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Ok, the title is a bit sensationalist but hey, we live in a tabloid world! *grunt*


This question is probably a no brainer but - Who thinks the past directors should now let bygones be bygones and have some respect for the fans and the club and SHUT UP?!


Whilst it was good to hear some home truths and to get a fuller picture on much of the supposition regarding the questionable antics of Lowe and Wilde (kept firmly behind closed doors), I believe priority should now be to rebuilding the football club, putting the past aside (after LEARNING from it) and looking to a fresh start with solid foundations (hoping the takeover is favourable to the club, the fans and, ultimately, the sport). Pretty obvious I know.


We have (I hope) reached rock bottom. Clearly, we now need a spring board to boost us onwards and upwards. I am hoping from Askham to Lowe, Wiseman To Wilde, Hone and Hoos to Dulieu, Cowen to Crouch, Richards to Oldknow, etc. we are now free from those past directors and their restrictive shackles. Whilst many contributed positives to our club (for which I thank them), we have also endured a large percentage of negatives.


All I hope is we finally receive that elusive financial stability we so deserve. Financial stability twinned with a fresh, new board of ambitious people that love the sport, not feathering their nests & massaging their egos. We deserve a board of football fans...with business acumen. It seems such a simple recipe but I believe these virtues have eluded Saints for the best part of 2 decades. :fball:


I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of this school yard bantering between largely incompetent directors who have, collectively, run our club into the ground yet haven't the common decency to stand up and admit fault. Shameful.


Here's to a brighter future...I hope. COYS. :smt041


Well, I would sign such a petition because I'm sick of hearing the same old rhetoric from the same old faces.


Onwards and upwards.... or oblivion here we come!

Ok, the title is a bit sensationalist but hey, we live in a tabloid world! *grunt*


This question is probably a no brainer but - Who thinks the past directors should now let bygones be bygones and have some respect for the fans and the club and SHUT UP?!


Whilst it was good to hear some home truths and to get a fuller picture on much of the supposition regarding the questionable antics of Lowe and Wilde (kept firmly behind closed doors), I believe priority should now be to rebuilding the football club, putting the past aside (after LEARNING from it) and looking to a fresh start with solid foundations (hoping the takeover is favourable to the club, the fans and, ultimately, the sport). Pretty obvious I know.


We have (I hope) reached rock bottom. Clearly, we now need a spring board to boost us onwards and upwards. I am hoping from Askham to Lowe, Wiseman To Wilde, Hone and Hoos to Dulieu, Cowen to Crouch, Richards to Oldknow, etc. we are now free from those past directors and their restrictive shackles. Whilst many contributed positives to our club (for which I thank them), we have also endured a large percentage of negatives.


All I hope is we finally receive that elusive financial stability we so deserve. Financial stability twinned with a fresh, new board of ambitious people that love the sport, not feathering their nests & massaging their egos. We deserve a board of football fans...with business acumen. It seems such a simple recipe but I believe these virtues have eluded Saints for the best part of 2 decades. :fball:


I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of this school yard bantering between largely incompetent directors who have, collectively, run our club into the ground yet haven't the common decency to stand up and admit fault. Shameful.


Here's to a brighter future...I hope. COYS. :smt041


Yes I am with you Gordon

Well, I would sign such a petition because I'm sick of hearing the same old rhetoric from the same old faces.


Im not sure it is to deal with Robbie, Alpine, NickG, Frank, FF and GM...


I jest fellas, you know I do.


What's wrong with learning the truth.


I'm fed up with all the rumours and assumptions that ITKers and others post on here. Let's hear what the main protagonists have got to say for themselves, then we can make our own minds up as to what really happened.


I'm always suspicious when people want to stop debate, what have they got to hide, are they frightened that the truth might come out?


You can take this as a no vote.

What's wrong with learning the truth.


I'm fed up with all the rumours and assumptions that ITKers and others post on here. Let's hear what the main protagonists have got to say for themselves, then we can make our own minds up as to what really happened.


I'm always suspicious when people want to stop debate, what have they got to hide, are they frightened that the truth might come out?


You can take this as a no vote.


An interesting concept. When does that start?


I'd sign it. Fed up with all this attention-seeking behaviour. They can all crawl back under their respective rocks, as far as I'm concerned. Can't believe ANYTHING they say, anyway.


I am fed of hearing all these "woulda coulda shouldas" from every single one of the ex-board of the club - the fact remains that they all shoulda f****d off from Southampton FC months ago...........


In, time to end the sh!t slinging, they are all to blame in there own ways.


Time to move on.


You have my signature.


All of it is twisted truths anyways, aimed to help keep the wolves from the door. When will they learn they have nothing more to offer and realistically never did.

What's wrong with learning the truth.


An interesting concept. When does that start?


I'm not sure, but if you gag them, you'll never find out and as Dean06 says the little bits that keep coming out are interesting and all build to the bigger picture.


We've heard most of it before, just that it depends on who has said it to what spin has been put on it. Now is the time to say enough is enough and draw a line under the whole sorry saga.

I want EVERYTHING out in the open.


We cannot reach closure without it.


So I respectfully decline to sign.


Crikey I agree with Alps again....


Although I would like to add one simple caveat.


Could they PLEASE hurry up and get ALL their stories published in one go so that we can actually have that closure.


really am not looking forward to having petty leaks and point scoring for the next 10 years while we try and make a fresh start one way or the other.

Ok, the title is a bit sensationalist but hey, we live in a tabloid world! *grunt*


This question is probably a no brainer but - Who thinks the past directors should now let bygones be bygones and have some respect for the fans and the club and SHUT UP?!


Whilst it was good to hear some home truths and to get a fuller picture on much of the supposition regarding the questionable antics of Lowe and Wilde (kept firmly behind closed doors), I believe priority should now be to rebuilding the football club, putting the past aside (after LEARNING from it) and looking to a fresh start with solid foundations (hoping the takeover is favourable to the club, the fans and, ultimately, the sport). Pretty obvious I know.


We have (I hope) reached rock bottom. Clearly, we now need a spring board to boost us onwards and upwards. I am hoping from Askham to Lowe, Wiseman To Wilde, Hone and Hoos to Dulieu, Cowen to Crouch, Richards to Oldknow, etc. we are now free from those past directors and their restrictive shackles. Whilst many contributed positives to our club (for which I thank them), we have also endured a large percentage of negatives.


All I hope is we finally receive that elusive financial stability we so deserve. Financial stability twinned with a fresh, new board of ambitious people that love the sport, not feathering their nests & massaging their egos. We deserve a board of football fans...with business acumen. It seems such a simple recipe but I believe these virtues have eluded Saints for the best part of 2 decades. :fball:


I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of this school yard bantering between largely incompetent directors who have, collectively, run our club into the ground yet haven't the common decency to stand up and admit fault. Shameful.


Here's to a brighter future...I hope. COYS. :smt041


Tbh they should of shutup years ago,i have no desire to know who they are and what they have to say,a good director should not be seen and not be heard IMO.

Im not sure it is to deal with Robbie, Alpine, NickG, Frank, FF and GM...


I jest fellas, you know I do.


Harsh.. but fair ;-) But if our points of vast intelligent insight managed to penetrate your beer addled, PS3 rotted skulls, we would not have to keep repeating ourselves ;-)

What's wrong with learning the truth.


I'm fed up with all the rumours and assumptions that ITKers and others post on here. Let's hear what the main protagonists have got to say for themselves, then we can make our own minds up as to what really happened.


I'm always suspicious when people want to stop debate, what have they got to hide, are they frightened that the truth might come out?


You can take this as a no vote.


I'm with you here, SS. It is instructive to listen to all of the blame being apportioned now that some are throwing their toys out of the pram, or attempting to rewrite history. Now is the right time to hear about the detail on this. As soon as we have been taken over, provided that none of these past protagonists are not involved, then would be the time to draw a line under the whole sorry episode and move on, united.


Nope. Free speech comes pretty high up on my agenda so I've got no problem with anyone spouting off. We've already had too many gagging orders from the failure that is Lowe and now I'd be interested in what the various parties have to say about where they think that things went wrong and that includes the musings of the Barings bomber.


If I'm not interested I'll not bother to read or listen just like normally on here. ;)


I'm with Alpine on this one, if only that the sooner the truths and half-truths are out, the sooner we can put all the rumour to bed and get back to supporting a united football club, rather than one hell bent upon destruction, as Saints have been for the last 5 seasons.


Yes, I want to move on like the rest, but there's too much rancor still floating around. New owners of the club do not need this baggage that still exists. Let's get it out into the open, dealt with, and put behind us.

What's wrong with learning the truth.


I'm fed up with all the rumours and assumptions that ITKers and others post on here. Let's hear what the main protagonists have got to say for themselves, then we can make our own minds up as to what really happened.


I'm always suspicious when people want to stop debate, what have they got to hide, are they frightened that the truth might come out?


You can take this as a no vote.


To be honest, I agree with you. Don't be suspicious though as you couldn't get a stronger character for supporting the proviso, what goes around, coming around. Namely, Lowe and Wilde getting all the sh*t they deserve. Shameful, petty little men. They made their bed, now feel the sheer weight of displeasure and criticism from the good people of Southampton in response to that sheer disdain and contempt held towards the city's football community.


Count me on the other side. The little bits of gossip that get revealed keep me going through the day!


I'm not sure, but if you gag them, you'll never find out and as Dean06 says the little bits that keep coming out are interesting and all build to the bigger picture.


I want EVERYTHING out in the open.


We cannot reach closure without it.


So I respectfully decline to sign.


Crikey I agree with Alps again....


Although I would like to add one simple caveat.


Could they PLEASE hurry up and get ALL their stories published in one go so that we can actually have that closure.


really am not looking forward to having petty leaks and point scoring for the next 10 years while we try and make a fresh start one way or the other.


I'm with you here, SS. It is instructive to listen to all of the blame being apportioned now that some are throwing their toys out of the pram, or attempting to rewrite history. Now is the right time to hear about the detail on this. As soon as we have been taken over, provided that none of these past protagonists are not involved, then would be the time to draw a line under the whole sorry episode and move on, united.


Whilst I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of all the meaningless drivel being spouted by Lowe and Wilde (perpetuated by Crouch's inability to allow them to embarrass themselves alone, purely by Messrs Lowe and Wilde's sheer lack of humility in accepting blame), everyone attributable should be named and shamed. It just gets tedious hearing the same thing, over and over, 24/7. Especially today. I don't whole heartedly think the Chairman/Directors should be gagged but, at times, it does irritate me intensely.


The thread was born from sheer tedium and complete frustration directly attributed to the egotistical fools who have all had a pop at running the "have a go" circus which is SFC. All the men fore-mentioned (and more - from execs, to non-execs, chairmen to directors) have played a key part contributing to our demise to League One (some more than others); almost total annihilation.


However, Some points are clear - there was a media black-out during the past tenure, fans treated with contempt and bucket loads of hearsay and supposition as a result. Whilst the "he did it"...."No, he did it!!" handbag ethos is laughable, futile and pointless (hence the thread), there is some mileage in dredging out the facts. The truth. Out of interest. As some form of vindication for the contempt shown towards the fans. As a learning experiment and to avoid making such a comedy of errors ever again. The choice is yours? (Sorry if that sounds like The National Lottery ad!)Much like Dubai Phil suggested, maybe we should stop all the gossip and commission someone to compile an historical "forensic competency examination" of the SFC books, scrutinizing the management decisions, financial prudence and football intelligence of the recent Chairmen and Directors (spanning back 4 years or so). Solid fact, if that possible from such divisive figures. Now that would make good reading and it would be nice for some closure so we can dust ourselves down, put it down to one huge, long nightmare and look towards a rosey future...in a few seasons!


I appreciate the sentiment but last time I looked we lived in a democracy with freedom of speech (otherwise this forum would have closed years ago!). So the answer is not to read it if it offends you. What is more annoying are the 'usual suspects' who read it and, rather than articulate an opposing argument, descend into personal abuse. In fairness though it says a whole lot more about them than Lowe, Wilde, Crouch et al.


Yep, I'd sign up for that...and can we include a gagging order for those intent on dragging up Lowe at every available opportunity.


If it is closure you want, go get some therapy.

What's wrong with learning the truth.


I'm fed up with all the rumours and assumptions that ITKers and others post on here. Let's hear what the main protagonists have got to say for themselves, then we can make our own minds up as to what really happened.


I'm always suspicious when people want to stop debate, what have they got to hide, are they frightened that the truth might come out?


You can take this as a no vote.


Learning the truth from our former directors? That would be new.


I'll sign the petition.


Would love a clean break............new owners, new manager, bright (even brightish would do) future.


But would always have a passing interest in the politics that bought us to the miserable state we are now in.


Maybe if we are lucky to start afresh the mods could set aside a special area for "tales by the fireside of when bad/good king Rupert ruled"

Yep, I'd sign up for that...and can we include a gagging order for those intent on dragging up Lowe at every available opportunity.


If it is closure you want, go get some therapy.




Go on then, recommend whoever it is that worked for you (you reckon...)

Yep, I'd sign up for that...and can we include a gagging order for those intent on dragging up Lowe at every available opportunity.


If it is closure you want, go get some therapy.

me to i would sign up for that petition .

you would have thought they would haved stopped talking about their lost love ,hes gone they should deal with it and move on.

it seems they have a love hate relationship with rupert.

me to i would sign up for that petition .

you would have thought they would haved stopped talking about their lost love ,hes gone they should deal with it and move on.

it seems they have a love hate relationship with rupert.


None of us are suggesting that you Lowe apologists be gagged though...


Now, if the petition were to fill all their mouths with cement (and could there be a more effective gagging order?) I'd sign like a shot.


More seriously, I'd agree with those posters who'd rather see everything brought out into the open - freedom of expression and all that. But then, judging by the rubbish spouted by all sides in the press, I reckon that, if we ever do get a full and honest account, it won't be thanks to any of that lot.

None of us are suggesting that you Lowe apologists be gagged though...

oh dear "you went and mentioned lowe :smt054again "what a suprise" your favourite four letter word,

me to i would sign up for that petition .

you would have thought they would haved stopped talking about their lost love ,hes gone they should deal with it and move on.

it seems they have a love hate relationship with rupert.


Yes, I'm sure there is a syndrome for it. If not let's make one. The Alpine Syndrome. The poor afflicted harbour a secret admiration for the object of their hatred and this dichotomy brings out self loathing and self disgust. The afflicted need to revist their emotional turmoil on a daily basis and seek out internet chat boards where they post for hours to people who don't give a sh*t in a sad attempt to convince themsleves that they do not harbour these secret admirations and stirrings.


They only fool themselves.


What is sadder is that when the object of their attention leaves the stage, they can't deal with the the loss and spend even more time posting and pretending that said object is still on the scene.


There is no cure.

Yes, I'm sure there is a syndrome for it. If not let's make one. The Alpine Syndrome. The poor afflicted harbour a secret admiration for the object of their hatred and this dichotomy brings out self loathing and self disgust. The afflicted need to revist their emotional turmoil on a daily basis and seek out internet chat boards where they post for hours to people who don't give a sh*t in a sad attempt to convince themsleves that they do not harbour these secret admirations and stirrings.


They only fool themselves.


What is sadder is that when the object of their attention leaves the stage, they can't deal with the the loss and spend even more time posting and pretending that said object is still on the scene.


There is no cure.


Only a few months ago you were bleating on about the quality of posts and criticising others, and here you are not practising what you preach against.

Yes, I'm sure there is a syndrome for it. If not let's make one. The Alpine Syndrome. The poor afflicted harbour a secret admiration for the object of their hatred and this dichotomy brings out self loathing and self disgust. The afflicted need to revist their emotional turmoil on a daily basis and seek out internet chat boards where they post for hours to people who don't give a sh*t in a sad attempt to convince themsleves that they do not harbour these secret admirations and stirrings.


They only fool themselves.


What is sadder is that when the object of their attention leaves the stage, they can't deal with the the loss and spend even more time posting and pretending that said object is still on the scene.


There is no cure.

i think you are right but hey it keeps him and the other lowe lovers happy:D

I think there may be a strong case for Wilde, Lowe et al to be "struck off" by Companies House. This would disbar them from any and all company directorships.


I am trying to seek some legal advice on how such a complaint can be lodged and prosecuted, but am told the case is powerful prima facie (which i think is Latin for "on the bare face of it" :-) )


It would obviously hit these b*stards more than a legal bar on talking sh*t in the Echo.

Yes, I'm sure there is a syndrome for it. If not let's make one. The Alpine Syndrome. The poor afflicted harbour a secret admiration for the object of their hatred and this dichotomy brings out self loathing and self disgust. The afflicted need to revist their emotional turmoil on a daily basis and seek out internet chat boards where they post for hours to people who don't give a sh*t in a sad attempt to convince themsleves that they do not harbour these secret admirations and stirrings.


They only fool themselves.


What is sadder is that when the object of their attention leaves the stage, they can't deal with the the loss and spend even more time posting and pretending that said object is still on the scene.


There is no cure.



Says the person who goes out of his way to make excuses for a totally discredited manager (Burley) and widely discredited chairman (Lowe) just to make himself feel "special" and to get some attention....


I'm a bastion of sanity compared to you...

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