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Mods, any sign of when this may re-open?

Still waiting for a response from the club re a couple of queries I had. I've sent another e-mail to chase that this afternoon.

Still waiting for a response from the club re a couple of queries I had. I've sent another e-mail to chase that this afternoon.


Don't email - pick up the dog and bone and face them down! You know what they are like - they probably mean may next year. You should well know by now that they could n't organise a **** up in a brewery and you are waiting for them to "get back to you" as I've said before its a football match not a global economic recovery we are trying to organise! I'm champing at the bit to play my five minutes before I am fooked!

How is it the club?


Steve and Baj were looking into it and when they know what the options are they are going to let us know. bugger all to do with the club messing anyone about lol


Think you will find from Steves post that he is waiting for the club to "get back to him" - surely they should have had there prices sorted out on a :








Level, with bronze being the basic package and the other two including Kit and other various add ons, I don't know video, photoraphs, dinner or meet the queen. Then once thats in order you advertise so that when people phone up to book its already to rock and roll and you take the green stuff and laugh all the way to the bank. The club could n't market a box of fish - let a lone anything any more complex. THATS WHY I BLAME THEM. I could give you more evidence of **** up but I won't ... But the Ted Bates statue always springs to mind. Post the picture of the original someone to give us a much needed laugh.


I will definitely sign up once things are sorted. £125 is not a lot of money for the sort of experience we're talking about ... scoring my inevitable hat trick I mean.;)


As a help do we know how many people are interested - can we at least have a date or possible dates and then we can hammer out the finer details as we go along. Then maybe we could pay deposits to book places - and maybe sort out the second game from there if there is enough interest or maybe offer another forum team to play another team if there isn't quite enough for two games between ourselves. I don't think the kit issue is massive - if you are paying £125-150 quid to play then you will pay the extra ten to twenty quid for the match worn souvenier shirt.... come on lets get this rolling the original post was on the 6th and we are a week down the line. Crack on boys - i'll bring the oranges!!!

As a help do we know how many people are interested - can we at least have a date or possible dates and then we can hammer out the finer details as we go along. Then maybe we could pay deposits to book places - and maybe sort out the second game from there if there is enough interest or maybe offer another forum team to play another team if there isn't quite enough for two games between ourselves. I don't think the kit issue is massive - if you are paying £125-150 quid to play then you will pay the extra ten to twenty quid for the match worn souvenier shirt.... come on lets get this rolling the original post was on the 6th and we are a week down the line. Crack on boys - i'll bring the oranges!!!


Having a quick scan through the thread it looks as thoguh around 40 people are interested + some saying other family members would be also.

Posted (edited)
Having a quick scan through the thread it looks as thoguh around 40 people are interested + some saying other family members would be also.


Ok - so forty plus interested potentially - but as with everything some will drop out as there is no date - some woman is bound to want to get married on match day and **** it up for some poor bastard - and guessing that we are not all - quite match fit would suggest some one might do a beasant and drop a jar of pickeled eggs on there foot. So forty plus interested but no date - the key here is the date lets get that sorted. Evening would be better so that those who work do not have to take time off. So Baj - steveGrant have we got a date? or are we waiting for the "club to get back to us" kick it on boys!!!


The title of the next thread is "we are having a game at SMS on....... at .........o'clock - who would like to play!!!


.... then we take deposits - and it easy home from there!!!! Don't get hung up on the detail to start with -lets get it booked and underway!

Edited by ooohTerryHurlock

Being that the main aim here is actually about playing on the hallowed turf and not necessarily on the game - could we modify the stucture of football aid slightly - maybe have 18 man squads with two of the ninety minute position reduced to 80 mins to allow two cameo appearances maybe for older or more infirm players? This would help to accomodate 36 forum members which would be near the number who have expressed an interest. Also we could have a couple of reserves just in case we have a drop out or two.

Still waiting for a response from the club re a couple of queries I had. I've sent another e-mail to chase that this afternoon.


Could you get back to me whether it is open to u18's, and whether I have to be a full member or not. Thanks.

some woman is bound to want to get married on match day and **** it up for some poor bastard


Alarm bells ringing TH!


What if one of them decides that she wants to actually PLAY? That could **** it up for all of us.


I must add that initially the price was touted as a clincher for many, now then some of us may be able to afford an extra £10 or £20 quid, but I think the organisers need to keep it available to as many as possible on price. I think that most interested parties already have a saints shirt and may just want to turn out. Anyway if we are having names, will SRS really want to run around with "****" written across his back?


Just my opinion.


Thought about this on the way home - probably some new government driven road traffic offence(thinking whilst driving). Has Baj and Stevegrant (are they the organisers?? happy to help by the way if I can) thought about the dreaded (arthur daily) VAT - That adds £600 if the cost is £4000 to hire the pitch? Can we have some more regular updates from you guys and WE NEED A PROPOSED DATE ASAP -

Alarm bells ringing TH!


What if one of them decides that she wants to actually PLAY? That could **** it up for all of us.


I must add that initially the price was touted as a clincher for many, now then some of us may be able to afford an extra £10 or £20 quid, but I think the organisers need to keep it available to as many as possible on price. I think that most interested parties already have a saints shirt and may just want to turn out. Anyway if we are having names, will SRS really want to run around with "****" written across his back?


Just my opinion.


Not sure if any one has given any thought to ladies playing as well - (had to give up two tickets to Oval for the final ashes test in 2005 because some female friend decided to get married that day (they liked cricket as well can you believe!) -The marriage lasted two years - the memories my mate had (beneficary of the tickets FOC) of the final day..... Priceless!!! - thats why all weddings should be banned as it won't fook up the sporting calander!LIve in sin and shake hands with the devil!!!......


anyway need some thought on ladies playing - the shirts as I said earlier can be sorted out later. Date and numbers first - sort out the sides, get the balance right and then kits and stuff like that.

Thought about this on the way home - probably some new government driven road traffic offence(thinking whilst driving). Has Baj and Stevegrant (are they the organisers?? happy to help by the way if I can) thought about the dreaded (arthur daily) VAT - That adds £600 if the cost is £4000 to hire the pitch? Can we have some more regular updates from you guys and WE NEED A PROPOSED DATE ASAP -


Good thinking, but the price already includes VAT.


And you will all get an update when we do.

Could you get back to me whether it is open to u18's, and whether I have to be a full member or not. Thanks.

I'm afraid we cant as we arent in possession of the full terms and conditions from the club yet.

Good thinking, but the price already includes VAT.


And you will all get an update when we do.


You must have a date in mind though? and surely we cant then get an idea of final numbers? Are the club mucking you about then?

You must have a date in mind though? and surely we cant then get an idea of final numbers? Are the club mucking you about then?
They probably dont want a load of moaners playing as there will be complaints that the dressing rooms were not up to standard or the grass is the wrong colour against our tans

They're not mucking us about at all, but you need to appreciate that we need full information before we can start taking applications.


I understand your eagerness, but trying to put the boot up our bums to be quicker isnt really going to achieve anything.

They're not mucking us about at all, but you need to appreciate that we need full information before we can start taking applications.


I understand your eagerness, but trying to put the boot up our bums to be quicker isnt really going to achieve anything.


Its not your bum that my boot is aimed at - I'll save that for the game - one of the only skills I have. Its the club. THe way i see it its the 11th of march. ~The original post was on the 6th. The game has to be played between the 1st and the 17th. The advert states that T&Cs apply so i take it the club would have these ready before placing the advert so they can send them out when the enquiry comes in. there is a lot of interest and people are keen to play and i don't mean to cause offence but holidays are coming up and for some it may take a little while to get the cash together considering the current financial situation. May is also holiday time and the quicker a date is set you will know your more exact numbers. Regardless the T&Cs the date can be fixed - i am keen to help in anyway possible but can't see it takes 1 week to get the t&C's out and to give you a price on the kit.

Its not your bum that my boot is aimed at - I'll save that for the game - one of the only skills I have. Its the club. THe way i see it its the 11th of march. ~The original post was on the 6th. The game has to be played between the 1st and the 17th. The advert states that T&Cs apply so i take it the club would have these ready before placing the advert so they can send them out when the enquiry comes in. there is a lot of interest and people are keen to play and i don't mean to cause offence but holidays are coming up and for some it may take a little while to get the cash together considering the current financial situation. May is also holiday time and the quicker a date is set you will know your more exact numbers. Regardless the T&Cs the date can be fixed - i am keen to help in anyway possible but can't see it takes 1 week to get the t&C's out and to give you a price on the kit.
most would not have as many questions or requests as us I would suggest. Lets not start moaning too soon,Steve Im sure is trying his best

I bet Rupert is loving this. Maybe he doesn't want us anywhere near his club. The ******.


Tell him from me, if no T's and C's by the weekend he can stick it up his arse. Another reason to dislike the man.

most would not have as many questions or requests as us I would suggest. Lets not start moaning too soon,Steve Im sure is trying his best


What are the questions and suggestions that we are making though? The only ones I can think of are about shirts. Have I missed something?

What are the questions and suggestions that we are making though? The only ones I can think of are about shirts. Have I missed something?


I think it is about numbers as well.It probably has been costed and organised as 16 per team max. We may get 30 a side and that causes other problems.

I think it is about numbers as well.It probably has been costed and organised as 16 per team max. We may get 30 a side and that causes other problems.


30 a side! That sounds bloody awesome, especially if they add time for each substitution. Maybe best not to go for too late a kick off as the IOW players could miss the last ferry. ;)


In all seriousness, please could we know what dates people fancy? I personally would prefer a Saturday evening. 2nd, 9th or 16th would be great.

30 a side! That sounds bloody awesome, especially if they add time for each substitution. Maybe best not to go for too late a kick off as the IOW players could miss the last ferry. ;)


In all seriousness, please could we know what dates people fancy? I personally would prefer a Saturday evening. 2nd, 9th or 16th would be great.


Think baj may have said earlier on it would probably be amidweek game.


Anything after the 8th i would prefer but i can work around any date :)

most would not have as many questions or requests as us I would suggest. Lets not start moaning too soon,Steve Im sure is trying his best


I'm not moaning - I have offered to help if Baj and Stevie are busy or up against it. The club as, we all know is a complete shambles from top to bottom - so just sending emails in to the girl who is organising is n't going to meet a swift response. Our situation is no different to anyother potential client. the complexity here is its not like an established team or one company paying for the event -you have 30 - 40 individuals that need to be organised into two sides - monies collected, and a date. Football aid take months to organise there match we are going to do it in 8 weeks or so. The advert says T&cs apply so they should be readily available. As i have said I AM NOt MOANING, I have offered to help in any way possible and am 100% committed and enthusiastic to make this event go ahead. If the world was left to email nothing would ever get done. This can't be done on a consesnsu as to what date people would like. The guys who are going to organise this need to say we are going to do it this date and time and thats that or else we will be **** arsing about forever. If you want to play badly enough you will be there if not - maybe next time. BUT DON'T TAKE LIGHT HEARTED POST, ENTHUSIASM and A LITTLE BIT OF BANTER AS MOANING....


fantastic idea from the club to get more money in the coffers. Although I am not a full member I would love the chance to play at SMS.


I also feel that getting some backing from Local media and ex saints to raise some money for charity would be good PR for the forum & the club.

fantastic idea from the club to get more money in the coffers. Although I am not a full member I would love the chance to play at SMS.


I also feel that getting some backing from Local media and ex saints to raise some money for charity would be good PR for the forum & the club.


To be honest with you Woody, ex Saints would not really be a clncher for me.


And as for a charity element to it? Well, I have already this week been victim to one too many Red Rip Off attacks, so with respect would like to decline any invitation to 'give' something back. I just want to play a game of footie at St Mary's.

fantastic idea from the club to get more money in the coffers. Although I am not a full member I would love the chance to play at SMS.


I also feel that getting some backing from Local media and ex saints to raise some money for charity would be good PR for the forum & the club.


Good idea and agree but I think tis is what football aid is about - Not sure totally treading on their toes is the thing to do!

I'm not moaning - I have offered to help if Baj and Stevie are busy or up against it. The club as, we all know is a complete shambles from top to bottom - so just sending emails in to the girl who is organising is n't going to meet a swift response. Our situation is no different to anyother potential client. the complexity here is its not like an established team or one company paying for the event -you have 30 - 40 individuals that need to be organised into two sides - monies collected, and a date. Football aid take months to organise there match we are going to do it in 8 weeks or so. The advert says T&cs apply so they should be readily available. As i have said I AM NOt MOANING, I have offered to help in any way possible and am 100% committed and enthusiastic to make this event go ahead. If the world was left to email nothing would ever get done. This can't be done on a consesnsu as to what date people would like. The guys who are going to organise this need to say we are going to do it this date and time and thats that or else we will be **** arsing about forever. If you want to play badly enough you will be there if not - maybe next time. BUT DON'T TAKE LIGHT HEARTED POST, ENTHUSIASM and A LITTLE BIT OF BANTER AS MOANING....
oooooooooooooooTerry Hurlock. I didnt mean just you and you are right you did offer to help.I do like the enthusiasm.
Think baj may have said earlier on it would probably be amidweek game.


Anything after the 8th i would prefer but i can work around any date :)


was going to say that a midweek game would make it tricky for me living in Torbados but I work my own hours so feck it im still in :D


Ive even started back at training so I might even have some level of fitness by the time the game comes about.



Good idea and agree but I think tis is what football aid is about - Not sure totally treading on their toes is the thing to do!


I mentioned much earlier in the thread about trying to make a bit more about this. I know we are all prepared to put our bit in to cover costs but I reckon if its done as a luvvie vs anti grudge match tongue in cheek type of thing then it could attract a bit of publicity and some sponsorship from some local companies including SMS which will raise a little extra and given to a local charity or group. Could be anything from a local youth club to a hospice or something.


Personally I would just love the chance to play on the pitch but it wouuld be nice if we as a group could do a little more and help some people out.

I mentioned much earlier in the thread about trying to make a bit more about this. I know we are all prepared to put our bit in to cover costs but I reckon if its done as a luvvie vs anti grudge match tongue in cheek type of thing then it could attract a bit of publicity and some sponsorship from some local companies including SMS which will raise a little extra and given to a local charity or group. Could be anything from a local youth club to a hospice or something.


Personally I would just love the chance to play on the pitch but it wouuld be nice if we as a group could do a little more and help some people out.

I'd be surprised if the Lowe boycotters were interested in playing, to be honest - after all, the money's going straight to the club ;)


When we open applications, we'll also ask people to (honestly) rate their own ability as well as giving their preferred position(s). With that, we'll then - hopefully - be able to divide the teams as equally as possible. There's no point having ridiculously mismatched teams as there's no fun in getting absolutely hammered, particularly if you've paid decent money for the privilege.

there's no fun in getting absolutely hammered, particularly if you've paid decent money for the privilege.


I pay good money get hammered most weekends...it is pretty fun...

I'd be surprised if the Lowe boycotters were interested in playing, to be honest - after all, the money's going straight to the club ;)


When we open applications, we'll also ask people to (honestly) rate their own ability as well as giving their preferred position(s). With that, we'll then - hopefully - be able to divide the teams as equally as possible. There's no point having ridiculously mismatched teams as there's no fun in getting absolutely hammered, particularly if you've paid decent money for the privilege.


dont think the teams need to actually be divided as luvvies and anti's as recent polls suggest that there is no such divide but for publicity it would make a better story if it does get to be news worthy of course.


Put me down for anywhere in the mid field as i cant defend too good and im not quick enough to be a striker. will save getting hammered till after as I wanna remember doing my best impressions of a football player for ever lol

I'd be surprised if the Lowe boycotters were interested in playing, to be honest - after all, the money's going straight to the club ;)


When we open applications, we'll also ask people to (honestly) rate their own ability as well as giving their preferred position(s). With that, we'll then - hopefully - be able to divide the teams as equally as possible. There's no point having ridiculously mismatched teams as there's no fun in getting absolutely hammered, particularly if you've paid decent money for the privilege.


Surely the best way to divide teams would be just see how many people have selected for a specific position, split them in two and post the teams up. Then any changes people want can be made.


Don't see how people would rate themselves, as i play every saturday morning but in the team wouldn't rate near the top. And i'd be rating myself against older, less fit people who don't play regularly...


BTW, any news on age limit?

Surely the best way to divide teams would be just see how many people have selected for a specific position, split them in two and post the teams up. Then any changes people want can be made.


Don't see how people would rate themselves, as i play every saturday morning but in the team wouldn't rate near the top. And i'd be rating myself against older, less fit people who don't play regularly...


BTW, any news on age limit?


On my team please and you can do the running - I'd probably be good sitting just in front of the back four!!! If you get my drift!


How about every one puts their weight/age in and we try to even out the sides by weight and age - that way at least they would match up - I'm a tad under 19 stone/37 - so guess you can see why I would like to sit just in front of the back four!!!

How about every one puts their weight/age in and we try to even out the sides by weight and age - that way at least they would match up - I'm a tad under 19 stone/37 - so guess you can see why I would like to sit just in front of the back four!!!


I think it'd be more fun getting a good mix in. For instance I'm 15, play at a very high level for my age, such as my schools first XI and a top Sunday league side etc, I'd find it reasonably fun playing against a 20 stone 40 year old.

Surely the best way to divide teams would be just see how many people have selected for a specific position, split them in two and post the teams up. Then any changes people want can be made.


Don't see how people would rate themselves, as i play every saturday morning but in the team wouldn't rate near the top. And i'd be rating myself against older, less fit people who don't play regularly...


BTW, any news on age limit?


I rate myself as pretty crap but if im paying to play 45 mins then ill be playin 45 mins. if losing is down to me then so be it but im not turning up planning to walk away with any winners medels lol

On my team please and you can do the running - I'd probably be good sitting just in front of the back four!!! If you get my drift!


Haha for a transfer fee ;)


But i more have the pace rather than the skills......or weight!

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