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Why do we only sign loan players until January


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Having seen the impressive Cork and with the arrival of the Goal machine Pekhart,these two could be vital members of the team this season.Chelsea and Spurs are not likely to play them at all so why do we only take them until January when sending them back to their clubs could be crucial if we're in a position where we still need them.Surely these two clubs and ourselves would benefit by taking them for the season.

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If they perform well, I'm sure the deals will be renewable. However, if it turns out that they're rubbish (which I'm sure they won't be, mind you) and don't get in the team, we can then send them back without having to pay half a season's worth of wages.

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If they perform well, I'm sure the deals will be renewable. However, if it turns out that they're rubbish (which I'm sure they won't be, mind you) and don't get in the team, we can then send them back without having to pay half a season's worth of wages.


Exactly. They could turn out like Adam Hammil...

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I'm sure there is the option to extend them. Spurs and Chelsea may want to see how much we use them and if its in their interest to keep them on loan if they aren't playing. Saints may want to see how they do before comitting to a season long loan. As I said at the beginning I'm sure we can easily extend the loan.

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I'm sure there is the option to extend them. Spurs and Chelsea may want to see how much we use them and if its in their interest to keep them on loan if they aren't playing. Saints may want to see how they do before comitting to a season long loan. As I said at the beginning I'm sure we can easily extend the loan.


Yes thats right, remember how upset Martin O'Neil got when GB didnt play that full back we loaned from Villa.....whose name escapes me !

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Kinda makes you wonder why we took him in the first place ??


To advertise to England vs Ireland U21s match that was happening at Saint Mary's while he was here, he was going to be playing for Ireland against Surman playing for England

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Under CCC rules a loan must either be for a season or a half season. A half-season loan can be followed by another half-season loan of the same player, therefore nothing is lost by having the option of letting a player go back if he has not performed well enough, or is no longer needed. There could be the risk of his club not re-loaning him, but if a player is taken on a full season loan, the lending club can activate a recall clause during the second half of the season anyway, if they wish. Conclusion is that no adverse assumptions should be made by half-season loans.

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If they perform well, I'm sure the deals will be renewable. However, if it turns out that they're rubbish (which I'm sure they won't be, mind you) and don't get in the team, we can then send them back without having to pay half a season's worth of wages.


Problem with that is, if they turn out to be good, the club holding their registration wont allow a renewal because they might want to use them themselves or can then flog them...


I reckon if we really thought Cork and Pekhart were up to it, we should have bitten the bullet and got season-long loans.

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Problem with that is, if they turn out to be good, the club holding their registration wont allow a renewal because they might want to use them themselves or can then flog them...


I reckon if we really thought Cork and Pekhart were up to it, we should have bitten the bullet and got season-long loans.


Isn't this all a pretty well established way to mitigate costs - see where you are at the end of the loan and if in contention for promotion review the situation but if the season is looking a dead duck off load the players to cut costs for the second half of the season?


You see it a lot at the lower levels where non-league clubs might have half their team from 'rentasquad' in an endeavour for a good cup run and a shot at promotion and if things don't work out then all the loanees start to disappear

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Under CCC rules a loan must either be for a season or a half season. A half-season loan can be followed by another half-season loan of the same player, therefore nothing is lost by having the option of letting a player go back if he has not performed well enough, or is no longer needed. There could be the risk of his club not re-loaning him, but if a player is taken on a full season loan, the lending club can activate a recall clause during the second half of the season anyway, if they wish. Conclusion is that no adverse assumptions should be made by half-season loans.

Isn't Google marvellous?

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Because our money runs out in January!

It would have run out before then if there had not been a whole set of major decisions in the close season, that have brought in income and reduced the outgoings, including the players' wages bill. Since the club's finances are now being managed responsibly, what is the purpose of such a pointless negative comment? All the evidence shows that the budget, as projected over the season, allows for new spending by the removal of previous spending commitments. An unknown factor is how gate income will compare against the projection by January, and another is whether the team will be in a position to compete for the play-offs. Seems reasonable to assume that fresh decisions will be taken then, based on the facts as they then are. If Saints are being successful by then, I hope it doesn't spoil some people's miserable Christmas!

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Under CCC rules a loan must either be for a season or a half season. A half-season loan can be followed by another half-season loan of the same player, therefore nothing is lost by having the option of letting a player go back if he has not performed well enough, or is no longer needed. There could be the risk of his club not re-loaning him, but if a player is taken on a full season loan, the lending club can activate a recall clause during the second half of the season anyway, if they wish. Conclusion is that no adverse assumptions should be made by half-season loans.


So are you saying you cannot take players on a months loan, i thought we had Lucketti on a shorter loan spell

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