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Crouch will be involved with one group.


Salz is definately involved somewhere.


It's puzzling me who the 'household name' could be though. Would love it to be Branson - a good guy whose skill and judgement is equal to his luck. I'd be chuffed to bits if he bought us.


Richard Branson supports Crystal Palace i believe.


sky sports news just mentioned two jersey based property developers, not Tom Scott. Apparently Fry is meeting them this week though it sounded like it's the most advanced deal at the moment. More news as it breaks....as they say.



So, you still didn't answer what Salz's "influence" was with respect to Barclays? Obtaining the £5m overdraft? Exceeding the £5m overdraft? It would be polite to explain your comments if you're going to make claims about Salz, no? I would genuinely like to know the answer.

So, you still didn't answer what Salz's "influence" was with respect to Barclays? Obtaining the £5m overdraft? Exceeding the £5m overdraft? It would be polite to explain your comments if you're going to make claims about Salz, no? I would genuinely like to know the answer.


I never said he was "influential with respect to Barclays" so i'm not going to explain something i never said!


I said he was influential. If you look at his CV i think you'd probably agree with that. I never said he was 'influential with respect to barclays' as i have no idea if that was the case.



... Would love it to be Branson - a good guy whose skill and judgement is equal to his luck. I'd be chuffed to bits if he bought us.


Perhaps its BransTon, we alway seem to be in a pickle anyway:-))


OK getting my coat!

the administrator said it was a household name


What was the context? Did he say "household name" as in: household name to people who mix in Saints circles or "household name" as in my nan would recognise them?


Say "Le Tissier" or "Lowe" to my nan and she wouldn't have a Scooby (pun intended) as to who I was wittering on about. Say "Bruce Forsythe" and she'd be on message like a shot.


Also, was it the name of the company that was "household" or the name of the individual who ran/owned the company? (reading between the lines if necessary)



What was the context? Did he say "household name" as in: household name to people who mix in Saints circles or "household name" as in my nan would recognise them?


Say "Le Tissier" or "Lowe" to my nan and she wouldn't have a Scooby (pun intended) as to who I was wittering on about. Say "Bruce Forsythe" and she'd be on message like a shot.


Also, was it the name of the company that was "household" or the name of the individual who ran/owned the company? (reading between the lines if necessary)



It was put on here by Um Bongo i think that during the staff meeting Fry had said 'it was a household name' To who i dont know
It was put on here by Um Bongo i think that during the staff meeting Fry had said 'it was a household name' To who i dont know


So, in other words, it could be Bruce Forsythe then?

So, in other words, it could be Bruce Forsythe then?



Not I'm in charge,scores on the doors,nice to see you,to see you nice Bruce Forsyth.?


Thought he might be dead,could be just an assumption though due to too much Generation Game with Anthea.

Not I'm in charge,scores on the doors,nice to see you,to see you nice Bruce Forsyth.?


Thought he might be dead,could be just an assumption though due to too much Generation Game with Anthea.


I think he's been embalmed but I'm not sure he's dead yet, bless his cotton socks.


Mind you, owning Saints could change all that in a hurry.

who would you guess?


Crouch, Fulthorope, Souness, some finance person we have never heard of?


My guess is Quentin Hubbard, property developer from Ch Islands


Amazing - first post of this thread!


I don't think it's Fulthorpe, Salz or these two property developers. I don't think it's that Heineken lady either.


Take your pick from Souness, Ratcliffe, Stewart or lifelongsaint.


I am invariably wrong. ;)


I had a conversation this evening with a senior QS at a firm i did some work for last year and when we had finished the serious bit he started taking the **** out of Saints because he knew I was a supporter.

I told him it was worrying times for us and he said (after he had wound me up for about 10 minutes)that he was now working for a man named Fulthorpe and that he was involved in a plan to bring a sizeable development to the st marys area of Southampton.

Evidently mr Fulthorpe has got connections with a great deal of people who own land and businesses in the vicinity of the ground and the plan is for a "Chelsea village "type of development with the stadium at the heart.

I asked if Mr Fulthorpe was one of the bidders but he said he honestly didnt know but he has spent a lot of money putting this plan together .

Right thats all I know and it is second hand.


I will place my bets again after some 3rd hand information I received last night.


(1) JP Mcmanus a horse racing expert, I was told he is very interested in purchasing a football club after the death of his wife recently, I believe he tried to get machester united a few years back.

Could this of been a nudge from Channon?


(2) Someone called Green who was linked on here last week, The man is minted and has an interest in Saints.


(3) Fulthorpe with Souness as they fight to beat the others as they know they won't win on there own perhaps?


(4) Two cowboys that love the publicity as they see it as a chance to push forward there business, Already seen walking into St Marys at 4 this afternoon carrying a ****ing toolbag. Get real you Guernsey boys!!

I will place my bets again after some 3rd hand information I received last night.


(1) JP Mcmanus a horse racing expert, I was told he is very interested in purchasing a football club after the death of his wife recently, I believe he tried to get machester united a few years back.

Could this of been a nudge from Channon?



Nothing about Man Utd here. And poor guy was diagnosed with cancer late in 2008. Can't see it myself. :confused::(



Someone not mentioned on this forum so far is favourite for me. Evens at present. :)


yeah, great, but in a Muslim country how can I put money on it?


Gotta pay the Divorce lawyer somehow and it's easy money












Someone not mentioned on this forum so far is favourite for me. Evens at present. :)


Do you mean this 'thread' rather than this 'forum'?


There have been 1,652 possible candidates mentioned on the 'forum' to date which, alas, would rule out Bruce Forsythe and Craig David.

Do you mean this 'thread' rather than this 'forum'?


There have been 1,652 possible candidates mentioned on the 'forum' to date which, alas, would rule out Bruce Forsythe and Craig David.


WS was responding to my comment "someone we've never heard of" HTH


Doesn't mean it won't be Paul Allen, just that neither of US think it will as life never works quite like we exect it to. Still would be good if it was Brucie - he could get his people to teach DMG athletic movement and balance....


After all they sort of got John Sargeant moving


Or maybe not


As per my tip, the best I can say, he is one of those mentioned on here. I'm not saying who it is, in case it confirms I am an idiot.

Was going to ask you for fridays euro lottery numbers then sussed the con.


What con?:smt102


still find it amazing that even with non-disclosure etc that there hasn't been a leak and none of us have a clue who any of the 4 bidders are.

What con?:smt102


still find it amazing that even with non-disclosure etc that there hasn't been a leak and none of us have a clue who any of the 4 bidders are.


I think that's great. There's nothing worse than reading the "i know something you don't know - ner ner ner ner ner" posts from the ITK's like we had to endure last summer. The whole circus got past a joke.


Just had a text from a mate whos dad is employed by SFC.

He recons Carol Vorderman will be announced as the new owner on tuesday morning.

Just had a text from a mate whos dad is employed by SFC.

He recons Carol Vorderman will be announced as the new owner on tuesday morning.


So we are on a Countdown until Tuesday


I understand that this same bloke fulthorpe had tried to broker some bizarre deal involving refinancing debt (he has no money of his own) for some time, but never proved good for the deal, time and time again........ dig about and you'll find some horror stories about the time wasting that went on according to what I've been told

And how apt;


Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard

to get Saints some cash

When she got there the cupboard was bare

so poor old Saints had trash.


a variation of the above


Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard

To fetch the Saints a bone

When she bent over Sounness took over

and gave them a bone of his own


My money is on no bids and eventual liquidation.

If Salz was in a consortium or brokering a deal then it would of been tabled by now as they

were far in advance of any others with the inside knowledge they had.

He has not made a bid so I think he is a non starter. Morph is a teaser.

The 2 Guernsey chancers will be laughed away.

I have not seen anything written apart from this board about Souness interested.

I hope I am wrong but we have been on a downward spiral for 5 years and tailspins normally end up with big crashes.

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