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I did'nt like her, just because she had cancer did'nt make her a decent person. That said i feel sorry for her kids, although they're probably better off now.

I did'nt like her, just because she had cancer did'nt make her a decent person. That said i feel sorry for her kids, although they're probably better off now.



I did'nt like her, just because she had cancer did'nt make her a decent person. That said i feel sorry for her kids, although they're probably better off now.


Seriously how can any child be better off without their mother?


Entered the world with nothing, leaves with nothing and contributed nothing when she was here. Sympathies to her children but hope she is off the news and front pages as soon as possible.


If shouting about her cancer causes some women to attend cervical cancer screenings when they would otherwise have avoided it, then shes achieved something at least, if only when faced with her own fragility


Jane Tomlinson conducted her battle with cancer with dignity and courage. Goody did hers with pound notes and cameras. Personally my respect goes to the former and not the media whore.


So everyone faced with cancer should be forced to deal with in a model way. Perhaps everyones different and perhaps your view might change of it was yourself battling with cancer.


I find some people's comments on here pretty distasteful


She's raised awareness of cervical cancer, and fought the illness with bravery


Ok, she wasn't intelligent and she came from a poor background


That doesn't mean she deserves to die at 27

For some people to celebrate her demise is totally wrong


i didnt like the women. I was annoyed throughout all this that she was on the front of every mag going and even had a tv show on some obscure sky channel, remember thinking at the time how peoples views on her had changed after the "celeb" big brother outrage, but i wouldnt wish death on anyone. Her kids are now without a mother and no matter what we all thought of her, they loved her.


R.I.P, but I think we all know this has gone too far.

There was a program about her and the advert for it said "celebrating the life of Jade Goody". Sorry, but what was there to celebrate? Not winning Big Brother and then not winning Celebrity Big Brother. The only thing of note she did was raise awareness about cervical cancer, and there are charities that do that every single day - voluntarily - without getting any recognition at all.


Despiseable woman. RIP, but whilst I don't wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy, I wont be losing any sleep over this. It's sad that she left 2 kids behind, but with all the cash she made selling this sh*t to the media, they will probably be the best cared for orphans on the planet.


Hopefully this episode will go a long way to raising awareness and donations to cancer research.

R.I.P, but I think we all know this has gone too far.

There was a program about her and the advert for it said "celebrating the life of Jade Goody". Sorry, but what was there to celebrate? Not winning Big Brother and then not winning Celebrity Big Brother. The only thing of note she did was raise awareness about cervical cancer, and there are charities that do that every single day - voluntarily - without getting any recognition at all.


Just out of interest, what notable things have you achieved in your life thus far? I understand you're still young (I think), and so was she (relitively). Her raising awareness of cancer (even if only just slightly) has been a million times more worthwhile to the world than you amounting over 6,000 posts on an internet messageboard. Of course I'd love you to prove me wrong and construct a whole list of your valuable contributions to society, but I doubt you will. It's easy to criticise people...


Admittedly, I wasn't exactly her biggest fan (in fact she did my head in most of the time) but I admire what she was trying to do for her children in her final months. I know people blag on how thousands of people die of cancer everyday, but most of them are not in the position to get the publicity which she did...however I bet if they could, they would. Anyone who's been through, or known someone who's experienced cancer will know it's probably one of the most terrrifying things imaginable, and for people in this thread to be almost celebrating her death is disgusting, and I just pray you never have to experience it yourselves. I couldn't wish it upon anyone.


She may have been a complete and utter retard, but all credit to her, she made the most of what she had on her Big Brother platform and launched a career out of it. Perhaps not exactly a worthwhile career in most people's eyes, but there is a niche of people out there who liked her as a celebrity, and it was that popularity which enabled her to have so much fame particuarly in her final weeks.


I say R.I.P to her, and can only think of her children on mother's day. I'm not saying it's any sadder than any other death in the country, but that doesn't make it any less terrible.

i didnt like the women. I was annoyed throughout all this that she was on the front of every mag going and even had a tv show on some obscure sky channel, remember thinking at the time how peoples views on her had changed after the "celeb" big brother outrage, but i wouldnt wish death on anyone. Her kids are now without a mother and no matter what we all thought of her, they loved her.



I find some people's comments on here pretty distasteful


She's raised awareness of cervical cancer, and fought the illness with bravery


Ok, she wasn't intelligent and she came from a poor background


That doesn't mean she deserves to die at 27

For some people to celebrate her demise is totally wrong


Agreed. There's a little clique on this site that try and impress each other with their juvenile remarks.

Jane Tomlinson conducted her battle with cancer with dignity and courage. Goody did hers with pound notes and cameras. Personally my respect goes to the former and not the media whore.


She did it to get money for her kids. I respect her for that.


Poor woman, poor everyone else affected. No matter how much disdain one has for the manner in which someone conducts their life, celebrating the death of someone like Jade Goody is pathetic.


I agree with Hatch, though. It's sad Jade died, but thousands will die today without fanfare, many in worse situations, with worse apst lives than her. So RIP everyone.

Just out of interest, what notable things have you achieved in your life thus far? I understand you're still young (I think), and so was she (relitively). Her raising awareness of cancer (even if only just slightly) has been a million times more worthwhile to the world than you amounting over 6,000 posts on an internet messageboard. Of course I'd love you to prove me wrong and construct a whole list of your valuable contributions to society, but I doubt you will. It's easy to criticise people...


Admittedly, I wasn't exactly her biggest fan (in fact she did my head in most of the time) but I admire what she was trying to do for her children in her final months. I know people blag on how thousands of people die of cancer everyday, but most of them are not in the position to get the publicity which she did...however I bet if they could, they would. Anyone who's been through, or known someone who's experienced cancer will know it's probably one of the most terrrifying things imaginable, and for people in this thread to be almost celebrating her death is disgusting, and I just pray you never have to experience it yourselves. I couldn't wish it upon anyone.


She may have been a complete and utter retard, but all credit to her, she made the most of what she had on her Big Brother platform and launched a career out of it. Perhaps not exactly a worthwhile career in most people's eyes, but there is a niche of people out there who liked her as a celebrity, and it was that popularity which enabled her to have so much fame particuarly in her final weeks.


I say R.I.P to her, and can only think of her children on mother's day. I'm not saying it's any sadder than any other death in the country, but that doesn't make it any less terrible.


Nothing, obviously. But i'm not trying to am I?

The point I was making was that she is being lauded as a hero for raising awareness about cancer, when there are thousands of people who do the same thing every day WITHOUT requesting to be paid for it - and the majority of them have seen their family suffer in the same way.

Nothing, obviously. But i'm not trying to am I?

The point I was making was that she is being lauded as a hero for raising awareness about cancer, when there are thousands of people who do the same thing every day WITHOUT requesting to be paid for it - and the majority of them have seen their family suffer in the same way.


As I have posted on a previous thread, my team leader aged 30 died of cancer a few weeks ago 2 months after being diagnosed, I am blody sure he would have loved to have had the opportunity to raise awareness etc but sadly he didn't have the time, he also would have loved to have raised money for his family in any which way. Now his friends and family are raising money and awareness so I say fair play to Jade. RIP.


i think the problem is that she'll forever be the icon of reality television which depends on the audience taking pleasure in being judgemental. we're encouraged to watch them and think, 'what a shower of ****s, i hope they all get what's coming to them'. we put them in boxes (the gay one, the chav, the stupid racist) and laugh at them and judge them. and thats like...bad, mkay. and as a result the natural instinct is to be judgemental, one way or the other.


if this is used by the media to highlight that young people can also die of cancer, then that's good.


But hopefully the legacy of this whole freakish sorry mess is that it will make people think twice about blindly seeking fame and quick money (with the minimum effort) as a life-style choice.

Posted (edited)

The way she shamelessly publicised and made almost a martyr out of her cause to give her kids a future was utterly vulgar and very hard to stomach, but I can understand why she did it, it's how she lived her life and how she made her fortune. As previously mentioned she has increased awareness of an awful disease that can ruin many lives, young and old alike, and if that can save more lives she has my thanks.


The saga is over now though, my thoughts go to her family and friends, who will be grieving just as hard and painfully as any of us would be for someone we hold dear under the circumstances.



Edited by Colinjb
Again, Pot and Indeed kettle, so we don't keep going over this, i'm off out, byee!


16.04 and you're still online waiting for a reply.;)

Just out of interest, what notable things have you achieved in your life thus far? I understand you're still young (I think), and so was she (relitively). Her raising awareness of cancer (even if only just slightly) has been a million times more worthwhile to the world than you amounting over 6,000 posts on an internet messageboard. Of course I'd love you to prove me wrong and construct a whole list of your valuable contributions to society, but I doubt you will. It's easy to criticise people...


Admittedly, I wasn't exactly her biggest fan (in fact she did my head in most of the time) but I admire what she was trying to do for her children in her final months. I know people blag on how thousands of people die of cancer everyday, but most of them are not in the position to get the publicity which she did...however I bet if they could, they would. Anyone who's been through, or known someone who's experienced cancer will know it's probably one of the most terrrifying things imaginable, and for people in this thread to be almost celebrating her death is disgusting, and I just pray you never have to experience it yourselves. I couldn't wish it upon anyone.


She may have been a complete and utter retard, but all credit to her, she made the most of what she had on her Big Brother platform and launched a career out of it. Perhaps not exactly a worthwhile career in most people's eyes, but there is a niche of people out there who liked her as a celebrity, and it was that popularity which enabled her to have so much fame particuarly in her final weeks.


I say R.I.P to her, and can only think of her children on mother's day. I'm not saying it's any sadder than any other death in the country, but that doesn't make it any less terrible.


Thanks Mr Saint, you put it better than i could. Screening to stop this terrible way to die has gone up 20% since Jade splashed it across the media, With luck she will of helped to save many a young girls lives, RIP Jade.

As I have posted on a previous thread, my team leader aged 30 died of cancer a few weeks ago 2 months after being diagnosed, I am blody sure he would have loved to have had the opportunity to raise awareness etc but sadly he didn't have the time, he also would have loved to have raised money for his family in any which way. Now his friends and family are raising money and awareness so I say fair play to Jade. RIP.


So you agree then that his family should be given just as much thanks as she was/will be?


I think she may have gained more respect if she had given a proportion of the money to cancer charities, and the rest to her kids. I mean how much money are they going to need? They are already going to be treated specially in life because of what happened. But then again, I am not in this position, so I can't comment. But I can think what if I was? Would I do everything I can to secure the future of my family, a future I wasn't even given the oppurtunity to grasp... the answer would be almost undoubtebly yes.


While I agree it is very sad that two young children have lost their mother (they will get over it I'm sure) I am now very glad that I will be able to go into a newsagents and not see her face plastered across the front pages of every newspaper and magazine on display. The woman meant nothing to me. She was an untalented, bigoted, attention-seeking gob****e with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. She was the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country and will be long forgotten by the celebrity-obsessed masses who idolised her in no time at all, such is the fickle nature of the media in this country.


I'm sorry if this offends anybody. I'm not celebrating her death, and I'm not saying she deserved to die. She was a nobody who (god only knows how) became a somebody, whom I never met and will not mourn the passing of.

While I agree it is very sad that two young children have lost their mother (they will get over it I'm sure) I am now very glad that I will be able to go into a newsagents and not see her face plastered across the front pages of every newspaper and magazine on display. The woman meant nothing to me. She was an untalented, bigoted, attention-seeking gob****e with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. She was the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country and will be long forgotten by the celebrity-obsessed masses who idolised her in no time at all, such is the fickle nature of the media in this country.


I'm sorry if this offends anybody. I'm not celebrating her death, and I'm not saying she deserved to die. She was a nobody who (god only knows how) became a somebody, whom I never met and will not mourn the passing of.


Great summation to be fair.

While I agree it is very sad that two young children have lost their mother (they will get over it I'm sure) I am now very glad that I will be able to go into a newsagents and not see her face plastered across the front pages of every newspaper and magazine on display. The woman meant nothing to me. She was an untalented, bigoted, attention-seeking gob****e with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. She was the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country and will be long forgotten by the celebrity-obsessed masses who idolised her in no time at all, such is the fickle nature of the media in this country.


I'm sorry if this offends anybody. I'm not celebrating her death, and I'm not saying she deserved to die. She was a nobody who (god only knows how) became a somebody, whom I never met and will not mourn the passing of.


Except tommorow. She will be on the front page of them all tommorow. Unless it did make the mourning editions? I wouldn't know... I haven't seen any papers from today.

Except tommorow. She will be on the front page of them all tommorow. Unless it did make the mourning editions? I wouldn't know... I haven't seen any papers from today.


Nice freudian slip there.

Except tommorow. She will be on the front page of them all tommorow. Unless it did make the mourning editions? I wouldn't know... I haven't seen any papers from today.


It didn't, they just reported that she had slipped into a coma.

Haven't you nearly finished school? And you've honestly not heard of Freud in all your years in education?


Never heard... or maybe I wasn't listening. Who knows? It shall remain a mystery to us all.

Never heard... or maybe I wasn't listening. Who knows? It shall remain a mystery to us all.


It beggars belief :shock:


Non entities like Goody become a household name, but legendary figures like Freud remain unknown!

It beggars belief :shock:


Non entities like Goody become a household name, but legendary figures like Freud remain unknown!


Meh, not every death can be known of. Not every person who contributes to society can be internationally recognised(though by the sounds of it, Freud is generally well known). It's a fact of life, there are too many of us and sometimes the ones that get picked out do so at the expense of more worthy candidates.

Meh, not every death can be known of. Not every person who contributes to society can be internationally recognised(though by the sounds of it, Freud is generally well known). It's a fact of life, there are too many of us and sometimes the ones that get picked out do so at the expense of more worthy candidates.


You should google Freud ;)

Agreed. There's a little clique on this site that try and impress each other with their juvenile remarks.


it's not juvenile its just unconventional.


obviously she is going to help stop cancer by raising awareness but as i understood it, and correct me if i'm wrong because i haven't been the following the story, she was told she had cancerus cells much longer ago but ignored it. that's not a good role model for other women!?!?

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