or football. Such hatred boyzz.


Even for you thats pushing the 'spouting boll ox' limit a bit ;-) Lets get one thing straight: whatever some of us think about Crouch, a) its not personal and you wont find the kind of bile many express towards Lowe expressed towards Crouch (unless to wind you Crouch pillow biter 'boyzz' (sic) up ;-)) and b) We wont be 'boycotting' if he gets on the board - so please let me know who is the the most vitriolic and obssessed with triavial Boll ox?

Even for you thats pushing the 'spouting boll ox' limit a bit ;-) Lets get one thing straight: whatever some of us think about Crouch' date=' a) its not personal and you wont find the kind of bile many express towards Lowe expressed towards Crouch (unless to wind you Crouch pillow biter 'boyzz' (sic) up ;-)) and b) We wont be 'boycotting' if he gets on the board - so please let me know who is the the most vitriolic and obssessed with triavial Boll ox?[/quote']


Just taken you off ignore Frank. I can't believe your still banging on about the same thing.


Move on.

Would be very disappointed in this, really hoped we could totally start afresh.


Negative pr move and without knocking him it is not as if he has years of running football club experience that they are keen to hold onto.


true and maybe deserves some honorary role and recognition but would rather new board as he was part of the problems in the past.


not one of his biggest fans but this is what I said - think most who are against it were similar - hardly bile ottery!


Well i fail to see how Crouch was part of the problems of the past NickG. In fact he was actually doing his best to resolve the mess made by others. I am not surprised the actual BBC radio solent article yesterday morning was dropped after one outing. It had no foundation and smelled of a ex-parties trying to stir things.


Leon has been part of the problem over the last 3 years, being part of the leadership team that was riven with destructive dis-unity, and I really want to see all the baggage that contributed to our situation removed from positions of power at the club.


No problem with Leon having a non executive "Vice-President" type role as recognition of his generosity, but no more than that.

Leon did us all a favour getting rid of the other shysters.


The classic rewriting of history... Leon got into bed with these shysters - then fell out with one of them which allowed the shysters to return - admin done for them which was a combination of the last 4 years financial meltdown...

The classic rewriting of history... Leon got into bed with these shysters - then fell out with one of them which allowed the shysters to return - admin done for them which was a combination of the last 4 years financial meltdown...



Just taken you off ignore Frank. I can't believe your still banging on about the same thing.


Move on.


Wade - apologies, I know we should ignore these wind ups but you know what its like.... sometimes the fingers start typing before the mature head kicks in ;-)

Wade - apologies' date=' I know we should ignore these wind ups but you know what its like.... sometimes the fingers start typing before the mature head kicks in ;-)[/quote']


We're all guilty of that one.

The classic rewriting of history... Leon got into bed with these shysters - then fell out with one of them which allowed the shysters to return - admin done for them which was a combination of the last 4 years financial meltdown...



It was on the Sports Bulletin at 7.20am. TBF I think that to the vast majority of posters on this thread are reasonably happy to have Crouch on the Board. There are only a small handful of people that obviously have a real problem with him.


I have no real issue with Leon Crouch being on the board but I think I would prefer the "clean slate" approach. I would have thought, though, that the least the new board could do would be offer to recompense him for what he put in to keep things alive while buyers were being sought. It would then be up to Leon whether he accepted or not.


Welcome from the States.


There is a slight rumour over here and I say very slight that Lee Hoos name has been mentioned in respect of returning to saints.

I was drinking with some americans discussing soccer when they suddenly mentioned his name. It took me by surprise but then said to them that he had already been involved with saints so I couldnt see him comming back.

They then said maybe they were getting confused with what they had heard.


Anyway fellow forum bods have fun specualiting on the future of the club

Welcome from the States.


There is a slight rumour over here and I say very slight that Lee Hoos name has been mentioned in respect of returning to saints.

I was drinking with some americans discussing soccer when they suddenly mentioned his name. It took me by surprise but then said to them that he had already been involved with saints so I couldnt see him comming back.

They then said maybe they were getting confused with what they had heard.


Anyway fellow forum bods have fun specualiting on the future of the club



Is Hoos not CEO at Leicester?

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