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That's because our county is so PC. If it was down to me the police would be armed with machine guns. That'd make them think twice.


Luckily for the whole human race, NOTHING is down to you.

I've also been told there'll be a demo at the Stock Exchange at 7am tomorrow, like those lazy f*ckers will be anywhere near out of bed by then.


Lots of p*ssies walking around in jeans, smart shoes etc... Not me though, I'm wearing my suit because I'm hard.


Sure enough, only about 5 people made it. Getting a bunch of anarchists into town by 7am was never going to happen.


On other matters, I can only assume the aggression coming from Gingeletiss is a result of a life of gingerness and who can blame him for being bitter about the unfortunate card he has been dealt there? I'd be pretty angry about it all as well. As well as dye, he clearly needs sympathy.


There has been a new crime of 'Being in London' apparently....


Outside the Bank of England, thousands were held for up to eight hours behind a police cordon, in a practice known as "kettling". Parents with children and passers-by were told by officers on the cordon that "no one could leave".

According to witnesses, when they were finally allowed to go on Wednesday night, they were ordered to provide names and addresses and have their pictures taken. If they refused, they were sent back behind the cordon.

John O'Connor, a former Met officer, criticised the tactic. "They are using this more and more," he said. "Instead of sending snatch squads in to remove those in the crowd who are committing criminal offences, they contain everyone for hours. It is a retrograde step ... it is an infringement of civil liberties."

The posters on this thread are not representative of the feeling in the country. Everyone i know has similar views to me.


That's what happens when you hang around with the NF Tris!

Ginger people should go back to their own country.


Ferk me, you are a wag!!.


Seems to me, that some of what I said is not only true, but true of this forum. Idiots like you, claim that you can't say Black, as it is racist, you still come out with stereotype cr*p like that, I bet you pulled girls pigtails at school as well. £1 says that the mods let that go......as normal.


For your ignorance, the colour of my hair, was a true English/Celt colour, so maybe I have more right to be here than you!!!


I’m sure you do, pardon my ignorance. You sound like a true first class citizen. Perhaps you’d like to post some more of your top quality and well sourced "Proud to be White" literature for me to read so that I might learn the right way? And to think you're lecturing ME on "stereotype cr*p".

I’m sure you do, pardon my ignorance. You sound like a true first class citizen. Perhaps you’d like to post some more of your top quality and well sourced "Proud to be White" literature for me to read so that I might learn the right way? And to think you're lecturing ME on "stereotype cr*p".


Listen you Oaf, I could educate you, but it would be a complete waste of time. You have your ideals, fine, please don't presume to lecture me on mine.....................Idiot!!!:mad:

As said before, the good thing about this kind of thread is that it shows that dangerous extremists like gingeletiss are truly on the looney fringe and in the minority.


I'm hardly an extremist, and consider it an insult that you think that of me. I have stong views on a variety of issues, and the over population of an Island, by the rest of Europes castoffs, and jail populations, are amongst them. If you think it an acceptible policy, that they can swarm into our country, and overburden already stretched resources, whilst taking from a system they have not contributed to, them sending it back to their own country's, then i think, that you will find that yours will be a minority view.


Can someone please confirm why Stanley has been banned? Was it to do with his white power beliefs and the swastika tattoo on his forehead.

I guess he must have sent some death threats via PM.


I think it's already become clear that you are. Your views are paranoid and extreme, three pages now show that you and Stanley (confesses NF marcher, Hitler sympathist and BNP voter) are in a minority of two in this fairly random sample of people. On the fringe, at the extreme.


"Right" to be here. You're spot on ginge, I might go and stake a claim to some African land and say it is my right to be there as it's where I originate from. That way, us BRITS can go and have that land as well as our own! We could monopolise the entire world, just like the GOOD OLD DAYS.


Also - I didn't realise that other countries are sending us their jail-bound, and I'd wager some good old ENGLISH money that some other pure Brits didn't either. This is an outrage. Swarming into our country like bees, quite right, ****ing blacks and yellows. Oo-er.

I'm hardly an extremist, and consider it an insult that you think that of me. I have stong views on a variety of issues, and the over population of an Island, by the rest of Europes castoffs, and jail populations, are amongst them. If you think it an acceptible policy, that they can swarm into our country, and overburden already stretched resources, whilst taking from a system they have not contributed to, them sending it back to their own country's, then i think, that you will find that yours will be a minority view.


I think that they should extradite anyone who doesn't know the difference between a comma and a full stop. Our English langage is being destroyed since the leftie Muslim Poles took over this country with their comma-splicing and inarticulate, meandering internet wittering.

I think that they should extradite anyone who doesn't know the difference between a comma and a full stop. Our English langage is being destroyed since the leftie Muslim Poles took over this country with their comma-splicing and inarticulate, meandering internet wittering.



You children make me laugh......pulling me on English whilst using a word that dosn't exist, according to Wikipedia.

You children make me laugh......pulling me on English whilst using a word that dosn't exist, according to Wikipedia.


Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear.


Try the OED - the authoritative reference for the English language, rather than a completely unreliable internet source such as Wikipedia.


No wonder your views on the world are so laughably silly if you base it on facts mined from spurious internet resources.

You children make me laugh......pulling me on English whilst using a word that dosn't exist, according to Wikipedia.


LOL, any scrap of credibility has now vanished into the ether. Nice one, looney.

Ah the children have resorted to libelous posts now.....what first, I ask myself, call a mod, or call a lawyer.:smt017


you shouldn't need a lawyer. our political-correctness-gone-mad society allows you to post racist bile, even if you do it without justification, reason or proof.

you shouldn't need a lawyer. our political-correctness-gone-mad society allows you to post racist bile, even if you do it without justification, reason or proof.


You numpty....even with your limited IQ, you can see I was refering to this:-




There can be little doubt that mass immigration from India, ****stan and Bangladesh has made the UK a happier and safer place.


Along side the Somali and Yemeni, the way they've integrated is an example to the world.


Thankfully they continue to breed and at great rate of knots so there will soon be even more of them integrating and claiming a higher level of benefits per capita than anyone else.

There can be little doubt that mass immigration from India, ****stan and Bangladesh has made the UK a happier and safer place.


I think we deserve benefits; our lands having been pillaged and exploited. Benefits is the least we deserve. It's also not as if we contributed 1M soldiers in WW1, not 1.5M in WW2, despite arguably being 'oppressed' by the British. It's also not as if the 1% of Indians in the UK contribute around 10% of GDP - hardly a net gain in terms of welfare for us, is it? It's also not as if Indians kept the NHS running during the 70s and 80s either. No, we've done nothing, we're the ones coming over here and stealing your wealth.

I think we deserve benefits; our lands having been pillaged and exploited. Benefits is the least we deserve. It's also not as if we contributed 1M soldiers in WW1' date=' not 1.5M in WW2, despite arguably being 'oppressed' by the British. It's also not as if the 1% of Indians in the UK contribute around 10% of GDP - hardly a net gain in terms of welfare for us, is it? It's also not as if Indians kept the NHS running during the 70s and 80s either. No, we've done nothing, we're the ones coming over here and stealing your wealth.[/quote']


Don't forget the buses!


How would we have kept the buses running without them all?


Phew. Thanks immigrants from the sub continent, you've saved the day.

Ah the children have resorted to libelous posts now.....what first, I ask myself, call a mod, or call a lawyer.:smt017
I'd suggest a lawyer, if anything.
Don't forget the buses!


How would we have kept the buses running without them all?


Phew. Thanks immigrants from the sub continent, you've saved the day.


Nice way to side-step various points of magnitude far greater than the banal triviality you've just brought up.

Don't forget the buses!


How would we have kept the buses running without them all?


Phew. Thanks immigrants from the sub continent, you've saved the day.


I'm not sure of your point here. If you clarify your stance on naturalised citizens from the Indian subcontinent I'd be grateful.

Erm how?


You and Rattlehead may never see eye to eye but please take a long, hard look at the posts of the bloke you defended with that statement.

You and Rattlehead may never see eye to eye but please take a long, hard look at the posts of the bloke you defended with that statement.


Ok, done that - next?

I don't believe for one second this bloke is as innocent as everyone is trying to make out he is.


There's nothing to "make out". If he'd done anything wrong, why wasn't he making for the other demonstrators quicker, instead of dawdling along with his hands in his pockets? Why didn't he fight back, if he was up for trouble? Why was he not arrested, if he was guilty of anything? Why do the police not appear to be after him in particular in the video, and only appear to belt him in the leg and knock him over because he's in their way?


The Met thought they could get away with being c*nts and then say that everything was the fault of the nasty hippies, in the sure knowledge that most of the general public thinks the same, and basically they've come unstuck.

I don't believe for one second this bloke is as innocent as everyone is trying to make out he is.

Reminds me of the Smith & Jones sketch, "Guilty of having black curly hair".


The bloke was walking slowly, AWAY from the Police, showing no sign of aggression and obviously not doing anything that might be construed as provocative. This was an unprovoked, serious assault, even if his death is unconnected to the fall.


Where is the 'barrage of missiles' the protestors were claimed to be 'hurling' at the poor, defenceless, plod ? Dress them up like para-militaries, they will act like para-militaries. Any excuse for a ruck.


The guy's heart attack may not have been brought about in all honesty by the push, but it does show clearly that the police are acting in a manner not fit for their job, if you were to do what the copper did to someone for no particular reason, you would expect to get lifted.


Watch the video then read this quote from Peter Smyth, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation;


"On a day like that, where there are some protesters who are quite clearly hell-bent on causing as much trouble as they can, there is inevitably going to be some physical confrontation."

He added: "Sometimes it isn't clear, as a police officer, who is a protester and who is not."







Well, this poor chap was obviously "hell-bent on causing trouble" and involved in a "physical confrontation"; and from his demeanour, and the VAST crowd around him, I can understand that the Police had a great deal of trouble identifying "who is a protestor and who is not".





I have no beef with the police whatsoever. I've been cautioned a couple of times for minor offences (fly-posting, having small amounts of green on me) and each time they were friendly and courteous and so was I, and it was dealt with quickly and cleanly.


And comparing the actions of the British police to the other police forces which have come crashing down on the G8/G20 protests, often with jaw-dropping brutality, this issue of the guy getting caught in the middle of it and dieing of a heart attack is quite a minor incident.




Once again the MET is caught being economical with the truth, until it is dragged out of them.


They make a big play of 'we tried to save his life as we had missiles raining down on us' which may have been true (I wouldn't dream of justifying morons throwing anything at someone trying to save a life) but they ommitted the key fact that at least one police officer assulted the man before he suffered his heart attack. That’s man-slaughter and I hope they throw the guilty policeman to the firckin wolves. But they won't, they'll close ranks and maybe, if they have to, pension off a senior officer, and nothing wil have changed.


So the filthy pikey was "caught up in the middle of it"? He was just wandering down the street minding his own business when all of a sudden he was surrounded by crowds of other filthy pikeys hell bent on causing trouble.


What a load of b*llocks.

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