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I went, and enjoyed myself howevergiven that Lowe is a politician (failed one) and is backed by some Top Tory slug


how can you not separate politics from Saints at the moment.


Those kids made me proud to support saints and forget about ScumLowes presence but do you think we'll keep those kids together for long?


We'll always have the current situation exploited in perpetuity to justify asset stripping and giving bonuses to shareholders.


Thak god for actual football

Oh FFS Scooby will love that post, so some people are shareholders (not me) and they in the past have had a dividend (not much) so what.

If you hold to those principles you couldnt leave the house buy a tv, buy a car, food, clothes etc etc etc. Why is it different for a football club? Football has to make profits or what is its point. You dont get 20000 people going to watch non league amateur football.

Dear Steve, Baj, Rob and et all,

This is why I will not be registering a s full user. I'll see you on Saturday and I'll gladly, glady give you the membership money as you work hard to give Saints fans avoice and I whole heartedly belive in that and I've gladly give you a fiver for that but I do not want full membership status.


Because this messageboard sadly still attract scumbags who stir the **** and are the antethesis of what I class as being a saints fan. I can argue the ass off anyone. I've had arguments with load of posters on here, Delldays, Misselbrook, Johnny Boy but I never doubted for a second that if I met them in real life we'd argue, have a beer, call each assholes, have a laugh about it and then argue again online the next day.

I never doubted for second that they were Saints fans and despite differing opinions, we all cared deeply for the club.

But recently this board has attracted the worst kind of scum. Cowardly pieces of trash who seem to revel in their anonimity and feel they can spray the most grievous of insults without any real responsiblity or outcome.

I can't tell you how deeply I resent Sundance Beast's post. I'm not a bitter man, or one who, as Sundance would like to portray, is angry, hitting out at the world in anger. I'm reasonably well adjusted, mouthy, stupid, vodka drinking Saints fan living wih cancer and looking for a way to balance out the unfairness of it with some semblance of fairness.

For me, raising money for charity is my way of balance.

Now if asking the club for help to raise money for charity, or asking the club to get a dying woman's shirt signed is somehow asking for the moon on a stick then someone please tell. But if, like me, you thought this club had a proud tradition of raising money for charity and being the heart of the community then perhaps, just perhaps, you might think the club ignoring a request for help in raising money for charity is rather sad and shocking.

To answer the Professor's questions, to his first point if Sundance can't answer my point without being offensive and objectionable then that's his problem, he has the right to be an asshole. I have the right to reply. To his second point the club had ample time to put their side across, as I've emailled and sent a letter... No reply... again.

I mentioned it four times in my Echo column as I thought somone, somewhere, might read it and think "Hm, this really isn't the best bit of PR is it? Perhaps we should sent the fella a note or something." Even if it's a polite refusal.

They didn't.

That's it. That's all..

I'm not angry, I'm sad. I love this club desperately but to ignore two charitable appeals just hurts. No more, no less.


Best of luck mods, it's not your fault in any way but this messageboard isn't what it should/could be...

Best of luck with the trolls,




Daren, I can understand the hurt and anger that you feel. You write interesting stuff, not all I agree with. The club should have responded to your request, you are quite right in your criticism.


You really shouldn't let that idiot get you down, his post is beneath contempt.


This thread has degenerated by a thoughtless post by SB. At times he has been misunderstood and unfairly treated but as before his criticism of DW is not called for.

DW's pieces in the Pink are always balanced and far from being political, I doubt if he put himself forward to do it but was invited and so it is outrageous to take that flak.SB you should apologise, it would make put in a better light(not that you worry) but most of all it would show you do have humility to other peoples tradgedy.

I have mixed feelings today as a close friend has just had a colonostomy after his course of chemo and there is no sign of any further intrusion,that is great news, I then come on and read DW's position and feel saddened.

I said when Daren mentioned the club not getting back to him that it was a disgrace, and I cant see why they wouldnt allow him to do collections on the clubs property.Although there would be nothing to stop collections on the roads up to the ground.

DW I hope you find time to post but with your family matters, the piece in the Pink and other commitments you probably haven't the time.

Chin up you know the vast majority if not 99.999% of fans are right behind you.

You only mentioned it 4 times in your column. what was it a slow news day? Seriously, Daren get over yourself this club as what 30k fans who must have come to see the team play at some stage over the past few years. How many of that 30,000 have family who are coping with serious or grave illnesses if not themselves. If the club acted on all their requests do you think we would ever be able to fit a football match in. With the greatest respect what makes your situation so special over all those other cases? Is it because you write an article in the local rag and you therefore give yourself some zzzz-list celebrity status and expect a touch of red carpet treatment? IMO your stance is pathetic as a supposed journo supporting our local team. Focus your attention on your personal situation and keep your bile towards the club to yourself, its not warranted.


You really are a t w a t.

This thread has degenerated by a thoughtless post by SB. At times he has been misunderstood and unfairly treated but as before his criticism of DW is not called for.

DW's pieces in the Pink are always balanced and far from being political, I doubt if he put himself forward to do it but was invited and so it is outrageous to take that flak.SB you should apologise, it would make put in a better light(not that you worry) but most of all it would show you do have humility to other peoples tradgedy.

I have mixed feelings today as a close friend has just had a colonostomy after his course of chemo and there is no sign of any further intrusion,that is great news, I then come on and read DW's position and feel saddened.

I said when Daren mentioned the club not getting back to him that it was a disgrace, and I cant see why they wouldnt allow him to do collections on the clubs property.Although there would be nothing to stop collections on the roads up to the ground.

DW I hope you find time to post but with your family matters, the piece in the Pink and other commitments you probably haven't the time.

Chin up you know the vast majority if not 99.999% of fans are right behind you.


Nick I agree with you 100% but don't hold your breath SB will not say sorry in any shape or form. He will not become a full member in fear that people will find out who he is.

You only mentioned it 4 times in your column. what was it a slow news day? Seriously, Daren get over yourself this club as what 30k fans who must have come to see the team play at some stage over the past few years. How many of that 30,000 have family who are coping with serious or grave illnesses if not themselves. If the club acted on all their requests do you think we would ever be able to fit a football match in. With the greatest respect what makes your situation so special over all those other cases? Is it because you write an article in the local rag and you therefore give yourself some zzzz-list celebrity status and expect a touch of red carpet treatment? IMO your stance is pathetic as a supposed journo supporting our local team. Focus your attention on your personal situation and keep your bile towards the club to yourself, its not warranted.




You and scooby really are one of a kind aren't you?

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