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Yet more instances of the blame game from the 3 of them, and continuing to fiddle whilst Rome burns.....Crouch and McMenemy can't keep their big mouths shut, Wilde is still Walter Mitty and Lowe continues to try and deflect blame.


(Hopefully) the sooner we get a new Board in with no connections to the old Boards the better.

Yet more instances of the blame game from the 3 of them, and continuing to fiddle whilst Rome burns.....Crouch and McMenemy can't keep their big mouths shut, Wilde is still Walter Mitty and Lowe continues to try and deflect blame.


(Hopefully) the sooner we get a new Board in with no connections to the old Boards the better.


I doubt that even Wilde in his most Walter Mitty-like moment can be quoted making as many incorrect and delusional comments as Lowe has in this letter.


I reckon he didnt consider the Echo would publish it and they could be intimidated by bluff and bluster.


Another stupid mis-calculation by the beetroot-faced bastard. He never learns..


the recreational redecoration he refers to was some 200k spent on new carpets, glass dividers and blinds to create offices for the various folk that wilde brought in with his ill fated coup - loos, hone etc.


i dislike lowe as much as the next and, and good riddance of him - but as much as all the rest of them. The actions of Wilde have been far more damaging (in the short term) in my opinion and while crouch may be a well intentioned fan, he has shown a clear lack of judgement and has failed to engage is brain - mouth filter.


The sooner we can put all of this behind us the better.


You would have thought that Lowe would have had better things to do with himself than write letters to the Echo.


MP's seem to do quite well for themselves and Rupert loves a good troiugh to get his snout into. (£100 grand for 3 days a week!!) I am surprised he has not set his heart on being the first UKIP MP in the House of Commons.

the recreational redecoration he refers to was some 200k spent


Can't see how that figure stacks up with a "substantial" amount being offset in a barter agreement with a Corporate Box worth £25,000(ish) going the other way.


There are certainly some arguments to be had over the finances, but IMHO arguing over redecoration costs is somewhat scraping the barrel and makes Lowe look rather bitter and petty (I said as much when he used the line in the SKY interview as it somewhat missed the target).


Contracts given out to Thomas and Euell for example would have been very valid points (as would any serious expenditure after the parachute payments ended), but mentioning this is petty.


Has this letter been mentioned before, as my old man mentioned it to me over the weekend and I assumed it was in Thursday or Fridays Echo (or is this another letter???)?


Rupert has a fundamental misunderstanding of the importance of relationships !

The football club is an institution within the city and as such the supporters, the media and indeed, the main sponsor are all absolutely vital to the cause !

To have sour relations with all 3 groups is unforgivable and was gauranteed to spell disaster as inevitably it did !

Whatever one's opinion of LM and LC may be, at least they realise that communication between the club, the fans, the Echo and (I imagine) Flybe are supremely important, something which the deluded Mr Lowe clearly does not grasp !

Posted (edited)

If we are going to talk about wastes of money et all Mr Lowe then lets discuss Clive Woodward and Simon Clifford. £800,000 down the drain ? Or how about a radio station that bleed money from day one. £750,000 on a radio licence etc etc


We now learn Mr Lowe than you robbed Saints of £100,000 for two days a week work.


You and Wilde are SCUM, good riddance.





As for 'decoration bills' go and look at what was spent at Staplewood post relegation.

Edited by TNT

I think some of his points are accurate though


Personally, I blame Leon Crouch for our financial situation, and I know many of my mates feel the same

I think some of his points are accurate though


Personally, I blame Leon Crouch for our financial situation, and I know many of my mates feel the same



Not possible as he only had executive powers for six months and inherited the mess from Lowe/Wilde. Financial destruction comes from relegation and out of control execs hired by Wilde.

I doubt that even Wilde in his most Walter Mitty-like moment can be quoted making as many incorrect and delusional comments as Lowe has in this letter.


You and I won't agree on this Alpine, but can you detail which parts you think are incorrect and delusional? To me it seems there are some valid points (whether it is appropriate is a different question) and there's not much to argue with.


Lowe is trying to fight his corner (his right) when faced with other people punching him through the Echo. Just because you don't like the guy doesn't make his comments incorrect or delusional.

Not possible as he only had executive powers for six months and inherited the mess from Lowe/Wilde. Financial destruction comes from relegation and out of control execs hired by Wilde.




Financial destruction comes from decisions made by all three Execs. Contracts signed in that '6 months' are financially strangling the club just as much as relegation or redecoration.


Just getting fed up with all this "school boy" antics.

Selective memory syndrome is rife and spreading between ALL EX Directors.

Shut up and unless you are prepared to help NOW p*ss off, even if you are helping now just do it quietly



Financial destruction comes from decisions made by all three Execs. Contracts signed in that '6 months' are financially strangling the club just as much as relegation or redecoration.


not quite true

Relegation 90%

Bad Contracts 9.5%

Redecoration 0.5%


but it is all pathetic anyway



Financial destruction comes from decisions made by all three Execs. Contracts signed in that '6 months' are financially strangling the club just as much as relegation or redecoration.


Well our finance director and bank allowed it.


The return of Lowe also created relegation (again) and administration due to revenue drop from his presence.



All we have here is Lowe trying to deflect blame with a load of old ball bearings.


What I find to be incredible, is that in all of his hissy tirade, he does not even mention once the part played in all of this by the Quisling Wilde. That is obviously because Wilde was Lowe's poodle, the vehicle by which Lowe was able to get his feet under the table for a second time. But by not mentioning the financial decline during his two year absence and choosing to ignore the part played in that by Wilde and the people he employed to run the club, makes Lowe's argument totally unbalanced. But then unbalanced is also the epithet that best describes Lowe's mental faculties too, so it is somehow appropriate.

Not possible as he only had executive powers for six months and inherited the mess from Lowe/Wilde. Financial destruction comes from relegation and out of control execs hired by Wilde.


But he too was involved at senior level at the club in greater of lesser degrees for two years - During which time the boardroom was riven with division ( which he contributed to) to render it totally ineffective.


He played his part in our demise too !

You and I won't agree on this Alpine, but can you detail which parts you think are incorrect and delusional? To me it seems there are some valid points (whether it is appropriate is a different question) and there's not much to argue with.


Lowe is trying to fight his corner (his right) when faced with other people punching him through the Echo. Just because you don't like the guy doesn't make his comments incorrect or delusional.


I dont need to dismiss his points, Simon Carter has already done a superb job.

Can't see how that figure stacks up with a "substantial" amount being offset in a barter agreement with a Corporate Box worth £25,000(ish) going the other way.


There are certainly some arguments to be had over the finances, but IMHO arguing over redecoration costs is somewhat scraping the barrel and makes Lowe look rather bitter and petty (I said as much when he used the line in the SKY interview as it somewhat missed the target).


Contracts given out to Thomas and Euell for example would have been very valid points (as would any serious expenditure after the parachute payments ended), but mentioning this is petty.


Has this letter been mentioned before, as my old man mentioned it to me over the weekend and I assumed it was in Thursday or Fridays Echo (or is this another letter???)?



Was in Saturday's Echo as well.


What an absolute embarrassment this is!


McMenemy, Crouch, Wilde, Lowe, the Daily Echo... all as bad as each other. Bickering like school girls... all of these parties should take responsibility for the current state of the club. Not only that... they continue to drag this clubs name through the mud by the pettiest of arguments!


This has always been about egos, and now they’re all trying to salvage what little respect they can from the fan base, unwilling to accept the truth that they are infact all FAILURES!


They all claim to have the clubs best interests at heart, yet absolutely ALL of them fail to see that this bickering continues to divide the fan base and damage the harmony of the club!


Just embarrassing!


Roll on the new owners, hopefully no one will care to listen to this lot then and the world will be a much better place when I don’t continue to hear the names which I’ve grown to despise!


Lowe having the bare-faced cheek to accuse the Echo of causing division within the club.....


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. What an absolute tosser this guy is, if he reallt believes that the Echo are the ones responsible for the division over the last few years.


Rupert, please just crawl back under your rock in the Cotswolds and never darken our land again.

I think some of his points are accurate though


Personally, I blame Leon Crouch for our financial situation, and I know many of my mates feel the same


There have been 2 major events that has caused the club to go into administration: Relegation from the Prem cost us tens of millions in revenue. And the spending by Wilde's executives, particularly signing people like Euell on stupid wages, a signing LC objected to at the time, was reckless and unsustainable.


Everything else is mickey mouse compared to the two above. And LC was not responsible for either of those.


If it wasn't for Crouch's money over the last few weeks there wouldn't be a club at all right now.


Is it not time though for us fans to start to stay out of this polarised bickering? Naturally absed on how much and who and what we believe we all have strong opinions on who is guilty of what and who is to blame for the various woes that have befallen us - alot is based on rumour, gossip, urban myth multiplied by the stupidity of all the protaganists in assuming it will sawy public opinion should tehy speak out vocally against each other.


Ultimately its quite simple - sporting errors were made that meant we were relegated - this huge fall in revenue was something NONE of the protagonists were prepared for or experienced in managing - each ahd their opinions and ideas as to how to best approach teh difficulties and they all got it wrong in part = the situation we are in now. In all cases I just wish they were feckin man enough to stand up and say '


Dear Fans of SFC


OK, there is no easy way of saying this, but we have to admit we failed the club, whether through inexperience of mistakes made, we will say it was not intentional and we all thought we were implementing the best solutions. They did not work and for that we must take responsibilty collectively as the club will not benefit in any way from further public bickering and accusation. It dibvides fans at a time when unity is paramount, and it does not present the club in its most attractive light when new owners are being sought.


This is a great club, with great fans who deserve success and a harmonious and promising future. It is with deep regret that our actions have directly contributed to the curent situation as we failed to mangae the transition from the premiership revenues to restrictions of the football league. We can only wholeheartedly apologise to the fans and supporters, and the staff of this great club.


We now call for a spirit of unity, truth and reconcilation as we will not progress whilst the divisions and bitterness continues.


Yours in good faith


Rupert, Leon, Michael, Mary, Lawrie, Guy, Keith etc al



Otherwise they should all just shut the feck up.



Financial destruction comes from decisions made by all three Execs. Contracts signed in that '6 months' are financially strangling the club just as much as relegation or redecoration.


Not sure thats true.


My understanding is that Leon Crouch was effectively in control from November/December 2007 to May 2008. The only contracts signed during that period were Andrew Davies, Chris Perry, Chris Lucketti, Richard Wright and of course Nigel Pearson. Only one of those individuals is still at the club so I struggle to believe that those contracts have 'strangled' the club, particularly when you consider that during that period George Burley left the club and both Rudi Skacel and Gregorz Rasiak went out on loan.


While Leon Crouch has made a number of errors during his association with the club, notably his initial support of Michael Wilde and his executive team, which has been shown to be a mistake, and a number of ill thought statements and comments, I don't think this particular criticism can be fairly labelled at him.

But he too was involved at senior level at the club in greater of lesser degrees for two years - During which time the boardroom was riven with division ( which he contributed to) to render it totally ineffective.


He played his part in our demise too !


I won't dispute that however!

Not sure thats true.


My understanding is that Leon Crouch was effectively in control from November/December 2007 to May 2008. The only contracts signed during that period were Andrew Davies, Chris Perry, Chris Lucketti, Richard Wright and of course Nigel Pearson. Only one of those individuals is still at the club so I struggle to believe that those contracts have 'strangled' the club, particularly when you consider that during that period George Burley left the club and both Rudi Skacel and Gregorz Rasiak went out on loan.


While Leon Crouch has made a number of errors during his association with the club, notably his initial support of Michael Wilde and his executive team, which has been shown to be a mistake, and a number of ill thought statements and comments, I don't think this particular criticism can be fairly labelled at him.





BUt CRouch was football club chairman from the time of Lowe's ousting - had he had better foresight/experience he could/should have vetoed teh spending during that time approved by Wildes Execs on the grounds that Wilde would bring in the fabled investment - surely Leon was not so naive as to approve this spend before the club had anything in writing?


This has been my problem with Leon as he seems to preoccupied with his status amongst fans as Mr Uber fan than making unpopular but necessary decisions. Pandering to the demands and desires of fans when you ahve limitless cash to fund supporter dreams is great - when you are skint and with falling revenues you need folk in charge prepared to take the flak from fans for miserly decison making.

the recreational redecoration he refers to was some 200k spent on new carpets, glass dividers and blinds to create offices for the various folk that wilde brought in with his ill fated coup - loos, hone etc. QUOTE]


Can't see how creating offices for new staff constitutes "recreational redecoration".


Must have been some deficiencies with the original design, overseen by .......?


Lowe playing with words to twist the facts to suit himself.



Anyway, have I missed something but wasn't he having a go at the Echo for saying he was going, denying that he was going ... and then he went?



BUt CRouch was football club chairman from the time of Lowe's ousting - had he had better foresight/experience he could/should have vetoed teh spending during that time approved by Wildes Execs on the grounds that Wilde would bring in the fabled investment - surely Leon was not so naive as to approve this spend before the club had anything in writing?


This has been my problem with Leon as he seems to preoccupied with his status amongst fans as Mr Uber fan than making unpopular but necessary decisions. Pandering to the demands and desires of fans when you ahve limitless cash to fund supporter dreams is great - when you are skint and with falling revenues you need folk in charge prepared to take the flak from fans for miserly decison making.


I see your point and I'm not trying to suggest he is an uber fan or indeed that he is entirely blameless, but, while he was chairman of the football club for a large proportion of that period I don't believe he had control of the purse strings and I wouldn't have thought he had the power of veto either (happy to be corrected if someone knows better).


Also I don't think the loaning out of Skacel and Rasiak (however he tried to dress it up) could be regarded as pandering to the demands of the fans.

I see your point and I'm not trying to suggest he is an uber fan or indeed that he is entirely blameless, but, while he was chairman of the football club for a large proportion of that period I don't believe he had control of the purse strings and I wouldn't have thought he had the power of veto either (happy to be corrected if someone knows better).


Also I don't think the loaning out of Skacel and Rasiak (however he tried to dress it up) could be regarded as pandering to the demands of the fans.


He may not have had official power, but he could uite easily have said - look guys, we need to hold back on this until we have some guarrantees, I cannot agree with this risk and if you do continue to go ahead without the backing of the football club board (which begs the question what were they there for) I will ensure that is recoreded in the minutes or make a public statemnet - afterall Leon has never been shy of speaking publically when its something teh fans want to hear....

the recreational redecoration he refers to was some 200k spent on new carpets, glass dividers and blinds to create offices for the various folk that wilde brought in with his ill fated coup - loos, hone etc. QUOTE]


Can't see how creating offices for new staff constitutes "recreational redecoration".


Must have been some deficiencies with the original design, overseen by .......?


Lowe playing with words to twist the facts to suit himself.



Anyway, have I missed something but wasn't he having a go at the Echo for saying he was going, denying that he was going ... and then he went?



I believe the point he was making is that the Echo is unbalanced and seeks to use any stick to hit him (Lowe) with. Kind of like your assertion that the "recreational redecoration" was necessary because it was flawed as a result of RL's design decisions.


Part of the problem is that the directors and a large number of fans are so concerned with spinning stories to support their 'horse' that the truth gets lost.

Posted (edited)
Not sure thats true.


My understanding is that Leon Crouch was effectively in control from November/December 2007 to May 2008. The only contracts signed during that period were Andrew Davies, Chris Perry, Chris Lucketti, Richard Wright and of course Nigel Pearson. Only one of those individuals is still at the club so I struggle to believe that those contracts have 'strangled' the club, particularly when you consider that during that period George Burley left the club and both Rudi Skacel and Gregorz Rasiak went out on loan.


While Leon Crouch has made a number of errors during his association with the club, notably his initial support of Michael Wilde and his executive team, which has been shown to be a mistake, and a number of ill thought statements and comments, I don't think this particular criticism can be fairly labelled at him.



What about Ian Pearce and Vincent Pericard? Was Christian Dailly one of his too?

Edited by Dibden Purlieu Saint
ANOTHER Lowe post!!


He's gone guys, no more thank God, so stop dwelling on him. It's as if certain posters don't know what to do now he's gone. I suggest you fixate on someone else now.


TBF i read this the other day and as much as i want to forget about the bloke if he keeps popping up making a tit of himself and attempting to throw the blame towards somebody else then i just can't, his letter and subsequent response did make me laugh though.


IMO everyone that has been near the club is to blame, Lowe began it all with his lack of funding to some good managers (all the way back to souness) he then failed to invest after the cup final and then lacked the funds to see Strachan's ambition. Crappy managerial appointments. Etc etc, failing to sell to potential buyers. Then Crouch and Wilde coming in to ensure the accounts became even worse. And TBF i believe Lowe genuinly came back to help us out.... but he failed.


God i wish i could forget the man but how can you with the mess we are in now and his constant sh!t slinging and overall nonsense he keeps spouting in the media ??



* sorry, how could i forget also about the crazy new executives that graced us for a short while




I believe the point he was making is that the Echo is unbalanced and seeks to use any stick to hit him (Lowe) with. Kind of like your assertion that the "recreational redecoration" was necessary because it was flawed as a result of RL's design decisions.


Part of the problem is that the directors and a large number of fans are so concerned with spinning stories to support their 'horse' that the truth gets lost.


Personally, I don't read the Echo, because it's tat, but their articles are quite often contradictory on a week to week basis. I wouldn't blame the Echo for all our problems with the split fanbase (that still now seems split), but they have to take some responsibility.

What about Ian Pearce and Vincent Pericard? Was Christian Dailly one of his too?


And managerial contracts for Dodd and Gorman??


Bet they didn't just step in out of the kindness of their hearts.

Might have even had to pay them off or keep them on increased salaries for doing...nothing.


also how much did we actually get for Burley? anyone know,it doesn't get a mention in the accounts.

ANOTHER Lowe post!!


He's gone guys, no more thank God, so stop dwelling on him. It's as if certain posters don't know what to do now he's gone. I suggest you fixate on someone else now.


Don't you accept that by posting such drivel in the Echo, Lowe's piece deserves comment in return? After all, the purpose of this forum is to encourage debate and allegations made by the single individual most responsible for the biggest drop in the club's fortunes arguably in its entire history is surely a worthy enough topic for debate.


Anyway, until we are taken over by somebody else in a grouping that excludes Lowe, nobody can be entirely sure that he is gone.

TBF i read this the other day and as much as i want to forget about the bloke if he keeps popping up making a tit of himself and attempting to throw the blame towards somebody else then i just can't, his letter and subsequent response did make me laugh though.


IMO everyone that has been near the club is to blame, Lowe began it all with his lack of funding to some good managers (all the way back to souness) he then failed to invest after the cup final and then lacked the funds to see Strachan's ambition. Crappy managerial appointments. Etc etc, failing to sell to potential buyers. Then Crouch and Wilde coming in to ensure the accounts became even worse. And TBF i believe Lowe genuinly came back to help us out.... but he failed.


God i wish i could forget the man but how can you with the mess we are in now and his constant sh!t slinging and overall nonsense he keeps spouting in the media ??



* sorry, how could i forget also about the crazy new executives that graced us for a short while


I have to say I agree, but the reason that Strachan left was not lack of money (and to be fair, with some of Strachan's signings you wouldn't let him go near any money).

Don't you accept that by posting such drivel in the Echo, Lowe's piece deserves comment in return? After all, the purpose of this forum is to encourage debate and allegations made by the single individual most responsible for the biggest drop in the club's fortunes arguably in its entire history is surely a worthy enough topic for debate.


Anyway, until we are taken over by somebody else in a grouping that excludes Lowe, nobody can be entirely sure that he is gone.


I agree that the way Lowe puts himself across in these situations doesn't help himself, but I also don't believe it is entirely his fault that we are in administration.

Don't you accept that by posting such drivel in the Echo, Lowe's piece deserves comment in return? After all, the purpose of this forum is to encourage debate and allegations made by the single individual most responsible for the biggest drop in the club's fortunes arguably in its entire history is surely a worthy enough topic for debate.


Anyway, until we are taken over by somebody else in a grouping that excludes Lowe, nobody can be entirely sure that he is gone.


Part of me hopes he comes back just to see alpine's reaction...

I agree that the way Lowe puts himself across in these situations doesn't help himself, but I also don't believe it is entirely his fault that we are in administration.


Of couse it isn't, that's just a very simplistic answer to a complicated question but I suppose it's easier for people to pick a scapegoat and place all the blame with him.

I have to say I agree, but the reason that Strachan left was not lack of money (and to be fair, with some of Strachan's signings you wouldn't let him go near any money).


Fair point, one that i believe could be said about harry 'wheeler dealer (and probably stealer)' Redknapp and George 'I'll sign that if you chuck in a bottle of bells' Burley.


IMHO however i believe that the health issue was just an excuse for our WGS.


However with the exposure of Europe (where we were dreadful, oh what a night) and the Cup Final we could have upped a gear.

Of couse it isn't, that's just a very simplistic answer to a complicated question but I suppose it's easier for people to pick a scapegoat and place all the blame with him.


Unless someone has the time to go through the accounts for the last 5 years, and work out exactly where all the money has gone etc, the amount spent or lost in relation to turnover, the players signed, the managerial appointments etc, then it's very difficult to work out exactly who is most culpable. If he came back I'd imagine we'd hear a massive explosion coming from the region of Austria, as Alpine's head pops!

Fair point, one that i believe could be said about harry 'wheeler dealer (and probably stealer)' Redknapp and George 'I'll sign that if you chuck in a bottle of bells' Burley.


IMHO however i believe that the health issue was just an excuse for our WGS.


However with the exposure of Europe (where we were dreadful, oh what a night) and the Cup Final we could have upped a gear.


I will send you the real reason via PM. Then you can make your mind up.

You would have thought that Lowe would have had better things to do with himself than write letters to the Echo.


MP's seem to do quite well for themselves and Rupert loves a good troiugh to get his snout into. (£100 grand for 3 days a week!!) I am surprised he has not set his heart on being the first UKIP MP in the House of Commons.


Not bad but compared to what has been alleged on this forum in the past regards McMenemy's take for what IMO was nothing more than a few handshakes on matchdays Lowe was probably seriously underpaid.


Doubt Lowe will be considered suitable as as UKIP MP - remember it was Wilde who wanted a British Manager and Crouch who wanted to sack the Dutch.


Still who really cares anymore? Lowe, Wilde, Crouch, McMenemy, Jones and the other usual suspects, Wiseman ,Trant and Corbett can all disappear and never darken our doors again. I've seen kids at our local nursery behave in a more restrained manner and its disappointing Lowe is allowing himself to get brought into the fight by the petulant Crouch.


Still you take a look at that list and ask yourself who in the past 12 years (when the football map has changed beyond recognition) has actually delivered success and than actually tried to do something positive and realistic to turn things around since Hone's statement about investment or bust?


As Elvis Costello infamously once wrote in a song about Maggie Thatcher - one day a fitting memorial for me will be to 'tramp the dirt down'. With the possible exception of Lowe and Cowen if any of the above squirm their way back into the club in any capacity whatsoever then the new consortium will be actually creating their own problems before a ball is kicked. Just my opinion based on observations especially those most recent.


The bit where Lowe talks about Lawrie McMenemy and "his incorrect and biased thoughts" is rubbish... McMenemy is synonymous with Southampton Football Club, he can say what he likes. Perhaps the fact McMenemy has Southampton in his heart is why he is biased, for the club. Incorrect? No. Nobody's own thoughts are 'incorrect' Mr. Lowe, it's an opinion.


And by the way the whole stadium roared when McMenemy came on the pitch to talk those couple of times at the end of the season shows how much people respect him and his so-called "incorrect and biased thoughts", nobody roared like that for Lowe. Jealous? ;)

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