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News - SFC in talks with some bloke in Eastleigh market flogging tat out of a box

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Out of idle curiosity, which football team does Mark Fry support? (when he's not doing his day job)


I am sure I read on here somewhere that he is a hockey fan, did he not once trial for the UK commonwealth team?

nah thats what i keep thinking, think his surname was summin like gambiano?


I think you mean Andy Giallombardo - turns out he left in the summer, but I don't remember hearing anything about it at the time...

I heard that Consortium 1 and Consortium 2 are no longer talking to the administrator but talking to each other to form a Super Consortium.


So we are to be taken over by 'Consortiums 'r' Us' then.


Frightening thought but I just hope they don't realise on emptying their collective piggybanks that between them they can afford to buy Newcastle or Fulham instead.


Having finally seen the piece on Sky Sports (had to doze through the Champion's League first) it seems the entire story is based on a camera capturing the Guernsey pair (and a third man) walking into / out of Saint Mary's.


My guess is they've got a camera recording all the comings and goings and a researcher trying to put names to faces and that's the basis for the entire story.


Doesn't mean it isn't true of course :)

Having finally seen the piece on Sky Sports (had to doze through the Champion's League first) it seems the entire story is based on a camera capturing the Guernsey pair (and a third man) walking into / out of Saint Mary's.


My guess is they've got a camera recording all the comings and goings and a researcher trying to put names to faces and that's the basis for the entire story.


Doesn't mean it isn't true of course :)


And how is it known they are from Guernsey ?


Are people from Guernsey as distinctive as their cattle ? Or did they have 'potential investor from Guernsey' emblazoned on their briefcases or tatooed on their forehead ?


I'm not knocking your post,but wonder how this snippet has come into the public domain.

Was anything said on SSN that hadnt been said earlier in the day?

Just that things were moving forward in that Mark Fry had been talking to 2 of the 3 men pictured going into SMS.

And how is it known they are from Guernsey ?


Are people from Guernsey as distinctive as their cattle ? Or did they have 'potential investor from Guernsey' emblazoned on their briefcases or tatooed on their forehead ?


I'm not knocking your post,but wonder how this snippet has come into the public domain.


I'm just foolishly believing the identities as given on Sky Sports News. Admittedly with their standard level of fact checking it is just as likely to be from Midanbury as Guernsey but I'm just telling you what the nice man on the telly box told me :)


Impression i got was just another group that were in talks, only difference is these ones didn't mind their names being made known i seems.

Impression i got was just another group that were in talks, only difference is these ones didn't mind their names being made known i seems.


Me too! Probably a 3rd or may be even 4th interested group meeting to prove funds etc.?

I'm just foolishly believing the identities as given on Sky Sports News. Admittedly with their standard level of fact checking it is just as likely to be from Midanbury as Guernsey but I'm just telling you what the nice man on the telly box told me :)


funny earlobes apparently


Saw the footage and I can't believe people believe these guys are going to buy the club, You don't walk to a business meeting looking scruffy and carrying a toolbag.


Was told the deal to buy our club will be announced on Thursday.


Third hand information i got on those who are in the frame have been posted in the betting thread.


Steel....sounds as if it could be a car...........but then again it could be Dusty Bin............Hubbard.....sounds like cupboard.........could that mean someone is hiding in a cupboard....could be Lowe.....but NO ! ! you were absolutely right to reject them IT'S Dusty Bin (loud applause)

Having finally seen the piece on Sky Sports (had to doze through the Champion's League first) it seems the entire story is based on a camera capturing the Guernsey pair (and a third man) walking into / out of Saint Mary's.


My guess is they've got a camera recording all the comings and goings and a researcher trying to put names to faces and that's the basis for the entire story.


Doesn't mean it isn't true of course :)


Jeez a stalker eh?


Hope Fry's done a deal by this time next week. Can you imagine the melt down on here when they film the Home team going into SMS all dressed up for the Forum Match...


In other news, it seems that DP is leading the 457th consortium to enter into discussions with Fry.

A spokesman for the Home Team consortium SteveGrant said




I dunno mate, depends on how many fans turn up on the day. We're expecting about 250 so yeah should get around 1250 quid together for the cause"


hey, actually IF Sky are stalking SMS maybe we can hijack the camera team and get them to cover the game live....




Would you kindly remove this waste of space thread from being a sticky. Mister Fry has updated us all on the official site and there is nothing confirming what Sky Sport was proclaiming. In fact, this thread only belittles the supporters, their objectives and thinking. It's sheer nonsense and does nothing to enhance the Administrators very difficult taste of selling the club to potential buyers.


Thanking you in advance for doing the majority of us a favor.







Would you kindly remove this waste of space thread from being a sticky. Mister Fry has updated us all on the official site and there is nothing confirming what Sky Sport was proclaiming. In fact, this thread only belittles the supporters, their objectives and thinking. It's sheer nonsense and does nothing to enhance the Administrators very difficult taste of selling the club to potential buyers.


Thanking you in advance for doing the majority of us a favor.





Sheer nonsense is what we do best though Art!! If its factual, no one knows what to say lol!!!



Would you kindly remove this waste of space thread from being a sticky. Mister Fry has updated us all on the official site and there is nothing confirming what Sky Sport was proclaiming. In fact, this thread only belittles the supporters, their objectives and thinking. It's sheer nonsense and does nothing to enhance the Administrators very difficult taste of selling the club to potential buyers.


Thanking you in advance for doing the majority of us a favor.





Not sure on what grounds Art presumes to present this comment as if it should somehow carry more weight than an individual opinion. There are nine pages on this thread at this point which shows how many saints fans want to express views on anything to do with potential buyers. Inevitably there is proper secrecy around the potential sale but that is no reason for fans not to speculate. Nothing said on here will have any effect at all on any negotiations but the issues are well worth talking about.


As nobody has ever heard of these 2 characters and cant find any info on them apart from one has had several failed companies i find it hard to beleive they have the money.

If the stories are true somebody else must be behind them providing the cash but it seems strange as to why he would put these 2 as his front men.

If you had the money to front this then i am sure you would be the one involved,there cant be many that would stump up that sort of cash to own a football club and then not have the kudos of actually fronting the operation.


Has anyone actually thought these two might just be interested in buying Jacksons Farm? We know they are property developers and they don't seem to have the clout to run a football club.

Has anyone actually thought these two might just be interested in buying Jacksons Farm? We know they are property developers and they don't seem to have the clout to run a football club.


This is quite possible as Mr Fry can sell off assets seperately if he wishes to get the best deal possible.

If you were serious about buying the club would you really want Jacksons Farm i doubt it so i would assume Mr Fry is trying to offload that as a seperate deal.




Would you kindly remove this waste of space thread from being a sticky. Mister Fry has updated us all on the official site and there is nothing confirming what Sky Sport was proclaiming. In fact, this thread only belittles the supporters, their objectives and thinking. It's sheer nonsense and does nothing to enhance the Administrators very difficult taste of selling the club to potential buyers.


Thanking you in advance for doing the majority of us a favor.




Shut up you spoil-sport! This is fun! Brings back the golden days of LLS, Barry the Briefcase, St David, PA, HMR etc.:)


BTW are you American (favor = favour)? Then you must be part of a consortium buying Saints! An American...called Art....over to you Trousers PI (and his assistant Mr Google).

Shut up you spoil-sport! This is fun! Brings back the golden days of LLS, Barry the Briefcase, St David, PA, HMR etc.:)


BTW are you American (favor = favour)? Then you must be part of a consortium buying Saints! An American...called Art....over to you Trousers PI (and his assistant Mr Google).




We do know they have asked the league to approve a buyer.


We all just going to have to swim around a bit longer until some more pellets are chucked in.

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