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Can someone please breifly summaries whats supposedly happening with a takeover and what we are waiting for today?


There are many many threads with lots of pages and its complicated and takes and age to work out




At the moment, I'm waiting for my lunch to cook and I can confirm to you it will be ready in 25 minutes.


As for an alledged takeover, then god knows what is happening. According to some, there are up to 3 parties interested in buying the football club.


Nothing concrete as of the moment I type and I will remain cynical until I see confirmation in black and white from official sources.


To summarize, Pinnacle apparently have until the end of the day to put up or shut up or LLS gets another poke, SLH has been confirmed as being no more, the stadium may be sold off but SFC won't be able to play there, everyone is panicking that SFC is going t*ts up and MB reckons there is a press conference at 4pm. OK?


Quite simply - it's Friday.


The forum is obscessed with Friday.


As nothing ever happens during the week - it will of course happen on errrr Friday.


As ever, on a Friday, we are all hanging on the words of certain ITK'ers hoping for something (anything actually) to happen.


Thats Friday...

Nobody knows anything bit plenty will have you think they do.


All I know is havent heard from you in ages. Sort your email out! :smt104

Say's he, and start's yet another thread.


Shant :smt014


I thought the original poster was struggling with English until I read your posts. (Apologies if it's not your first language)

To summarize, Pinnacle apparently have until the end of the day to put up or shut up or LLS gets another poke, SLH has been confirmed as being no more, the stadium may be sold off but SFC won't be able to play there, everyone is panicking that SFC is going t*ts up and MB reckons there is a press conference at 4pm. OK?


And as usual its a press conference that nobody knows about in the press!!......best to plan for the worst and hope for the best.......I think it will go to the final deadline whenever that may be......its the nature of such scenarios

I thought the original poster was struggling with English until I read your posts. (Apologies if it's not your first language)


What's got stuck up your As*.......time of month is it??


What's happened? Our administrator is struggling to flog off a just relegated side that is heavily in debt and with little chance of turning a profit anytime soon. All of us are surprised about this, naturally.

At the moment, I'm waiting for my lunch to cook and I can confirm to you it will be ready in 25 minutes.


As for an alledged takeover, then god knows what is happening. According to some, there are up to 3 parties interested in buying the football club.


Nothing concrete as of the moment I type and I will remain cynical until I see confirmation in black and white from official sources.




As we have little or no news re SFC, can you please tell me what you were cooking for lunch? Was it nice? With Chablis? Followed by Stewed apple and custard?


I vote that your post be considered the 'Post of the day that had nothing to do with SFC'.


1 vote and counting.

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