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Meeting Thurs 23rd with Trust, SISA, Saveoursaints, 2 MPs, LM and MC

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  hypochondriac said:
Mark what are your thoughts of the evening with regard to SISA?


without knowing who you are, I prefer not to comment on here!!

  MarkSFC said:
without knowing who you are, I prefer not to comment on here!!


Just wanted an outline on what the meeting was like or why it was obstructed by people. PM is available if you would prefer it to remain private! I'm not anyone of importance, just a normal supporter :).

  hypochondriac said:
Just wanted an outline on what the meeting was like or why it was obstructed by people. PM is available if you would prefer it to remain private! I'm not anyone of importance, just a normal supporter :).


"normal"..me too!! learnt my lesson on here to be carful!

  hypochondriac said:
Just wanted an outline on what the meeting was like or why it was obstructed by people. PM is available if you would prefer it to remain private! I'm not anyone of importance, just a normal supporter :).


With your reputation i would disregard the highlighted comment!

  Stanley said:
With your reputation i would disregard the highlighted comment!


I presume you mean the time I made public the bloke inciting violence? I get PMs all the time from people on here and nobody knows a thing.

  MarkSFC said:
without knowing who you are, I prefer not to comment on here!!


So we all unite under one banner but only a few people are allowed to know what's going on.


Yeah i can see this working.


The bare bones of the meeting was in my previous posts, Mark is being sensible having seen how new posters are treated.

Posted (edited)

In some respects some good things came out of the meeting, as far as SISA were concerned for so-called political activists they displayed a complete lack of political skills and were unaware of the fact that they had been politically sidelined before the meeting.


Their loud voices and constant interruptions displayed for all to see their unsuitability to have any connection with an initiative. So much so when they were looking for unity for them to lead an initiative I'd really heard enough. I gave them both barrels.


I told them that I wouldn't dream of supporting them,we didn't need them and would be carrying on without them and already had a £m in pledges which shut them up for long enough to finish, I'd never meet with them again, the meeting was a disgrace, there was no structure. the chairman McMillan didn't have a clue and their behaviour was anarchistic.


I then smiled sweetly shook hands with a few, got a lot of knowing looks and left.


I had heard from many that SISA were a busted flush and they confirmed that.


The meeting! Chorley spoke for about 50 mins and said nothing that couldn't have been said in 2. By the end of that they had lost everybody.


Alan Whitehead spoke well, and was focused, in a nutshell bidding for the club wasn't on, it was keeping the club going until a buyer took over was the issue.


Leon Crouch was visibly upset and looked desperately worried. He was followed by Lawrie McMenemy they both said essentially the same thing and made their points quietly, informatively and with obvious concern. They said how desperate things were unless £250,000 was put into SFC over the next three weeks it would go under. That the whole focus should be on fundraising now not something that may never happen.


Mary Corbett, again made a very telling point that the finances of the football club were so bad it would be winding up not administration that would happen. That it was only the support of the creditors that was preventing that happening.


The two councillors were practical and brief, fund raising ideas were floated, the subject of the council buying the ground as a last resort was discussed. Tickets for the legends v celebrities match on Sunday May 17th are going on sale on Monday early purchase would be of immense help. The early launch of season tickets was raised but there is a liability if tickets are sold for next season knowing the club is in difficulties could leave the promoters personally responsible.


There is going to be a bucket collection on Saturday, I thought that passing the buckets along the rows would raise more money rather than less than 10% putting in as happened last time.


That's about it, from our point of view until the buyout is sealed we should continue with the backup initiative. The proposal at the moment is to work in parallel with Nick Illingsworth and the trust, they will publish the website address and support pledging in the press, we will look to use the trust to manage and contain any subsequent monetary appeal if necessary at the same time revamping and relaunching the trust.

Edited by derry
  derry said:
In some respects some good things came out of the meeting, as far as SISA were concerned for so-called political activists they displayed a complete lack of political skills and were unaware of the fact that they had been politically sidelined before the meeting.


Their loud voices and constant interruptions displayed for all to see their unsuitability to have any connection with an initiative. So much so when they were looking for unity for them to lead an initiative I'd really heard enough. I gave them both barrels.


I told them that I wouldn't dream of supporting them,we didn't need them and would be carrying on without them and already had a £m in pledges which shut them up for long enough to finish, I'd never meet with them again, the meeting was a disgrace, there was no structure. the chairman McMillan didn't have a clue and their behaviour was anarchistic.


I then smiled sweetly shook hands with a few, got a lot of knowing looks and left.


I had heard from many that SISA were a busted flush and they confirmed that.


The meeting! Chorley spoke for about 50 mins and said nothing that couldn't have been said in 2. By the end of that they had lost everybody.


Alan Whitehead spoke well, and was focused, in a nutshell bidding for the club wasn't on, it was keeping the club going until a buyer took over was the issue.


Leon Crouch was visibly upset and looked desperately worried. He was followed by Lawrie McMenemy they both said essentially the same thing and made their points quietly, informatively and with obvious concern. They said how desperate things were unless £250,000 was put into SFC over the next three weeks it would go under. That the whole focus should be on fundraising now not something that may never happen.


Mary Corbett, again made a very telling point that the finances of the football club were so bad it would be winding up not administration that would happen. That it was only the support of the creditors that was preventing that happening.


The two councillors were practical and brief, fund raising ideas were floated, the subject of the council buying the ground as a last resort was discussed.


There is going to be a bucket collection on Saturday, I thought that passing the buckets along the rows would raise more money rather than less than 10% putting in as happened last time.


That's about it, from our point of view until the buyout is sealed we should continue with the backup initiative. The proposal at the moment is to work in parallel with Nick Illingsworth and the trust, they will publish the website address and support pledging in the press, we will look to use the trust to manage and contain any subsequent monetary appeal if necessary at the same time revamping and relaunching the trust.


Thank you.


Out of interest how much was raised from the buckets last time.

  northam soul said:
So you expect us all to throw cash in and join the band but we are not allowed to know what was said at this uber fans meeting.


While you were going off half ****ed I was writing the report. Now you've seen the report how much cash are you going to put in?

  northam soul said:
Thank you.


Out of interest how much was raised from the buckets last time.



£5600, 1 cheque for £500 , plenty of notes, about 90% contributed nothing, average about 23p a seat. Pretty apathetic, don't you think?

  derry said:
£5600, 1 cheque for £500 , plenty of notes, about 90% contributed nothing, average about 23p a seat. Pretty apathetic, don't you think?


I still believe the general feeling is that the players earn thousands a week and publically anyway have said and done f*** all - of those I've spoken to the attitude seems to be that "why should I contribute to BWP's wages" - people would feel more inclined to contribute if those on thousands of pounds a week did the same. Given the circumstances the club is in I agree that the fans have to make things happen if we want a football club next year but it is understandable.

Surely you would not get intio bed John Westwood.... you know taht imga ehas now penetrated my brian ARHRARRR ;-)


You are right, we need practical realism - we have heard and read thousands of calls for unity over these last three years 0- yet the moment the factions try and work together, everyone begins slagging off one or the other.... FFS guys I I can book a virtual Holiday in Switzerland with Alpine Saint, the leats you can do is give these guys a chance - they just CARE.


Caring is'nt enough. Just coz a person cares doesnt make him a good leader of a plc/club/trust. I believe rupert 'cared'. He was just so misguided and arrogant he murdered our club. NI 'cares' but his leadership has left the trust in a **** state

  draganov said:



Tell me your not serious?


was watching the local news and saw Clive Foley speak, to me he has no baggage from the past (as far as Im aware) he speaks well and as I remember him selling ice creams around the pitch when I was a kid he gets my vote as a fans leader.



Oh clive does have baggage from the past

Seeing the replies from you and Derry I must have missed something about CF and baggage from the past
  nickh said:
Seeing the replies from you and Derry I must have missed something about CF and baggage from the past


Nick, if you had seen it last night you'd be embarrassed and looking for a rock to crawl under, it was that bad.

  derry said:
In some respects some good things came out of the meeting, as far as SISA were concerned for so-called political activists they displayed a complete lack of political skills and were unaware of the fact that they had been politically sidelined before the meeting.


Good to see u have everyone a fair crack of the whip

  Katalinic said:
I still believe the general feeling is that the players earn thousands a week and publically anyway have said and done f*** all - of those I've spoken to the attitude seems to be that "why should I contribute to BWP's wages" - people would feel more inclined to contribute if those on thousands of pounds a week did the same. Given the circumstances the club is in I agree that the fans have to make things happen if we want a football club next year but it is understandable.


LC and LM talked about that, and fully understand. Forget the players they haven't a clue. It's down to the fans, keep the club going until it's bought and wave goodbye to most of this years squad and management and good riddance.


We have to get over the next three weeks.

Posted (edited)
  ItchenRob said:
I thought KD and Euell had foregone their wages - or was that just a rumour?


Maybe but that is voluntary. If the wages were withheld, the PFA would step in and pay the players. The club would then be forced into administration, which, as it couldn't be funded, would mean winding up.


The sooner fans grasp the message the sooner we can do something.

Edited by derry

You know it seems like we can't even run a fan's forum without sniping, backstabbing and general abuse, God knows how fans would run The Club? (I take nothing away from those who are genuinely trying to rescue the club, its just not going to work though)

As for donations, until The Administrator (and only him) says that basically we need £x...K to actually keep going i won't be contributing cash, will buy tickets, would even renew my season ticket (use a credit card for insurance!) today but there is no point in giving cash, it pays wages and Beggbies and if the club gets taken over (and i think it will) then you'd have to say we woukld have donated for nothing.

You know, maybe we should arrange to buy the kit and balls etc. and just restart the club, playing at The Sports Centre on Saturdays, we could get some decent players together.

Isn't that new Man Utd team doing okay now?


It's shame that Crouch didn't put the "£250,000 in the next three weeks" statement into his appeal on the OS. The reality if the situation needs to be stated openly, not just alluded to. Print it on the front of tomorrow's programme FFS!

  Marley said:
It's shame that Crouch didn't put the "£250,000 in the next three weeks" statement into his appeal on the OS. The reality if the situation needs to be stated openly, not just alluded to. Print it on the front of tomorrow's programme FFS!


It should also be on the front page of tomorrow's Echo. Why are the likes of LC, MC and LM not making this plain to a much wider public audience?


I think most fans still believe we will be bought and will carry on - but there's a real chance we could fold before that happens. Very worrying.


Firstly, I appreciate Derry posting information gained from the meeting and indeed making us aware there was such a meeting.

This 250k over 3 weeks or else its a winding up concerns me greatly, other than for obvious reasons, I fail to understand why this is not being shouted from every rooftop, if fans and the people of Southampton are aware surely we have more chance of raising this amount, TV, papers etc... should be highlighting this, Fry had the national stage yesterday but failed to highlight this, an announcement/appeal should be made at the ground just prior to kick off to maximise those listening.

Players not having a clue is a nonsense, I would suggest they are acutely aware of the situation and should make the same gesture Euell and KD are alleged to have made, if not all, a percentage and make it public knowledge in order those who question what are the players contributing(off the field this time) are aware.

The failure of the groups to come out of the meeting united is disappointing, the characters behind some of the groups polarise opinions, like them or not they have the ability to generate support for any initiative, I agree with a post earlier in the thread take SISA, TRUST etc.. and campaign under one banner of Save Our Saints then some maybe able to remove their dislike of individuals associated to any of the groups and support verbally and more importantly financially SFC during these times.

  derry said:
In some respects some good things came out of the meeting, as far as SISA were concerned for so-called political activists they displayed a complete lack of political skills and were unaware of the fact that they had been politically sidelined before the meeting.


Their loud voices and constant interruptions displayed for all to see their unsuitability to have any connection with an initiative. So much so when they were looking for unity for them to lead an initiative I'd really heard enough. I gave them both barrels.


I told them that I wouldn't dream of supporting them,we didn't need them and would be carrying on without them and already had a £m in pledges which shut them up for long enough to finish, I'd never meet with them again, the meeting was a disgrace, there was no structure. the chairman McMillan didn't have a clue and their behaviour was anarchistic.


I then smiled sweetly shook hands with a few, got a lot of knowing looks and left.


I had heard from many that SISA were a busted flush and they confirmed that.


The meeting! Chorley spoke for about 50 mins and said nothing that couldn't have been said in 2. By the end of that they had lost everybody.


Alan Whitehead spoke well, and was focused, in a nutshell bidding for the club wasn't on, it was keeping the club going until a buyer took over was the issue.


Leon Crouch was visibly upset and looked desperately worried. He was followed by Lawrie McMenemy they both said essentially the same thing and made their points quietly, informatively and with obvious concern. They said how desperate things were unless £250,000 was put into SFC over the next three weeks it would go under. That the whole focus should be on fundraising now not something that may never happen.


Mary Corbett, again made a very telling point that the finances of the football club were so bad it would be winding up not administration that would happen. That it was only the support of the creditors that was preventing that happening.


The two councillors were practical and brief, fund raising ideas were floated, the subject of the council buying the ground as a last resort was discussed. Tickets for the legends v celebrities match on Sunday May 17th are going on sale on Monday early purchase would be of immense help. The early launch of season tickets was raised but there is a liability if tickets are sold for next season knowing the club is in difficulties could leave the promoters personally responsible.


There is going to be a bucket collection on Saturday, I thought that passing the buckets along the rows would raise more money rather than less than 10% putting in as happened last time.


That's about it, from our point of view until the buyout is sealed we should continue with the backup initiative. The proposal at the moment is to work in parallel with Nick Illingsworth and the trust, they will publish the website address and support pledging in the press, we will look to use the trust to manage and contain any subsequent monetary appeal if necessary at the same time revamping and relaunching the trust.


good sumary thanks for the info.


It was sad to hear Clive Foley on Radio Solent this morning saying that ego`s were on display at the meeting that stopped the meeting having a unified approach ( The Trust not wanting to work with SISA etc). If true it is worrying. It is big ego`s that got us in to the current situation. If ever there was a time to put petty differences to one side and move forward as one it is now!

  miserableoldgit said:
It was sad to hear Clive Foley on Radio Solent this morning saying that ego`s were on display at the meeting that stopped the meeting having a unified approach ( The Trust not wanting to work with SISA etc). If true it is worrying. It is big ego`s that got us in to the current situation. If ever there was a time to put petty differences to one side and move forward as one it is now!



It doesn't really matter what happened at some pointless talking shop anyway.


We'll be taken over by one or a number of businessmen and none of these uberfan clowns will be anywhere near the football club.


please god, no fan ownership ever, ever, ever.

  derry said:
We have to get over the next three weeks.



Derry - many thanks for the report and I am glad somebody is taking a lead and trying to do something. There are some key questions that in my mind are not clear and I would like to see the answers put on a sticky at the top of this forum. I agree also that the key monetary figure needed to survive until take-over, is published properly and publicly as soon as possible. Here are the questions...


1. My understanding is that £1m has been pledged to help the cause. If this is so, why not just call in those pledges? They amount to four times the £250k being bandied about, so what's the problem?


2. Why are the players not being lobbied a lot harder to contribute? They have been partly responsible for the poor results this season and frankly can afford, on a pro-rata basis, to contribute.


3. How do we know where the donated money is going to? Is there a mechanism that can be set-up in conjunction with the administrator that ensures that ALL monies paid by fans go DIRECTLY to the running of the club and NOT someone's personal pocket or indeed the administrators themselves. If this was possible, I believe many more individuals would have some faith in helping out and contributing.

  derry said:
Maybe but that is voluntary. If the wages were withheld, the PFA would step in and pay the players. The club would then be forced into administration, which, as it couldn't be funded, would mean winding up.


The sooner you grasp the message the sooner we can do something.


Fry seemed a lot more positive than this on radio this morning. Even talking about not needing the council's assistance etc, no sounds of panic etc.

  CB Fry said:
It doesn't really matter what happened at some pointless talking shop anyway.


We'll be taken over by one or a number of businessmen and none of these uberfan clowns will be anywhere near the football club.


please god, no fan ownership ever, ever, ever.


The thing thing is these "uberfan clowns" are not as daft as you think. The Saints Trust/SISA clique are jockeying for position as the voices of SFC.


The new owners will hopefully know a little of Saints history and will not be hoodwinked into thinking they need these fringe groups.


Maybe the reason why we didnt advertise how much sh1t we are in is because the admins thought it would effect the -10 points ruling.


Now thats out the way, lets just be honest with everyone and get ths 250k figure out in the public domain.

  Stanley said:
So those who left the Trust because they didn't want to support it i.e me, are automatically signed up to back it for life. What a joke. Therefore like it not Nick is using my ex membership to add weight to his opinion.


I hope the club see through this sham and recognise that the Trust has 400 people that support it, NOT the figure they band about.


The Trust is just another SISA.


It is a f*cking disgrace and misleading that they claim to represent 1000 people, and I am not sure of the legality of it all as well.


Nice to see Nick laying the blame for the Trust not working at the hands of the SaintsWeb forum.... just shows what a corrupt group the Trust is.


The Trust don't have any members because they have done absolutely f*ck for their members.


Have the Trust actually ever done anything to represent their members? When they come up with this grand idea of purchasing the stadium, did they contact their members and did they put it to a vote before pressing on with it?


Have they consulted their membership base about anything?


NO is the answer, the Trust is just a vehicle for a small group of mates to get themselves through the front door at St Marys and get their mugs on TV etc.


SISA again is a small group of mates who use the name to get info etc and have special privelidges at St Marys. If SISA is a fans supporters group, how do I join then? I don't, because there is no such thing.


Save Our Saints is the only decent group of people who are genuinely trying to do something to help.


Fan Ownership? Don't make me laugh.


I have emailed the club as well about my opinions.

  miserableoldgit said:
It was sad to hear Clive Foley on Radio Solent this morning saying that ego`s were on display at the meeting that stopped the meeting having a unified approach ( The Trust not wanting to work with SISA etc). If true it is worrying. It is big ego`s that got us in to the current situation. If ever there was a time to put petty differences to one side and move forward as one it is now!


The only egos on display from my point of view were SISA. Derry's summary is preety much as it was. An opening statement which lasted for ages...it osunded like a sermon...which as Derry said, could easily been summed up in just a few minutes. This opening statement from Richard Chorley was listened to in complete silence, literally no questions during it. As the meeting moved on, there were more interuptions while people were talking and mainly but not all the time it was a member of SISA who did so. Having never really spoken to any os SISA I went there willing to give them a chance to prove my pre-judged opinion of them (formed by listening to their retarich over the last 13 years - but the let me down. I think they had a great chance to "come in from the cold" but failed to wind in their methods. Its ashame that they havnt realised that their way of doing things isnt suitable in this situation and this day and age. In the BRanfoot years, it was more suited and for me that was the only good they did. You cannot deny though that they love Southampton Football Club.


  Saint Fan CaM said:
Derry - many thanks for the report and I am glad somebody is taking a lead and trying to do something. There are some key questions that in my mind are not clear and I would like to see the answers put on a sticky at the top of this forum. I agree also that the key monetary figure needed to survive until take-over, is published properly and publicly as soon as possible. Here are the questions...


1. My understanding is that £1m has been pledged to help the cause. If this is so, why not just call in those pledges? They amount to four times the £250k being bandied about, so what's the problem?


2. Why are the players not being lobbied a lot harder to contribute? They have been partly responsible for the poor results this season and frankly can afford, on a pro-rata basis, to contribute.


3. How do we know where the donated money is going to? Is there a mechanism that can be set-up in conjunction with the administrator that ensures that ALL monies paid by fans go DIRECTLY to the running of the club and NOT someone's personal pocket or indeed the administrators themselves. If this was possible, I believe many more individuals would have some faith in helping out and contributing.


To answer Q1 if I may...the original thread by Derry was "How much would you donate to OWN your club"? and not donate, so although a great figure I think it would/will change in this scenario. SFC (NOT SLH) NEED £250K+ NOW!!!

We are now in a seriously desperate situation where the facts are as far as we were told last night is that if the Football Club goes to Administration...IT FOLDS, then its Wessex league or whatever!!


In relation to Q2, I agree and it would be great if they did defer. My concern is that by letting the frustration of putting money in the pockets of players (something I totally agree with however) we are missing the point. Players will get other jobs (well most of them) BUT the "normal" employees jobs are at risk. For these people sake we MUST keep the club afloat.

We were assured that the money will go directly into SFC.

  StuRomseySaint said:
Save Our Saints is the only decent group of people who are genuinely trying to do something to help.


I agree with this, but it seems to me like The Trust/SISA are trying to jump on the bandwagon and claim the plaudits so they can milk the political advantages further down the line.

  Stanley said:
I agree with this, but it seems to me like The Trust/SISA are trying to jump on the bandwagon and claim the plaudits so they can milk the political advantages further down the line.


It seems to me that Mark and Derry have got the measure of these disparate groups.


I know it's been said before but can I thank Mark and Derry again for all their efforts on our behalf.


Even if those efforts come to nothing (heaven forfend) then at least they tried.


Thanks guys.

  bridge too far said:
It seems to me that Mark and Derry have got the measure of these disparate groups.


I know it's been said before but can I thank Mark and Derry again for all their efforts on our behalf.


Even if those efforts come to nothing (heaven forfend) then at least they tried.


Thanks guys.



Hear Hear !

  derry said:
Maybe but that is voluntary. If the wages were withheld, the PFA would step in and pay the players. The club would then be forced into administration, which, as it couldn't be funded, would mean winding up.


The sooner you grasp the message the sooner we can do something.



Excuse me - but how do you conclude from the perfectly innocent question I asked that I had not "grasp[ed] the message?!

  derry said:
Not allowed due liability if selling something and not able to deliver,


Get everyone who buys a season ticket to agree to terms and conditions that waives this consumer protection? i.e. shift the risk to the consumer in this case.


Isn't this consumer protection law a self-defeating constraint?


i.e. Club needs guaranteed income to stay afloat but can't generate said income because we may not stay afloat....


No wonder the whole financial system has gone up it's own arse

  derry said:
The early launch of season tickets was raised but there is a liability if tickets are sold for next season knowing the club is in difficulties could leave the promoters personally responsible.


If it helped saved the club, who would buy a season ticket if they had to sign away their consumer rights to a refund if the club went under?


Bear in mind that the actual sale of season tickets would render the consumer risk low so a 'win win' surely?


Who would waive their consumer rights to save the club?


What I dont understand is why Leon Crouch and Lawrie Mac only seem to want to deal with the Trust and SISA who as StuRomseySaint repeatedly states have virtually no members and are not representative of the fan base. At least when Lowe was in charge he would communicate (even if he didnt listen) with other fans groups. Leon Crouch had little or no communication or meetings with other groups despite requests when he was in charge. IMO these actions and even now meeting with SISA and the Trust just help to keep the fan base divided.

I recall the Trust putting pressure on fans groups to be represented solely by the Trust. Most fans groups rejected their approaches as we do not always agree with their views and do not want to be represented by the likes of Nick Illingsworth or Richard Chorley of SISA.


My suggestion to Derry is if he feels the need to get help from fans he approaches all fans groups and includes people like London Saints, Northern Saints etc as from where I sit most fans will not support any campaign run by the Trust or SISA unless it represents all fans. Therefore I would suggest that Derry & Co dis-associate themselves from SISA or the Trust otherwise their worthy efforts will ultimately be undermined.


I suspect that LC and LM are desperately reaching out to the only organizations (in their knowledge) who seem to represent blocks of fans. They don't understand all the politics, personal jealousies and relationships.


What is killing us right now is that we are being divided by our differences before we ever unite around our similarities. Just read through this thread again! It's really sad.


Never has there been a greater need for one group to step up on behalf of the fans generally. Not to buy the club or grab a seat or two on a board of directors, but to act as a platform for whatever needs to be done to save the club.


As far as I can see that's what Derry and Mark are trying to achieve here, so I'd urge them to keep on going and try to take it to the next level. And we need to support them however we can.


Berkhamsted Saint's idea to pull those other groups into the equation is a really good start.

  CanadaSaint said:
I suspect that LC and LM are desperately reaching out to the only organizations (in their knowledge) who seem to represent blocks of fans. They don't understand all the politics, personal jealousies and relationships.


What is killing us right now is that we are being divided by our differences before we ever unite around our similarities. Just read through this thread again! It's really sad.


Never has there been a greater need for one group to step up on behalf of the fans generally. Not to buy the club or grab a seat or two on a board of directors, but to act as a platform for whatever needs to be done to save the club.


As far as I can see that's what Derry and Mark are trying to achieve here, so I'd urge them to keep on going and try to take it to the next level. And we need to support them however we can.


Berkhamsted Saint's idea to pull those other groups into the equation is a really good start.



Agree with all you say, but the cynic in me still wonders whether people are looking to keep the divisions running on purpose.

  derry said:
In some respects some good things came out of the meeting, as far as SISA were concerned for so-called political activists they displayed a complete lack of political skills and were unaware of the fact that they had been politically sidelined before the meeting.


Their loud voices and constant interruptions displayed for all to see their unsuitability to have any connection with an initiative. So much so when they were looking for unity for them to lead an initiative I'd really heard enough. I gave them both barrels.


I told them that I wouldn't dream of supporting them,we didn't need them and would be carrying on without them and already had a £m in pledges which shut them up for long enough to finish, I'd never meet with them again, the meeting was a disgrace, there was no structure. the chairman McMillan didn't have a clue and their behaviour was anarchistic.


I then smiled sweetly shook hands with a few, got a lot of knowing looks and left.


I had heard from many that SISA were a busted flush and they confirmed that.


The meeting! Chorley spoke for about 50 mins and said nothing that couldn't have been said in 2. By the end of that they had lost everybody.


Alan Whitehead spoke well, and was focused, in a nutshell bidding for the club wasn't on, it was keeping the club going until a buyer took over was the issue.


Leon Crouch was visibly upset and looked desperately worried. He was followed by Lawrie McMenemy they both said essentially the same thing and made their points quietly, informatively and with obvious concern. They said how desperate things were unless £250,000 was put into SFC over the next three weeks it would go under. That the whole focus should be on fundraising now not something that may never happen.


Mary Corbett, again made a very telling point that the finances of the football club were so bad it would be winding up not administration that would happen. That it was only the support of the creditors that was preventing that happening.


The two councillors were practical and brief, fund raising ideas were floated, the subject of the council buying the ground as a last resort was discussed. Tickets for the legends v celebrities match on Sunday May 17th are going on sale on Monday early purchase would be of immense help. The early launch of season tickets was raised but there is a liability if tickets are sold for next season knowing the club is in difficulties could leave the promoters personally responsible.


There is going to be a bucket collection on Saturday, I thought that passing the buckets along the rows would raise more money rather than less than 10% putting in as happened last time.


That's about it, from our point of view until the buyout is sealed we should continue with the backup initiative. The proposal at the moment is to work in parallel with Nick Illingsworth and the trust, they will publish the website address and support pledging in the press, we will look to use the trust to manage and contain any subsequent monetary appeal if necessary at the same time revamping and relaunching the trust.


Isn't that figure about exactly what Swansea are reputed to be offering for Dyer?


He may be worth more, but in the circumstances might this not be the time to bite the bullet and take whatever we can get. If we can sell him for 250k then problem solved is it not?.....



  Saint 76er said:
Isn't that figure about exactly what Swansea are reputed to be offering for Dyer?


He may be worth more, but in the circumstances might this not be the time to bite the bullet and take whatever we can get. If we can sell him for 250k then problem solved is it not?.....




You would have thought so.


If it's a choice between selling Dyer on the cheap or the club ceasing to exist then it's proverbial "non brainer" isn't it?

  Marsdinho said:
Cant you use the £m in pledges to help towards the £250k needed. Isnt that what it was for.


In a word we would have to mount a specific appeal for money but the administrator/club doesn't want to bare it's soul if it can be avoided.

  ItchenRob said:
Excuse me - but how do you conclude from the perfectly innocent question I asked that I had not "grasp[ed] the message?!


Apologies Rob I should have said the fans collectively and not you, there have been so many questions relating to players you might even call it the BWP syndrome as he is the one whose wages are continually mentioned.


I've edited it.

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