eelpie Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 We are so rich we could have turned down £30,000, which is the minimum that the cancelled (postponed?) All-Stars match could have made. (It could have paid for 100 hours of Fry's time.) But they didn't consult us on suggestions for attracting the crowds to the match! Why? Like they could have gone the 'Full Monty'! The very survival of SFC could depend on it. Your best suggestions below How to attract the big crowds to an All Stars match?:
LestWeForget Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 We are so rich we could have turned down £30,000, which is the minimum that the cancelled (postponed?) All-Stars match could have made. (It could have paid for 100 hours of Fry's time.) But they didn't consult us on suggestions for attracting the crowds to the match! Why? Like they could have gone the 'Full Monty'! The very survival of SFC could depend on it. Your best suggestions below How to attract the big crowds to an All Stars match?: Stewards, police, staff wages etc etc would cost more than that.
Saint Richard of Woolston Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 £30k would not cover the expenses. I am tempted to refer to one person in particular, who should have been an MP, but will not!! It has not been publicised well at all. The Echo far too interested in writing about Lowe than giving any profile to this game.
kpturner Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 It was defo poorly advertised - but then good advertisement costs money. I went to the evening do where the idea was first mooted in public, and I got the impression that LM and MO were definitely relying on word of mouth and genuinely expected a full house and a £600k gate (albeit they probably got more realistic later on). I was going to go but I just hadn't bought a ticket yet. How many more were in that same boat I wonder, and how many expected just to turn up on the day and buy a ticket like many of the league matches. Maybe they were worried that it would actually lose money and make the problems worse. Did somebody underwrite the gate money? That is what was originally suggested.
st.shabzz Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Stewards, police, staff wages etc etc would cost more than that. not sure weather there were gonna be police but know that the stewards were working for free
Dicko Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 I think Saints fans are more concerned about our current plight than watching this game How depressing seeing ex-players turn out, when our very existence is still in the melting pot
kpturner Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 not sure weather there were gonna be police but know that the stewards were working for freeI think they were going to play the match whether it rained or not ;-)
kpturner Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 I think Saints fans are more concerned about our current plight than watching this game. How depressing seeing ex-players turn out, when our very existence is still in the melting potDoesn't that miss the point though? If you are really concerned about the plight then you would have bought a ticket to raise money (assuming you could afford it), regardless of how depressing you may have found the event itself. It probably would have been a good laugh if truth be told.
John B Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 £30k would not cover the expenses. I am tempted to refer to one person in particular, who should have been an MP, but will not!! It has not been publicised well at all. The Echo far too interested in writing about Lowe than giving any profile to this game. I think lots of people knew about the match but could not be bothered to go.
kpturner Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 I think lots of people knew about the match but could not be bothered to go.Sad but true I guess....I hope that those who think it will all be OK without them having to put their hand in their pocket again don't live to regret it.
Wes Tender Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 I was going to get a couple of tickets either later today or tomorrow. The organisers made a few fundamental mistakes which have been the cause of the low attendance IMO. 1) The match was to held at the wrong time. Sunday lunchtime is often an occasion for family get togethers. 3pm would have been much better. 2) The publicity was poor. The idea was good, but we needed to see actual names of the stars attending to attract more people. 3) Perhaps the price was a bit high. £10 might have attracted far more people. 4) Perhaps the timing of the match has been overtaken by events, in that the Administrator appears to be closing in on a deal for somebody to take over the club and many believe that the additional fundraising is therefore unecessary. 5) Many might have been unsure where the money raised was going to. This needed to be set out and written in stone that the money raised would be ring fenced.
The9 Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 I was ready to buy 2 and held off to see if they'd open the Northam, but £20 each is a lot of money for a kickaround featuring people who can't do what they used to be good at any more.
Saint_clark Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Sad but true I guess....I hope that those who think it will all be OK without them having to put their hand in their pocket again and again and again and again and again and again don't live to regret it. Highlighted the important part. I was going to go, but it's really not the sort of thing you book tickets for. There would have been a very big walk up. And as for the costs, I know for definite that the stewards were working for free. I doubt we were paying any of the players a fee either.
EBS1980 Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 The lack of confirmation of who was actually playing stopped me buying a ticket.
kpturner Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 The lack of confirmation of who was actually playing stopped me buying a ticket.Why? Did it matter given the fact that it was just a vehicle to raise some cash? It was never going to be a quality football match, just a load of old gits buggering around.
The9 Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Why? Did it matter given the fact that it was just a vehicle to raise some cash? It was never going to be a quality football match, just a load of old gits buggering around. We've already established that the going rate for that was a fiver from the Forum match last week.
Mowgli Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Not a bad thing to cancel. I thought £15k would have broken us even at least but - sadly - I suspect players, and esp Lawrie / Osman would want their cut too.
kpturner Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Not a bad thing to cancel. I thought £15k would have broken us even at least but - sadly - I suspect players, and esp Lawrie / Osman would want their cut too.Steady on - you'll get sued for libel making claims like that.
kpturner Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Why? Did it matter given the fact that it was just a vehicle to raise some cash? It was never going to be a quality football match, just a load of old gits buggering around. We've already established that the going rate for that was a fiver from the Forum match last week.If OoohTerryHurlock was playing then I think a fiver is way OTT.
NickG Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 only four players announced - one crowd drawing - was the problem
OldNick Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 If OoohTerryHurlock was playing then I think a fiver is way OTT.Hey leave it out KPT he did well.A top bloke as well
kpturner Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 If OoohTerryHurlock was playing then I think a fiver is way OTT. Hey leave it out KPT he did well. A top bloke as wellYeah, a top bloke - just don't leave him in charge of a kango drill for more than 5 minutes though (sorry mate - luv ya really).
ooohTerryHurlock Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Yeah, a top bloke - just don't leave him in charge of a kango drill for more than 5 minutes though (sorry mate - luv ya really). I'm better with a kango drill!!! ..... Thanks NickH.... still can't get over loosing!! I think I got over the 2003 cup final quicker!! ..... Now onto topic. I think this just shows how small our die hard (those that really do want to fight for the clubs survival) is.... 1500 tickets sold. Plus a couple of thousand more maybe that would buy late or walk up (I was going to buy a couple even though I could n't attend). I was disappointed about the game not going ahead. Not sure what sort of message this sends out. i guess we want some one to bail us out of the **** but don't want to do to much to help ourselves. Perhaps RL was right on one thing.... perhaps we are customers (expecting something for our money) as opposed to fans (who would be there no matter what). Although I do feel the fact that everything to do with admin and survival is just so ambiguous and the situation needs clarifying. We needed a clear target and clear definition as to what the money would achieve. Being a saints fan is like being a mushroom.... we are kept in the dark and fed ****!
OldNick Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Yeah, a top bloke - just don't leave him in charge of a kango drill for more than 5 minutes though (sorry mate - luv ya really).You are going to make this site a bit more fun. I thought a kango drill would be ok a kangaroo is a different matter
Mowgli Posted 13 May, 2009 Posted 13 May, 2009 Steady on - you'll get sued for libel making claims like that. Happy to be proved wrong but they do a lot of charity do's and I believe it is expected that you generally still have to pay for their services. We tried to get a local Groundforce TV celeb to open a fete a while back and were quoted a sum in excess of £1k.
CB Fry Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 I think most people are finally understanding the bigger picture I have been banging on about, and been shot down over, since the start of this affair. We don't need charity matches, bucket collections or people doing sponsored swims. We need the administrator to sort a deal out in as short a timescale as possible, ie with the tightest deadline possible. And that is finally what is happening, and I happen to think that the bucket collections have been a negative thing because it has elongated the whole process. And all that happened is ordinary fans subsidised the £5k a week wages of Bradley Wright Phillips. Well done you. The big picture is we will be taken over by a group of businessmen. I said that on day one and I will be proved right, despite being acccused of "not getting the big picture" by various delusionals on this forum telling me "some of us have a club to save". Yeah, right. No more charity, thanks - let busines take on business debt.
ooohTerryHurlock Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 I think most people are finally understanding the bigger picture I have been banging on about, and been shot down over, since the start of this affair. We don't need charity matches, bucket collections or people doing sponsored swims. We need the administrator to sort a deal out in as short a timescale as possible, ie with the tightest deadline possible. And that is finally what is happening, and I happen to think that the bucket collections have been a negative thing because it has elongated the whole process. And all that happened is ordinary fans subsidised the £5k a week wages of Bradley Wright Phillips. Well done you. The big picture is we will be taken over by a group of businessmen. I said that on day one and I will be proved right, despite being acccused of "not getting the big picture" by various delusionals on this forum telling me "some of us have a club to save". Yeah, right. No more charity, thanks - let busines take on business debt. Guess thats me!!! but i'm happy to still stand by the fact that its the people like you that leave us in the position that we are.... your apathy and negativity towards the whole situation, your hang up on BWP?(Get over it man!). What does the fact that a charity game gets organised (and badly advertised) and we manage to sell 1500 tickets in advance, what does that truly say about the club. For whats its worth you will probably be prooved right (which seems to matter to you so much on every issue!), a band of bussiness men will cobble together the 8 or 9 million that is being bandied about t buy the club - and we will see what happens. I pray that the old adage of 'better the devil you know' does n't ring true!... But for now all i want is for this mess to be sorted one way or another so that we can get on with supporting the club and spurring the club onto better times! .... by the way I think you were the one that started banging on about 'the bigger picture', like you bang on about your indepth knowledge of every issue. anyway lets just keep our fingers crossed that some group of bussiness men save our sorry arses as it is quite apparent not too many of the fan base really give a ****! x
kpturner Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 I'm better with a kango drill!!! ..... Thanks NickH.... still can't get over loosing!! I think I got over the 2003 cup final quicker!!Surely you mean "losing". "Loosing" is what you did to the neighbours fine plaster work with the (over enthusiastic:axe: ) drilling with a kango.
B Rabbit Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 I'm personally of the opinion money to saints, out of our back pockets (competitive matches aside) is completely f*cking daft...when you still have players like Euell on 10k a week... BWP on 5k a everyone else. Does nobody else see how completely illogical throwing money at SFC is when players are still picking up thousands of pounds PER WEEK?! If all the players said... here... don't pay us for 2 weeks as a goodwill gesture to the club, which they succesfully have bummed out of this crap division...i'm reasonably certain that would tide us over equivalent to any money we would have raised from the match.
kpturner Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 Just read CB Fry...well bowled sir.Change the colour - I just puked on my keyboard :vom:
The9 Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 Change the colour - I just puked on my keyboard :vom: Hmm, one of you hasn't been here long...
Big Bad Bob Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 (edited) Guess thats me!!! but i'm happy to still stand by the fact that its the people like you that leave us in the position that we are.... your apathy and negativity towards the whole situation, your hang up on BWP?(Get over it man!). x And some would say you're a gullible fool... I've said elsewhere and I'll say it again :- If it could be guaranteed that any money raised goes to pay the non-playing staff and the creditors and not the work shy pansies that have been running around the half-acre of grass every other weekend then I would happily give my money to the club. As it is, 80% of money raised goes to the players who got is in this situation and yet still lord it over us in their fancy cars and nights out on the **** after they lose. If the players had turned around and said "you know what I'm worried about the future of SFC, I've made enough so far so don't bother paying me until SFC gets taken over or I go to another club" then I would applaud them but it hasn't happened has it..... Edited 14 May, 2009 by Big Bad Bob
ooohTerryHurlock Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 Just read CB Fry...well bowled sir. really??? As I already said before the man has no backbone, spunk or balls. No fight and is prepared to let other people crack on. I'm not sure while people harp on about the wages - its was potentially bigger than that. Having said that I guess through the lack of information provided we must be close to some sort of settlement so our ineptitude to unite and rally to the call will hopefully not signal the end for this great club.... sometimes I really do wonder why somepeople do bother at all. They see the cost in everything and the Valuein nothing!!
kpturner Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 Hmm, one of you hasn't been here long...Could you elaborate for the ignorant?
Scummer Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 Could you elaborate for the ignorant? B Rabbit writes in orange, always has done. It's as simple as that.
kpturner Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 B Rabbit writes in orange, always has done. It's as simple as that.Medical reasons - or just to give people a headache?
OldNick Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 Medical reasons - or just to give people a headache? I think it is the only way for it to be noticed.After hurting my eyes trying to read it in the past I just pass the posts by.Probably an advantage and everybody will start doing it now
kpturner Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 really??? As I already said before the man has no backbone, spunk or balls. Steady on Terry. Last night, when I said your posts seem a bit tame, I didn't mean you should jump straight in and lambast the next poster you came across. Fancy using the word "spunk" on a public forum - and why wasn't it asterisked out??.....and don't tell me you meant "courage". I'm off to tell your mum.:smt021
Lets B Avenue Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 I think it is the only way for it to be noticed.After hurting my eyes trying to read it in the past I just pass the posts by.Probably an advantage and everybody will start doing it now Once a leader, always a leader.
CB Fry Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 (edited) Guess thats me!!! but i'm happy to still stand by the fact that its the people like you that leave us in the position that we are.... your apathy and negativity towards the whole situation, your hang up on BWP?(Get over it man!). Oh is it, really. Yeah, well sorry about that appointment of Jan Poortvilet, that was a mistake on my part. As was the years of financial mismanagement, I really should have held back on that Contract for Jason Euell. Sorry and everything. For whats its worth you will probably be prooved right Yes, yes, I will. It's called getting the big picture. lets just keep our fingers crossed that some group of bussiness men save our sorry arses as it is quite apparent not too many of the fan base really give a ****! I think lots of fans give a ****. Just not enough to chuck good money after bad, when we are going to get saved, we will continue trading and we didn't need a million and one charity dos to get there. You seem to be powered by your own self satisfied smugness. As I was saying over and over, we're not Aldershot or Weymouth and we don't need keeno bucket shakers. We're going to get taken over: we were on the day we went into admin and we still will. And I don't get your "better the devil you know" routine: you've already proved that you'll chuck your own savings unquestionably at anything with a red and white stripe tacked on. The reason businessmen keep coming back and back is because they have cash cows like you to draw on. Really??? As I already said before the man has no backbone, spunk or balls. No fight and is prepared to let other people crack on. I'm not sure while people harp on about the wages - its was potentially bigger than that. Having said that I guess through the lack of information provided we must be close to some sort of settlement so our ineptitude to unite and rally to the call will hopefully not signal the end for this great club.... sometimes I really do wonder why somepeople do bother at all. They see the cost in everything and the Valuein nothing!! What a classy response that is. I don't call being prepared to chuck your mortgage payments in the direction of players on £5,000 a week as evidence of "backbone". But whatever floats your boat son. I can hear the new owners rubbing their hands in glee at the thought of cashing in on your "backbone" already. PS - your backbone has delivered nothing for our imminent takeover. You were nothing to do with it. Nothing. at. all. Understand? Edited 14 May, 2009 by CB Fry
ooohTerryHurlock Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 And some would say you're a gullible fool... I've said elsewhere and I'll say it again :- If it could be guaranteed that any money raised goes to pay the non-playing staff and the creditors and not the work shy pansies that have been running around the half-acre of grass every other weekend then I would happily give my money to the club. As it is, 80% of money raised goes to the players who got is in this situation and yet still lord it over us in their fancy cars and nights out on the **** after they lose. If the players had turned around and said "you know what I'm worried about the future of SFC, I've made enough so far so don't bother paying me until SFC gets taken over or I go to another club" then I would applaud them but it hasn't happened has it..... So 125 years of sweat, toil, sadness, joy endeavour rest on the back of a group of players that have represented us seasons??? Have you looked round the car park lately. Its hardly full of ferrari's! I think people believe two much of the B/**** they read in the papers. The challenge to save the club and the time and emotion invested in it was one i considered worth investing in -. Southampton Football Club and me go back to my earliest memory's - Its always been in my life and a significant part of it (not all of it/ and not depending on it but just there). The excitment as a kid of getting a new kit for Birthday or christmas, the joy at watching Channon, Keegan, Wallace, Shilton - budgie do his nutty warm up, OTH just rampaging about and watching Le tiss through out his career. The excitment of the Dell under lights. Matches we lost that we should have won, matches we won that we should have lost, 5-5 draws, nil-nil draws, away days, home days, supporting at home, at uni, whilst living abroad. Its just about the SAINTS! I don't want it to go pop and thought that a show of solidarity might send the right message to prospective buyers, or buy us enough time to get through the summer. Thats why I put some of my little girls inheritance into the bucket - life isn't all about money and business - there are other values and morals that make up life. If that makes me a gullible fool then so be it, if it makes me smug then so be it, but it does n't make me bitter, twisted, jealous or anything other than doing what you can to save something you enjoy/love or care about. Life will go on regardless of what happens and as I have already said C B Fry is right that it will be bought by some business men but its peoples apathy and negativity that I can't get. Why bother going in the first place if you resent these people earning the wages they do? and if you just want success why not just F off and support some plastic club like M Utd or Chelsea and celebrate having wealthy players who win things? why put yourself through it?
INFLUENCED.COM Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 So 125 years of sweat, toil, sadness, joy endeavour rest on the back of a group of players that have represented us seasons??? Have you looked round the car park lately. Its hardly full of ferrari's! I think people believe two much of the B/**** they read in the papers. The challenge to save the club and the time and emotion invested in it was one i considered worth investing in -. Southampton Football Club and me go back to my earliest memory's - Its always been in my life and a significant part of it (not all of it/ and not depending on it but just there). The excitment as a kid of getting a new kit for Birthday or christmas, the joy at watching Channon, Keegan, Wallace, Shilton - budgie do his nutty warm up, OTH just rampaging about and watching Le tiss through out his career. The excitment of the Dell under lights. Matches we lost that we should have won, matches we won that we should have lost, 5-5 draws, nil-nil draws, away days, home days, supporting at home, at uni, whilst living abroad. Its just about the SAINTS! I don't want it to go pop and thought that a show of solidarity might send the right message to prospective buyers, or buy us enough time to get through the summer. Thats why I put some of my little girls inheritance into the bucket - life isn't all about money and business - there are other values and morals that make up life. If that makes me a gullible fool then so be it, if it makes me smug then so be it, but it does n't make me bitter, twisted, jealous or anything other than doing what you can to save something you enjoy/love or care about. Life will go on regardless of what happens and as I have already said C B Fry is right that it will be bought by some business men but its peoples apathy and negativity that I can't get. Why bother going in the first place if you resent these people earning the wages they do? and if you just want success why not just F off and support some plastic club like M Utd or Chelsea and celebrate having wealthy players who win things? why put yourself through it? Just in case anyone missed it first time around, good post reminds me of a this quote "When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something's suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful."
hamster Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 We've already established that the going rate for that was a fiver from the Forum match last week. Good point T9, good point indeed. The Forum match was more of a success than the old crocks match! WE ARE BETTER THAN LEGENDS....FACT
ooohTerryHurlock Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 , I really should have held back on that Contract for Jason Euell. Thought he was one of the better performers towards the end of the season. You seem to be powered by your own self satisfied smugness. I don't considering it smug - I just care for the club as it has provided years of enjoyment and just because its choppy waters does n't mean you sit back and let other people sort out the mess. We see examples everyday of the workings of business making a complete ham of things, so still amazed that your vision of 'the big picture', allows for some more have a go business men taking the club on? Fan ownership could have been an option - and was worth considering. But as usual the information provided by the club/administrator has been woeful in outlining the true situation- hence the lack of support for the scheme. Don't get apathy and negativity if there is the slightest chance you can have an influence on something. And I don't get your "better the devil you know" routine: you've already proved that you'll chuck your own savings unquestionably at anything with a red and white stripe tacked on. I don't considering it 'chucking' and they were n't savings either. The reason businessmen keep coming back and back is because they have cash cows like you to draw on. So why do you enjoy football and go to matches (I take it you do actually go? or it that something else you don't do?) What a classy response that is. Sorry if I caused you offence, you delicate soul:rolleyes: I don't call being prepared to chuck your mortgage payments in the direction of players on £5,000 a week as evidence of "backbone". Not actually mortgage payments - What they earn is nothing to do with me- its a market driven industry and what contracts they are on is history. I can hear the new owners rubbing their hands in glee at the thought of cashing in on your "backbone" already. Exactly the reason why I supported the idea of Fan Ownership in some shape or form. ( I was actually in favour of the fans/ Council trying to secure the ownership of SMS) as this would go some way to the fans being fleeced. PS - your backbone has delivered nothing for our imminent takeover. You were nothing to do with it. Nothing. at. all. Understand? Happy to at least sit here in the knowledge that my backbone is still in tact - jellyman!! night night x
hamster Posted 14 May, 2009 Posted 14 May, 2009 So 125 years of sweat, toil, sadness, joy endeavour rest on the back of a group of players that have represented us seasons??? Have you looked round the car park lately. Its hardly full of ferrari's! I think people believe two much of the B/**** they read in the papers. The challenge to save the club and the time and emotion invested in it was one i considered worth investing in -. Southampton Football Club and me go back to my earliest memory's - Its always been in my life and a significant part of it (not all of it/ and not depending on it but just there). The excitment as a kid of getting a new kit for Birthday or christmas, the joy at watching Channon, Keegan, Wallace, Shilton - budgie do his nutty warm up, OTH just rampaging about and watching Le tiss through out his career. The excitment of the Dell under lights. Matches we lost that we should have won, matches we won that we should have lost, 5-5 draws, nil-nil draws, away days, home days, supporting at home, at uni, whilst living abroad. Its just about the SAINTS! I don't want it to go pop and thought that a show of solidarity might send the right message to prospective buyers, or buy us enough time to get through the summer. Thats why I put some of my little girls inheritance into the bucket - life isn't all about money and business - there are other values and morals that make up life. If that makes me a gullible fool then so be it, if it makes me smug then so be it, but it does n't make me bitter, twisted, jealous or anything other than doing what you can to save something you enjoy/love or care about. Life will go on regardless of what happens and as I have already said C B Fry is right that it will be bought by some business men but its peoples apathy and negativity that I can't get. Why bother going in the first place if you resent these people earning the wages they do? and if you just want success why not just F off and support some plastic club like M Utd or Chelsea and celebrate having wealthy players who win things? why put yourself through it? That I did enjoy reading, it sums up what makes the current situation quite numbing for many, and beneath the surface our club will always exist in a place that noone can touch it, in ouit hearts. It's been a long hard few seasons and I think we are all very, very tired OTH. Keep posting mate, and pay no attention to those who knock and mock, they are on every thread on the forum at the mo. We should pity them imo.
CB Fry Posted 15 May, 2009 Posted 15 May, 2009 (edited) What a load of old toss from OooohTerry Hurlock. Exactly where do I say don't go to games and don't support the team?. Trying to win the argument by making out I am saying "don't waste your time supporting Saints" is just pathetic - I say nothing of the sort. And then you try and lecture me about "the economies of football" and it being a "market driven industry" - errr THAT. HAS. BEEN. MY. POINT. ALL. ALONG. I have no problem whatsoever with BWP earning whatever he earns - it is a market driven industry. My point, ALL ALONG is the "market driven" problem we are in is going to be solved by THE MARKET. ie A group of businessmen. It is not going to be sold by you wandering around with a Quality Street tin full of fifty pences pompously telling us that "some of us have a club to save". BWP could just about spend your little tins worth on a pair of trainers. So that's my point and has always been so. Don't try and score the cheapest of cheap points by making out I don't love Saints and don't have the club coursing through my veins. I have done since I went to my first game in 1988 well timed as it was Shearers debut Hattrick against Arsenal and I've been hooked since. It's not about only you care and only you are the real fan - it's about wasted energy and wasted time. The market/business should take on business debt. Not ordinary fans on ordinary money. That's a fan friendly policy that I'm sticking to. Edited 15 May, 2009 by CB Fry
ooohTerryHurlock Posted 15 May, 2009 Posted 15 May, 2009 (edited) What a load of old toss from OooohTerry Hurlock. IYHO! Exactly where do I say don't go to games and don't support the team?. I asked if YOU went to games?Trying to win the argument by making out I am saying "don't waste your time supporting Saints" is just pathetic - I say nothing of the sort. Its not an argument its a lively duscussion! And then you try and lecture me about "the economies of football" and it being a "market driven industry" - errr THAT. HAS. BEEN. MY. POINT. ALL. ALONG. Not lecturing mate - sorry! I have no problem whatsoever with BWP earning whatever he earns - it is a market driven industry. My point, ALL ALONG is the "market driven" problem we are in is going to be solved by THE MARKET. ie A group of businessmen. See previous point on post in respinse to big bad bob, and below It is not going to be sold by you wandering around with a Quality Street tin full of fifty pences pompously telling us that "some of us have a club to save". I think I've pledge 3K if needed - not exactly fufty pences! Actual donation about £150 so far in extra tickets and bucket donations BWP could just about spend your little tins worth on a pair of trainers. So why contradict yourself and bring him up again if what he earns does n't matter to you? So that's my point and has always been so. Don't try and score the cheapest of cheap points by making out I don't love Saints and don't have the club coursing through my veins. I have done since I went to my first game in 1988 well timed as it was Shearers debut Hattrick against Arsenal and I've been hooked since. So you would be happy to let it die if there WAS N'T a market solution (I agree that the market is the first place we should try to find a solution but I think Derrys point was to try to have a back up just in case - you always have a back up yes? a contingency plan? just in case - or do you trust everything to luck? Thought that was a fantastic game - a great team in the making - I remember the mauling we gave the mighty Liverpool when we absolutely spanked them. It's not about only you care and only you are the real fan - it's about wasted energy and wasted time. As many will now vouch as they have seen me in the flesh - I am certainly big enough and ugle enough not to care what people think. I don't consider it to be a waste of time to endeavour to have something in place just in case the market fails to find a solution - I think our whole discussion boils down to this as you obviously do think its a waste of time. So for me to question your fight and backbone is probably wrong as you just don't think its worth the effort. I could give you a few examples when it would be easy to just say something is not worth the effort, or its a waste of time to try to achieve something but I won't as you are obviously an intellectual guy and well read so you will be able to find your own. Its just I've put enough faith in the market to be let too many times not to think there should be a B plan. Anyway lets just both agree a once great little football club and that one day it can be great again! The market/business should take on business debt. Not ordinary fans on ordinary money. That's a fan friendly policy that I'm sticking to. A fan base transends all walks of life no its not necessary that all fans are on ordinary money - from small acorns my friend, from small acorns!! x Edited 15 May, 2009 by ooohTerryHurlock
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