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Drivers who use the inside lane (city bound) of the Chilworth - Winchester Road roundabout section of the Avenue, then at the last moment cut in front of me, when I have been patiently and considerately been queuing along with all the other decent drivers. Arseholes and ALWAYS men, 7 times out of 10 driving vans.


My son in law once did this (in his f-ing van) with me as a passenger, I asked him not to do it as he sped along and he just laughed. I insisted that he came in for a coffee as a way of thanking him for the lift, stressing that he should wait for the traffic to ease, and spat in it. I laughed at him when he drank it. He joined in the laughter which made me laugh some more, almost spitting my coffee out as I HAD HAD THE LAST LAUGH. HAHA LAUGHING BOY.


I have promised myself not to let it bother me any more and not try to make a mental note of their vehicle so that I can 'key it' if I ever see them in Tesco's car park.


People who don't indicate at junctions, and even people who do it when they think there are no other cars around and don't need to. I still want to see you indicate, as you never know who might need to urgently know where you're going, even if you can't see them. It's not just for cars, there could be cyclists or pedestrians affected.


Those f'ckers who take the shortest route across roundabouts, especially when there are cars on their inside - and especially at the top of the Avenue coming off the M3.


People who know more about grammar than I do being bothered about stuff that I get wrong, particularly as I'm a grammar nazi myself. :o


Idiot's putting God-damned apo'strophe's everyba'stardwhere. If you dont know how to u'se them in the fir'st place, at lea'st dont ''show your'self up even more by ju'st putting them everywhere you 'see an '"s". It i's a hundred time's more annoying than ju'st omitting it in the fir'st place, not that that make's it right either. Or heres an idea, read 'something and learn to do it correctly.

People who don't indicate at junctions, and even people who do it when they think there are no other cars around and don't need to. I still want to see you indicate, as you never know who might need to urgently know where you're going, even if you can't see them. It's not just for cars, there could be cyclists or pedestrians affected.



That f*cks me right off, there's a roundabout quite near my house that isn't very busy, and i've lost count of the amount of f*cking times i've waited for a car to go straight on when not indicating and then they've turned left/right.

People that say 'pacific' when they mean 'specific.' Tards, the lot of them.

This is also very, very annoying. Why are some people so bloody uneducated?

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
People that say 'pacific' when they mean 'specific.' Tards, the lot of them.


People who say "tards" when they mean "retards".:D

This is also very, very annoying. Why are some people so bloody uneducated?


My English teacher used to say it, and she was actually quite well educated. She taught us for "A"-level Lit and GCSE Language, too.


Used to drive me menthol. :D

Posted (edited)
Tossers (and tossettes) that dont let you cross when you are waiting at a zebra crossing.


Also goes for people who stand at zebra crossings having conversations whilst looking like they might possibly cross.


I shall add "people who tell me 'wrestling is fake'" to my list. Because I already know that, and a ton more about it than they do


I just want to know why they don't bother telling me Coronation Street is "fake" as well?


Oh, hang on, that's not really a "things people get wrong" is it ?


I'll tell you what I hate, thread drift.

Edited by The9
Also goes for people who stand at zebra crossings having conversations whilst looking like they might possibly cross.


I shall add "people who tell me 'wrestling is fake'" to my list. Because I already know that, and a ton more about it than they do


I just want to know why they don't bother telling me Coronation Street is "fake" as well?


Oh, hang on, that's not really a "things people get wrong" is it ?


I'll tell you what I hate, thread drift.


Maybe you could start your own topic....

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills


Motorcyclists who weave in and out of all three lanes on the motorway, even though the traffic is flowing freely at 70-80.


Commonly known amongst the A+E professionals as 'Organ donors'

People who say "tards" when they mean "retards".:D


Sorry, typo....the 'a' and the 'u' are so close together on the keyboard....;)

Drivers who don't pull to the side to let motorbikes pass/leave sufficient space for them to overtake.


Think Bike!


And on that theme, car drivers, who have never been bikers, who get all wound up when a bike passes them during a traffic jam or other obstruction. They don't realise that a bike rider has far more visibility than they have stuck in their little metal box. What's more, the bike rider, if he/she has any sense, will have used that extra visibility and weighed up the situation before performing the maneuver.


So, car drivers, when you see us doing these overtaking maneuvers, we aren't necessarily being stupid or dangerous. I'm not gong to sit in your traffic jam if I can help it. And don't try to fill the road up with your car either.


Motorcyclists who think they can do what the hell they want, and then blame everyone other than themselves when it goes wrong and they end up on their arse.


Sadly I've been dealing with motor insurance claims for far too long....



Motorcyclists who think they can do what the hell they want, and then blame everyone other than themselves when it goes wrong and they end up on their arse.


Sadly I've been dealing with motor insurance claims for far too long....




Ah the familiar conventional cry of the bike loather and statitician. Bikers are nasty people and what's more I have the evidence to prove it. Fine. I know, and we all know, that there are motorcyclists out there who are just waiting for the next opportunity to have an accident. It's just a matter of time for them. But don't think for one second that it's even a substantial minority. There's loads of bikers who just want to get away from cars. Just get out of the flaming way, and we'll leave you, very quickly, to stew in perfect peace in your traffic jams. ;)

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