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This generation sucks....


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Must admit, I agree with the sentiment. The number of times I have installed new technology for people, and because they have not been able to completely master it within seconds, it is the new technology's fault. There is absolutely no sense of wonder, only initial disappointment. After about a week I usually get a phone call to say how wonderful it all is. After another month it's the very least they'll put up with. Quality of life is wasted on this generation. I often suggest they get off their arses and go and get a real life instead of sitting around complaining.

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Must admit, I agree with the sentiment. The number of times I have installed new technology for people, and because they have not been able to completely master it within seconds, it is the new technology's fault. There is absolutely no sense of wonder, only initial disappointment. After about a week I usually get a phone call to say how wonderful it all is. After another month it's the very least they'll put up with. Quality of life is wasted on this generation. I often suggest they get off their arses and go and get a real life instead of sitting around complaining.


I totally agree and yet I find, like a large majority, that I can be just as guilty of taking thing's for granted at times. It's as if the word' Gratitude' has been removed from the dictionary over the last ten years.


I understand that this generation are lambasted for it but I guess they have never known any different.


Technology has a hell of a lot to answer for and is the primary reason that life moves at such a fast pace these days and why we appear to have conditions relating to stress and depression so widespread in society. They hale always been there but sometimes it get's so hard to keep up with.


The computers crashed at work the other day and managers simply couldn't cope, it was like manually undertaking work was only for inferior lifeforms, I was amazed at how much it was taken for granted and the lack of a suitable contingency if such an occasion took place.


Managers were running around like total loons in a state of panic as they couldn't do any work because those nasty people in IT had a dodgy server and everything on the shared drive was unavailable for a few hours.

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