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Ian Harte training at Southampton.


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As it says on the box, according to the Daily Star Harte is training at SMS after his move to Wolves collapsed. It says he looks a likely replacement for the Reading bound Andrew Surnam.




Why did his Wolves move collapse

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Seems that he rejected the Wolves deal. Mick McCarthy is said to be disappointed that he didn't sign. Probably didn't want to live in that ****e hole. Surely his wages would be a problem for us, as he still seems useful and therefore would cost above what we can pay.

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Would be a good move for us, but this appears to fly-in-the-face of what we are being told about the club finances.


I would suspect we are being told porky-pies if this were to go through, however good a move it is.

Given Harte's injury record at Levante (who he left a year ago to join Sunderland), I'd be surprised if he wasn't offered a pay-as-you-play deal, assuming we offer him anything at all.

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Would be a good move for us, but this appears to fly-in-the-face of what we are being told about the club finances.


I would suspect we are being told porky-pies if this were to go through, however good a move it is.



Yeh, I could understand it if we were guaranteed of getting rid of Skacel and Euell.

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If he is out of work at the moment and not earning anything, surely whatever we offer him is better than he's on now, so this could work in our favour!


Obviously we can't take the **** too much, but by offering him a one year deal on money we can afford gives us a decent player and him a window to sell himself in. Win-Win.


I'm not a fan of short-term deals like this, but in our current predicament we need to do all we can to attract talent to the club.

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if he couldn't get a deal at Wolves with his mate Mick at the helm then you have to doubt his credentials. The guy looked past it in his last few seasons at Leeds and that was how long ago?


I'm all for signing a proper leftback to allow Surman to play instead of Holmes, but just not him.

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He's only played 26 games (and 6 as sub) in the past 4 years. He used to be good, but I'd worry what sort of shape he's in these days.


Last season Sunderland lost 6, and drew 2 of the 8 games he featured in, including a 7-1 defeat at Everton.

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What's this? You're finding a pre-emptive negative in a possible positive move? That's not like you.


Harte won't be on huge wages. He said he wants a club, ie. not just a month by month thing, and he knows it'll be CCC. Not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either. If Surman went, he would no doubt be on lesser wages, and we'd have the fee coming in. If Surman stayed, we'd have competition at full back, and the chance to put Surman in midfield, which could be a problem because Holmes is pretty good.


A few good points here, if Surnam left that wil be £2million in the coffers + wages saved (not itk about his wages so gestimation of £4k per week), if Harte demands £10k a week for a years contract that is half a million in wages, certainly a better offer.

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He's only played 26 games (and 6 as sub) in the past 4 years. He used to be good, but I'd worry what sort of shape he's in these days.


Last season Sunderland lost 6, and drew 2 of the 8 games he featured in, including a 7-1 defeat at Everton.




26 in one season maybe but not in the past 4 years as you quote.

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He's only played 26 games (and 6 as sub) in the past 4 years. He used to be good, but I'd worry what sort of shape he's in these days.


Last season Sunderland lost 6, and drew 2 of the 8 games he featured in, including a 7-1 defeat at Everton.


I doubt he was solely to blame..and it was in the prem. hcdajfu in the championship

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He's only played 26 games (and 6 as sub) in the past 4 years. He used to be good, but I'd worry what sort of shape he's in these days.


Last season Sunderland lost 6, and drew 2 of the 8 games he featured in, including a 7-1 defeat at Everton.



Wouldn't set any store on what happened at Levante, it's a graveyard for decent players,took Fred Dehu from Marseille on a big saary 2 year deal

and turned him into a rubbish player, which he certainly wasn't.Probably some brazilian or portuguese coach involved, as far as most of them are concerned if you can't score 20 goals from bicycle kicks from the half-way line a season you're garbage and in the reserves.

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What's this? You're finding a pre-emptive negative in a possible positive move? That's not like you.



It's called balancing the pros and cons as things stand, and what we know, now.


I feel sorry for you if you think everyone should be happy-clappy and toe the party line over every little fart of info that emerges from the club.


Why dont you quit with the whining ?

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A few good points here, if Surnam left that wil be £2million in the coffers + wages saved (not itk about his wages so gestimation of £4k per week), if Harte demands £10k a week for a years contract that is half a million in wages, certainly a better offer.


Sorry about your dyslexia, perhaps I can help. Anrew Surman is a man. Some men are 'Sirs' - put them together and you get sir-man - Andrew Sir-man, easy isn't it.


First time I thought it was lazy journalism from the Daily Star, but second time I realised your problem.

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Ian Harte has always possessed a sweet left foot but I question his ability these days to get beyond the last defender, get to the by-line and pull the ball back for the onrushing striker to plant the ball beyond the diving clutches of the opposition`s despairing custodian.


But maybe hcdajfu, to be fair.



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Senior spelling blunder
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A few good points here, if Surnam left that wil be £2million in the coffers + wages saved (not itk about his wages so gestimation of £4k per week), if Harte demands £10k a week for a years contract that is half a million in wages, certainly a better offer.


If he demanded that much then there is no way we would sign him - 1)we would never pay out £10k per week to someone coming into the club as it would unsettle all of the other players in the squad 2)as commented elsewhere, he was never the most mobile player even in his last days at Leeds & that was a few years ago - so he has no pace & I don't remember him as quick, fluid passer of the ball - not exactly the profile we are looking for.


That said, I'm really not sure who we can bring in with experience so we may have to settle for Surman/Skacel (if he's still here) unless we bring in another young player on loan.

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That isn't true though, countless threads seem to descend into arguments. I know you don't start lots of them, but still.


You're right, there should be balanced views about the club and news like the Harte rumour, but that's always been my point, you don't do balance so much as out and out negativity. Which I could understand during Burleys time, as I could rival your depression. But there are positive things too now. I wouldn't mind the moaning if I saw you on other threads praising something or saying someone had played well or something positive about the team.



Exhibit A : The Jack Cork thread.


Talk about people only seeing what they want to.

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I moan about the club, not fellow posters expressing their opinion.



Oh no you dont

how much more prima-facia evidence do you want us happy clappy types want to produce to shoot your claim down that you dont moan about fellow posters.


After all you wouldnt be alpine if you were not having a pop at fellow posters

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A few good points here, if Surnam left that wil be £2million in the coffers + wages saved (not itk about his wages so gestimation of £4k per week), if Harte demands £10k a week for a years contract that is half a million in wages, certainly a better offer.

Less with the sensible analytical posts please.Can we not make something negative and anti-Lowe out of this ? lol !

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He's a 30 year old left back who has played at good clubs, is available on a free and probably at low wages. Whats not to like?


He hasn't played well for years and seems to have had an injury career since leaving leeds. Surely there must be better options out there.

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From Wolverhampton paper:


Trial defender Ian Harte has rejected the chance of a short-term contract at Wolves.


The 64-capped Republic of Ireland international had been offered what is believed to be a month-to-month deal, with the incentive of something longer should he impress.


The 30-year-old ex-Leeds and Sunderland man has turned down the chance following a three-week trial.


Manager Mick McCarthy said: “If he’d have come, I’d have been thrilled, but he hasn’t, so be it. He wanted to stay, but it was only a short term deal and it was up to him what he wanted to do.”

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He hasn't played well for years and seems to have had an injury career since leaving leeds. Surely there must be better options out there.


I seem to remember the 'groans' when we signed a certain David (oh, fook it's been 3 games and I'm injured again) Hirst.. I also recall he had his longest consecutive run of games played whilst turning out for us.. And he was no spring chicken either..


There are better options.. However, we have cloth that requires cutting..


As always, UTS

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By playing them in their natural positions in midfield.


We already have midfielders but I take your point.


But we must keep playing our own players otherwise we will never progress because Cork will eventually return to Chelsea

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I seem to remember the 'groans' when we signed a certain David (oh, fook it's been 3 games and I'm injured again) Hirst.. I also recall he had his longest consecutive run of games played whilst turning out for us.. And he was no spring chicken either..


There are better options.. However, we have cloth that requires cutting..


As always, UTS


But for every David Hirst there are three Chris Makin's. Just think it's too risky in our financial and footballing position, unless he is on absolute peanuts.

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