miserableoldgit Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Peopel can chose to attend or not as is their wish nad do not need to justify their actions to anyone. If people wish to post (IMHO) non-sensical arguement on an internet forum,other people will respond.
OldNick Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Same here Toomer. What winds me up is people saying did you go to Cardiff in 2003/ i went and to Wembley in 76. Its this approach that nothing happen to SFC before 1997 and that it will disappear once Lowe pops his clogs , yes Crouch and Wilde were crap at running the club But IT IS THIS only Lowe could do it approach well the thing about Cardiff is what happened to the principles then?It strikes me hypocritical that the principles are dropped when we arer successful but adhered to when we are not.Surely you can see that
derry Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 When all is said and done and we contemplate the pro's and cons, IF SMS was filled to capacity every week, where would that money go? Would it be on investment in the team, on the stadium, on the facilities, or would we see an insurance company pop up, a credit card drive, the conveyor belt of youth that we never get to see play and the constant journey men and temporary managers going in and out of this club like there's a revolving door on the managers office. I am still not convinced that if SMS gets filled week in week out that Saints (that's the FC not the SLH) will benefit directly. I don't think that this club will ever reap the rewards of success on the pitch and crowds on the terraces whilst Lowe is in charge. QUOTE] And this is where I'm coming from too...why are some people blinkered by this fill the stadium blah, blah, blah? I have stated elsewhere it will be a cold day in hell before I set foot back in the stadium, but I have been seriously thinking about it and come to the following comclusion. If the team does obtain some success thenfurther investment required - this has to be brought in from another place and not by selling the best players and breaking that team up. Squad could replace team... However history under Rupert has demonstrated as soon as money is needed we sell the family silver. IF (and this is a very big IF) we manage to achieve anything this season, and need to move to the next level - and we do not sell the family silver again, I may consider my stance as Rupert may have learnt from previous mistakes. There is no accounting for ambition, and players if successful will demand more money - but what about bonus related pay rather than big fat non performance related salaries? After all that's what the management team are now on - I bet Rupert is sh1tting himself at the thought of having to pay the Dutch duo...who will he have to sell? A leopard never changes it spots - and after almost convincing myself I will go back to SMS, my arguement has completely highlighted a MEGA U-turn. Rupert will never change (unless he comes out publically and makes a positive statement about investment without selling the family silver) - so basically I'm sha99ed. SMS never again whilst Rupert pulls the strings at SFC (SLH) - you wait and see it will all end in tears. All those of you who go in the belief it really makes a difference are in for a nasty shock. Filling SMS will make not make any difference to the finances of the club - players will still ahve to be sold. I bet not one of you true fans can confirm this will not happen (again)...may be the Trust should be doing something positive to oust this cancer. No manifesto, no aims for the future but still they ask for my money... Swing Lowe Swing Rupert Lowe Swing him from The Itchen Bridge! I pay my money, I watch the football, I go home. I couldn't care less who runs the club as it doesn't affect me. Last two years, especially last year, I watched some unadulterated crap, but this year it is brilliantly enjoyable. Never mind the results, for me the football is the thing. A rollercoaster, possibly, all those that go obviously enjoy it. A month ago, a few of us were saying how good the football was, now many more are seeing it. The longer it goes on the more people will go and enjoy it. Jan Portvliet and Mark Wotte are probably the first management brought in by Lowe, that he is comfortable with and actually in the long term wanted at the club, rather than to fill a vacancy, or try and solve a problem.
70's Mike Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 well the thing about Cardiff is what happened to the principles then?It strikes me hypocritical that the principles are dropped when we arer successful but adhered to when we are not.Surely you can see that Of course I CAN, i just get annoyed that it is trotted out as a Lowe success but relegation was a Redcrap failure. Personally i wish that ALL the current major shareholders would disappear
derry Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 It's also why Kevin Phillips signed for us despite his basic salary being cut in half. And most of the £3.5m fee going to him to pay off his Sunderland contract.
OldNick Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Of course I CAN, i just get annoyed that it is trotted out as a Lowe success but relegation was a Redcrap failure. Personally i wish that ALL the current major shareholders would disappear There is a difference Mike. The principles should be there the whole period of his stewardship.It is not about RL getting us to Cardiff or him being responsible for relegation. If you have principles and hated RL the same should be held then and now, not pick and chose.Im not saying you are by the way but in general.
buctootim Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Like people everywhere Lowe is a mixed bag. Some things hes done have come off brilliantly some have been failures. You may or may not like him but only the most deluded believe he has deliberately tried to run the club into the ground. Since its pretty clear he is neither the Angel Gabriel or the Devil incarnate - cant we now just ignore the ownership politics and enjoy the football.
70's Mike Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 like people everywhere lowe is a mixed bag. Some things hes done have come off brilliantly some have been failures. You may or may not like him but only the most deluded believe he has deliberately tried to run the club into the ground. Since its pretty clear he is neither the angel gabriel or the devil incarnate - cant we now just ignore the ownership politics and enjoy the football. agreed
yorkie Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 I have read all the nice and positive things written about the team & new management structure, and all the anticipation about the future. I've been ranting on a bit in the last few days, perhaps it's because I've just come back to work after a holiday...not sure why! I wish I could put all the negative feeling behind me, I wish I could block the visions of Rupert's smug grin out of my mind. He is after all a very successful business man. He has been chairman for many years, and set up the academy that has produced all these talented young players - to which we probably owe an undying gratitude. He got us SMS - without him we would still be at The Dell. We have produced some of the most talented British footballers in the current game - Theo Walcott & Gareth Bale, both of who left because of the money on offer elsewhere. He has brought stability to the club in his second tenure at the helm - we all must be grateful for that. With all that said on all the positives he has brought to our club (I call it our club because it does after all belong to the fans without who there would be no club, especially now The Premiership money no longer comes in!) - I'm not going to try to justify my stance or even mention I am not coming to SMS again. A united Saints fanbase is fast getting behind the team. If we get rid of some more dead wood brought in by previous Managers I for one will be very happy, as will Rupert because it will save £000's per month on wages. How important is my (our) money to the survival of SFC? What do we have 22 league games a season at SMS x £30 (to make it easy) = £600/fan? If 10-more fans go every week then that equates to an additional £6,000 in the kitty If 100-more fans...£60,000 If 1,000...£600,000 If 10,000 - £6,000,000. So if I'm right and we get crowds of 28,000+every week it will generate an additional £6,000,000 for the war chest to keep players on better contracts! Perhaps nearer £5,000,000 as some fans will buy season tickets reducing the cost per game. So it's pretty obvious to me...let's all go to SMS every week, problem solved. Politics aside - if the fans generate this kind of funding - who get's to say where the money is spent? How does this equate to our current outgoings? £5,000,000 extra sounds a lot - but is it just a drop in the ocean? Perhaps we need to generate some more funds - what about attracting some investment? Come on you Saints - I'll never raise my voice in anger again!
OldNick Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 I have read all the nice and positive things written about the team & new management structure, and all the anticipation about the future. I've been ranting on a bit in the last few days, perhaps it's because I've just come back to work after a holiday...not sure why! I wish I could put all the negative feeling behind me, I wish I could block the visions of Rupert's smug grin out of my mind. He is after all a very successful business man. He has been chairman for many years, and set up the academy that has produced all these talented young players - to which we probably owe an undying gratitude. He got us SMS - without him we would still be at The Dell. We have produced some of the most talented British footballers in the current game - Theo Walcott & Gareth Bale, both of who left because of the money on offer elsewhere. He has brought stability to the club in his second tenure at the helm - we all must be grateful for that. With all that said on all the positives he has brought to our club (I call it our club because it does after all belong to the fans without who there would be no club, especially now The Premiership money no longer comes in!) - I'm not going to try to justify my stance or even mention I am not coming to SMS again. A united Saints fanbase is fast getting behind the team. If we get rid of some more dead wood brought in by previous Managers I for one will be very happy, as will Rupert because it will save £000's per month on wages. How important is my (our) money to the survival of SFC? What do we have 22 league games a season at SMS x £30 (to make it easy) = £600/fan? If 10-more fans go every week then that equates to an additional £6,000 in the kitty If 100-more fans...£60,000 If 1,000...£600,000 If 10,000 - £6,000,000. So if I'm right and we get crowds of 28,000+every week it will generate an additional £6,000,000 for the war chest to keep players on better contracts! Perhaps nearer £5,000,000 as some fans will buy season tickets reducing the cost per game. So it's pretty obvious to me...let's all go to SMS every week, problem solved. Politics aside - if the fans generate this kind of funding - who get's to say where the money is spent? How does this equate to our current outgoings? £5,000,000 extra sounds a lot - but is it just a drop in the ocean? Perhaps we need to generate some more funds - what about attracting some investment? Come on you Saints - I'll never raise my voice in anger again!All very fair.Of course it would add to other revenue streams if fans turned up. The club shop would generate more, more pies and Yorkies would be sold, more beer sales.That would all add to the health of the club.It wouldn't cure it all but perhaps give the banks and potential investors some faith in us.
Ian the Red Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Some interesting comments….. some interesting views…..some total b!”£sh^t. If you do not want to read my thoughts concerning comments on player sales, wasting money, mismanagement then go to the last paragraph. I first watched Saints when Chivers returned to the Dell in the late 60’s. I have seen Saints relegated twice, promoted once, win and lose the FA Cup, lose the League Cup and lose the Zenith Data Cup; seen them finish 2nd in the old Div 1 and watched some wonderfully entertaining football and seen wonderful players begin their careers at SFC. What I cannot understand is why Lowe is being slated for every single problem, every single financial struggle, every single player sell. To put the record straight we have always been a selling club way, way before Lowe came in: Webb, Chivers, Davies, Channon, Williams, Shearer Rod Wallace to name but a few before Lowe ever knew he would be involved with football. The real cancer in the club was Askim. That man was a leech; appointed the worst manager we have ever had, Branfoot; oversaw the sale of the club to SLH and made loads of dosh from the club over the years when he was chairman and on the board. Thankfully I believe that Askim has not been reappointed. Lowe’s big problem was the appointment/retention of managers. However, there is no evidence from any of the managers, during or after their tenure at the club that Lowe picked the team or influenced team selection. There is no doubt that Lowe decided on how much money could be spent, how much could be paid in wages, etc. But surely that is what a Chairman/Board of Directors are there for; to manage the club in a financially sound manner to ensure the long term survival. For the record had the loud mouth minority not echoed there views so vehemently concerning the reappointment of Hoddle, there is no doubt in my mind that we would not have been relegated. Lowe was prepared to appoint GH but was out voted by the board. Concerning Redcrapp, again Lowe did not want the man but was out voted. Other posts highlighted that it was not just Lowe at fault for the relegation season; players and Redcrapp were equally to blame IMHO. Wasting money and money grabbing, over the last two seasons we have wasted more money than ever and in Hoon, Delieu and co there were more leaches feeding off SFC than ever before. No boycott was called then??? Those leeches were brought in by Wilde and then subsequently earned a fortune at our expense. Not spending money: well over the years this has been discussed and Lowe has been unfairly judged on this issue IMHO. SFC has spent money. The year in question always harks back 2003. WGS spent 7.5m that summer on players. 5 years ago that was significant amount for a club of our size. Concerning the boycott, well nothing, nothing will stop me supporting my local club. To blame one chairman and then boycott for that reason alone is childish at best. For reasons of finance, travelling; then that is the persons’ choice; not to go because a person has changed the way that want to conduct their life; is their choice but not to go simply because Lowe is back………well that is a little silly. We have the best team for many years playing with desire, passion and for the shirt. We are playing the most entertaining football I have seen from a Saints team since the heady days of Le Tiss, Rod Wallace and Shearer. So what is the boycott all about??? Everyone is entitled to their opinion but some seem to be blinkered, even influenced by half truths and petty comments and unable to discern that it is not just one Chairman to be blamed but many, many more.
70's Mike Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Oh Askam. Ask them what? Where did he bury the money ?
Dan Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 £8 certainly was a lot, I'll give you that. ! Try £15. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/?page_id=10443
Red and White Army Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 As for the couple of posters who asked John whether he had gone to the FA Cup match at Cardiff, seeking to make some point that John might be hypocritical in his stance, that was over 5 years ago. Did it not occur that John's stance might have followed events after that? Lowe was here for nine whole years leading up to that.
stevegrant Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Try £15. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/?page_id=10443 If you'd bought them in plenty of time, they would have been £8. Or even as little as £3 if you're a student.
rpb Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Lowe was here for nine whole years leading up to that. Indeed, Lowe may be a posh, arrogant git but he is OUR posh, arrogant git!
Dan Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 If you'd bought them in plenty of time, they would have been £8. Or even as little as £3 if you're a student. Not all of us are organised, had the price been £8 and £3 on the day, there would have been a far greater turn out.
Daren W Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Isn't that a case of cutting your nose off to spite your face, though? You won't buy a season ticket (which saves YOU money) which I guess you've had for many years because of the board, and yet you'll go anyway because you don't go to watch the board... The word "principles" continues to be thrown around on here, with people claiming they have "principles" because they won't support the club financially so long as Lowe is chairman and blame him for people losing their jobs, and yet the very thing that would probably keep those people in their jobs is the paying support of the fans! It's just a vicious circle. For the record, if people can't go anymore because of financial pressures, work, distance or things like that, fine by me, not a problem. If people are choosing not to go because they don't want to watch Championship football, also fine, as long as you actually state as much rather than hiding behind feeble excuses. If people are seriously choosing not to go because of who is chairman (despite having continued to go under his chairmanship when we were in the top 10 in the Premier League), I think that's quite sad. Entirely up to you, of course, but I won't be at all surprised to see those "principles" go flying straight out of the window if we end up having a successful season. I have my own personal reasons for not renewing Steve and if I am cutting my nose off to spite my own face then so be it. In my personal opinion and my own personal dealings with the club they do not deserve my season ticket money. I'm not asking for any one to take any kind of stand but from a personal point of view I feel the club let me down. I asked them to help me raise money for Cancer research and they didn't just refuse they just completely ignored it, despite four mentions of it in my column in the Sports Echo. The same went for organising a visit for my mother to get her shirt signed which would have cost the club nothing and yet again they ignored my request despite my contacting them by phone, email and letter. It was left to Dave Ford to step in and organise it. At the time she had six months, was it really that much trouble to organise something? The club wouldn't/couldn't but Fordy could. Family club my arse.... That's just me though, my personal choice... They may well win the league but for this season I'll be attending every game but paying game by game,
Weston Super Saint Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 How many "fans" boycott games because they don`t like the right back?:confused: Is it 10?
buctootim Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Is it 10? Yes. Congratulations! You win a night out at a hockey match with Rupert Lowe.
Weston Super Saint Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 All very fair.Of course it would add to other revenue streams if fans turned up. The club shop would generate more, more pies and Yorkies would be sold, more beer sales.That would all add to the health of the club.It wouldn't cure it all but perhaps give the banks and potential investors some faith in us. Are they in stock this season? Last year buying a coffee and a yorkie and receiving a kit kat chunky just didn't feel right....
Fowllyd Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Are they in stock this season? Last year buying a coffee and a yorkie and receiving a kit kat chunky just didn't feel right.... Perhaps those boycotting are in fact disgruntled truckers...
Thedelldays Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Lowe was here for nine whole years leading up to that. 9 whole years of being a **** and underfunding, lining his own pockets, selling the crown jewells blah blah but it was not a problem then....he did nothing different after cardiff than before...he still hired and fired managers and he still got the best price for players who wanted out.. where were these "principles" then? oh, we were doing very well in the prem, wern't we...how could I forget..
Legod Second Coming Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Are they in stock this season? Last year buying a coffee and a yorkie and receiving a kit kat chunky just didn't feel right.... Yes, Yorkies are BACK!! You see, Lowe haters, this is the power of the man!!!!
Weston Super Saint Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Yes, Yorkies are BACK!! You see, Lowe haters, this is the power of the man!!!! But for how long? I seem to remember them disappearing about mid September last year, then being told they wouldn't be back until March :shock: They never re-appeared
Legod Second Coming Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 But for how long? I seem to remember them disappearing about mid September last year, then being told they wouldn't be back until March :shock: They never re-appeared If you fill the ground, there WILL be Yorkies. I have it on good authority...
Weston Super Saint Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 If you fill the ground, there WILL be Yorkies. I have it on good authority... Gonna need a lot of yorkies then :shock:
Redondo Saint Posted 28 August, 2008 Author Posted 28 August, 2008 (edited) So the falling ST sales are down to Lowes return and nothing to do with the teams dire performances over the last couple of seasons when, incidently, Lowe was not there ?:confused:If you, or anyone else thinks that the majority of people who go to SMS actually give a rats ass who is running the club you are deluded. Most fans are influenced by what they see on the pitch and not what they read on an internet forum. Considering that Lowe (who I am NOT a fan of) is supposed to be the Devil incarnate the gates didn`t exactly boom after he left did they. What happened to all those who were supposed to flock into SMS after "We Got Our Club Back"? Great point. I would also add that Saturday afternoons are also about meeting your friends, a few beers and a laugh, and then the match. A few more beers afterwards.. Miss all this because of the Chairman? I don't think so. I've moved away from God's country so I have to miss it - and it's a big loss to me. Edited 28 August, 2008 by Redondo Saint
Wade Garrett Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 I have read all the nice and positive things written about the team & new management structure, and all the anticipation about the future. I've been ranting on a bit in the last few days, perhaps it's because I've just come back to work after a holiday...not sure why! I wish I could put all the negative feeling behind me, I wish I could block the visions of Rupert's smug grin out of my mind. He is after all a very successful business man. He has been chairman for many years, and set up the academy that has produced all these talented young players - to which we probably owe an undying gratitude. He got us SMS - without him we would still be at The Dell. We have produced some of the most talented British footballers in the current game - Theo Walcott & Gareth Bale, both of who left because of the money on offer elsewhere. He has brought stability to the club in his second tenure at the helm - we all must be grateful for that. With all that said on all the positives he has brought to our club (I call it our club because it does after all belong to the fans without who there would be no club, especially now The Premiership money no longer comes in!) - I'm not going to try to justify my stance or even mention I am not coming to SMS again. A united Saints fanbase is fast getting behind the team. If we get rid of some more dead wood brought in by previous Managers I for one will be very happy, as will Rupert because it will save £000's per month on wages. How important is my (our) money to the survival of SFC? What do we have 22 league games a season at SMS x £30 (to make it easy) = £600/fan? If 10-more fans go every week then that equates to an additional £6,000 in the kitty If 100-more fans...£60,000 If 1,000...£600,000 If 10,000 - £6,000,000. So if I'm right and we get crowds of 28,000+every week it will generate an additional £6,000,000 for the war chest to keep players on better contracts! Perhaps nearer £5,000,000 as some fans will buy season tickets reducing the cost per game. So it's pretty obvious to me...let's all go to SMS every week, problem solved. Politics aside - if the fans generate this kind of funding - who get's to say where the money is spent? How does this equate to our current outgoings? £5,000,000 extra sounds a lot - but is it just a drop in the ocean? Perhaps we need to generate some more funds - what about attracting some investment? Come on you Saints - I'll never raise my voice in anger again! You make a good point Yorkie. However, prior to relegation we were 30000+ every home game. All we had to show for it were a succession of managers and a squad of 40 odd mediocre players.
Weston Super Saint Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 You make a good point Yorkie. However, prior to relegation we were 30000+ every home game. All we had to show for it were a succession of managers and a squad of 40 odd mediocre players. And shareholder dividends
thelamprey Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 Shame on those 'fans' that alllow politics to influence their attendance. This team are worthy of support by their commitment and work rate. Oh, and by the sound of it, bloody good to watch. Can you imagine this scenario without the changes - on and off the pitch? I went, and enjoyed myself howevergiven that Lowe is a politician (failed one) and is backed by some Top Tory slug how can you not separate politics from Saints at the moment. Those kids made me proud to support saints and forget about ScumLowes presence but do you think we'll keep those kids together for long? We'll always have the current situation exploited in perpetuity to justify asset stripping and giving bonuses to shareholders. Thak god for actual football
Alain Perrin Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 (edited) deleted Edited 28 August, 2008 by Alain Perrin
hugh Posted 28 August, 2008 Posted 28 August, 2008 I did a long and possibly eloquent post, but I got timed out and lost the fecking lot! So, I will make do with saying each to his own, but I am damned glad I renewed my season ticket. :smt020
Professor Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 You make a good point Yorkie. However, prior to relegation we were 30000+ every home game. All we had to show for it were a succession of managers and a squad of 40 odd mediocre players. Its not quite fair to say we had mediocre players, as even in the relegation season we had Neimi, Lundkavam, Phillips, Beattie, and Crouch, all held in high regard, as well as a cameo from Jamie Redknapp. But except for the few rich clubs, the price of playing in the Premiership tends to be losing more games than you win, and struggling to stay there. The high profile competition does bring in the crowds but the ironic thing is that for six or seven clubs every year, if not more, the experience is not very enjoyable. And the desperation to stay there does put massive pressure on managers, few of whom stay in their jobs for more than a year or two. There are exceptions, but even Chelsea have had a surprising turnover of managers. Every year, some people give up watching their team every game, or even at all, and thats up to them, but its not a 'boycott', even though some individuals might use that term to justify their decision to themselves. A few people might try telling others to stay away to deliberately harm the club but that just won't happen. Each person makes up their own mind for their own reasons, not because of what someone else tells them to do. Success of the team is usually the biggest factor in drawing people through the gate, but there is an interesting new factor cropping up in the debates recently, which is the attractiveness of the football the team are playing.
Sundance Beast Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 I have my own personal reasons for not renewing Steve and if I am cutting my nose off to spite my own face then so be it. In my personal opinion and my own personal dealings with the club they do not deserve my season ticket money. I'm not asking for any one to take any kind of stand but from a personal point of view I feel the club let me down. I asked them to help me raise money for Cancer research and they didn't just refuse they just completely ignored it, despite four mentions of it in my column in the Sports Echo. The same went for organising a visit for my mother to get her shirt signed which would have cost the club nothing and yet again they ignored my request despite my contacting them by phone, email and letter. It was left to Dave Ford to step in and organise it. At the time she had six months, was it really that much trouble to organise something? The club wouldn't/couldn't but Fordy could. Family club my arse.... That's just me though, my personal choice... They may well win the league but for this season I'll be attending every game but paying game by game, You only mentioned it 4 times in your column. what was it a slow news day? Seriously, Daren get over yourself this club as what 30k fans who must have come to see the team play at some stage over the past few years. How many of that 30,000 have family who are coping with serious or grave illnesses if not themselves. If the club acted on all their requests do you think we would ever be able to fit a football match in. With the greatest respect what makes your situation so special over all those other cases? Is it because you write an article in the local rag and you therefore give yourself some zzzz-list celebrity status and expect a touch of red carpet treatment? IMO your stance is pathetic as a supposed journo supporting our local team. Focus your attention on your personal situation and keep your bile towards the club to yourself, its not warranted.
Gemmel Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 You only mentioned it 4 times in your column. what was it a slow news day? Seriously, Daren get over yourself this club as what 30k fans who must have come to see the team play at some stage over the past few years. How many of that 30,000 have family who are coping with serious or grave illnesses if not themselves. If the club acted on all their requests do you think we would ever be able to fit a football match in. With the greatest respect what makes your situation so special over all those other cases? Is it because you write an article in the local rag and you therefore give yourself some zzzz-list celebrity status and expect a touch of red carpet treatment? IMO your stance is pathetic as a supposed journo supporting our local team. Focus your attention on your personal situation and keep your bile towards the club to yourself, its not warranted. t w a t
Saints foreva Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 Well lets say we get between 18,000 - 24,000 for every home game this season and then we're on the brink of promotion and have to win our last home game of the season. Don't bother coming back.
Daren W Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 You only mentioned it 4 times in your column. what was it a slow news day? Seriously, Daren get over yourself this club as what 30k fans who must have come to see the team play at some stage over the past few years. How many of that 30,000 have family who are coping with serious or grave illnesses if not themselves. If the club acted on all their requests do you think we would ever be able to fit a football match in. With the greatest respect what makes your situation so special over all those other cases? Is it because you write an article in the local rag and you therefore give yourself some zzzz-list celebrity status and expect a touch of red carpet treatment? IMO your stance is pathetic as a supposed journo supporting our local team. Focus your attention on your personal situation and keep your bile towards the club to yourself, its not warranted. **** you you low rent piece of trash. I approached the club as the son of a mother dying of cancer. If the club can't be arsed to even reply then that says plenty as to how out of touch they've become. I find your post highly, highly offensive. Z list celebrity status? And this comes from someone who desperately seeks attention on a messageboard and yet can't even be arsed to pay to maintain his "celebrity satus" I notice yet again you fail to address the simple fact that I din't want a penny from the club just the chance to COLLECT MONEY FOR CHARITY on club property. Your supposed view of me is irrelevent, as are you to be fair, you sad arsed troll. All I wanted was permission to collect money for CHARITY outside the ground. If that is such a ****ing huge problem then god help us all. "Hello Southampton Football club? I'd like permission to collect money for Cancer Resarch on club property. Is that possible." "I'm not sure but we'll look into it and get back to you." IT'S NOT ****ING ROCKET SCIENCE IS IT?? You again fail to address the fact that the club couldn't even be arsed to arrange a trip for a dying woman to get her shirt (yes they didn't need to even pay for one she owned hers) It was left to a fellow fan Dave Ford to organise something. That is shameful for a club that is supposedly the "Spirit of Southampton." In closing, you're either not that intelligent or just deliberately twisting my words but I think I made it very clear my stance is a personal one and at no stage have I ever suggested any kind of boycott. All I have done is told people my personal view of the club. I approached the club not as, as you say, some low rent local "celebrity" but as Saints fan trying to raise money for charity. Saints fans need to know these things, they need to know if the club they support is morally deserving of the undying suport they give. You call it bile, I call it exposing one small element of the club that I found particularly unpleasant. No more no less. What makes my sitauation any more special than anyone elses? Absolutely nothing and I'd do the same for any other person who had a loved one dying or seriously ill. The only one who seems to attach any ego to me is you. What makes my appeal special? CHARITY you ****ing asshole. In the meantime if you have anything to say to me, say it to my face. Don't hide your PC spreading your bile, trolling your sad arse off, say it to my face. Be a man. or better still, let's hear from you, what's your real name or are you too much of coward to say so? Be a man... I double dare you...
beatlesaint Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 You only mentioned it 4 times in your column. what was it a slow news day? Seriously, Daren get over yourself this club as what 30k fans who must have come to see the team play at some stage over the past few years. How many of that 30,000 have family who are coping with serious or grave illnesses if not themselves. If the club acted on all their requests do you think we would ever be able to fit a football match in. With the greatest respect what makes your situation so special over all those other cases? Is it because you write an article in the local rag and you therefore give yourself some zzzz-list celebrity status and expect a touch of red carpet treatment? IMO your stance is pathetic as a supposed journo supporting our local team. Focus your attention on your personal situation and keep your bile towards the club to yourself, its not warranted. What a Grade A prize pillock you really are. Haven't people been banned from this forum for less than this ? Attack a thoroughly decent guy who is coping with a terminally ill mother - you **** Thats way way beyond disagreements about a game of football - lets get some perspective here please.
Delmary Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 You only mentioned it 4 times in your column. what was it a slow news day? Seriously, Daren get over yourself this club as what 30k fans who must have come to see the team play at some stage over the past few years. How many of that 30,000 have family who are coping with serious or grave illnesses if not themselves. If the club acted on all their requests do you think we would ever be able to fit a football match in. With the greatest respect what makes your situation so special over all those other cases? Is it because you write an article in the local rag and you therefore give yourself some zzzz-list celebrity status and expect a touch of red carpet treatment? IMO your stance is pathetic as a supposed journo supporting our local team. Focus your attention on your personal situation and keep your bile towards the club to yourself, its not warranted.You nasty little man. You should be band from this forum.
Professor Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 Mods, can't help wondering if Darren's reply to Sundance would have been more appropriate by private message, as might Sundance's post. Demary is entitled to raise the issue of what is appropriate on the forum, but there are two sides to the discussion and those of us on here have only heard one side of it, and not the club's, so we are hardly in a position to judge. As a journalist, Darren does have means of putting matters in the public domain that most of us do not have, but is this really an appropriate matter for a fan's forum?
Daren W Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 Dear Steve, Baj, Rob and et all, This is why I will not be registering a s full user. I'll see you on Saturday and I'll gladly, glady give you the membership money as you work hard to give Saints fans avoice and I whole heartedly belive in that and I've gladly give you a fiver for that but I do not want full membership status. Why? Because this messageboard sadly still attract scumbags who stir the **** and are the antethesis of what I class as being a saints fan. I can argue the ass off anyone. I've had arguments with load of posters on here, Delldays, Misselbrook, Johnny Boy but I never doubted for a second that if I met them in real life we'd argue, have a beer, call each assholes, have a laugh about it and then argue again online the next day. I never doubted for second that they were Saints fans and despite differing opinions, we all cared deeply for the club. But recently this board has attracted the worst kind of scum. Cowardly pieces of trash who seem to revel in their anonimity and feel they can spray the most grievous of insults without any real responsiblity or outcome. I can't tell you how deeply I resent Sundance Beast's post. I'm not a bitter man, or one who, as Sundance would like to portray, is angry, hitting out at the world in anger. I'm reasonably well adjusted, mouthy, stupid, vodka drinking Saints fan living wih cancer and looking for a way to balance out the unfairness of it with some semblance of fairness. For me, raising money for charity is my way of balance. Now if asking the club for help to raise money for charity, or asking the club to get a dying woman's shirt signed is somehow asking for the moon on a stick then someone please tell. But if, like me, you thought this club had a proud tradition of raising money for charity and being the heart of the community then perhaps, just perhaps, you might think the club ignoring a request for help in raising money for charity is rather sad and shocking. To answer the Professor's questions, to his first point if Sundance can't answer my point without being offensive and objectionable then that's his problem, he has the right to be an asshole. I have the right to reply. To his second point the club had ample time to put their side across, as I've emailled and sent a letter... No reply... again. I mentioned it four times in my Echo column as I thought somone, somewhere, might read it and think "Hm, this really isn't the best bit of PR is it? Perhaps we should sent the fella a note or something." Even if it's a polite refusal. They didn't. That's it. That's all.. I'm not angry, I'm sad. I love this club desperately but to ignore two charitable appeals just hurts. No more, no less. Best of luck mods, it's not your fault in any way but this messageboard isn't what it should/could be... Best of luck with the trolls, Regards, Daren
derry Posted 29 August, 2008 Posted 29 August, 2008 You only mentioned it 4 times in your column. what was it a slow news day? Seriously, Daren get over yourself this club as what 30k fans who must have come to see the team play at some stage over the past few years. How many of that 30,000 have family who are coping with serious or grave illnesses if not themselves. If the club acted on all their requests do you think we would ever be able to fit a football match in. With the greatest respect what makes your situation so special over all those other cases? Is it because you write an article in the local rag and you therefore give yourself some zzzz-list celebrity status and expect a touch of red carpet treatment? IMO your stance is pathetic as a supposed journo supporting our local team. Focus your attention on your personal situation and keep your bile towards the club to yourself, its not warranted. You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel with this post. Your heartless comments, do you no favours. As far as I can anticipate any future comments you make on any subject will probably be treated with contempt because of this silly post.
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