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  stevegrant said:
I never "poured scorn" on what you said, given that I had received what I suspect was identical information.


I made a sarcastic post in response to fos1 who seems to only ever post in response to you by saying "yeah, I agree with you, Duncan" - it looks ridiculous and appears as though he can't come up with his own opinions. Knowing the bloke, I know that isn't the case, but as I say, it looks ridiculous, almost as though he's hanging on every word you say like the kid at school who stood behind the bully repeating everything that comes from his mouth.


Steve as you know Fos 1 why did you not go down the pm route with your sarcasm?

He might irritate you and maybe you don't approve of his relationship with LC but I did feel last night your response incredibly negative especially as you were not prepared to inform your fellow forum readers yourself.

  stevegrant said:
I'd received the info on the condition that it was subject to an embargo until 7am today - I felt I should respect my source's request on that.


I accept that excuse.

However I still think your sarcasm inappropriate but perhaps you and Fos1 need to have a private chat.

  Fitzhugh Fella said:

However, I believe there are some good people out there who care for the club and they probably realise now is the time "to put their heads above the parapet". Whether or not they can deliver, or will be "allowed" to deliver is the million dollar question. We have had so many false dawns I am reluctant to raise hopes but reassurance can be felt that there are at least people trying. I am sure now the cat is out of the bag things will move swiftly.


Duncan - have highlighted the bit that caught my eye in your last post....who, in your opinion, would be doing the "allowing"? Are you saying that certain incumbants in the boardroom are STILL making it it difficult for others to come in and takeover the running of the club (be it with investment in tow or otherwise....) ???




Sorry not had time to read the history, but is there not a legal issue with the LSE in having this information before its released to LSE? I appreciate the LSE would have ben close by the time these leaks occurred, but ther was some trading yesterday on 5000 share chunks so someone got wind...

  trousers said:
Duncan - have highlighted the bit that caught my eye in your last post....who, in your opinion, would be doing the "allowing"? Are you saying that certain incumbants in the boardroom are STILL making it it difficult for others to come in and takeover the running of the club (be it with investment in tow or otherwise....) ???




Trousers, I don't know this. Lowe could well have plans of his own or the administrator may block others it if he thinks it is not in the right interest of the people to whom the club owe money.


I do not know anything and I am 100% surmising here but as you know I am incredibly suspicious of Lowe's motives and he will be anxious to rescue something out of this which, as things look, must be fairly embarrassing for him not to mention costly..

  Fitzhugh Fella said:
I do not know anything and I am 100% surmising here but as you know I am incredibly suspicious of Lowe's motives and he will be anxious to rescue something out of this which, as things look, must be fairly embarrassing for him not to mention costly..


I know why you're thinking that, particularly given Lowe's personality traits, but I just can't see how he can ever be involved again!!!!


His last stint ended in failure and the footballing decisions culminating in today's events should surely mean he has no place at our Club.


I can understand your fears, and it did happen at Leeds with Bates, but i just don't think he will be involved again (fingers crossed anyway!!!).

  um pahars said:
I know why you're thinking that, particularly given Lowe's personality traits, but I just can't see how he can ever be involved again!!!!


His last stint ended in failure and the footballing decisions culminating in today's events should surely mean he has no place at our Club.


I can understand your fears, and it did happen at Leeds with Bates, but i just don't think he will be involved again (fingers crossed anyway!!!).



  Fitzhugh Fella said:
Trousers, I don't know this. Lowe could well have plans of his own or the administrator may block others it if he thinks it is not in the right interest of the people to whom the club owe money.


I do not know anything and I am 100% surmising here but as you know I am incredibly suspicious of Lowe's motives and he will be anxious to rescue something out of this which, as things look, must be fairly embarrassing for him not to mention costly..


cheers Duncan

  Fitzhugh Fella said:
Thanks Ron - like you said I had already heard from a couple of sources (inc Fos1) that something was afoot. I spoke to Fos1 and we agreed it better to say nothing because the sources were a little vague. It was only when you rang I felt confident enough to post.


As you know if what you post does "come off" you are liable for a "kicking" on here and indeed "Rory" and "Hypo" were initially doing their bootlaces up last night. It is a fine line and one I note Steve Grant was not prepared to take last night despite his claim that he was in possesion of the same facts as us.... and it's his forum!!!!


That's a bit unfair Duncan. I just said I didn't believe we would go into admin due to reasons I have already described but I never doubt that you posted in good faith and I always listen to your snippets of info with interest

  hypochondriac said:
That's a bit unfair Duncan. I just said I didn't believe we would go into admin due to reasons I have already described but I never doubt that you posted in good faith and I always listen to your snippets of info with interest


I know, my remark was more aimed at Rory.


Well, to add my speculation, to all the other speculative posts.....I have been saying for months now, that Lowe had a game plan, do not be surprised if he comes out of this in complete control:(....this is not a fact, but a gut feeling.

  Gingeletiss said:
Well, to add my speculation, to all the other speculative posts.....I have been saying for months now, that Lowe had a game plan, do not be surprised if he comes out of this in complete control:(....this is not a fact, but a gut feeling.


The ONLY thing that would not make this a complete disaster is if he had some major cash in tow - a partner with serious spondoolies....which sadly i cant see happening.

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