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New mob to enforce the law - would you want this job?

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Would you want this job? It would be like wearing a badge that says punch me very hard in the kisser because, you know what, that is gonna happen.


I can see that the government are trying to do something about dog sh*t and littering, and cycling on pavements - but will this work? I wonder. How are we supposed to check that this little badge is genuine or that the bearer is who they say they are? How long will it take the yoof to start making these badges and use them to go about their business of robbing law abiding citizens.


As for the bike bit. A year or so ago I was having lunch in Yates overlooking Above Bar. Two coppers standing there and one is almost hit by a cyclist on the pavement. Reaction – none. Over the next ten minutes I counted nine cyclists on the pavement riding past Southampton’s finest, and three others on the road going through red lights. Police reaction – zero.


I can fully appreciate that the roads can be very dangerous and some car drivers are not clever when it comes to bikes, but that is no excuse for putting pedestrians in a dangerous situation on pavements – even if those pedestrians are rozzers from the central police station.


So the government have obviously realised like me that when it comes to doing anything about cycling on pavements, the boys in blue give you the square root of f*ck all . So they have come up with this new scheme.


Here is a radical idea, lets not have these new officials, lets give the job to those who were supposed to do it the first place – the old Bill and make them enforce it. Give them targets to achieve like they do for everything else. Tell the Chief Constable that he can keep 90 per cent of the fines and every cop in the county will be handing out fines for riding on the pavement, littering and dog messing by the end of the week.

  Alf Tupper said:

Here is a radical idea, lets not have these new officials, lets give the job to those who were supposed to do it the first place – the old Bill and make them enforce it.


Spot on. Why should we do their job for them?

Now whenever the public complain about cycling on pavements for example, the government/police will just say "you have the power, you need to help yourself" and as usual make it out like it's the publics fault.


Typical Labour trying to Police on the cheap and make a real Police officers job even harder.


If it carries on like this then the Police will have no rights or power in ten years time.


Basically, Labour want enforcement officers for every tiny misdemeanour that a member of the public makes and then they can be pounced upon and fined.


It will be an offence to step outside your own house if it carries on like this for much longer.


Let the Police have some power back, take away all the red tape and let them Police without them having to jump through hoops to make an arrest. Maybe it will be an offence for a Police officer to arrest someone in a few years time :-)

  Alf Tupper said:
Give them targets to achieve like they do for everything else. Tell the Chief Constable that he can keep 90 per cent of the fines and every cop in the county will be handing out fines for riding on the pavement, littering and dog messing by the end of the week.


Its because of government inspired targetted policing that the job is in the state it is. They can't hit their targets as it is due to red tape, paperwork etc etc. And you want to put more targets in place?

This is the kind of low level nuisance that PCSO's were expected to deal with, although that idea seems to have fallen flat on its arse as everyone they try and deal with knows how limited their powers are.

Its just another fine example of how Labour have screwed this country by doing things on the cheap.


How exactly are these 'empowered people' going to stop you from walking away, when even the PCOs cannot?


I'm sure it will not be too long before some officious trolley collector from Tesco tries to remonstrate with a motorist for parking one millimetre outside of his bay.


Then guess what?


Who'll get their ticket punched?


I think the only people you will get doing this job are those who either want to be police officers but can't for some reason; or those members of the public who are so officious that everyone would ignore them anyway.

  Alf Tupper said:


As for the bike bit. A year or so ago I was having lunch in Yates overlooking Above Bar. Two coppers standing there and one is almost hit by a cyclist on the pavement. Reaction – none. Over the next ten minutes I counted nine cyclists on the pavement riding past Southampton’s finest, and three others on the road going through red lights. Police reaction – zero.


I can't stand cyclists, always gotta be sat down.


In all seriousness I had them quite a lot, especially the pavement cyclists :mad:

Posted (edited)

I once got a fine for leaving some dog**** on the grass in my local park. This little old lady walked up to the dog do, then up to me and told me she worked for the council and was fining me for befouling the park. (Not me personally...)


Now I hold my hands up, she was right to do it, but some other people I know would have just nutted her in the face and walked off. After all, she didn't know my name or address, and I needn't have given it to her. I did, because I got caught red handed (although the dog poo was extremely runny and would have probably soaked into the ground in a matter of seconds - it was raining afterall), but with no-one else around, she was putting herself in a lot of danger, had I been a mentalist.


Ok, she was doing her job and wasn't, at that point, a civilian, but there seriously are some busybodies out there with no care for their own safety that would take the government up on this,.

Edited by SNSUN
I don't take dumps in public parks...
  SNSUN said:
I once got a fine for leaving some dog**** on the grass in my local park. This little old lady walked up to the dog do, then up to me and told me she worked for the council and was fining me for befouling the park. (Not me personally...)


Now I hold my hands up, she was right to do it, but some other people I know would have just nutted her in the face and walked off. After all, she didn't know my name or address, and I needn't have given it to her. I did, because I got caught red handed (although the dog poo was extremely runny and would have probably soaked into the ground in a matter of seconds - it was raining afterall), but with no-one else around, she was putting herself in a lot of danger, had I been a mentalist.


Ok, she was doing her job and wasn't, at that point, a civilian, but there seriously are some busybodies out there with no care for their own safety that would take the government up on this,.


Hmmmm . . I remember a guy in Lordswood who'd probably be up for that sort of job.


UKIP anyone?

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