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Well I was at Goodison when we went down we actually won that day.


Probably rather upset did not know who the Chairman was and never saw Terry Paine again

I remeber that day, although I didnt go.Brian O'neill and Osgood scored if I remeber correctly in a 3 -0 victory.Too little too late , it was the defeat home to Brum that cost us that season


I wasn't at Goodison, but I had been at The Dell regularly all through the season. I was aware Ted Bates had left McMenemy with the club in what seemed a secure position, but instead of strengthening a leaky defence LM splashed all the cash on Osgood. I think it was faith in knowing that Bates was still there as general manager, and that if he thought MacMenemy was worth perservering with, then you backed his judgement. It turned out OK, but only with hindsight - something that Saints fans have a huge store of!

Returning to the thread, I'm not even sure if Lowe can ever be 'vindicated' as the decisions of club chairmen always carry a risk. Ambramovich thought Shevchenko was a cert, but in hindsight the decision was bad - but he gets away with it because his money compensates for the loss. No chairman can make a decision that is certain to be right, so if it turns out to be right, there has to an element of luck. The same is true if a decision that is made in good faith, turns out to be wrong. However, there will be no pity from the average fan if things do go wrong, as the fan ultimately has the benefit of hindsight.

It is arrogant folly to suggest Lowe has been a dismal failure in the past 5 years.



It is arrogant to suggest that anybody is arrogant who suggests that Lowe has been a dismal failure. ;)


It is not his fault a campaign was started in the false hope that the grass would be any greener under a different regime.


This is a contradiction. Don't you see it? Had he not been a failure, then there would be no need for the campaign to oust him. Therefore QED it was his fault that there was the campaign against him.


The arrogance of the fans and misplaced hatred of Lowe and desire to rid the club of his presence was both ignorant and stupid and I suggest we would not be in the position we are today if Lowe had not been forced to resign as chairman originally.


Whilst we're dealing in hypothetical situations, neither would we probably have been in this situation had the reverse takeover never taken place. Your opinion that the hatred is misplaced, arrogant, ignorant and stupid is precisely that; your opinion. It certainly isn't fact, as many would disagree with your assessment.


Certainly, recent events suggest that this theory does have some grounding when you consider the performance of the various regimes in the intervening two years.


The crucial factor is probably the managers. And the ones who got us relegated and then who failed to get us back up were both Lowe appointees. And the leading light in the regime that ousted Lowe is one Michael Wilde, who was the catalyst also for his return.


Fans who expect board directors to invest their own money into the club are acting like spoilt little brats. Why should directors pour money into any club with no hope of a return on their just because director's of other clubs do? It is that sort of mindset that has got football into the mess it is in today. A business whose survival relies on the contribution from 'sugar daddies' is not exactly sustainable


of course it is, providing that the money continues to pour in...


and if we are heading for recession as all indicators seem to suggest then the likes of Bournemouth, Luton and Rotherham will merely be the tip of the iceberg as cash-strapped businessman reign in their contributions to their 'hobbies'.


Well, we wouldn't know what that was like, as we never had anybody invest any serious money in us, especially not during the decade whilst Lowe was in charge. Perhaps he also wanted total control of his hobby, but on the cheap.


Of course we will need to sell off one or two rising stars that is what makes this club sustainable especially whilst we have a percentage of fickle fans who stay away merely because some suits working hard on our behalf occupy a place in the offices at SMS.


Are they working hard? They're mostly part time, surely?


Rightly, they take a wage and why not if they work hard at delivering a self-funded club that can stand as a business in its own right without unreliable and consistent donations from businessmen whose wealth is determined by the economy of this or there own country, why shouldn't they be paid handsomely. Surely, a self funded club is something to be proud of than getting something for 'nothing'? Although that 'nothing' may actually result in a big something like administration if those who donate choose to withdraw.


I'll continue to hold out hope that somebody else takes us over, as the current bunch have split the club down the middle and replacing them might bring unity.


What impact will a new cold war with Russia have on their new ecomony? I doubt Roman was overly pleased with Putin's comments as a large percentage of their gas production is to supply the west which in the event of a cold war maybe the gas taps would be turned off along with the revenue for those who supply it? An extreme example but even the those with the deepest pockets are prone to a need to 'cut their cloth' occassionally and if you've been their prostitute supplying their kicks for a few years then you will suffer from their withdrawal.


Had I been their prostitute, I'm sure I'd suffer more pain from their insertion rather than their withdrawal. ;)


We are in a weakened position but Lowe has proven again that his way is the right way and it was the arrogance of the fans and those who campaigned so vociferously for his removal who have been shown to be the arrogant and ignorant ones


You said this already in your opening paragraph. Did you forget, or did it need repeating?


and unlike Lowe are now unwilling to bury the hatchet and deliver a future for this club without bleating about and wishing for unsustainable charity from those with a well earned wealth.


Anti-Lowe = anti-club.


Your last sentence is the biggest load of rot. As half of the fanbase is anti- Lowe, then presumably you will admit that our fanbase is only half as large as it is presumed to be, or do they pay good money and waste time going to matches when they are anti-club? The sensible posters urge us to forget the boardroom politics and support the club. But from your closing statement, they cannot do that, as they are deemed to be anti-club, so no point in supporting it, is there?


And just to prove what a hypocrite you are with that stand, presumably the statement holds good for the previous chairman too.


Anti-Crouch = anti club? :smt075

remember the days when we enjoyed the football, good and bad, and neither knew nor cared about the board room?


Just out of curiosity who is the Chairman as its been such a long time since someone mentioned it, I'VE FORGOTTEN.


Bring on the yuf and the football.


The funny thing about this is that Scooby is a wind-up merchant. Everyone knows that.


Sundance Beast, on the other hand, seems alarmingly sincere!

The funny thing about this is that Scooby is a wind-up merchant. Everyone knows that.


Sundance Beast, on the other hand, seems alarmingly sincere!


Fortunately his three posts a day don't always coincide with the hour or so when they let him out of the padded cell.

Lowe deserves all the credit for what he's done for SFC this season.


Our first 11 is pretty much a result of his academy.

Our unique style of play and management was his risk.

Our cost cutting


SFC were rotting.


Now we are winning.


I dont think you are correct in saying half of our fan base are anti lowe.


Thats like saying half of the fanbase dont realise what he's done for us this season.


You clearly give no credit to the real Football club Chairman... The real brains behind this wonderful new machine.

remember the days when we enjoyed the football, good and bad, and neither knew nor cared about the board room?


Yep, the days of the clubcall cryptic headlines. The internet has certainly had a big impact, BUT egotistical self publicicists like Wilde and Lowe have brought a lot of it upon themselves.


Public relations guru Shimon Cohen has defended his tactics [of posting on Saintsforever] saying "There is a vocal section of Southampton fans who made up their minds a long time ago and have closed their eyes to debate. Our PR brief is to renew the debate."

Yep, the days of the clubcall cryptic headlines. The internet has certainly had a big impact, BUT egotistical self publicicists like Wilde and Lowe have brought a lot of it upon themselves.


Public relations guru Shimon Cohen has defended his tactics [of posting on Saintsforever] saying "There is a vocal section of Southampton fans who made up their minds a long time ago and have closed their eyes to debate. Our PR brief is to renew the debate."

cant seem to recall when and where they have done this so far this season?


infact, many moaning minis are cursing th fact they dont hear from wilde enough....


when was the last time we really heard from lowe about anything?????

Isnt that what you and other wanted???

Lowe deserves all the credit for what he's done for SFC this season.


Our first 11 is pretty much a result of his academy.

Our unique style of play and management was his risk.

Our cost cutting


SFC were rotting.


Now we are winning.


I dont think you are correct in saying half of our fan base are anti lowe.


Thats like saying half of the fanbase dont realise what he's done for us this season.


No it's not. You can interpret what I said any way you like, but if you want to put that twist on it, then I'll conclude that either I haven't expressed it very clearly, or your lcak of comprehension is at fault.


And all the credit goes to Lowe? None to Wilde for making it possible for him to return? None to Portvliet and Wotte and indeed Hockaday? None to the players? And as the dire financial straits were the root cause of the necessity to sell the older journeymen and introduce the youngsters, then presumably by extension the former boards after Lowe's departure are to be credited for causing those conditions that helped Lowe into this situation. ;)

The "moany brigade" may be right or wrong, but if they hold an opinion, don't expect them to come here and change it after a win ot two...that would make them fickle fans people complain about.


The most fickle posters are the ones who are busy happy-clapping after a couple of wins, talking about "at least a play-off place", and two defeats later are searching around for someone to crucify.


A forum is just a place to spout off your opinion, right or wrong. Some people seem to want you to comit hari-kari as soon as there is a hint of a question mark about how right you were.


I've been critical of Lowe and the risky path he is (at the moment) following. I may well be wrong (I hope I am actually), but hey, it's just opinion, it's not as though the "moany brigade" had tried to defend the holocaust.


As a happy clappy I don't search around for someone to crucify after two losses. However the moany brigade tend to stay silent after two wins then come back to crucify the happy clappies when we have a couple of losses. And you call the likes of me a fickle poster.


IF the Saints do well this season, by which I mean generally being in the top half of the table, the credit should go to all concerned. Lowe has undoubtedly played a major role in creating the current playing conditions, but if success comes this will have been due to a whole range of other factors, other people and even chance. Nothing in football is certain and nothing is ever down to just one person.

But Lowe has been the target of abuse by a small group of the usual suspects over almost every the decision taken since May, and as the more dire of the horrors predicted are already looking to be unfounded, its reasonable to begin talking about 'vindication', but this should not mean he gets all the credit.

But its also a reminder, that the simplistic approach of giving responsibility to one person was just as wrong when Lowe was blamed for all the club's ills in the past.

As a happy clappy I don't search around for someone to crucify after two losses. However the moany brigade tend to stay silent after two wins then come back to crucify the happy clappies when we have a couple of losses. And you call the likes of me a fickle poster.


This "stay silent after a win" bollllocks is hillarious.


I come on here and congratulate the team and express my feelings about what I think it means in going forwards in the bigger picture after EVERY game, as soon as I can.

This "stay silent after a win" bollllocks is hillarious.


I come on here and congratulate the team and express my feelings about what I think it means in going forwards in the bigger picture after EVERY game, as soon as I can.


I think Alps neglects to say that even 3G mobiles don't always work up mountains or down cellars!


due to Alpine's problems getting quickly on line occassionally he has asked me to post on his behalf in the future. This posts will be identified by starting Alpines says..."

due to Alpine's problems getting quickly on line occassionally he has asked me to post on his behalf in the future. This posts will be identified by starting Alpines says..."


I think you'd better provide a quick explanation line such as above each time you post a message on Alpine's behalf, NickG. You know how people are apt to take the wrong slant on things.

Your last sentence is the biggest load of rot. As half of the fanbase is anti- Lowe, then presumably you will admit that our fanbase is only half as large as it is presumed to be, or do they pay good money and waste time going to matches when they are anti-club? The sensible posters urge us to forget the boardroom politics and support the club. But from your closing statement, they cannot do that, as they are deemed to be anti-club, so no point in supporting it, is there?


And just to prove what a hypocrite you are with that stand, presumably the statement holds good for the previous chairman too.


Anti-Crouch = anti club? :smt075


Wes no one likes a smart arse so why do you continue to respond with your witless and 'clever' remarks and draw attention to yourself further by using your now infamous shade of blue text.?


You accuse me of providing opinion but I see little else in your less than reasoned responses. Again you choose to avoid the real valid issues I have raised instead choosing to concentrate on a little personal point scoring.


There are many fans of many clubs hoping for a takeover or cash injection into their club as their benfactors have decided to move on for whatever reason. You are clearly in this lie back and hope camp as was Crouch. I prefer to put my faith in positive action and trying to address the situation for ourselves. Relying on sugar daddies is only sustainable until the cash runs out. You appear to agree with his but prefer to sit in that camp as it 'may' bring unity. HELLO, it will only bring administration sitting and waiting and even if we did find the golden goose our fickle fans would soon be looking to roast it. Anyone who is willing to inject their own money into a football club seems to lose their business senses that earned their wealth in the first place or they get out before its too late. You watch Ashley at Newcastle, very shrewd to have earned his wealth and yet that shrewdness has seem to have deserted him but it will return and it will be goodbye Newcastle.


Nickh made some very relevant comments regarding Lowe and relegation and you Wes Baby make the worse contradiction of all prefering to shower praise on the management team and players for our good start without recognition to the chairman but blame him for our relegation without culpability being assigned to the players and managers.


Wes you are not as smart as you like to think you are, in fact you are somewhat tedious and I doubt even your wife enjoys your lay back and wait for something good to happen approach to life.


...and finally, I know many people who have part-time jobs and work very hard for their employers. Some even hold down 2 part-time jobs successfully and its somewhat insulting to suggest a person who only works part-time is not capable of working hard. Wes, stop showing yourself up - your embarrassing yourself.

This "stay silent after a win" bollllocks is hillarious.


I come on here and congratulate the team and express my feelings about what I think it means in going forwards in the bigger picture after EVERY game, as soon as I can.

I think people might be referring to posts in August which were almost all negative ones. Posts predicting relegation, despite the evidence of squad re-building seem to have dried up. Posts predicting that the club would not survive the season, have also stopped, but possibly that was due to mistaking budgetary and financial control as meaning that the club had no money, a fundamental error. Its refreshing now to see the more positive approach, but which should not prevent criticism when results go against us.

Wes no one likes a smart arse so why do you continue to respond with your witless and 'clever' remarks and draw attention to yourself further by using your now infamous shade of blue text.?


You accuse me of providing opinion but I see little else in your less than reasoned responses. Again you choose to avoid the real valid issues I have raised instead choosing to concentrate on a little personal point scoring.


There are many fans of many clubs hoping for a takeover or cash injection into their club as their benfactors have decided to move on for whatever reason. You are clearly in this lie back and hope camp as was Crouch. I prefer to put my faith in positive action and trying to address the situation for ourselves. Relying on sugar daddies is only sustainable until the cash runs out. You appear to agree with his but prefer to sit in that camp as it 'may' bring unity. HELLO, it will only bring administration sitting and waiting and even if we did find the golden goose our fickle fans would soon be looking to roast it. Anyone who is willing to inject their own money into a football club seems to lose their business senses that earned their wealth in the first place or they get out before its too late. You watch Ashley at Newcastle, very shrewd to have earned his wealth and yet that shrewdness has seem to have deserted him but it will return and it will be goodbye Newcastle.


Nickh made some very relevant comments regarding Lowe and relegation and you Wes Baby make the worse contradiction of all prefering to shower praise on the management team and players for our good start without recognition to the chairman but blame him for our relegation without culpability being assigned to the players and managers.


Wes you are not as smart as you like to think you are, in fact you are somewhat tedious and I doubt even your wife enjoys your lay back and wait for something good to happen approach to life.


...and finally, I know many people who have part-time jobs and work very hard for their employers. Some even hold down 2 part-time jobs successfully and its somewhat insulting to suggest a person who only works part-time is not capable of working hard. Wes, stop showing yourself up - your embarrassing yourself.



Pot and Kettle re embarrassing yourself


A typical rambling and irrelevant response from Sundance. You know that he has totally lost the plot when he introduces personal aspects without any foundation to support it.


"Wes you are not as smart as you like to think you are, in fact you are somewhat tedious and I doubt even your wife enjoys your lay back and wait for something good to happen approach to life".


I must have touched a nerve, exposing the hypocrisy of his statement that anti-Lowe = anti club. He was the most rabidly anti-Crouch poster on the board, so presumably by the same token the most anti-club poster when Crouch was chairman.


Or is there one rule for the pot and another for the kettle?

This "stay silent after a win" bollllocks is hillarious.


I come on here and congratulate the team and express my feelings about what I think it means in going forwards in the bigger picture after EVERY game, as soon as I can.


Despite having no idea what happened in the game because you didn't see it.

I believe it's anyone who likes financial prudence, innovative thinking and thinking outside the box.


That means I am a Lowe Luvvie I just thought I was a sensible supporter

That means I am a Lowe Luvvie I just thought I was a sensible supporter


Could that also mean Lowe's a sensible Chairman? ;)


Typical of Sycophant Scooby - as usual in his eyes Lowe has sun shining from his Rrse!


Lowe hasn't changed.. do leopards change their spots?


Bring back the gallows on Itchen Bridge and Judas must go with him.

Typical of Sycophant Scooby - as usual in his eyes Lowe has sun shining from his Rrse!


Lowe hasn't changed.. do leopards change their spots?


Bring back the gallows on Itchen Bridge and Judas must go with him.

Perhaps it is a small section of fans who need to change their spots.

Iwatched SSN this morning and Tony Gale was on talking about WHU and he spoke about prudence and balancing the books.He mentioned that the previous chairman had overspent and now players would have to be sacrificed to balance things up.

They are in the so-called land of milk and honey and have to, so why get all het up because we are doing so in the CCC.


So let me get this right.

Anti Lowe = Anti Club.

Therefore, extrapolating that logic, Anti Crouch = Anti club.

QED all of those who were rabidly anti Crouch, for whatever reason were damaging the club and shouldn't be welcomed back.


First post of the day...


Perhaps Lowe in his second tenure has learnt from his previous gaffs. For example he now choses MW to sound off in the press, he has not been in the papers spouting off, his PR machine has gone into hybernation, he's not hogging the lime light and letting the team do the talking on the pitch.


Still has no respect for the man, or his previous handling of the situations we found ourselves in - he still has a long way to go before he gets my vote of confidence.


You have to say he is doing a good job - infact anyone outside the club wuld have difficulty in remembering who our chairman was. Well done Rupert - stay in the boardroom away from team selections and training, keep the books balanced and everything at SFC may turn out rosey after all.


I'm not totaly sure I have just written the above - but hey we have a team that plays football again - all is getting better in Yorkie's World!

Posted (edited)
Shhhhh you are not supposed to ask difficult questions.I doubt that many on here were around in those days. I do understand that if fans have been brought up only seeing top flight football it is harder for them than the fans who have seen the highs and lows of relegation and promotion.


Some of us were born in 1986...


Lowe has made a LOT of mistakes, and he really should come out and apologise for his past failings so that the rest of us who don't think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, can let by-gones be by-gones.

Edited by Thorpe-le-Saint
That means I am a Lowe Luvvie I just thought I was a sensible supporter


We are all luvvies at heart. Gielgud once said that to me when I was appearing as a fairy in one of his stage productions.


LOL. Had a good belly laugh. Love the name drop. :D

First post of the day...


Perhaps Lowe in his second tenure has learnt from his previous gaffs. For example he now choses MW to sound off in the press, he has not been in the papers spouting off, his PR machine has gone into hybernation, he's not hogging the lime light and letting the team do the talking on the pitch.


Still has no respect for the man, or his previous handling of the situations we found ourselves in - he still has a long way to go before he gets my vote of confidence.


You have to say he is doing a good job - infact anyone outside the club wuld have difficulty in remembering who our chairman was. Well done Rupert - stay in the boardroom away from team selections and training, keep the books balanced and everything at SFC may turn out rosey after all.


I'm not totaly sure I have just written the above - but hey we have a team that plays football again - all is getting better in Yorkie's World!


to be fair...you cant ask for more than that..from you and what you say about lowe....


it only seems to be us fans who mention lowe..unlike before, when he could not help talking to the media every five mins....


Dont get me wrong, I dont really like him BUT we have no alternative really, he IS prepared to make tough choices and follow them through knowing that he will get pelters from the fans and he IS backing his man as much as reasonably possible



so far so good...if he keeps things like this then im all for it...


BUT, know doubt he will be forced to sell again in Jan should the numbers not quite match...as long as fans are aware of this and it is not part of some evil scheme to get one over the fan base then we will be OK

Some of us were born in 1986...


Lowe has made a LOT of mistakes, and he really should come out and apologise for his past failings so that the rest of us who don't think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, can let by-gones be by-gones.

Your generation must find it harder tro accept relegation than fans of mine who saw us reelegated under LM. We have tasted the disappointment of relegation but also enjoy the rebirth and promotion.Different days of course, the bile was aimed at LM not the chairman of the day.

To be born and never knowing the club outside the PL must be hard and so I must try and remember that when I read some of the anti Lowe nonsense.

Iwas lucky to sample the joy of the cup final victory the promotion and the great days of the early 80's, I hope fans like yourself who saw a modicum of success in the 90's/early 2000s get reward with sticking with the club.

Perhaps as I have experienced this all before that Im more tolerant of our position..or worn down over the decades.

So let me get this right.

Anti Lowe = Anti Club.

Therefore, extrapolating that logic, Anti Crouch = Anti club.

QED all of those who were rabidly anti Crouch, for whatever reason were damaging the club and shouldn't be welcomed back.


If that is the case I was anti club up to the change.Its not how I see it though.

LC tried to do well for us but it just wasnt correct at the time IMO

QED all of those who were rabidly anti Crouch, for whatever reason were damaging the club and shouldn't be welcomed back.[/font][/color]


Actually, no.


Crouch's reign of terror almost destroyed this club. The rampant spending of monies we did not possess, mismanagement and incompetence on every level, and an abject failure to deliver a replacement for Gluggy above the level of a boot boy almost sent us into administration and league 1.

Lowe deserves all the credit for what he's done for SFC this season.


Our first 11 is pretty much a result of his academy.

Our unique style of play and management was his risk.

Our cost cutting


SFC were rotting.


Now we are winning.


I dont think you are correct in saying half of our fan base are anti lowe.


Thats like saying half of the fanbase dont realise what he's done for us this season.


strange statement It is common knowledge that Lowe has split the fan-base from the very beginning, in fact I'd say slightly more than half Aren't keen on him as proved by the numerous polls on here. What's important is that even though we don't like the man we continue to support our club and accept that he is here like it or not. The main reason I don't like lowe is his complete inability to show any humility If he could just be man enough to admit his past mistakes it would go some way to improving his relationship with fans but instead we get a smug grin and various jibes like the "lunatic fringe" Having said that he seems to be getting things right this time and deserves some recognition for that. The people who think he's struck gold with poorvliet need to wait till christmas and see where we lie in the table, it's to early to tell but yes the signs look good. :cool:

strange statement It is common knowledge that Lowe has split the fan-base from the very beginning, in fact I'd say slightly more than half Aren't keen on him as proved by the numerous polls on here. What's important is that even though we don't like the man we continue to support our club and accept that he is here like it or not. The main reason I don't like lowe is his complete inability to show any humility If he could just be man enough to admit his past mistakes it would go some way to improving his relationship with fans but instead we get a smug grin and various jibes like the "lunatic fringe" Having said that he seems to be getting things right this time and deserves some recognition for that. The people who think he's struck gold with poorvliet need to wait till christmas and see where we lie in the table, it's to early to tell but yes the signs look good. :cool:

Don`t get carried away with polls on this forum. There are less than 7000 members on here and a high proportion of those just lurk and do not post and those that do are probably the most vociferous. The vast majority of people who actually go to SMS (lets say 15-20000) really couldn`t give a stuff who the chairman is. They are swayed by what they see on the pitch (good or bad) and that only. It`s generally the hardcore fan that has an strong opinion that they would put forward on here.

Actually, no.


Crouch's reign of terror almost destroyed this club. The rampant spending of monies we did not possess, mismanagement and incompetence on every level, .



I thought Wilde spent the money, or does he's spending not count now?


Why's that I wonder?

Don`t get carried away with polls on this forum. There are less than 7000 members on here and a high proportion of those just lurk and do not post and those that do are probably the most vociferous. The vast majority of people who actually go to SMS (lets say 15-20000) really couldn`t give a stuff who the chairman is. They are swayed by what they see on the pitch (good or bad) and that only. It`s generally the hardcore fan that has an strong opinion that they would put forward on here.


Very true what you say but I get the impression a large number of so called hardcore, vociferous fans on this forum attend very few or if any games.

Don`t get carried away with polls on this forum. There are less than 7000 members on here and a high proportion of those just lurk and do not post and those that do are probably the most vociferous. The vast majority of people who actually go to SMS (lets say 15-20000) really couldn`t give a stuff who the chairman is. They are swayed by what they see on the pitch (good or bad) and that only. It`s generally the hardcore fan that has an strong opinion that they would put forward on here.


I think most fans don't give much thought to the boardroom -it gets debated here but most concentrate, rightly IMHO on the team. They are influenced whether to attend by the performance.

Not liking the chairman is an excuse not to go IMHO.

Guest Hacienda
Actually, no.


Crouch's reign of terror almost destroyed this club. The rampant spending of monies we did not possess, mismanagement and incompetence on every level, and an abject failure to deliver a replacement for Gluggy above the level of a boot boy almost sent us into administration and league 1.


So it wasn't Wilde who spent all the money then. The same Wilde who is now Chairman?

Actually, no.


Crouch's reign of terror almost destroyed this club. The rampant spending of monies we did not possess, mismanagement and incompetence on every level, and an abject failure to deliver a replacement for Gluggy above the level of a boot boy almost sent us into administration and league 1.


The damage was already done before Crouch took control you clown. But I like many others would like to see the back of all three of the unwise monkeys.

...... I like many others would like to see the back of all three of the unwise monkeys.
To be replaced by who? Anyone? No one? A fans committee on a rota basis? Fact is, this sort of 'wish' is just a fantasy, as were the 'billionaire' rumours that were foisted on us over the past two years. We have what we have got, we should be glad its better than what we had before and leave the future to take care of itself.
Your generation must find it harder tro accept relegation than fans of mine who saw us reelegated under LM. We have tasted the disappointment of relegation but also enjoy the rebirth and promotion.Different days of course, the bile was aimed at LM not the chairman of the day.

To be born and never knowing the club outside the PL must be hard and so I must try and remember that when I read some of the anti Lowe nonsense.

Iwas lucky to sample the joy of the cup final victory the promotion and the great days of the early 80's, I hope fans like yourself who saw a modicum of success in the 90's/early 2000s get reward with sticking with the club.

Perhaps as I have experienced this all before that Im more tolerant of our position..or worn down over the decades.


You mention LM getting the vitriol. He has made mention of it in describing the walk along the touchline to the dugout. And boy, did he used to get it!


I'm also from that era Nick and like you I have 'seen it all' both the highs and the 'Lowes' (pun intended). Relegation didn't hurt any less this second time but, as you say, we are older, more battle weary and were resigned to it.


Like others above I would be glad to see the back of RL but, at this moment, he is all we have and, at least, he does seem to be taking a lower profile!

To be replaced by who? Anyone? No one? A fans committee on a rota basis? Fact is, this sort of 'wish' is just a fantasy, as were the 'billionaire' rumours that were foisted on us over the past two years. We have what we have got, we should be glad its better than what we had before and leave the future to take care of itself.


Professori, you fail to remember that Lowe is part of what went before and was the catalyst to the unrest!

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