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What's with all the veiled comments from the Police and presenter?


Such as "I'm not here to judge Claudia's relationships" or "There are aspects of her private life that appear to be tangled" or words to that effect.


I hope she wasn't on the game/swinger or any of that.....hope I read it all wrong.

What's with all the veiled comments from the Police and presenter?


Such as "I'm not here to judge Claudia's relationships" or "There are aspects of her private life that appear to be tangled" or words to that effect.


I hope she wasn't on the game/swinger or any of that.....hope I read it all wrong.


Yeah, I thought that


It sounded like she may have been an escort or something

Yeah, I thought that


It sounded like she may have been an escort or something


Indeed Dicko, I just got the impression that they already know more than they are telling us but are keen to protect peoples private lives who may also have been involved in such thing's.


If she was, fair play to her, I wouldn't judge her either but it would appear that those who do get involved in that lifestyle are a close knit group and discretion is a must.


Then again, my overactive imagination is probably getting it all wrong again.


No real surprise that there was little response to Paula's murder. Surely if you want a response from the people on the CCTV from the station, then they should have showed all the pictures instead of directing people to the Crimewatch website...would have taken seconds to circle through the 30 shots.


I suggest they talk to the head of the intelligence unit at Southampton F.C as it is widely known he was enjoying an affair with Paula previous to her going missing.

So even if she was it's irrelevant she was still a human being who was murdered.


Wow......another poster that reads something that's not there.


I've yet to see where Dicko has alluded to anything otherwise.

I suggest they talk to the head of the intelligence unit at Southampton F.C as it is widely known he was enjoying an affair with Paula previous to her going missing.



Well if it wasn't it is now, well done. Bearing in mind the seriousness of that allegation, I would recomend that you yourself might wish to seek leal advive KS.

Well if it wasn't it is now, well done. Bearing in mind the seriousness of that allegation, I would recomend that you yourself might wish to seek leal advive KS.


Disclaimer: I am not suggest he had anything to do with her going missing. I am merely making the point that he allegedly was sh@gging her.

I suggest they talk to the....


Kin ell. YOU may know it, your mates might know it. Why didn't you ring the police or the programme rather than put it here - look at your self.


I bet the Old Bill will waste no time in nailing the "Burnley eleven" with the help of SFC Head of Intelligence!

I just hope they are putting the correct resources into catching Paula's killer or killers!

I suggest they talk to the head of the intelligence unit at Southampton F.C as it is widely known he was enjoying an affair with Paula previous to her going missing.

and WHERE THE FOOK did you hear that little gem from??????? :confused:

did you know Paula?? do you know this 'head of intel' ? or was it from a mate of ya mum's mikman's brother's long-lost twin???

Paula was a friend of mine, so IF you have any SUBSTANTIATED proof or knowledge then please, feel free to enlighten us. aswell as informing the police ..


if you don't , then kindly refrain from spreading malicious gossip about someone who was well known, and respected by many who frequent this site......

Kin ell. YOU may know it, your mates might know it. Why didn't you ring the police or the programme rather than put it here - look at your self.


What if the head of SFC intelligence picks up the phone? That could be quite awkward.

and WHERE THE FOOK did you hear that little gem from??????? :confused:

did you know Paula?? do you know this 'head of intel' ? or was it from a mate of ya mum's mikman's brother's long-lost twin???

Paula was a friend of mine, so IF you have any SUBSTANTIATED proof or knowledge then please, feel free to enlighten us. aswell as informing the police ..


if you don't , then kindly refrain from spreading malicious gossip about someone who was well known, and respected by many who frequent this site......


Don't shoot the messenger. I am merely passing on what I heard. Calm down sunshine.

Don't shoot the messenger. I am merely passing on what I heard. Calm down sunshine.


tell ya what mate.......just take a minute to imagine that a friend of yours, who was maybe a bit of a live-wire,was viciously and brutally stabbed 7 times and then left stuffed in the boot of their car for 11 days before being found . that their family, you and all your other friends and had been worried sick for those 11 days , wondering why they hadnt contacted ANYONE, running thru 1000 possible explainations as to what may have happened. then , once the awful truth had been discovered that you have to bear witness to their private life being splattered over the media, everyone making their own assumptions as to what they must have done to deserve it. then 8 months later, some ill informed 'person' decides that ,even though he has NO PROOF or ANY evidence to back-up his claim, that the deceased was having an affair with someone 'high up' at SFC!!

and then , when you try to defend your friend from such libellous cr4p that the person who defamed your friend then told you to "calm down sunshine!!"


go F**K yourself KS.........

i couldnt give a rats ass if you were just the messenger or not..........YOU brought up the subject as if you knew it to be fact, which it IS NOT!!........and, no , i won't calm down..........SUNSHINE!!!!!!:mad:

tell ya what mate.......just take a minute to imagine that a friend of yours, who was maybe a bit of a live-wire,was viciously and brutally stabbed 7 times and then left stuffed in the boot of their car for 11 days before being found . that their family, you and all your other friends and had been worried sick for those 11 days , wondering why they hadnt contacted ANYONE, running thru 1000 possible explainations as to what may have happened. then , once the awful truth had been discovered that you have to bear witness to their private life being splattered over the media, everyone making their own assumptions as to what they must have done to deserve it. then 8 months later, some ill informed 'person' decides that ,even though he has NO PROOF or ANY evidence to back-up his claim, that the deceased was having an affair with someone 'high up' at SFC!!

and then , when you try to defend your friend from such libellous cr4p that the person who defamed your friend then told you to "calm down sunshine!!"


go F**K yourself KS.........

i couldnt give a rats ass if you were just the messenger or not..........YOU brought up the subject as if you knew it to be fact, which it IS NOT!!........and, no , i won't calm down..........SUNSHINE!!!!!!:mad:


If you don't like it, don't read it.


I am not in a way trying to disrespect Paula. It is a tragic waste of life and I feel deeply sympathetic to her family and friends. R.I.P.


By merely making the point that she was seeing someone prior to her disappearance is hardly disrespecting her memory. I believe it to be accurate infomation. I might be right, I might be wrong. Quite frankly I don't care as long as they catch the killer and nor should you. Lighten up mush.


KS, I think, given that someone has died, this isn't the place for banter or making claims that some could find inappropriate / offensive / unsupported. That's fair enough, surely? if you think it's true and relevent, you should contact the authorities. Otherwise, it isn't much more than idle rumour, to be honest. I'm not saying you're lying, I know nothing about it. I'm just saying that, given this was a real person, and one clearly held in high esteem by many members of the board, a bit of sensitivity could be... apt.

If you don't like it, don't read it.


I am not in a way trying to disrespect Paula. It is a tragic waste of life and I feel deeply sympathetic to her family and friends. R.I.P.


By merely making the point that she was seeing someone prior to her disappearance is hardly disrespecting her memory. I believe it to be accurate infomation. I might be right, I might be wrong. Quite frankly I don't care as long as they catch the killer and nor should you. Lighten up mush.



oh, believe me KS , i want the b4st4rd who did this behind bars , but i DO care if someone is just spouting 2nd hand idle gossip/hearsay/conjecture/bullsh1t on an internet forum.....especially one so closely linked to the club that Paula worked for and loved.....

youve just said it yourself that you might be right, you might be wrong.........yet in your original post you seemed pretty sure that the information you were ,so very kindly, sharing with us was accurate....there was no indication that what you were divulging was merely an allegation or hearsay ....no, you were pretty god damn sure that your words were truth.............and why the confidence in those words????? .....because "thats what you'd heard!!"



oh, and please don't call me 'mush'...........women don't like that.......:neutral:



Any chance that you may have made a mistake with this bit of info you gave on this thread?

Anyone from this forum could have been involved or known someone that was involved, and they could have been upset by the hearsay you posted!


Maybe time to drop it now?

difference is though .......i STATED that it was 'hearsay'..... and was in no way trying to show the victims in a bad light (as i believe KS was trying to do)


but you're right SS .......that couldve offended someone.......... lesson learned....

  • 4 weeks later...

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