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surman to...stay?

saint lard

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Reading need someone to buy Harper for £4-5m. Once that happens then they will obviously come in again. If he does go there he clearly is happy to play left back. If that is the case he might as well stay here. Mind you its esier to impress scouts if you are playing in a winning side.

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Great news if this is the case.


However, I still think there is a gulf between what JP thinks will happen and what will happen when Loew has had his say.


Anyway, only 9 days to go. Time to batten down the hatches.


Any chance someone could cut the telephone cables at SMS ?

great idea, then we can go into administration.
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Great news if this is the case.


However, I still think there is a gulf between what JP thinks will happen and what will happen when Loew has had his say.


Anyway, only 9 days to go. Time to batten down the hatches.


Any chance someone could cut the telephone cables at SMS ?


Cutting the telephone cables won't stop mobile phones working.

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Cutting the telephone cables won't stop mobile phones working.


Anyone got a St Mary's sized faraday cage? ;)


IMO. If we need to sell AS, we should. Would prefer to lose him, then 17 points and any further control of the club.

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I Know AS uncle very well , at the moment AS is not over happy at playing at left back, while he is a huge saints fan, his playing career like any professional footballer is very short , so don`t be suprised if a decent offer comes that he himself will push for a move. Afterall he has ambitions like anybody else.

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However, I still think there is a gulf between what JP thinks will happen and what will happen when Loew has had his say.


Yes, I am sure your view is based on your first hand observations, your day to day contact with the club, your in depth knowledge of how JP and RL interact, your network of spies inside SMS and the bank insider feeding you our weekly cashflow statements.


Or you could be making it all up based on your own personal petty prejudices and not have a single shred of evidence to back it up.


I know where my money is.

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Yes, I am sure your view is based on your first hand observations, your day to day contact with the club, your in depth knowledge of how JP and RL interact, your network of spies inside SMS and the bank insider feeding you our weekly cashflow statements.


Or you could be making it all up based on your own personal petty prejudices and not have a single shred of evidence to back it up.


I know where my money is.



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Update on my young daughters love life..

She has now seen a photograph of Jack Cork and appears to want to go not only to the next game but also the next training session. I asked her about Surman and she replied,

"Who". So the moral of the story to keep the young fans attending matches keep on employing fit good looking players.

I still hope Surman stays regardless of the interest of Reading.

Not seen young Cork play but my two Chelsea supporting friends state he will be a big bonus for the Saints. So here I definitely hope and pray we are onwards and upwards.

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Great news if this is the case.


However, I still think there is a gulf between what JP thinks will happen and what will happen when Loew has had his say.


Anyway, only 9 days to go. Time to batten down the hatches.


Any chance someone could cut the telephone cables at SMS ?


Surman is a quality player IMO and I bet every Premiership club has had a good long look at him. His poor form last season is all that is keeping him here. I suspect a serious offer will come in that is too good to refuse, just as it did for Jones, and we will be a worse side for it.

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If Surman doesn't leave this season, I wouldn't be surprised if he spends most of his career with us.


no reason why he can't stay for another season and then move on. Players like Lescott and Jagielka certainly didn't do their `short careers' any harm by biding their time, improving their game and getting the right move into the prem. Contrast their fortunes with that of Martin Cranie

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could not agree more.


Do you not realise owing to financial reasons we can buy in players.


I am reasonably sure that we are not going to get in a left back unless Surman leaves.


If we get in a left back where will Surman play?



Not Central Midfield I would have thought or Left Wing

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I Know AS uncle very well , at the moment AS is not over happy at playing at left back, while he is a huge saints fan, his playing career like any professional footballer is very short , so don`t be suprised if a decent offer comes that he himself will push for a move. Afterall he has ambitions like anybody else.


An excellent post that has been missed amongst all the trolling....


I'm not a Reading fan, but if they asked me to do the same job as I'm doing now, but for them and for double the money, I'd ask which hand they want me to bite off first!!

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Do you not realise owing to financial reasons we can buy in players.


I am reasonably sure that we are not going to get in a left back unless Surman leaves.


If we get in a left back where will Surman play?



Not Central Midfield I would have thought or Left Wing


Thanks but I understand clearly the financial situation we are in and I know that even if only a half decent offer comes in we will be forced to sell. However that same financial situation didn't stop us signing Cork did it?


With money at a premium why sign Holmes when Surman can play there? We could have spent Holmes wages on a left back instead. We also should not have signed Holmes till we got Skacel off our books. The same applies to the Forcast signing with Davis still here. Its good to get free signings but not particulary prudent spending if you ask me. How has that helped the wage bill be reduced?


Surman can play in he middle or on the left. He had some bad games last year. Suncthorpe away was a shocker, but his dip in form was just that, a dip. The guy is a decent footballer and completely wasted at left back.

Edited by Chez
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When will people stop making players out to be something they are not.


Surman is an average player with no pace,can't tackle,and nowhere near good enough for the premiership.


If someone is prepared to give decent money for him,snap their hands off.


I know where you are coming from, but we will only end up with someone worse filling in.

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When will people stop making players out to be something they are not.


Surman is an average player with no pace,can't tackle,and nowhere near good enough for the premiership.


in your opinion. Other people including myself rate him. Still if you are happy with Holmes that's up to you.

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in your opinion. Other people including myself rate him. Still if you are happy with Holmes that's up to you.


I have to say from what i have seen so far Holmes can cross a ball and has a yard of pace, more crucially. Surman is slow, and isn't particularly willing to put his foot in either. So where do you play him if he isn't quick enough to be a winger and is too soft to play in the middle of midfield?


He does pass the ball quite well, so i do think he has some talent, i just don't see where he can fit into the side.

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I have to say from what i have seen so far Holmes can cross a ball and has a yard of pace, more crucially. Surman is slow, and isn't particularly willing to put his foot in either. So where do you play him if he isn't quick enough to be a winger and is too soft to play in the middle of midfield?


He does pass the ball quite well, so i do think he has some talent, i just don't see where he can fit into the side.


Itotally agree with you this time Verbal Kint good post

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I have to say from what i have seen so far Holmes can cross a ball and has a yard of pace, more crucially. Surman is slow, and isn't particularly willing to put his foot in either. So where do you play him if he isn't quick enough to be a winger and is too soft to play in the middle of midfield?


He does pass the ball quite well, so i do think he has some talent, i just don't see where he can fit into the side.


first of all you need to look again as Holmes has no pace, none at all. He looks average to me. As for Surman he can play wide or in the middle. Who says he has to have pace, quality is what is needed?


I don't agree with this theory that Surman doesn't tackle, but even if he is a poor tackler that doesn't mean he can't play in the middle.


Hleb was one of Arsenal's player of the seaon and he has neither pace nor great tackling ability yet he placed all across their midfield.


Surman has a great first touch, is willing to ribble, is happy to receive the ball in all areas and has the ability to beat a man.


I appreciate he is not world class, but in this league he is a quality player. If you have are willing to have a little patience Surman he will reward you.


We are running out of players we can back at the club...

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Hleb was one of Arsenal's player of the seaon and he has neither pace nor great tackling ability yet he placed all across their midfield.



Respect your opinions on Drew but that is laughable. Put Hleb up against Surman in a 20 meter sprint and Hleb would win before Drew had even started. Deceptively quick.

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Respect your opinions on Drew but that is laughable. Put Hleb up against Surman in a 20 meter sprint and Hleb would win before Drew had even started. Deceptively quick.

I can't be bothered to waste my time on here arguing about the pace of Hleb. Lets take another wide player such as Krankjar. Next to no pace yet a class act in the Prem. Pace aint everything if you have genuine ability on the ball.


IMO Surman is a geniune asset and should not be allowed to leave for peanuts. £2.5m is not enough.

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When will people stop making players out to be something they are not.

Surman is an average player with no pace,can't tackle,and nowhere near good enough for the premiership.


If someone is prepared to give decent money for him,snap their hands off.


We'll stop making players out to be something they're not when you do. Or did the irony of your statement escape you?


It is only your opinion that he is average and anybody who disagrees with you is therefore calling into question your judgement. Unless you can back up your analysis with some experience in professional football, then your opinion has no validity above any other.


My opinion FWIW, is that he is a decent player, better than most we could afford to replace him with and that he would do better playing in his best position, which is not left back. If that is making him out to be a player he's not, then tough.

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1965onwards is spot on with his opinion on Surman. Nice guy, Saints fan, loves the

club, however no more than average championship player. Above all he has little or no



Reading wanted this very average player without pace. Nice one Coppell. You're obviously a crap judge of a player, as even some expert posters on here know more than you.

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Coppell is no doubt willing to buy a player he thinks is willing to join his club,and while he would like to buy Ashley Cole,finance dictates that he lowers his sights.


Coppell may well feel that he can improve Drew,or that the set-up of his team is such that his limitations will not be so badly exposed as they are in Saints team.


Drew can be a good passer,but there were games last season when he did nothing but give the ball away.


IMO,at the moment we need the money more than we need Surman.

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