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Were the realists realistic?


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Relegation battle no chance


Mid table at worse


Play offs being realistic


Top two being optimistic


As a Realist I would say


Relegation battle Unlikely


Mid table Probable


Play offs being Possible but unlikely


Top two No chance

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What is this thread for? If it's just designed to start a flame war then shame on you.



Come now! the pessimists handed out some real sarcastic tripe, hardly one of them had seen the team and some of them were a thousand miles from SMS but still gave these opinions.


The people who had been to the games were in the main very optimistic, but that didn't stop them.


Since Saturday they have gone AWOL, they probably won't be back on this subject until we lose again. I hope that's a long time. I still think it's going to be a rollercoaster, but after seeing 5 matches I'm enjoying the ride.

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it was right to be sceptical but it was wrong to totally right them off as many did and they posted as fact with no evidence -so its good to enjoy the fact -now we have evidence -that they were wrong. I know the season is far from over -but they thought it was over before it started and belittled anyone who said otherwise!


I was a realist when I stated that last season we would go backwards under Burley, now he has gone we appear to be moving in the right direction Was I wrong?

This thread is all a bit pathetic really. Worth an infraction in my eyes.

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Hello again....


Started new job up the M3 in Bracknell after a summer of gardening leave so been away from the site for a while and have not yet seen the lads play this season so cant really comment. From what I have read/heard it sounds positive so far despite the departures, and I like most was pretty dismayed when Davies went to Stoke, but the early signs are encouraging - I like what is happening but would offer a cautious note: this is a young side, that likes topas it around. This will work fine whilst we still ahve the good weather and decent pitches, but what happens come February, with the sodden fields, do we have a plan B? How will we fair against the the more brutish sides that e have always struggled against?


I want to be positive as it sounds like its great to watch saints at the moment, and cant wait for Saturday, but we need to measure our optimism against the grim reality of the competitiveness of this division.


Welcome back Frank. I was with Ron last night, he mentioned he hadn't heard from you of late. We were absolutely delighted with the football. At the end Birmingham couldn't get the ball and the crowd were olaying as we pinged the ball around. That without 6 of the regular team at that time. Birmingham just looked shellshocked.


It looks like we have learned very quickly to pace the game and not try and do too much too quickly. This team knows how to bully and put the foot in, they are like a swarm of wasps when they lose the ball and most of the time seem to get it back quickly.

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Was I wrong?.
Yes, remember 'anyone but Burley?'

We got what you were told we would get G&D.

Anyway I want to move on and enjoy the free flowing football that the kids are providing.A united team and united fanbase that is worth all the argueing in the past.

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I'm not getting carried away. Said all along we're in for a long, hard season but I'd take mid-table this season.


It will be interesting to see whether we can play our style of football in the middle of December/January on muddy and frozen pitches at the likes of Burnley and Preston.


However if the team keeps playing like it has done so, then I shall be enjoying the ride.

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As a Realist I would say


Relegation battle Unlikely


Mid table Probable


Play offs being Possible but unlikely


Top two No chance


No. Wrong, wrong, wrong!


A realist would say that after three league games, it was far too early to express any opinion. An optimist or a pessimist might make predictions based on an impression or a hope, but that is not realism.

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No. Wrong, wrong, wrong!


A realist would say that after three league games, it was far too early to express any opinion. An optimist or a pessimist might make predictions based on an impression or a hope, but that is not realism.

you say that is is too early...I wonder how many you said that too BEFORE the season started who predicted doom and gloom etc???

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Correct and the four we replaced were the only four experienced players we had in the side, Davis, Svensson, Perry and John and replaced them with only two experienced players and two more kids.


John didn't start at Derby, he played less than 10 mins, it was Jamie White being saved to start on Saturday.

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The 'realists' never were realistic because they had nothing to base their negative attitudes upon except predudice against Rupert Lowe. .


That is it in a nutshell. Their class hatred blinded them to the progressive and insightful appointment of the Golden Duo. We will walk this mickey mouse to automatic promotion.

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I am getting carried away, why not?? had to suffer years of sh*t and now I believe the kids will bring us a season to remember, if we can't get excited by how they're playing right now when can we??

I agree with you saintkrap....


should we have lost a couple and/or played crap, people (i wont mention names) would have been calling the coach a ducth donkey and trying to organise all sorts of protests against lowe...


I love getting carried away when it is just about football..


what goes on behind the scenes is dull and boring...

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I was a realist when I stated that last season we would go backwards under Burley, now he has gone we appear to be moving in the right direction Was I wrong?

This thread is all a bit pathetic really. Worth an infraction in my eyes.


about 70 of them so far!


so slating players for being lightweight (one of biggest midfielders in CCC) and calling managers jokers and Holmes and Wooton waste of space -based on seeing them play/manage saints total of 0 times is fine for multiple posts but you take offence at this? says more about you!

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I agree with you saintkrap....


should we have lost a couple and/or played crap, people (i wont mention names) would have been calling the coach a ducth donkey and trying to organise all sorts of protests against lowe...


I love getting carried away when it is just about football..


what goes on behind the scenes is dull and boring...

I agree with you gheydays......
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Then you obviously didn't go to either of the games because they had 6 different players last night playing compared to when we first played them. Where as we had 3 if i remember right.


including adding new signing to strengthen their team -their manager stated it was a strong side to win game but were outplayed -does it hurt to enjoy the fact that we were better?

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That is it in a nutshell. Their class hatred blinded them to the progressive and insightful appointment of the Golden Duo. We will walk this mickey mouse to automatic promotion.


Ah bless don't we love him and need him in the same way we need and love Alpine.


It is still way too early to tell and way too early to get carried away. I posted before that the important thing in life is to enjoy the ride and where it takes you. Ups, downs and sideways.


But even though I won't pass judgement until the end of September, I did have a HORRID OMG moment.


What happens IF we really DO go nuts and walk this league and have to turn round and say "oh sh*t Scooby was right all along"......




What happens IF we really DO fall apart come the winter pitches and fall away disasterously and go down and have to turn around and say "oh sh*t Alps was right all along.




Middle table and memorable moments it is then!

Edited by dubai_phil
spooling mistooks
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What happens IF we really DO fall apart come the winter pitches and fll awy disasterously and go down and have to turn around and say "oh sh*t Alps was right all along.




Middle table and memorable moments it is then!

to be fair....he was on the money last season.....no one will admit it though

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The 'realists' never were realistic because they had nothing to base their negative attitudes upon except predudice against Rupert Lowe. Disliking the chairman was never going to be a basis for having any opinion about how good JP was as a manager, or how well his team could play. The realists also proved to be poor at predicting the club's transfer policy and at judging which players should be in the team.


Yawn yawn yawn. Maybe they made their predictions as they saw fit with the information at hand and without any reference to Lowe. Not everyone is obsessed with him like you are.

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to be fair....he was on the money last season.....no one will admit it though


no alpine was totally wrong -he said get rid of GB anyone would do better agianst the arguement that he maybe underperforming but the board may well replace with someone not as good and we may well be worse off -and that happened

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no alpine was totally wrong -he said get rid of GB anyone would do better agianst the arguement that he maybe underperforming but the board may well replace with someone not as good and we may well be worse off -and that happened

i said he was pretty much on the money..not totally..


i remember him predicting a relegation scrap at the start of the season and got utterly lambasted for it..he said after the lazio/palace game that we needed a CB and got lambasted for it...he said we would struggle big time after burley got in MORE midfielders and got lambasted for it...


he also said that anyone else would do better...he was right and wrong...gorman and dodd did not do better but they were in charge for a couple of games...but he was right in the fact that pearson was seen by so many as some sort of hero from rescuing saints....rescue from what exactly???

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I, for one, was glad Rupert Lowe came back as I didn't want him ousted in the first place. The whole "Lowe Out" whining was embarrassing and I just knew it would be thrown back in the fans' faces. (I judge Southampton to have the most fickle fans on the country).


He's done a good job in installing this manager but so many of you are getting far too carried away with this young club. I predict we will struggle but not go down. It is so soon to tell what will happen.


Of course I'm delighted with the way we've played in the last two games but, remember, we have already lost two in the league and played poorly against Exeter with the same group of players.


Based on what, how many other clubs do you know intimately. I would have thought from reading this message board that people are firmly entrenched in their views are far from fickle.

Another example of fans knocking fans.

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about 70 of them so far!


so slating players for being lightweight (one of biggest midfielders in CCC) and calling managers jokers and Holmes and Wooton waste of space -based on seeing them play/manage saints total of 0 times is fine for multiple posts but you take offence at this? says more about you!



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Another example of fans knocking fans.[/size][/font][/font]


And they deserve to be knocked for their actions. Watching them eat crow as we climb this table with ease is going to be as much fun as it is getting back to the promised land.

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i said he was pretty much on the money..not totally..


i remember him predicting a relegation scrap at the start of the season and got utterly lambasted for it..he said after the lazio/palace game that we needed a CB and got lambasted for it...he said we would struggle big time after burley got in MORE midfielders and got lambasted for it...


he also said that anyone else would do better...he was right and wrong...gorman and dodd did not do better but they were in charge for a couple of games...but he was right in the fact that pearson was seen by so many as some sort of hero from rescuing saints....rescue from what exactly???


don't think anyone doubted we needed a CB or two when we started season with none!

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I was a realist when I stated that last season we would go backwards under Burley, now he has gone we appear to be moving in the right direction Was I wrong?

This thread is all a bit pathetic really. Worth an infraction in my eyes.




So you think posters should receive infractions for debating topics then you come back with a reply liks this, that must be worth a ban. [-X Still you only get three posts a day so it's not worth banning you. See you tomorrow. :D

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you say that is is too early...I wonder how many you said that too BEFORE the season started who predicted doom and gloom etc???


The people who predicted doom and gloom before the season started were being pessimistic and that seemed a reasonable point of view at the time. It now looks as if there is good reason for being a bit more optimistic.


But not enough time has passed to make any realistic analysis. There. I've explained it again.

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The people who predicted doom and gloom before the season started were being pessimistic and that seemed a reasonable point of view at the time. It now looks as if there is good reason for being a bit more optimistic.


But not enough time has passed to make any realistic analysis. There. I've explained it again.

That seems like a good place to stop.

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I think you optimists somehow think that us "realists" somehow WANT the team to fail. Nothing could be further from the truth. I think most of the last 4 years we have, unfortunately been proved to be right whilst the eternal optimists will still insist against all factual evidence that everything is ok until we get relagated or just manage to stay in the CCc on the last day of the season.



I dont understand that either.


Yes, the great experiment of Lowe's is currently demonstrating great promise - but the real test will be when we get a couple of injuries or a suspension. It is still far too early to predict a season of triumph or disaster.

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That is it in a nutshell. Their class hatred blinded them to the progressive and insightful appointment of the Golden Duo. We will walk this mickey mouse to automatic promotion.


Why dont you drop this class hatred nonsense ?


It had nothing to do with it for most of us. We simply felt he didnt give a shiit about the football team.

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I dont understand that either.


Yes, the great experiment of Lowe's is currently demonstrating great promise - but the real test will be when we get a couple of injuries or a suspension. It is still far too early to predict a season of triumph or disaster.


it is early days but surely it is a balance of concern and excitement until it is proven one way or other? Some of the pessimists were totally writing it off before giving it a chance (without opening old arguments you will remember one comment you made about a new signing which I thought was unfair and without substance) - sure have a moan when they let us down or complain when players are sold -we all get upset about that -but sometimes its worth waiting before the moans surely? other times -e.g. last close season and your CB crusade are justified

Edited by NickG
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The 'realists' never were realistic because they had nothing to base their negative attitudes upon except predudice against Rupert Lowe. Disliking the chairman was never going to be a basis for having any opinion about how good JP was as a manager, or how well his team could play. The realists also proved to be poor at predicting the club's transfer policy and at judging which players should be in the team.


Well, here's my first post on SaintsWeb :


I'm sorry, that's nonsense. I initially thought we'd be miles bottom of the League, I just thought it was unrealistic to expect us to lose 10 seasoned pros (I've been saying the likes of Davis (not Davies), Saga, Viafara, John and Rasiak would be leaving since May) and I thought it was highly unlikely that we'd be able to replace them with 8 or so kids and be in any way successful with a manager who had no experience of the league.


By the end of the Celtic preseason game I'd seen enough to know we had a chance, but still before the Cardiff game I still didn't know if we'd be 10 points adrift or in with a chance of going up. After the first half I knew we'd at least COMPETE.


My expectations were purely based on the likelihood of us being able to introduce and entire team of kids to the squad at the same time and hold up in the CCC. Even now we've only got one league win in three games, and we're only 17th, but I see us somewhere midtable rather than battling relegation.


You'll note all that is about expectations of the TEAM, nothing about the Chairman, who has a crappy job at the moment even if he wasn't already disliked by a chunk of the fans. Yes there ARE people who want to lie and say they're boycotting Lowe when actually they just can't be arsed to watch, just as there are people who have class war attitudes, but your implication that everyone who thought we were going to go down is just blindly based on Lowe hatred is as preposterous as the opposing attitude, that everything Lowe does is automatically bad for Saints.


I'm no Lowe fan, but at least he's addressing the problem, and by some miracle we seem to have integrated all of those new players very quickly. All credit to Wotte and Poortvliet for sticking to some very specific principles, so far, the shoots of recovery are promising - but so much is still up in the air when you look at our 3 league results.


Having seen a month's worth of competitive games, there are now obvious benefits to the "kids" approach which weren't immediately evident - their fast recovery rate, enthusiasm, knowing each others' games and open-mindedness to the system and coaching, but still, none of those would be worth much if they were crap players. Thankfully they're not, and who knows what we could achieve if we can keep that core ?


Yeah it's an epic, I've gone cold turkey for 3 weeks and haven't paid my fiver so I'm rationing!

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i said he was pretty much on the money..not totally..


i remember him predicting a relegation scrap at the start of the season and got utterly lambasted for it..he said after the lazio/palace game that we needed a CB and got lambasted for it...he said we would struggle big time after burley got in MORE midfielders and got lambasted for it...


he also said that anyone else would do better...he was right and wrong...gorman and dodd did not do better but they were in charge for a couple of games...but he was right in the fact that pearson was seen by so many as some sort of hero from rescuing saints....rescue from what exactly???


But the whole point is that we weren't actually struggling when Burley left, we were just trundling along in inoffensive lower midtable, being dull to watch but still winning just enough to be out of trouble. Despite our crappy start with no defenders, predictions of a relegation scrap in August were wildly incorrect to all appearances, and we solved the defensive problems MOST of the time in Oct/Nov/Dec. It was the entirely unforseen issue of Burley LEAVING that actually caused the problems, which is the opposite of what Alpine predicted and had the biggest impact on the season (along with the financial situation).


It was Dodd and Gorman's spell that fed on the malaise that was bubbling under and turned us into an effort-free zone and the criminal FA Cup performance underlined it a hundred times, that CLEARLY proved that not "anyone" was better than Burley, and that he was wrong to insist it was. It was then Pearson who saved us from having that lack of effort cause relegation, which he did from an unenviable start position. Not "anyone" could have implemented that turnaround in that time-frame either.


He "only won 3 games", as some people seem to harp on about, because he took over a diabolically performing team - and somehow managed to get us pointing upwards with limited resources just in time. It was one hell of a task he achieved from the starting point he was given.


Since then we've hit the reset button, taken a massive, but cheap gamble on the Dutch guys, and things look promising. That's not least because Poortvliet and Wotte have had a preseason to make decisions and change things. But Pearson's role in keeping us up certainly shouldn't be underestimated, and this Alpinist revisionism isn't fooling anyone. I'll at least accept he was right about a lack of centre backs - until we signed Thomas after 2 weeks of the season.


PS Don't expect a reply, I'm skint.

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I, for one, was glad Rupert Lowe came back as I didn't want him ousted in the first place. The whole "Lowe Out" whining was embarrassing and I just knew it would be thrown back in the fans' faces. (I judge Southampton to have the most fickle fans on the country).


He's done a good job in installing this manager but so many of you are getting far too carried away with this young club. I predict we will struggle but not go down. It is so soon to tell what will happen.


Of course I'm delighted with the way we've played in the last two games but, remember, we have already lost two in the league and played poorly against Exeter with the same group of players.

What a load of rubbish. Personally I'm finding all this cheap points scoring by the so called pro & anti Lowe brigade rather boring and pointless now. FFS can't you lot just stop baiting each other and just concentrate on supporting the team.
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Yawn yawn yawn. Maybe they made their predictions as they saw fit with the information at hand and without any reference to Lowe. Not everyone is obsessed with him like you are.

Its flattering that you go back to read my posts, but feel free, none of us get royalties.....but the point you have missed, accidentally perhaps, is that it is the anti-Lowe lobby who are obsessed with Lowe. People who have been attacking every decision taken by the club, just because of who is on the board. People saying they refuse to watch the team they claim to support because of who is on the board.

It is not Lowe I am concerned about at all, only the potential damage to the club from negative campaigning. I would have taken the same view if there had been a march on the SMS to get rid of Leon Crouch, who also did his best as he saw it, although it wasn't good enough. Ho hum, I'm bored with this myself now zzzzzzzz.

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..... your implication that everyone who thought we were going to go down is just blindly based on Lowe hatred is as preposterous as the opposing attitude, that everything Lowe does is automatically bad for Saints. I'm no Lowe fan, but at least he's addressing the problem, and by some miracle we seem to have integrated all of those new players very quickly. All credit to Wotte and Poortvliet........

Fair enough, I should not have referred to "the realists", but should have qualified that as "some 'realists' ". The people I was referring to were those who did link their comments directly to Lowe/Wilde decisions or who were also posting other negative posts and insults. Quite right, that was not everyone who wondered if the scale of change could work, or wondered if the player changes were all going to be in one direction. I would still say that pessimism is not realism, but most football fans are pessimists at some time, me included.

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Its flattering that you go back to read my posts, but feel free, none of us get royalties.....but the point you have missed, accidentally perhaps, is that it is the anti-Lowe lobby who are obsessed with Lowe. People who have been attacking every decision taken by the club, just because of who is on the board. People saying they refuse to watch the team they claim to support because of who is on the board.

It is not Lowe I am concerned about at all, only the potential damage to the club from negative campaigning. I would have taken the same view if there had been a march on the SMS to get rid of Leon Crouch, who also did his best as he saw it, although it wasn't good enough. Ho hum, I'm bored with this myself now zzzzzzzz.


I'm sorry Prof but I strongly disagree with this comment and submit a prime, if not extreme example, of Scooby. As was mentioned by someone earlier this week it is not that the majority are anti-Lowe but they do object to getting pro-Lowe comments rammed down their throats at every opportunity. It is this aspect which appears to keep the 'divide' ongoing.


Nickh offered a definition of 'Lowe-Luvie' on a thread recently. However whilst I agree with some of what he wrote, in my humble opinion, a Lowe-luvie (I hate that description) is not someone who see's the good in what Lowe is doing (I think the majority would agree he is doing some very good things for the Club, albeit by necessity rather than choice) but the bloody-mindedness of some who will support him and would continue to support his ideas if he became an axe-wielding murderer. A surreal example I grant you but you get my drift.

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Nickh offered a definition of 'Lowe-Luvie' on a thread recently. However whilst I agree with some of what he wrote, in my humble opinion, a Lowe-luvie (I hate that description) is not someone who see's the good in what Lowe is doing (I think the majority would agree he is doing some very good things for the Club, albeit by necessity rather than choice) but the bloody-mindedness of some who will support him and would continue to support his ideas if he became an axe-wielding murderer. A surreal example I grant you but you get my drift.


So by that definition the only Lowe-lovie is scooby and he is a troll anyway.

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So by that definition the only Lowe-lovie is scooby and he is a troll anyway.


I guess you don't read the forum too much if you think Scooby is the only one. Plenty more can be added but that's hardly the point I was making. How about Sunny D for starters. There are others of course....

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I'm sorry Prof but I strongly disagree with this comment and submit a prime, if not extreme example, of Scooby. As was mentioned by someone earlier this week it is not that the majority are anti-Lowe but they do object to getting pro-Lowe comments rammed down their throats at every opportunity. It is this aspect which appears to keep the 'divide' ongoing.


Nickh offered a definition of 'Lowe-Luvie' on a thread recently. However whilst I agree with some of what he wrote, in my humble opinion, a Lowe-luvie (I hate that description) is not someone who see's the good in what Lowe is doing (I think the majority would agree he is doing some very good things for the Club, albeit by necessity rather than choice) but the bloody-mindedness of some who will support him and would continue to support his ideas if he became an axe-wielding murderer. A surreal example I grant you but you get my drift.


I'd class myself as a Lowe-luvie, in that I never wanted him to leave previously and I was excited by the Woodward/Clifford experiment etc. I'm chuffed he's back and what he's done since then. Yes, out of necessity, but I believe he wanted to do something similar with Wotte before Burley arrived. Current circumstances have just made it all the easy and makes absolute sense. We built a great academy, let's use if ffs etc.


But to say we'd support his ideas if he became an murder, it's not a surreal example it's a completely daft one. Supporting his ideals regarding running a football club, yes. I haven't got a clue what else he does. I'm not a Lowe fan-boy. Couldn't give a sh1t about what he does in the city etc. I just like the way he runs our club. Simple really.

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