stevegrant Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 As a test concept, we will be running live match updates from tonight's game on the new SaintsWeb Twitter feed, which will also be visible on the front page of the main site. Hopefully, if a percentage of those who use the match threads to find out what's going on but don't post use the Twitter feed, we should find the performance improve a bit. We will also be restricting access to the main site to Registered Users, Full Members and Mods/Admins. If you have registered but haven't confirmed your account (an e-mail will have been sent to the address you registered with), you will not be able to view this forum this evening. Either confirm your account to become a Registered User or use the Twitter feed for match updates.
Weston Super Saint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Either confirm your account to become a Registered User or use the Twitter feed for match updates. Will this one work for people with longer user names?
mack rill Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Looks like payed up Skates only on hear tonight then:smt023
stevegrant Posted 10 March, 2009 Author Posted 10 March, 2009 Will this one work for people with longer user names? Yep. That problem with the chat room really was bizarre - there was absolutely no reason why the software should have put that restriction on :smt017
saintjay77 Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 As a test concept, we will be running live match updates from tonight's game on the new SaintsWeb Twitter feed, which will also be visible on the front page of the main site. Hopefully, if a percentage of those who use the match threads to find out what's going on but don't post use the Twitter feed, we should find the performance improve a bit. We will also be restricting access to the main site to Registered Users, Full Members and Mods/Admins. If you have registered but haven't confirmed your account (an e-mail will have been sent to the address you registered with), you will not be able to view this forum this evening. Either confirm your account to become a Registered User or use the Twitter feed for match updates. Good move on the users and i hope it will make a difference. problem will be when the people who havent registered suddenly do register and we are clogged up again. I really dont want to sign up to twitter as my life seems to have been taken over by MSN and facebook. i dont want another bloody thing goin on lol
St Landrew Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Steve was making an important information post, and this came in reply. lowe/wilde out! Burley Out... And I lolled. Oh dear. :smt083
saintjay77 Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Looks like payed up Skates only on hear tonight then:smt023 Why did you pay up to a saints site?
dubai_phil Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Steve was making an important information post, and this came in reply. And I lolled. Oh dear. :smt083 They forgot one Web Hosters OUT!
stevegrant Posted 10 March, 2009 Author Posted 10 March, 2009 Good move on the users and i hope it will make a difference. problem will be when the people who havent registered suddenly do register and we are clogged up again. Well we'll cross that bridge if/when we come to it I really dont want to sign up to twitter as my life seems to have been taken over by MSN and facebook. i dont want another bloody thing goin on lol I know what you mean - I only signed up to Twitter yesterday and have spent far more time than I should on there! You should still be able to see the updates on the front page of the main site - - if you can't view the SaintsWeb Twitter page.
mack rill Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Why did you pay up to a saints site? Coss your my second team,,,,onest!:smt100 Not only that but every now and then a Fred like the statue Fred comes along:D That was like finding a field full of magic mushrooms;)
Micky Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Sorry but all this technological stuff is doing my head in - can somebody, in plain english, tell me what everybody is twittering on about. Ahhh wth - I'll just follow the match fred as usual - I have faith...!
Michelle Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 I've just clicked on the Twitter link, and it doesn't look like you have to join up to view the updates... or am I missing something?
saintjay77 Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Well we'll cross that bridge if/when we come to it I know what you mean - I only signed up to Twitter yesterday and have spent far more time than I should on there! You should still be able to see the updates on the front page of the main site - - if you can't view the SaintsWeb Twitter page. Will stick about for the match fred on here and if that goes bazooms up then ill try the main page. Anyone know of a possible radio link? Ive not been able to load up match console at all recently and im guessing the beeb will be all over that waste of space competition that liverpool and someone else is in tonight?
Mole Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Welldone for implementing my suggestions. I am pleased i've been able to help.
saintjay77 Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 I've just clicked on the Twitter link, and it doesn't look like you have to join up to view the updates... or am I missing something? Twitter is a new site that does bugger all except post updates. kind of like the status thing on facebook. but nothin else. you sign up and every time you want to pick your toe nails or de-wax your ears or make a cuppa or what ever you change your status so that people who dont have anything better to do can see what your up too and become more intersted in another dull life. Actually I might sell my explanation of it to Twitter as I thought there explanation was rubbish lol But I think Steve is going to put a copy of the updates on the front page of saintsweb so you dont need to go and sign up to Twitter or something. HTH
saintjay77 Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Welldone for implementing my suggestions. I am pleased i've been able to help. Your suggestion is absolute crap. HTH
Colinjb Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 So there is no game news/updates on the forum tonight, it's all on this twitter thing?
Mole Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Your suggestion is absolute crap. HTH Blocking guests so registered and paying members can use the site without it going slow is good for all of us. Fool.
bridge too far Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Well we'll cross that bridge if/when we come to it ....... Don't you DARE go crossing me, Steve
saintjay77 Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Blocking guests so registered and paying members can use the site without it going slow is good for all of us. Fool. I didnt say which one and there is no need for calling names
alpine_saint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Twitterlicious. I'm in. :-) Where did you get you Rorschach avatar ??
RoswellSaint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 So there is no game news/updates on the forum tonight, it's all on this twitter thing? No, Twitter is only for those not posting - I think!
alpine_saint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Twitterlicious. I'm in. :-) Hope you dont mind...
InvictaSaint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Hope you dont mind... Au contraire, I feel honoured. :-)
alpine_saint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Au contraire, I feel honoured. :-) I've been looking for one everywhere.
alpine_saint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Must be a quiet match, that Twitter thing is still stuck on Derby kicking off...
Gingeletiss Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 I think the bird...gets the bird, aw well, look forward to seeing what we have at the weekend.
WestSaint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Must be a quiet match, that Twitter thing is still stuck on Derby kicking off... and I thought it was me just not understanding the technology - Its enough to make you start going to games again !!
alpine_saint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Wow, a Gillet challenge according to Twa.tter.......
InvictaSaint Posted 10 March, 2009 Posted 10 March, 2009 Mods - thought the Twitter experiment worked quite well, although the tweating noise whenever I refreshed my ipod Touch caused great consternation to my wife :-(
stevegrant Posted 11 March, 2009 Author Posted 11 March, 2009 Is there any more feedback from the Twitter experiment?
bridge too far Posted 11 March, 2009 Posted 11 March, 2009 Is there any more feedback from the Twitter experiment? I preferred the Match thread, Steve. Twitter took an age to refresh I found.
Saint Martini Posted 11 March, 2009 Posted 11 March, 2009 Since it was meant for those who do not post I wonder how much replies you're going to get Steve. I myself didn't look at it. Like most people that post on the matchthread I listen to the match on the radio and the match thread is more for a bit of banter during the match. But I guess since the forum was much quicker yesterday the combination of closing the site for guests and the twitter update thingy worked.
mikec Posted 11 March, 2009 Posted 11 March, 2009 I did use to twitter site to get updates and thanks to whoever it was that set it up and wrote the reports. I would have liked slightly more frequent updates but I can understand that it's not easy to both watch the game and type at the same time. Also it sounds like there was not a great deal to report last night anyway. Like others have said, I prefer the banter of the match thread (even though I don't generally post) - but twitter will be a useful addition when the main server is overloaded.
saintjay77 Posted 11 March, 2009 Posted 11 March, 2009 I stuck with the match fred on here till the soon to be ex decided to have a rant (fully deserved i might add lol) but also checked out the updates on tha main page in which Derby kicked off and Gillet did something. Didnt see any more updates than that in the 1st half though so im guessing the main site option might get dropped?
Greedyfly Posted 11 March, 2009 Posted 11 March, 2009 Steve, not sure about the Twitter thing. I like the concept in principle especially for me out here, when I can't get a radio link...Seriously does no one have a communal Matchconsole password the'yd be willing to share...I had one, once upon a time. Anyway, I found that the updates were less frequent and less descriptive even compared to that of the OS. In addition I found that most of the time I had to press refresh to get said updates anyway. So where I think it could work in principle, the lack of continuous (or close to) updates and having to contantly refresh myself would put me off using it until said 'issues' were ironed out.
stevegrant Posted 12 March, 2009 Author Posted 12 March, 2009 Steve, not sure about the Twitter thing. I like the concept in principle especially for me out here, when I can't get a radio link...Seriously does no one have a communal Matchconsole password the'yd be willing to share...I had one, once upon a time. Anyway, I found that the updates were less frequent and less descriptive even compared to that of the OS. In addition I found that most of the time I had to press refresh to get said updates anyway. So where I think it could work in principle, the lack of continuous (or close to) updates and having to contantly refresh myself would put me off using it until said 'issues' were ironed out. To be fair, I'm not intending it as something that totally replaces the match threads or the minute-by-minute reports on the OS. Essentially, the way it worked on Tuesday was something happened during the game and I sent a message to Twitter via my BlackBerry. Twitter has a limit of 140 characters per "Tweet", so there's only so much information I can put in there anyway, and of course I'd quite like to be able to watch the game as well as keep people updated on it I'm not totally sure how viable it is as a long-term thing, I might end up just using it for goal updates as it was a significant amount of extra effort for me to constantly be entering stuff into my phone during the game. Thanks for the feedback, though... keep it coming
saintjay77 Posted 12 March, 2009 Posted 12 March, 2009 To be fair, I'm not intending it as something that totally replaces the match threads or the minute-by-minute reports on the OS. Essentially, the way it worked on Tuesday was something happened during the game and I sent a message to Twitter via my BlackBerry. Twitter has a limit of 140 characters per "Tweet", so there's only so much information I can put in there anyway, and of course I'd quite like to be able to watch the game as well as keep people updated on it I'm not totally sure how viable it is as a long-term thing, I might end up just using it for goal updates as it was a significant amount of extra effort for me to constantly be entering stuff into my phone during the game. Thanks for the feedback, though... keep it coming Now knowing how the updates got there I suggest you scrap it bud. Realy appreciate your effort but dont waste going to the games by constantly updating us. If your happy to just do the goal updates then stick with that and dont bother with anymore. Im sure we will find a way to get updates and if the match threads are running better with all the non registered missing then we will all be a little happier. Im guessing the work to make the speed issues hasnt stopped either so in time I guess it will get better still in time.
saintjay77 Posted 12 March, 2009 Posted 12 March, 2009 Oh and as for the match console username issue? I have been trying to crack that for months. Its easier to get free xxx sites than a bloody footy match lol
arfurdent Posted 12 March, 2009 Posted 12 March, 2009 What the f**k is "Twitter" ?? Two versions: 1) designed to listen to the rambling of Stephen Fry 2) the football version is spelt with an "A"
dubai_phil Posted 12 March, 2009 Posted 12 March, 2009 Perhaps a different way of twittering is to get maybe 4 or 5 regulars who go to games and have crackberries to make updates Simply agree to each post say 3 times with slightly preset views eg one on us one on opposition and one on fans/etc Saves you getting RSi on your thumbs and missing a goal so we moan when you can't give us an on the spot..... Could become a new phenonmenon group on the spot blogs (damn that was good if technically tough - copyright quick!)
once_bitterne Posted 12 March, 2009 Posted 12 March, 2009 What the f**k is "Twitter" ?? It's a social networking site that people can use to keep in contact with their friends. I wouldn't worry Alps, I don't think you would have any cause to use it........
WestSaint Posted 12 March, 2009 Posted 12 March, 2009 I was a bit disapppointed with it but I guess it is early days and for me the technogy is new. I guess it comes into its own a bit more when there are more frequent updates. Worth persevering with for a while longer.
Greedyfly Posted 13 March, 2009 Posted 13 March, 2009 Oh and as for the match console username issue? I have been trying to crack that for months. Its easier to get free xxx sites than a bloody footy match lol Ahhh tell me about it. Seriously, if I want to look at 'anal sluts doing it hard' no worries, password in seconds. If I want to get updates on a football match that is being broadcast on free radio (but not as it seems on the internet version - what the **** is up with that), I could get tickets too (if in the country) and isn't a national security secret, such as Roswell, area 51 etc, then noooooo. No ****ing chance there chap. You have to be within 20 metres of the ground or there's no hope.
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