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Something kicked off during the first half, and received a typically over-the-top response from the local plod. 'Andy Northern Saints' says on the post-match thread that somebody got jumped on for abusing the ref.


Just got back from the game, the guy who was kicked out was sitting next to us seemed to shout at the ref right next to the pitch for ages, ignored the police when they told him to stop then he went mental. Most amazing thing was his 5 year old kid who gave the v's to the police called them c*nts and then sang songs about harry roberts. REMEMBER THE KID WAS 5. mental family they were

  maxi_sopez said:
Just got back from the game, the guy who was kicked out was sitting next to us seemed to shout at the ref right next to the pitch for ages, ignored the police when they told him to stop then he went mental. Most amazing thing was his 5 year old kid who gave the v's to the police called them c*nts and then sang songs about harry roberts. REMEMBER THE KID WAS 5. mental family they were


Stu has a cracking weekend in Blackpool, part 2 ;)


Did Stu do the now legendary pre-match cinder track inspection?


More seriously, as Maxi tells us, what are things coming to? How does a 5 year old even know of the Harry Roberts crime? You have to wonder about some parents.


I seriously think some parents need to be forcibly sterilised to prevent them breeding. The gentlemen in question being a prime example of a suitbale case for it.

  EastleighSoulBoy said:
How does a 5 year old even know of the Harry Roberts crime? You have to wonder about some parents.


Apologies, but forgive my ignance, but this is obviously a serious story. But I have never heard of this story. By the alarm in your posts, it is obviously quite a nasty anti police song.


This is very concerning! What the hell has our club come to, when we are now attracting the sort of scum that does that? This club of ours has sunken further than I ever felt possible. I started following football at Gillingham in the early 70's. I used to tag along with my older (Skate) brother and that is why I don't care where we end up next season, I hope it's in this division, but I reckon I could handle another match against Southend. That is actually my favourite game ever at Saint Mary's, who could ever forget that game, it was ****ing brilliant. I was there! Brilliant.


I might still find it in my heart to one day forgive Rupert Lowe (never Redknapp though, he will always be a budgie ;) in my book). Whatever he is, he is not a sick bastard.


This bloke ejected today is the sort of person that has no place at our club, No matter what your view on any politics at our club, everyone associated with this club should disassociate themselves from this person. It is deplorable in my huimble opinion.



  hamster said:
Apologies, but forgive my ignance, but this is obviously a serious story. But I have never heard of this story. By the alarm in your posts, it is obviously quite a nasty anti police song.


This is very concerning! What the hell has our club come to, when we are now attracting the sort of scum that does that? This club of ours has sunken further than I ever felt possible. I started following football at Gillingham in the early 70's. I used to tag along with my older (Skate) brother and that is why I don't care where we end up next season, I hope it's in this division, but I reckon I could handle another match against Southend. That is actually my favourite game ever at Saint Mary's, who could ever forget that game, it was ****ing brilliant. I was there! Brilliant.


I might still find it in my heart to one day forgive Rupert Lowe (never Redknapp though, he will always be a budgie ;) in my book). Whatever he is, he is not a sick bastard.


This bloke ejected today is the sort of person that has no place at our club, No matter what your view on any politics at our club, everyone associated with this club should disassociate themselves from this person. It is deplorable in my huimble opinion.




Must admit I find it hard to believe a 5 year old knows the Harry Roberts song. Mine's only just mastered OWTS.

  Loyal Saint said:
Must admit I find it hard to believe a 5 year old knows the Harry Roberts song. Mine's only just mastered OWTS.


The irony of real life eh! You are doing okay so far, next you must explain to him gently that he must never ever set foot in Portsmouth. Tell him that it is a ****hopuse as soon as he wakes in the morning. Then report back for further instructions on good parenting.


These other people are horrible, they brainwash their poor kids into hating public servants, people who we employ to protect us AND THEM the dumb ****ers. Duh Jesus ****ing wept. Ban them from my club please Mr Wilde. SCUM

  hamster said:
The irony of real life eh! You are doing okay so far, next you must explain to him gently that he must never ever set foot in Portsmouth. Tell him that it is a ****hopuse as soon as he wakes in the morning. Then report back for further instructions on good parenting.


These other people are horrible, they brainwash their poor kids into hating public servants, people who we employ to protect us AND THEM the dumb ****ers. Duh Jesus ****ing wept. Ban them from my club please Mr Wilde. SCUM


Oh ffs, get over yourself. i dont konw what happened, nor do i know what the harry Robrets song is, but just coming on a web site giving it the large one about "these people", makes you look similar to them but without the nerve to say it in public. Maybe you should it for the Daily Mail.


to be fair to the 5 year old im sure he didnt know what he was singing he followed his disgustingly scumy brother, who decided in the 50th minute to sing "our support is f*cking sh!t" then to tell us all that we were c*nts for not singing.....


I also really want to emphaise this was such a minority, the support yesterday was great, equally i was still shocked by these few!

  docker-p said:
Oh ffs, get over yourself. i dont konw what happened, nor do i know what the harry Robrets song is, but just coming on a web site giving it the large one about "these people", makes you look similar to them but without the nerve to say it in public. Maybe you should it for the Daily Mail.


Really not wanting to argue with you, but maybe you would care if you understood the significance of that canhting, you might care. I would rather sit next to a smoker, than a person who feels it appropriate to sing songs encouraging mudering unarmed policemen.


And it does not make me similar. It makes me exactly like them. Only difference is (as above), I don't condone murder of unarmed police officers. That is all that I am saying.

  Weston Super Saint said:
Stu has a cracking weekend in Blackpool, part 2 ;)


My children are 9 and 10 thanks, so not me, although they do know that Harry Roberts song. Although it is ironic that it almost mirrored my 'offence' in Blackpool last season. I wonder if he had his night spoilt by 6 hours sat in a fookin cell as well? The police and stewards there are c*nts.


Some of our fans behaviour yesterday was not very 'supportive' to the team.


I heard various shouts at players such as:


'Schneiderlin you're s**t'

'Schneiderlin you don't deserve to wear the shirt'

'Bradley 'steal' the ball off them'

'Bradley 'steal' in at back post'


I noticed that these people were the normal late arrivers (5 minutes before kick off) who don't bond and support the team during pre-kick off warm up, and seem to take pride in having great venom and un-controllable anger towards anything happening that they don't agree with.


These people obviously feel that abusing our players will help the situation, or don't they care ?

  saint_bert said:
Have heard that there was trouble during the game today? Can anyone confirm/deny this?


The fella was stood behind the hoardings, shouting at the ref. Last time I checked this wasn't a crime.

A policeman asked him to move back from the hoarding and he started remonstrating with them about the referee. At no point did he take a swing at them.

What followed was beyond belief, the Saints fan (and yes, he IS a fan) was put into a neck lock and an arm lock by half a dozen uniformed meat heads. His 2 sons were understandably upset, the eldest of them was grabbed by another heavy handed policeman and arm locked, while the younger promptly burst into tears. The father was dragged away and ejected. I have no idea if he was arrested.


I have seen them all at plenty of away games and not once have I seen them cause trouble. Yes, they are vocal but that hardly makes them criminals does it.

I am amazed at some of the comments on this thread, mainly by people who weren't even at the game. I think a few of you should get up off of your behinds and start supporting our team by going to watch them play, instead of spouting your biggoted viewpoints on internet forums.


And as for you Stanley, with your comment about sterillisation.... you should be ashamed. I despair of some of the narrow minded people on this forum. You sit in front of your computers and say these people have no place at our club......... and yet you don't even bother to go and support our team! I'd rather have one true Saints fan who goes to away games and mouths off at the ref for a dozen lily livered sofa surfers who never go to away games!

  Block 5 said:
The fella was stood behind the hoardings, shouting at the ref. Last time I checked this wasn't a crime.

A policeman asked him to move back from the hoarding and he started remonstrating with them about the referee. At no point did he take a swing at them.

What followed was beyond belief, the Saints fan (and yes, he IS a fan) was put into a neck lock and an arm lock by half a dozen uniformed meat heads. His 2 sons were understandably upset, the eldest of them was grabbed by another heavy handed policeman and arm locked, while the younger promptly burst into tears. The father was dragged away and ejected. I have no idea if he was arrested.


I have seen them all at plenty of away games and not once have I seen them cause trouble. Yes, they are vocal but that hardly makes them criminals does it.

I am amazed at some of the comments on this thread, mainly by people who weren't even at the game. I think a few of you should get up off of your behinds and start supporting our team by going to watch them play, instead of spouting your biggoted viewpoints on internet forums.


And as for you Stanley, with your comment about sterillisation.... you should be ashamed. I despair of some of the narrow minded people on this forum. You sit in front of your computers and say these people have no place at our club......... and yet you don't even bother to go and support our team! I'd rather have one true Saints fan who goes to away games and mouths off at the ref for a dozen lily livered sofa surfers who never go to away games!


If the police asked him to move away from the hoardings then he should do as he's told straight away. He gobbed off at them and got what he deserved. The police should be respected end of.


And i do go to games occasionally.

  M271 said:
Some of our fans behaviour yesterday was not very 'supportive' to the team.


I heard various shouts at players such as:


'Schneiderlin you're s**t'

'Schneiderlin you don't deserve to wear the shirt'

'Bradley 'steal' the ball off them'

'Bradley 'steal' in at back post'


I noticed that these people were the normal late arrivers (5 minutes before kick off) who don't bond and support the team during pre-kick off warm up, and seem to take pride in having great venom and un-controllable anger towards anything happening that they don't agree with.


These people obviously feel that abusing our players will help the situation, or don't they care ?



What arrogant nonsense and drivel. I'm probably one of those you make reference to in that I turned up 5 minutes before kick-off having enjoyed a pre match pint in the pub. I found the game incredibly frustrating (what's new) and a few times went OTT at how **** we were. Does it make me any less of a fan ? Not at all. Perhaps a few home truths for the current shower of ****e we have playing is what they need.


This thread makes me ashamed to be a Saints fan. Not because of the said incident, but because so many of you are narrow minded and up your own ar5e5. I know the chap involved very well and without fail he, his kid, and his mates travel the country every week to support the team. The likes of you are sat at home doing feck all so it's you who need to have a good look at yourselves.


A few facts - the kid isn't 5 - he is 8. He is not his son either. He might use industrial language from time to time but he is a fecking good kid and very passionate about Saints. His old man like the chap involved is highly respected so learn a few facts before jumping on the bandwagon. If you've got a problem with these lads why don't you say something to them at games, but oh no it's easier to do it behind the safety of your computer screen, eh?

  M271 said:
Some of our fans behaviour yesterday was not very 'supportive' to the team.


I heard various shouts at players such as:


'Schneiderlin you're s**t'

'Schneiderlin you don't deserve to wear the shirt'

'Bradley 'steal' the ball off them'

'Bradley 'steal' in at back post'


I noticed that these people were the normal late arrivers (5 minutes before kick off) who don't bond and support the team during pre-kick off warm up, and seem to take pride in having great venom and un-controllable anger towards anything happening that they don't agree with.


These people obviously feel that abusing our players will help the situation, or don't they care ?


Well the first 2 were spot on he was absolutely pathetic and minced about, diving going down like he had been shot half the time.

I shout at anyone who does not pull there weight and that was 3 of the 4 midfielders yesterday.

If my comments upset these poor little luvs them that is sad....perhaps if they actually contributed to the team then they would get the encouragement the others like Size, Perry, KD got from me yesterday they give 100% some didnt thats why some of us get annoyed when they stand and watch Blackpool players have free headers, walk through without a tackle and dominate the game without too much bother.

  Block 5 said:
The fella was stood behind the hoardings, shouting at the ref. Last time I checked this wasn't a crime.

A policeman asked him to move back from the hoarding and he started remonstrating with them about the referee. At no point did he take a swing at them.

What followed was beyond belief, the Saints fan (and yes, he IS a fan) was put into a neck lock and an arm lock by half a dozen uniformed meat heads. His 2 sons were understandably upset, the eldest of them was grabbed by another heavy handed policeman and arm locked, while the younger promptly burst into tears. The father was dragged away and ejected. I have no idea if he was arrested.


I have seen them all at plenty of away games and not once have I seen them cause trouble. Yes, they are vocal but that hardly makes them criminals does it.

I am amazed at some of the comments on this thread, mainly by people who weren't even at the game. I think a few of you should get up off of your behinds and start supporting our team by going to watch them play, instead of spouting your biggoted viewpoints on internet forums.


And as for you Stanley, with your comment about sterillisation.... you should be ashamed. I despair of some of the narrow minded people on this forum. You sit in front of your computers and say these people have no place at our club......... and yet you don't even bother to go and support our team! I'd rather have one true Saints fan who goes to away games and mouths off at the ref for a dozen lily livered sofa surfers who never go to away games!


totally understand and agree with you, i suffered the same situ at cardiff this season , had no kids with me but was pulled for having a shout at the lino, after a severve going over by 3 welsh plod , name , address and hooligan data check to which i have no previous to the latter and will never have, thier reason for the grilling is that youve been drinking and your english, suffice to say i were not happy


  M271 said:
Some of our fans behaviour yesterday was not very 'supportive' to the team.


I heard various shouts at players such as:


'Schneiderlin you're s**t'

'Schneiderlin you don't deserve to wear the shirt'

'Bradley 'steal' the ball off them'

'Bradley 'steal' in at back post'


I noticed that these people were the normal late arrivers (5 minutes before kick off) who don't bond and support the team during pre-kick off warm up, and seem to take pride in having great venom and un-controllable anger towards anything happening that they don't agree with.


These people obviously feel that abusing our players will help the situation, or don't they care ?


Are you for real mate? How can arriving 5 minutes before kick off be a bad thing?! I frequently arrive five minutes AFTER the kick off, for no reason other than i'm usually having such a great time with my mates in the pub drinking. If you want to spend the hour before the game clapping our current crop of useless "professionals" onto the pitch and then off it again whilst taking photos of grounds that have only 3 stands then that's your choice. But don't come on here shouting down people who like to enjoy themselves before the game away from the ground.

  Born In The 80s said:
Are you for real mate? How can arriving 5 minutes before kick off be a bad thing?! I frequently arrive five minutes AFTER the kick off, for no reason other than i'm usually having such a great time with my mates in the pub drinking. If you want to spend the hour before the game clapping our current crop of useless "professionals" onto the pitch and then off it again whilst taking photos of grounds that have only 3 stands then that's your choice. But don't come on here shouting down people who like to enjoy themselves before the game away from the ground.


I wasn't suggesting that arriving 5 minutes before a match is a bad thing or shouting down anyone, my main point is that in my opinion shouting abuse at OUR players is unlikely to inspire them to an improved performance, shouts of encouragement might ?


Maybe I'm just feeling a bit sensitive at the moment like most of us being so frustrated by the results/league position situation, normally I wouldn't take much note of the shouts as I know its all part of the game.


P.S. I've never taken a camera to a football match but I do enjoy watching the team warm up (even in the 1970's when Jim Steele wacked a ball in my face during the warm up, by mistake).

  Block 5 said:
The fella was stood behind the hoardings, shouting at the ref. Last time I checked this wasn't a crime.

Depending on what he was shouting at the ref then it could be a crime. We all shout at refs to some extent I'm sure, I know I do, but its not usually as pointed as this seems to have been. One of the reasons why the game is dying at grass roots level in this country is because of the abuse referees (and linos) are given. So even if its not a crime perhaps some people need to at least understand about Respect.

  Kaiser Soze said:
A few facts - the kid isn't 5 - he is 8. He is not his son either. He might use industrial language from time to time but he is a fecking good kid and very passionate about Saints.


It doesn't say much for the parents if an 8 year old uses "industrial language". No wonder pensioners can't leave their houses at night if this is how youngsters are brought up.

  Ricky Redstripe said:
So what is the Harry Roberts song and what's it about?


He murdered two police officers and it seems the chavs worship him for it.:rolleyes:

  Block 5 said:
The fella was stood behind the hoardings, shouting at the ref. Last time I checked this wasn't a crime.

A policeman asked him to move back from the hoarding and he started remonstrating with them about the referee. At no point did he take a swing at them.

What followed was beyond belief, the Saints fan (and yes, he IS a fan) was put into a neck lock and an arm lock by half a dozen uniformed meat heads. His 2 sons were understandably upset, the eldest of them was grabbed by another heavy handed policeman and arm locked, while the younger promptly burst into tears. The father was dragged away and ejected. I have no idea if he was arrested.


I have seen them all at plenty of away games and not once have I seen them cause trouble. Yes, they are vocal but that hardly makes them criminals does it.

I am amazed at some of the comments on this thread, mainly by people who weren't even at the game. I think a few of you should get up off of your behinds and start supporting our team by going to watch them play, instead of spouting your biggoted viewpoints on internet forums.


And as for you Stanley, with your comment about sterillisation.... you should be ashamed. I despair of some of the narrow minded people on this forum. You sit in front of your computers and say these people have no place at our club......... and yet you don't even bother to go and support our team! I'd rather have one true Saints fan who goes to away games and mouths off at the ref for a dozen lily livered sofa surfers who never go to away games!

Good post and spot on with what happened as i like many others who were there saw it. There was no need for the over reaction from police. A quiet word from an experienced police officer was all that was needed IMO. Maybe it's my age but getting filmed by some kid copper with a camera is intimidation and out of order.

  Thedelldays said:
as for trouble..it is happening more and more with saints


and some wonder why we get OTT policing and the stewards are tards some of the time


Trouble? One fan got ejected!

I have been to all Saints games this season and have not seen any more trouble (remember ONE fan was ejected) than in previous years. In fact in 32 years of watching Saints the amount of trouble I have seen is in single figures.

Its fans on message boards who start threads / comment on threads when they were not even at the game, nor do they bother to find out the facts ,who give the impression we are suddenly the new Millwall.


I guess i should comment as i started the whole 5 year old business....sorry i got that wrong he was small though, equally "industrial language" from a 8 year is still a bit shocking.....To be fair they did support the team, but questionable the way the older brother went about it slagging off players and calling us all c*nts for not singing...

With this they really werent that bad, just a bit different.

  maxi_sopez said:
calling us all c*nts for not singing...


That's disgusting. At away games you get a broad section of supporters of all ages put together in one area. The fact they are at the ground means they are supporting the team in their own way. I sing and stand (provided standing isn't inconsiderate to those behind me) but i'd never dream of trying to dictate to others how they support the team.

  IFHP said:
Trouble? One fan got ejected!

I have been to all Saints games this season and have not seen any more trouble (remember ONE fan was ejected) than in previous years. In fact in 32 years of watching Saints the amount of trouble I have seen is in single figures.

Its fans on message boards who start threads / comment on threads when they were not even at the game, nor do they bother to find out the facts ,who give the impression we are suddenly the new Millwall.




Spot On!!


"Ooh, I went to a football match today and someone shouted something naughty"


Get over it Mummyphoners!!

  AndyNorthernSaints said:
Good post and spot on with what happened as i like many others who were there saw it. There was no need for the over reaction from police. A quiet word from an experienced police officer was all that was needed IMO. Maybe it's my age but getting filmed by some kid copper with a camera is intimidation and out of order.


That's the way I read it too. An experienced copper could have turned the situation round and had the fella back in his seat with smiles and laughs all round.

The reaction was over the top, unprofessional and unnecessary.

It was bad policing, and it created a potentially dangerous situation: quite a few people started jeering and shouting at the old bill for their mob handed approach to the incident. It could have got pretty ugly in a very short space of time.

  VectisSaint said:
Depending on what he was shouting at the ref then it could be a crime. We all shout at refs to some extent I'm sure, I know I do, but its not usually as pointed as this seems to have been. One of the reasons why the game is dying at grass roots level in this country is because of the abuse referees (and linos) are given. So even if its not a crime perhaps some people need to at least understand about Respect.


A pointless post IMO, unless you actually heard what the fella shouted at the ref.

  Stanley said:
If the police asked him to move away from the hoardings then he should do as he's told straight away. He gobbed off at them and got what he deserved. The police should be respected end of.


And i do go to games occasionally.



I have seen police wearing no identification numbers, completely out of control. I have witnessed them beat women to the ground with truncheons.

Believe me, there is nothing more scary than being in a situation where the 'guardians of law and order' are the ones who are acting like criminals.

It does happen.

Respect must be earnt, not given freely, without question or accountability.


I'm glad you go to games.

But it's a shame you weren't at this one.

You could have told the Saints fan that you have villified publically in this forum, that you think he should have been sterillised, and that his children should never have been born.


Stanley, you are an arse of the highest order.


Mods, I'll take the infraction points.

Posted (edited)
  Block 5 said:
Mods, I'll take the infraction points.


You can have some of mine if you like.


As to the strelisation comment i was perhaps a little harsh, but i have difficulty understanding how a grown adult could behave in the way of this gentleman especially with a child in tow. It's hardly the behaviour of a responsible parent.

Edited by Mole

It's amazing how people over-react when all's not lovey dovey, happy clappy, PG-rated, watch with mother and sterile at football grounds. Get a grip. Football hasn't quite become the sole preserve of the middle classes YET.

  Junior Mullet said:
It's amazing how people over-react when all's not lovey dovey, happy clappy, PG-rated, watch with mother and sterile at football grounds. Get a grip. Football hasn't quite become the sole preserve of the middle classes YET.


What a stupid argument. You're basically saying working class people are uncouth, police hating, yobbish louts. This is complete nonsense. Most working class fans don't abuse police offices and don't allow their children to use bad language. This is not a class issue, it's about how adults should be expected to behave in a civilised country.

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