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You just can`t help yourself can you? As has been said before, any good constructive points that you raise in your posts are lost or made less valid because of your apparent need to be "controversial". You remind me of one of those WWE wrestlers who are hate figures (heels?) who play on this image just to wind the audience up. Your "poison" is , I am afraid, becoming somewhat diluted.


It cuts both ways and whilst the likes of McMenemy, Crouch and Osman parody and pour scorn on Lowe as many fans indeed do they must surely expect to have their own actions challenged. Are your views diluted because of your refusal to accept Lowe was not the only person at fault?


Therefore it is of paramount performance that MLT does not allow himself to comment on the past by playing the blame game and getting embrolied in the pettiness they we get involved with on here. Why do I bother? Because one day people will realise that bigoted and bullying views and overtly high expectations of fans are usually unreliable at best and balanced well thought out comments of the likes of Frank's Cousin, Weston Saint, Nickh and when he is on balanced form Fitzhugh Fella, are the type of assessed views we need to digest.




I appreciate your comment but I think McMenemy missed his last bus home at the start of the season and seemed to be blaming the fans for the cancellation of the legends game in the snippet I read on the web from the Echo last week. Thought that was a bit rich and didn't see to much self-analysis there about high ticket prices, timing or fan's views on players taking a temporary cut in salary. We're all human and make mistakes unless we try to coat ourselves in teflon.


IMO, the return of McMenemy would be divisive and appeal to only half the fan base and the half, with all due respect, least likely to represent the future. Surely there can be no way back for McMenemy and the future lies with MLT provided he doesn't adopt the same blueprint.


TBH for me its been less about the personalities and what they actually do or how they act in fulfilment of their plans - Lawrie for all his achiements for which he is rightly held in asteem did make a call to align himself very much much with Crouch and so will split opinion as a result, but would gain more support should he be part of plans that are obviously an improvement on what is happening right now. Personally, I struggle with his slight arrogance and willingness to join in the frenzy rather than at the time providing practical and constructive support/critique. Our herpoes need to rise above teh petty politics of blame and public slagging if they dont want to lose their halos

It cuts both ways and whilst the likes of McMenemy, Crouch and Osman parody and pour scorn on Lowe as many fans indeed do they must surely expect to have their own actions challenged. Are your views diluted because of your refusal to accept Lowe was not the only person at fault?


Therefore it is of paramount performance that MLT does not allow himself to comment on the past by playing the blame game and getting embrolied in the pettiness they we get involved with on here. Why do I bother? Because one day people will realise that bigoted and bullying views and overtly high expectations of fans are usually unreliable at best and balanced well thought out comments of the likes of Frank's Cousin, Weston Saint, Nickh and when he is on balanced form Fitzhugh Fella, are the type of assessed views we need to digest.




I appreciate your comment but I think McMenemy missed his last bus home at the start of the season and seemed to be blaming the fans for the cancellation of the legends game in the snippet I read on the web from the Echo last week. Thought that was a bit rich and didn't see to much self-analysis there about high ticket prices, timing or fan's views on players taking a temporary cut in salary. We're all human and make mistakes unless we try to coat ourselves in teflon.


IMO, the return of McMenemy would be divisive and appeal to only half the fan base and the half, with all due respect, least likely to represent the future. Surely there can be no way back for McMenemy and the future lies with MLT provided he doesn't adopt the same blueprint.

Firstly, if you check through any of my posts you will find that I have always maintained that THEY ALL must take the blame for our current position. It is the allotting of the blame that is open to interpretation. I have my views on this, and obviously everyone else has theres and they are all equally valid.

Secondly, are you saying that your obvious campaign against LM and LC and much of the language that you use when talking about them does not fall into the "bigoted and bullying" category? Pot/Kettle comes to mind.

TBH for me its been less about the personalities and what they actually do or how they act in fulfilment of their plans - Lawrie for all his achiements for which he is rightly held in asteem did make a call to align himself very much much with Crouch and so will split opinion as a result' date=' but would gain more support should he be part of plans that are obviously an improvement on what is happening right now. Personally, I struggle with his slight arrogance and willingness to join in the frenzy rather than at the time providing practical and constructive support/critique. Our herpoes need to rise above teh petty politics of blame and public slagging if they dont want to lose their halos[/quote']




McMenemy should be Saints Royalty and act as such but IMO is more like a critical MP without office. Sad but as Frank pointed out as soon as you align yourself with anyone's particular agenda you create division and he needed to be above that. Well above. Merrington has been more measured and diplomatic on the odd occassion I have listened to him.

Firstly, if you check through any of my posts you will find that I have always maintained that THEY ALL must take the blame for our current position. It is the allotting of the blame that is open to interpretation. I have my views on this, and obviously everyone else has theres and they are all equally valid.

Secondly, are you saying that your obvious campaign against LM and LC and much of the language that you use when talking about them does not fall into the "bigoted and bullying" category? Pot/Kettle comes to mind.


Read my post again I think I said that we all get embrolied with the pettiness on this forum and I do so to try and get a different pov across albeit a less popular one but still relevant all the same. More like fighting fire with fire and why we should heed more balanced posts.


I don't have any campaign but like to investigate all the angles especially those who act or our treated like they are beyond reproach IMO.

You remind me of one of those WWE wrestlers who are hate figures (heels?) who play on this image just to wind the audience up. Your "poison" is , I am afraid, becoming somewhat diluted.




He's our own Mick McManus or maybe Jackie Pallo LMFAO.


Someone has even PM'd me suggesting it's Granty on a total wind up in an effort to drive up traffic on the site (ala Mike Parry on TalkSport;)).


Recognise anyone NineSunThirdFlashTeen CanDanceManBearBeastTeen????




I am concerned that MLT has linked in with a failed group of bidders. He may be a hero in the past but his personal rating will go belly up if this bid fails. It would have been better if he had kept out of it

I am concerned that MLT has linked in with a failed group of bidders. He may be a hero in the past but his personal rating will go belly up if this bid fails. It would have been better if he had kept out of it


According to who?

I am concerned that MLT has linked in with a failed group of bidders. He may be a hero in the past but his personal rating will go belly up if this bid fails. It would have been better if he had kept out of it


MLT has only been linked IN by us and the media, he chose his public statement at that golf day VERY carefully. as many have kept pointing out.

I am concerned that MLT has linked in with a failed group of bidders. He may be a hero in the past but his personal rating will go belly up if this bid fails. It would have been better if he had kept out of it





SFC's greatest ever player giving a damn as to the fate of his beloved club and endorses a consortium that might help us yet.


Forgive me saying this but I think your view is an over-reaction !

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