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I've been asked to pass this on to people by the guy dancing in it. He would like you all to know he's having a laugh. Personally I think it's great and really enjoyed watching it :-)



Your opinions?

I've been asked to pass this on to people by the guy dancing in it. He would like you all to know he's having a laugh. Personally I think it's great and really enjoyed watching it :-)



Your opinions?


People that say they are 'just having a laugh', really mean they were being serious.


Is there a prize for the first person to watch that crap all the way through. Cos I would like to claim it, as that is 4 minutes and 32 seconds of my life that I will never get back. Thanks.


Although he stresse that he is 'happily married' just like the 'just having a laugh' comment above, I reckon he would be up for a bit of carrier bag action in Debenhams toilets.

People that say they are 'just having a laugh', really mean they were being serious.


Lol, I know him, this was filmed at our previous place of work. He is a genuine bloke and loves making people laugh. He was actually doing this as a joke. There is talk about it possibly being put onto rude tube. He is trying to get the you tube hits up, hence asking people to show others.


And his kitchen table/chair combo is the least impressive of the entire Ikea collection.


It was in the kitchen at our old place of work, not actually his kitchen.


He's got a nice derriere :)


mmmm, great minds.. BTF! :D


Sorry ladies, he is married! With moves like that, he was snapped up by the first pretty lady who managed to get her hands on him. Believe it or not (and he will hate me for saying this) that baby faced dancer is actually 30!


In denial.


The repeated comments in the description and on the youtube comments and in the original post make me think the guy is seeking back up in his desire to come out the closet


Legendary! And yeah, whoever Crouchie's Lawyer is has got it right, the guys just an entertainer, and a great one at that.

Legendary! And yeah, whoever Crouchie's Lawyer is has got it right, the guys just an entertainer, and a great one at that.


It appears you registered just to make that one comment, i.e a mate of his.


I think he might well be a closet bisexual and this is as close as he has explored the other side so far. Go for it mate, this is the 21st century.

It appears you registered just to make that one comment, i.e a mate of his.


Lol, unlikely given my registration date ;)


To the other part though, I used to work with him.

That was queer to watch and I won't mention anything about closets. Also that radiator positioned so close to his fridge freezer can't be doing it much good.


Not his kitchen, its was the work kitchen. Funnily enough, our food never lasted long in that fridge!







Sorry ladies, he is married! With moves like that, he was snapped up by the first pretty lady who managed to get her hands on him. Believe it or not (and he will hate me for saying this) that baby faced dancer is actually 30!


that's never stopped me before ,CL! :cool:

Lol, I know him, this was filmed at our previous place of work. He is a genuine bloke and loves making people laugh. He was actually doing this as a joke. There is talk about it possibly being put onto rude tube. He is trying to get the you tube hits up, hence asking people to show others.




It was in the kitchen at our old place of work, not actually his kitchen.






Sorry ladies, he is married! With moves like that, he was snapped up by the first pretty lady who managed to get her hands on him. Believe it or not (and he will hate me for saying this) that baby faced dancer is actually 30!



I find it rather disturbing that you talk abut your self in the third person.

Just come out ..................and admit it


"Having a laugh"? No wonder humour is in decline in this country if this is supposed to be amusing. How can dancing like a fag be funny unless you are either a) blootered on swallie b) a doris or c) a sad cahnt.


All imho of course.


I have been asked to post this reply on 'The Shu's' behalf, against my advice but still...


Dear All,


Thanks for all taking the time to view this video and getting the hits up. Thanks for those who have commented to say they found it funny and even those who didn't, cheers for the feedback - I'll try harder next time!


But for all those who want to chuck around accustaions of me being a hommer, please be advised as the video profile says that I am married - and happily married. In fact my wife is nothing short of stunning. I am also a father. You couldn't be more further from the truth. I performed this montage on the spot and it was completely ad libbed so I had to think on my feet. I will admit that there are some proper mincy moves chucked in but to be fair the whole point of this is a **** take and if I was being serious what would be the point? Sorry you couldn't just see it for what it is and it's cool if you think it's all a bit pointless, just be rest assured I am not a ring-piece pirate.


The Shu

(soon to be ripping it up to Flo-Rida 'Get Low' - then you can all debate whether I'm really a gangster)


Good point Wiltshire.


May I add that in my experience a "video profile" is not the most reliable of sources. There's far more honesty in the movement of a mans hips and the look in his eye.


A bent spoon if ever I saw one.


The Shu. You can only ever honestly state 100% that you are NOT gay, once you have tried the act. I would say at best you are 99% not gay at the moment.

I have been asked to post this reply on 'The Shu's' behalf, against my advice but still...




Originally Posted by The Shu

Dear All,


Thanks for all taking the time to view this video and getting the hits up. Thanks for those who have commented to say they found it funny and even those who didn't, cheers for the feedback - I'll try harder next time!


But for all those who want to chuck around accustaions of me being a hommer, please be advised as the video profile says that I am married - and happily married. In fact my wife is nothing short of stunning. I am also a father. You couldn't be more further from the truth. I performed this montage on the spot and it was completely ad libbed so I had to think on my feet. I will admit that there are some proper mincy moves chucked in but to be fair the whole point of this is a **** take and if I was being serious what would be the point? Sorry you couldn't just see it for what it is and it's cool if you think it's all a bit pointless, just be rest assured I am not a ring-piece pirate.


The Shu

(soon to be ripping it up to Flo-Rida 'Get Low' - then you can all debate whether I'm really a gangster)



Me thinks he protests too much.


Not only that but it is screaming out at me saying, "Someone please notice me" in a really sad way. For something that didn't mean anything he is spending a hell of a lot time and effort defending it.

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