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For those who won't be getting a season ticket next year

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  yorkie said:
My only fear is that 3-seasons of dross has turned people off, and even the likes of MLT coming back will not be enough.


It's enough for me! I have never been in secure enough situation financially to pay for a season ticket. But this year I have had a good promotion and some spare cash and I am more than willing to spend it on a season ticket for the first time as with someone like Le Tissier involved you know that they are only going to do what is best for the club.


It really feels like we could have something great building, and I dont care that its league one, it could be the blue sqaure league - as long as the atmosphere and passion is back the stadium will be full if there is a team and owners that fans believe in.




I will become a member next year, very good idea Stanley. Due to work and other commitments it's impossible for me to get to every game, but I do want to contribute.

  Daren W said:
I will be getting my seat back for next season on a season ticket...

If that doesn't get the troll fishing, nothing will...


Not at all DW because i don't believe you advocated boycotting the club as a means to saving it despite our differences. ST or single ticket you still supported the revenue of the club in fact you were more beneficial than myself as you probably paid more.


I boycotted last season and was happy to do so.


I'll be buying 2 season tickets this year and my mate, who also boycotted will be getting 3.


The added bonus is that it will really p$$ of the rancid buckets of monkey puke that are GM and NC.


Good idea, and I'll do it.


But in amongst the support messages, just remember how many on here and elsewhere insisted they would not give money when we did need it because it would go to "pay the overpaid players"....


We got out of jail, thanks to Tony & his guys, but not getting the legends match up and running and not attending SaintsAid nearly caused us to crash and burn and also incurred a grim 24 hours for the non footballing employees of the club.


The future is now so much brighter and lo and behold, we seem to have a new "owner" who finds it is important to talk with us. This gets better and better!

  Toomer said:
I have had a ST for 23 years last season was the worst of the lot including the Branfoot days, there are one or two who will say I will damage the club but the bottom line is.


Lowe involved I will not renew.


Lowe not involved I will renew.




That is a sentiment echoed by many Saints fans ...


... I cannot believe that MLT would endorse any Consortium that involves Lowelife, but it would definitely be of benefit to all Saints fans to HEAR that Pinnacle are in no way thinking of bringing him back ??????????


Perhaps Mr Lynam could comment ????:)

  Dibden Purlieu Saint said:
I actually don't own a season ticket, but went to 21 matches this year, and will be getting a season ticket and membership this year. The thought of losing our club has made me realise how important it is.

well said that man!!!


Hopefully there will be deals on how to pay for them as money is as tight as its ever been this year so a pay over 6 months would be a godsend

  View From The Top said:
I boycotted last season and was happy to do so.


I'll be buying 2 season tickets this year and my mate, who also boycotted will be getting 3.


The added bonus is that it will really p$$ of the rancid buckets of monkey puke that are GM and NC.

Only if your seats are anywhere near mine....


lets just have a time of peace and goodwill.We ALL want a great football club to follow and support. I can see no excuse for not going as long as RL and the rest are discarded. If Askham and co are on board I think the period of unity could disintergrate.

It is good to feel that we can go and watch football again without the politics

  yorkie said:
Not being picky - but so what if you can buy tickets online without re-newing the membership? If you are a customer surely it is your choice as to how you buy a ticket - online or at the ticket office?


For once in my life I believe I should invest in a season ticket to give the club the must needed injection of cash. Sure I won't be there every game, and may spend more visiting other stadiums - but that doesn't seem to matter.


However I think I will only do this is the club's new owners show so balls in changing the ethos at SMS. We need an experienced manager, a new squad of experienced and young hungry players to compliment our own rising stars. I read somewhere that Norwich has already sold over 19,000 STs for next season - I'd like to think we could at least match this now Rupert is gone.


New hope could generate a significant income stream for next year at -10points or not.


My only fear is that 3-seasons of dross has turned people off, and even the likes of MLT coming back will not be enough. The team needs to start performing from the start next season then then crowds may return. Being entertained is one thing - losing virtually every other week at SMS is unacceptable.


Sort out the defence, gets some balls in midfield, and find someone who isn't scared of scoring and we may be on to a winner. So in summary they may get my money if:

1. There is an experienced MAnager in place

2. We invest in some full backs

3. We add some steel to midfield

4. We get a goalscorer

5. No more televised games...until we draw a big gun in the FA Cup!


Well at least next season we won't have a TV jinx to worry about - can't see Div 1 being televised live can I?


Excellent post Yorkie - echoes my thoughts entirely. I will be buying an ST though.

  paulwantsapint said:
I will be gettin membership for myself


Does anyone know what free gifts the kids will get with their junior membership?

They always used to be worth the cost alone before you even considered using them to buy tickets, if they are still worth will get my nieces in australia junior membership


Varies with every year, but it's always been a treat for the nipper! Scarves, pens and pencils, calendar, wallet etc. The little magazine that comes twice a year is good, too. Also, Junior Saints get the chance to be mascots - just picked at random from the database. That's worth a packet, too - he got a home kit out of it, and we got 4 free tickets.

  View From The Top said:
I boycotted last season and was happy to do so.


I'll be buying 2 season tickets this year and my mate, who also boycotted will be getting 3.


The added bonus is that it will really p$$ of the rancid buckets of monkey puke that are GM and NC.


I have no doubt that in time you will once again find unjustified cause to abandon all thought of buying any form of ticket or membership. You are the epitome of a puerile football fan who will spit out their dummies as soon as something happens that you don't like. We can only be pleased that those who have run the club and hopefully those that will run the club in the future have been a little more resolute in their commitment to the club and it's survival and hopefully success. Provided we don't live by your rules where success is an unrealistic given.


BTW, Phil I am comfortable with my decision not to contribute a penny to SOS for the simple reason that the club could not issue a target to be achieved and show how progress was being made against that target. Kids stuff really IMO and even Crouch understood that it may have felt like given to a 'black hole' and tried to reassure us otherwise.


As the players wages were guaranteed by the League the I don't understand why the club simply focussed on those lower down the payscale and those individuals would not have been under any restrictions to honour their contracts should they have used the opportunity to look elsewhere. The uncomfortable 24 hours for those staff to be frank is nothing compared to other many others goinf through similar situations and you only have to look at the car industry where many are making huge personal sacrifices to save the companies and their careers. The Saints staff have IMO as yet had to suffer the extent of those that are suffering elsewhere so perhaps that's a stick you should put away for now.

  Dibden Purlieu Saint said:
I actually don't own a season ticket, but went to 21 matches this year, and will be getting a season ticket and membership this year. The thought of losing our club has made me realise how important it is.

Good stuff. Actually going to nealry every game and not buying a season ticket is far better for the finances than buying a season ticket in the long term. I know clubs like to have money in from season tickets so that they can make financial forecasts and so on, but overall revenue is decreased by STs. Of course if you are financially stretched then buy a ST, but otherwise while we do not have anything like a sell out then regularly pay as you go is a much better option.

  Nineteen Canteen said:
I have no doubt that in time you will once again find unjustified cause to abandon all thought of buying any form of ticket or membership. You are the epitome of a puerile football fan who will spit out their dummies as soon as something happens that you don't like. We can only be pleased that those who have run the club and hopefully those that will run the club in the future have been a little more resolute in their commitment to the club and it's survival and hopefully success. Provided we don't live by your rules where success is an unrealistic given.


What a wonderfully successful fishing trip.

  Nineteen Canteen said:
You must have a very big pram you petulant adult baby..



He has a point though 19. You do seem to want to ruin any positive thread on the future with less than constructive opinion.


We know you'd prefer Lowe and his policies back but to be honest can you not now ditch him and give the takeover a chance like the rest of us?

  View From The Top said:
What a wonderfully successful fishing trip.

I'd get back to Villa Park with your mate/alte ego Hacienda. You and I know what you're doing here and it has nothing to do with supporting Southampton Football Club.


Northern monkey....

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