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I really do think that there is only one way to resolve this.



Actually, is it too late to have a trophy which could be played for annually?


Let's just start with - Can we have a club that could allow us to do this annually first.


Darn I forgot the whole bananaman Svennson style interception and mazy dribble thingy.


Didn't want to keep the unfair thing going though, but people are right about everyone screaming to the players to put the ball out, think even the lino was trying to get the game stopped at that point.

I'm sure one of them looked up saw the problem and then kept going;)


still gutted i got injured after just making one run. Tried to keep going but my calf just kept going further up my leg in a big heap. Even the stretches at half time did no good. Still, enjoyed the whole experience and am already working on fitness and ways to reduce these kind of injuries just in case the re-match occurs.


Good to go back to the pub after also, put names to faces etc. Especially the lad who came over from Norway just for the game, who supports Saints because he had them as his team once in a game of Sensible Soccor :-)



Good to go back to the pub after also, put names to faces etc. Especially the lad who came over from Norway just for the game, who supports Saints because he had them as his team once in a game of Sensible Soccor :-)


Though how Saints ever got onto Sensible Soccor is in itself a minor mystery.


Going back to the earlier suggestion, I would be utterly up for an annual event, shoudl there still be a club to arrange it with.


Perhaps with my ageing limbs I should be asking Nick if there's any chance of moving to player-coach with a view to following in his footsteps in a few years time?

Though how Saints ever got onto Sensible Soccor is in itself a minor mystery.


Going back to the earlier suggestion, I would be utterly up for an annual event, shoudl there still be a club to arrange it with.


Perhaps with my ageing limbs I should be asking Nick if there's any chance of moving to player-coach with a view to following in his footsteps in a few years time?


The only problem I could see with your legs was that they weren't hollow enough for all the booze afterwards!


You & our Norwegian fan seemed to be having fun in Reflex. I'm just glad I caught a passing beer scooter when I did. Friday was a wipe-out for me!

I am clearly trying to orchestrate a transfer to further my career. :rolleyes:
dont worry I have already put in for a player swap. You have not at any time said what a wonderful match report I did but congratulated the opposing manager for his version of War and peace and Gone with the Wind. I take that as an insult and will be taking Big Dave Watson for you in exchange and to make up for the obvious improvement in class I have to give them some add ons as well. Phil is getting a bound copy of Rules of football the sporting way and how to play the game in the proper fashion'

Added to that I have arranged for the new updated copy with a forward by Hamster 'How to mistime a tackle and try to look innocent while wiping the blood from your boots' by Norman Hunter and Ron 'chopper' Harris.There is a whole new chapter of 100 pages newly entered after Hamsters performance.

That is not all, there's more that, they read my my keenness to rid myself of such an ungrateful and disloyal member of the team and so negotiated some more. I have found in Yellow Pages an Antiquarian bookshop that still had a very old dusty copy stuck in the basement for decades an autobiography 'Fos1 my later career years in football, including my experiences in the Boer wars and the Somme' and finally after much negotiation we agreed on I assume it is a cookbook Justmikes 'Yet another nutmeg , what shall i do?'


Is it just me or is nickh becoming more like GB with his endless stream of excuses after the match?


What next, the grass was too long? :-)



Let's face it the Legends match would have still been on if they'd given us the jobs of managing the two teams!

I would like to point out the fact that i dropped to the floor with cramp and was receiving treatment and play was not stopped for this...so whilst two wrongs don't make a right...i would have come off when play was stopped but couldn't...


This does highlight the fact that the goals were scored after i came off the field of play which i was trying to glaze over but f::ck it...think it needs saying!

I dont think anybody noticed you lolling about on the deck, it was obviously a plan to get some sympathy. As i said we have admission that my version is correct and so the fair people out there will judge that it was in fact a travesty and in fact we won 3-2
Is it just me or is nickh becoming more like GB with his endless stream of excuses after the match?


What next, the grass was too long? :-)



Let's face it the Legends match would have still been on if they'd given us the jobs of managing the two teams!

Dear Phil, there are excuses or fair reason.We have at least 2 of your team who have had the dignity to own up with embarrassment that there was dirty deeds undertaken on the night...not at Reflex of course.

As you mention it the grass was indeed too long as it made it easier for Hamster to hide in the long grass before coming out to sythe down my players.

dont worry I have already put in for a player swap. You have not at any time said what a wonderful match report I did but congratulated the opposing manager for his version of War and peace and Gone with the Wind. I take that as an insult and will be taking Big Dave Watson for you in exchange and to make up for the obvious improvement in class I have to give them some add ons as well. Phil is getting a bound copy of Rules of football the sporting way and how to play the game in the proper fashion'

Added to that I have arranged for the new updated copy with a forward by Hamster 'How to mistime a tackle and try to look innocent while wiping the blood from your boots' by Norman Hunter and Ron 'chopper' Harris.There is a whole new chapter of 100 pages newly entered after Hamsters performance.

That is not all, there's more that, they read my my keenness to rid myself of such an ungrateful and disloyal member of the team and so negotiated some more. I have found in Yellow Pages an Antiquarian bookshop that still had a very old dusty copy stuck in the basement for decades an autobiography 'Fos1 my later career years in football, including my experiences in the Boer wars and the Somme' and finally after much negotiation we agreed on I assume it is a cookbook Justmikes 'Yet another nutmeg , what shall i do?'


which didnt happen to me, despite all the promise :D

which didnt happen to me, despite all the promise :D


That is correct, but considering you had less playing time than Charlie George ever did at the Dell for us it was fairly impossible to do so. Add to that whenever Griffo had the ball you did the best impression of cloaking yourself and hiding I thought we were witnessing the first 'stealth footballer'


Going back to the earlier suggestion, I would be utterly up for an annual event, shoudl there still be a club to arrange it with.


Perhaps with my ageing limbs I should be asking Nick if there's any chance of moving to player-coach with a view to following in his footsteps in a few years time?

Foxy it takes years to gain the knowledge and football brain you had the honour to experience on the day. Whilst Phil was doing his half time talk talking about pushing up , wing backs and the hole you were experiencing the far more effective and motivational talk like'god they are c###' 'Did you see the ti## on their centre forward' 'Put that fag out'

'Granty's goal was a fluke'

I'm not sure you are cut out for such high brow stuff. I will consider it though as even i cant go on forever.

I dont think anybody noticed you rolling about on the deck, it was obviously a plan to get some sympathy. As i said we have admission that my version is correct and so the fair people out there will judge that it was in fact a travesty and in fact we won 3-2


Oh really? Nobody noticed?


And whilst i should have been defending, i was helping you! Pah.


Your own player Nick! Helping ease my pain...and much appreciated it was too...


We did both comment on why exactly the ref was ignoring my injury...i for one shouted out to the ref when somebody else had gone down with cramp previously to get him to stop the game...so he knew the score...

Oh really? Nobody noticed?




Your own player Nick! Helping ease my pain...and much appreciated it was too...


We did both comment on why exactly the ref was ignoring my injury...i for one shouted out to the ref when somebody else had gone down with cramp previously to get him to stop the game...so he knew the score...

Of course my well drilled and thoughtful team did so. In the first half we had a player down injured in your pen area and i was screaming at your players and ref to kick the ball out to stop for attention for him.What was remarkable it must have been the only time your lot kept possession for more than 3 passes and it took Influenced to kick it out.

Right, I got in touch with the FA.


They told me because I am a Brit but being overseas I needed to talk to UEFA


I talked to UEFA, they told me the shocking news that the UAE is in Asia, not Europe


I contacted the UAE FA they told me habbla habbla shukran.


On that basis, I'm afraid that the on-off transfer of the9 has hit a red tape snag before we even get started.


Apparently the UAE FA cannot sanction a transfer until the club holding his player registration submits it to the English FA for validation.


When they have validated it, it should be passed to UEFA who will validate it.


When that is done, the UAE FA will examine the documents to check whether they are genuine.


They will then return the documents to UEFA because they will have missed out stamping the reverse side of every copy with Michel Platini's signature.


They will return it to the English FA as they have omitted to include details of the current tier of English Football that "The Away Team" currently play in.


There will then follow the need to pay a security deposit, submit 4 passport photos of the board members, and a copy of the Board resolution confirming that nickh is the authorised signatory on such issues.


These documents will then be submitted to the English FA for validation etc etc etc.


I have been informed that the agents handling this matter will be the legal representatives of the venue of the match.

As such, Begbies Traynor will be responsible for ensuring all aspects of the paperwork and that their estimated fees, payable in advance will be in the region of 650k.


I contacted Mark Fry with regards to negotiating the fees figure and he informed me that he was expecting another bid.


Nick - once you get this lot done and we are in a position to negotiate, I am willing to listen to any sensible offers in a cash plus player swap for the immortal bigdavewatson.

However, I must warn you in advance that a Brown Paper bag will not be big enough for the size of the bung required


that keeps the beer in the 22 gallon Barrel of 6X that I will require delivered by airfreight to my front door before I even BEGIN to start discussions on the price





You're looking to ship bigdavewatson out?!


Madness...i think the boss might have lost his way...


You're on the short road to "Dubai Phil OUT" here...

Of course my well drilled and thoughtful team did so. In the first half we had a player down injured in your pen area and i was screaming at your players and ref to kick the ball out to stop for attention for him.What was remarkable it must have been the only time your lot kept possession for more than 3 passes and it took Influenced to kick it out.


I think you can thank stevegrant for helping Um Bungo himself out when he got cramp...


The cramp was spreading around the field like wildfire!

Right, I got in touch with the FA.


Yadda yadda yah...



These documents will then be submitted to the English FA for validation etc etc etc.


Yadda yadda yah....




You know T9 is Welsh, don't you?

You're looking to ship bigdavewatson out?!


Madness...i think the boss might have lost his way...


You're on the short road to "Dubai Phil OUT" here...


uh - no...


A derisory bid was made to swap a dissenting Away Team player for BigDaveWatson our hero.


I believe I mentioned that I would require a 22 gallon barrel of 6X delivered by airfreight to even CONSIDER such a bid.


At this stage, pending possible retirement before next season by DLT, I would consider the only acceptable bid would be the 650k in fees paid into markfryisme account at the National Bank of Dubai, another Business Class Return ticket but this time on Emirates, the9 and of course Michael Svennson who I feel is the only player likely to be available who would improve our back 4 for next season's rematch.


Think that clears the matter up for now

You're looking to ship bigdavewatson out?!


Madness...i think the boss might have lost his way...


You're on the short road to "Dubai Phil OUT" here...

I know what you mean. The main player had said it would be a done deal in 24 hours and now it has hit a snag. It appears that the9's disloyal applauding of Phils match report and not his own manager showed up a flaw that alerted Phil to the case that the deal may not be to his satisfaction.

On this upsetting news I went into overdrive to try and make the deal more palletable. So I went back to Phil and asked 'what will it take to do the deal?'

'I need much more incentives.'was phils reply as he laid back and took another long draw on his large Cuban cigar. 'Bigdave has become a sudden and surprise asset, you'll need to do better.'

'What if i took the Scud as well?' That must have been a bonus I confidentily thought.

Phil tried to suppress his glee, but he knew i was getting desperate 'That does sound good, and those books are very tempting but I have to think about my own teams spirit.' Phil pondered It will save on linament and the physio bills as well, but he was going to drive a hard bargain.

I tried again to try and rid us of the now old and injury prone striker. 'Ok then Phil this is my last offer the9, the books, take the Scud and withdraw my objection to FIFA about playing your inelegible player for BigDave.'

Phil spat out his cigar. 'Inelegible player!'

'Yep ' i replied , the tables had been turned and I had him on the hook. 'Yep FIFA are looking into it now, the Hamster was impersonating a footballer and they are up in arms.In fact the referee is being investigated for not at least booking him if not for sending him off for a total disregard to the fans on the night for blatant timewasting in trying to fool them he was indeed there for footballing purposes.'

Phil is still on the phone to FIFA and so Im still not sure of the progress of the deal.If he doesnt get back soon I'll withdraw my offer to take the Scud.

You know T9 is Welsh, don't you?
Ohhh please no, why did you tell him that? My negotiating position has been eroded again. Looks like the Scud will be coming in the deal after all....I wondered why when I was wearing my sheepskin coat he muttered something about 'I do love lingerie'
I'm not sure i'm happy being your Tony Pulis
No people want Anthony Pulis. Dont worry I have you lined up as our premier programme seller.
Foxy it takes years to gain the knowledge and football brain you had the honour to experience on the day. Whilst Phil was doing his half time talk talking about pushing up , wing backs and the hole you were experiencing the far more effective and motivational talk like'god they are c###' 'Did you see the ti## on their centre forward' 'Put that fag out'

'Granty's goal was a fluke'

I'm not sure you are cut out for such high brow stuff. I will consider it though as even i cant go on forever.


Hence a suggestion of player-coach rather than going straight off the deep end into management. A kind of Killer to your Mark Wotte if you like.


Mind you I can do the swearing already, although mostly under my breath - which I guess is what comes of marriage

A kind of Killer to your Mark Wotte if you like.


Well dont start with the insults or you will be out of the door like the9. Iam the Brian Clough and you the Peter Taylor I would have thought.
That is correct, but considering you had less playing time than Charlie George ever did at the Dell for us it was fairly impossible to do so. Add to that whenever Griffo had the ball you did the best impression of cloaking yourself and hiding I thought we were witnessing the first 'stealth footballer'


lies!!!! :D

No people want Anthony Pulis. Dont worry I have you lined up as our premier programme seller.


The product sold itself...the elephant man would have had those flying off his stall...

The product sold itself...the elephant man would have had those flying off his stall...
I didn't have a stall!! I saw you up in the stands selling the programmes you smoothie. Did you do any after match sales as I know you had a few left? My daughters thought it was good. Especially the away managers notes of course.
only because you never got back to defend ;)

If your idea of attack is doing stretching exercises and making grimmaces as you hobbled around then you are correct.Your attacking mounted to a hoof at the ball that ended with a howl of agony as a Vulture that was circling above Fos1 expecting him to collapse at any moment got hit.

only because you never got back to defend ;)


If you were nowhere near me all game, and you're suggesting I never got back to defend, that would suggest you didn't get back and defend all game either! ;)

I didn't have a stall!! I saw you up in the stands selling the programmes you smoothie. Did you do any after match sales as I know you had a few left? My daughters thought it was good. Especially the away managers notes of course.


Well i got a bit confused as to what money there was in my pocket before and after the event...but i reckon i came pretty close to breaking even in the end...which would have been in...so a special thanks to you and Foxy for the extra fiver on that one...much appreciated...

If you were nowhere near me all game, and you're suggesting I never got back to defend, that would suggest you didn't get back and defend all game either! ;)
Griffo before the game a few of my team said they'd seen Justmike play. I was told he was a thoroughbred and would Lord it up on the day.Sadly It was Lord Lucan and Shergar they were talking about and about as visible
Posts highlighting the home teams cheating lead me to the conclusion that we were robbed !!
Its about time some of my accomplished players joined in the fray! the9 deserted me and his photo alongside yours on my sideboard has been turned around in disgrace.Iam looking forward to whether the DVD is edited correctly in my postmatch interview. No doubt Phil and his cohoots (ie ref) are busilly trying to get to the mastertape.Thankfully it is in the safe hands of Baj
Noticed the ref and Steve Grant were on first name terms ??


"No one heard it...it's between you and me"


Were your words before the booking were they not??


I suspect the ref had rebuffed your offer of a bung personally...

Though how Saints ever got onto Sensible Soccer is in itself a minor mystery.


Sensible World of Soccer had loads of top leagues and all of the feeder divisions in major countries too, so not that much of a mystery - and even basic Sensi had Prem teams at the very least...


Using that theory applied to SWOS I'm a Zalghiris Vilnius and Skonto Riga fan... :smt060

dont worry I have already put in for a player swap. You have not at any time said what a wonderful match report I did but congratulated the opposing manager for his version of War and peace and Gone with the Wind. I take that as an insult and will be taking Big Dave Watson for you in exchange and to make up for the obvious improvement in class I have to give them some add ons as well. Phil is getting a bound copy of Rules of football the sporting way and how to play the game in the proper fashion'

Added to that I have arranged for the new updated copy with a forward by Hamster 'How to mistime a tackle and try to look innocent while wiping the blood from your boots' by Norman Hunter and Ron 'chopper' Harris.There is a whole new chapter of 100 pages newly entered after Hamsters performance.

That is not all, there's more that, they read my my keenness to rid myself of such an ungrateful and disloyal member of the team and so negotiated some more. I have found in Yellow Pages an Antiquarian bookshop that still had a very old dusty copy stuck in the basement for decades an autobiography 'Fos1 my later career years in football, including my experiences in the Boer wars and the Somme' and finally after much negotiation we agreed on I assume it is a cookbook Justmikes 'Yet another nutmeg , what shall i do?'


Great, I must be getting a massive signing on fee if THAT'S the deal...

You know T9 is Welsh, don't you?


My registration is held in England. And stop trying to wind me up.


Nice to see that my £650k "admin fee" is the only sticking point for the deal though... :D

Has he signed yet?

its still up in the air LetsB, these things are complicated it doesnt take a few minutes you know

. Scud is refusing to be part of the swap deal as i wont guarentee that his programme stall is by the bar, the9 has gone awol as he is full of regret and I suspect has ordered me a bunch of flowers to make up.Bigdavewatson is standing alongside me at present pen in hand and gagging to sign for us.I of course play to the rules and will not let him sign until we have had international clearance from the Middle East, FIFA, UEFA, FA, FL ,and Nintendo. Apparently Nintendo have an interest as they are releasing a Gameboy and need a picture for the DVD sleeve.

I'll keep you up to speed as soon as I know anymore



So English FA to Welsh FA to...


Cr@p, this could take longer to do that Rudi's transfer


Actually thanks to leaving it 3 seasons before I "unretired" after my last game in South Wales I didn't need international clearance to play in England in 2007 and I don't need it now. Though I did come within a few months of needing to apply for international clearance in order to play in the Meon Valley Sunday League, bizarrely.


Anyway, The9 Issues Come And Get Me Plea


The9 was quoted today as saying "Oi, I'm out of contract, come and get me..."


I think football would be a lot better if players just did this. Alternatively I could just say


"It is categorically untrue the away team made an offer to try to persuade Tevez The9 to stay"


"The fact of the matter is Tevez The9 hasn't asked for any amount of money and hasn't been offered any amount of money - that's where we are at the moment"


Team-mate Wayne Rooney Baj believes Fergusonnickh should make TevezThe9 a permanent player.


He commented: "He is a world-class player and you always want to see him playing here.


"I enjoy playing with him so hopefully he can stay.


"He has a lot of energy and he has scored a lot of vital goals for us this season. His work rate is brilliantbetter than mine, let's not go nuts here so hopefully he will sign. I would like him to."

Great, I must be getting a massive signing on fee if THAT'S the deal...

your headlong rush into football obscurity and not greatness is speeding up. Typical football mercenary only worried about his signing on fee, rather than play under the greatest management team since Gorman and Doddsy

If you could arrange for an appointment for your medical we can then proceed with your transfer. You will be seeing a Dr Harold Shipman or Dr Mengele thay are both readying themselves for you

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