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Have You Lost/Losing Interest In This Forum?

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I do not post much anymore and some would say that is a good thing. My reason is in part because of the club, the team and how things are going. What really is there to say? Nothing is likely to change bar our fortunes and form once in a while. I am rather board of the same old arguments and people's inability to agree to have a different opinion. It is also the I am right and you are wrong brigade.


Ask yourselves this are you really RIGHT? Are you 100% sure you know everything that is going on?

Posted (edited)

Iam big and ugly enough to look after myself but I have found it distasteful how some have hunted in packs against some posters.It saddened me that we lost NavyRed due to the constant critiscism of the young players on here.he felt so upset that he stated he would not post on here again as it annoyed him so much.I suspect there are others who also have been lost.

What we all forget at times ( Myself included) is that we dont know how old some of the posters are and perhaps we are berating kids who are posting their idealistic views.

I do believe that some wish to post up negative posts for no good reason than to annoy or hurt the club, some do so as they really care.

I myself try to stay positive but that is not how I aways feel

Edited by OldNick

It's frustrating that most threads seem to degenerate into rants against the board and 'we should have kept Pearson' etc..


I accept that this is largely due to the situation the club is currently in, but it's a shame. The personal attacks have also become a bit more prevalent. I find myself wondering whether to post something, knowing that if you express a moderately different view from the masses, you get labelled a 'Lowe Luvvie' or a 'PR plant' for either side of the debate. I'm all for opposing views (part of what makes supporting a team interesting) but it has gotten a bit out of hand so far, the loss of posters like Navyred is a shame, it was great to have his take on the youth players. I think that's an example of the in-fighting actually hurting the forum as a whole.


I'll definitely still visit the forum (largely because it makes for a good distraction from work for a bit!) but it would be nice if we could get back to talking about the football!


It's ****. The same people repeating their points over and over again, trying to score one over their internet rival.


Gets broing when you come on every day and see the same old faces pouting the same old rubbish, espically personal vendettas. Get over it, your suppose to be grown up men, you support the same ****ing team!

  Ewell said:
I do not post much anymore and some would say that is a good thing. My reason is in part because of the club, the team and how things are going. What really is there to say? Nothing is likely to change bar our fortunes and form once in a while. I am rather board of the same old arguments and people's inability to agree to have a different opinion. It is also the I am right and you are wrong brigade.


Ask yourselves this are you really RIGHT? Are you 100% sure you know everything that is going on?


As a married man the two things above are not mutually exclusive.


My missus is 100% right 100% of the time and doesn't have a scooby what's going on...


In fact, maybe all these people are someone's missus???


I've never been a prolific poster but now I don't come here so much either. I take in the post-game thread, a quick perusal of any news and off again. I'm not exactly enamoured with what's going on at my club but the sheer unremitting negativity and reptitiveness of certain posters I find really draining. I've plenty of other things to do, including skiing on my doorstep and playing Italian ladies' football, which is a far more positive experience! I get to see a few games at the start of the season and at Christmas and am really hoping that next season I actually see a win!


I didn't realise the reasons why Navyred disappeared.I always used to appreciate his contributions, so if anyone knows him please forward on my thanks, and let's hope one day he comes back.


I still enjoy coming on here. Some of the posters are tedious but they still have an opinion and sometimes they come up with 1 or 2 gems. some of the posters are complete planks but i put that down to hanging around with too many poopy supporters.


Will be better here when our team give us more to be happy about im sure.


I have to hold my hands up and say, Yup I do repeat and probably cover the same ground with the same opinions on many threads - guilty your honour... And to be honest, I dont like the idea that its boring people and putting them of reading and posting, afterall the only reason ANY of post on here is to try and get our views heard - yes it is an ego thing and no one can honestly deny that, we have our opinions, want to share them and hopefully get some to share or come round to that opinion - the nature of debate I guess.


I am also guilty of sometimes taking too far, the insults etc although I do try and make this only a last resort - and its usually more frustration that either the post has not been read properly or properly understood. I apologise to anyone who I have offended, but its also fun to exchange views hear other perspectives etc. My opinion on some things HAS been changed or softened because of the posts of others to and as you learn more, share more in other fans thoughts its bound to influence to some degree.. it should do raelly if we are open to new ideas. The problems usually stem from opinion and speculation presented as fact...

  Boris Karloff said:
It's too simple to say that. This forum used to be so much better than it is now; it used inclusive, not exclusive. It used to be light-hearted at times, it used to be thought-provoking, but now it is losing all that. Soon all you'll be left with is the bitter minority.


I don't agree and i don't think I made the point that simple. this board is what you make it. Why we could start a new thread now, me and you, Called 'Do you think the forum should be a bit more light hearted' and off we would go. Then others would join in and I for one would enjoy the debate. Or we could just go and support someone else, and then start the whole thing over again.


There is more to this site than just moaning about it. You get what you are willinjg to put into it.


I still harp back to my statement 'How far are you willing to go?'


If you really want lowe gone, then lets get together and murder him

If you want the club to go into administration, stiop people from attending

If you can't stand the crap at SMS no more, burn down the standium

If you want the players to play better, threaten to kill a child every time they lose.


All totally over the top non productive statements, of which I don't agree with any of them. If you agree with this, or have this extreme sort of opinion, well I disagree with you with every fibre of my being, But I will defend with my life your right to say it. This being so, YES there are those out there who have a one track agenda, and they would hijack a discussion on pies at the game to have a dig at Rupert, or point out that under the last regeme pies contained 30 % less Steak, and since Rupert came back Dutch pies are the way to go. that just comes with the territory.


Final point, it is OUR Board. It is up to us to contribute to its success and interest,in our own way, as it is our team and it is up to us to contribute to its success and interest,in our own way. Or Not.

  alpine_saint said:
See, now I could write exactly the same thing about the likes of NickG, nickh and SOG, but replace a few of your adjectives such as "negative" with "happy clappy" and "repetitive" with "banal".


Everybody's perception of who the main perpetrators are is shaped by their own underlying viewpoint.


When I first posted on this thread, it was in generic terms - agreeing there is an issue, and conceeding both sides are equally bad and responsible. My hope was that maybe we should all reflect on our own particular contributions to the decline in the site.


But lo-and-behold, certain people start pointing the finger at the likes of me.


My thoughts changed to "well f**k you, why should I care if you dont ?"


For me it's the specifics of the nature of your (and often Stanley's) posts which are relentlessly negative, repetitive, often abusive and rarely about anything positive which take the enjoyment out of reading many threads - hence leading to a decline in interest in this forum. You mention other posters with views which you perceive to be the polar opposite to your own and I agree that they can be equally testing, however I picked out you and Stanley for the specific reason above.

  Alanh said:
For me it's the specifics of the nature of your (and often Stanley's) posts which are relentlessly negative, repetitive, often abusive and rarely about anything positive which take the enjoyment out of reading many threads - hence leading to a decline in interest in this forum. You mention other posters with views which you perceive to be the polar opposite to your own and I agree that they can be equally testing, however I picked out you and Stanley for the specific reason above.


This is a circular argument, and you know it. I picked those I mentioned, with those adjectives, out for the very same specific reason.


Do you really think it is interesting for a certain element of posters on here to see certain posters clawing tenous reasons for "optimism" out of dire-after-dire embarassing performance, whilst determinedly ignoring the real problems facing the club, and the very same people claiming to be bigger and better fans for refusing to see the realities of the situation ?


Really, can you not see that ?

  alpine_saint said:
This is a circular argument, and you know it. I picked those I mentioned, with those adjectives, out for the very same specific reason.


Do you really think it is interesting for a certain element of posters on here to see certain posters clawing tenous reasons for "optimism" out of dire-after-dire embarassing performance, whilst determinedly ignoring the real problems facing the club, and the very same people claiming to be bigger and better fans for refusing to see the realities of the situation ?


Really, can you not see that ?


Sorry Alps but what gives you the right to comment on our performances? Crow about the clubs financial situation til the cows come home because its public knowledge but every single footballing opinion you have about a performance or player is null and void because you dont attend enough matches to have a say and there is simply not enough coverage of us on the TV these days to garner a valued opinion on that basis alone. You constantly use the teams performances as a stick to beat others with when you are arguing (as you are on this thread) yet very rarely see us play.


Perhaps if you watched us regularly you would see that the kids do put a lot of effort in and after the match on Saturday you could see what it meant to the lads having the fans in the ground back them for the full 90 minutes to a well fought well and great performance.

  alpine_saint said:
This is a circular argument, and you know it. I picked those I mentioned, with those adjectives, out for the very same specific reason.


Do you really think it is interesting for a certain element of posters on here to see certain posters clawing tenous reasons for "optimism" out of dire-after-dire embarassing performance, whilst determinedly ignoring the real problems facing the club, and the very same people claiming to be bigger and better fans for refusing to see the realities of the situation ?


Really, can you not see that ?

You have made a name for yourself on here as you are mentioned more than any other poster and so you have your 15 minutes of fame.Enjoy your moment in the spotlight, when things improve your negative posts will dry up and your fellow followers of doom wil fade away and this site will become slightly happier. Iam more than happy you post but do not get all upset when people are critical of your anti club stance.

I am loyal to the club i I support.Therefore I will defend it against unfair and constant criticism, especially when it is not always done to enhance or improve the club, but just to try and get a point scored.

  nickh said:
You have made a name for yourself on here as you are mentioned more than any other poster and so you have your 15 minutes of fame.Enjoy your moment in the spotlight, when things improve your negative posts will dry up and your fellow followers of doom wil fade away and this site will become slightly happier. Iam more than happy you post but do not get all upset when people are critical of your anti club stance.

I am loyal to the club i I support.Therefore I will defend it against unfair and constant criticism, especially when it is not always done to enhance or improve the club, but just to try and get a point scored.


Errr I wouldn't actually humour him quite so much - perhaps his fame is ill perceived. As Terry Wogan once said to David Icke '... the audience is laughing at you, not with you...' ;)


Secret site agent makes a very good point. 'It is our board' - we make it as it is. BUt for my money, there is just about enough, humour, good grace and interesting topics to keep in enjoyable most of the time. I know many get frustrated wth what is seen as a constant regurgitation of the same points, but if there are those that enjoy these threads (masochistically speaking), then that should not be discouraged, others enjoy the football banter, so they can post on those threads.... fair enough, they do sometimes get lost amongst the 'political' threads, so maybe we should be looking to keep the new ones down and have a general 'political' thread as a stickey and keep that for the wilde/crouch/lowe stuff?

  alpine_saint said:
This is a circular argument, and you know it. I picked those I mentioned, with those adjectives, out for the very same specific reason.


Do you really think it is interesting for a certain element of posters on here to see certain posters clawing tenous reasons for "optimism" out of dire-after-dire embarassing performance, whilst determinedly ignoring the real problems facing the club, and the very same people claiming to be bigger and better fans for refusing to see the realities of the situation ?


Really, can you not see that ?


I'm not in any position to say what other posters find interesting, I don't think any of us are in that position. The OP asked if we were losing interest in the forum and I'm just explaining that I am losing interest and a significant resason for that is the domineering relentless and often abusive negativity that certain posters (namely yourself and Stanley) exhibit.


Do you understand that the negative and often abusive nature of your posts can be a turn off for many readers of this site?


FWIW I would take (reasonable) optimism over pessimism on any subject in the real or cyber world any day of the week.


It is fair to say i hardly ever post nowadays because of the boring sniping that goes on and the constant name calling if you dare have an opinion not favored by most on this site that have the nerve to say they speak for the majority of Saints fans.


I appreciate what the mods do in running the site but i will seriously consider renewing my annual subscription when it is time.

  nickh said:
You have made a name for yourself on here as you are mentioned more than any other poster and so you have your 15 minutes of fame.Enjoy your moment in the spotlight, when things improve your negative posts will dry up and your fellow followers of doom wil fade away and this site will become slightly happier. Iam more than happy you post but do not get all upset when people are critical of your anti club stance.

I am loyal to the club i I support.Therefore I will defend it against unfair and constant criticism, especially when it is not always done to enhance or improve the club, but just to try and get a point scored.


I've made a name for myself ???


Do you really think I post everything I do just to seek attention ??


How arrogant. You and your kind really think your way of supporting Saints is the ONLY way, dont you ?

  sambosa75 said:
Sorry Alps but what gives you the right to comment on our performances? Crow about the clubs financial situation til the cows come home because its public knowledge but every single footballing opinion you have about a performance or player is null and void because you dont attend enough matches to have a say and there is simply not enough coverage of us on the TV these days to garner a valued opinion on that basis alone. You constantly use the teams performances as a stick to beat others with when you are arguing (as you are on this thread) yet very rarely see us play.


Perhaps if you watched us regularly you would see that the kids do put a lot of effort in and after the match on Saturday you could see what it meant to the lads having the fans in the ground back them for the full 90 minutes to a well fought well and great performance.


Oh, wow, the non-attendance jibe again. How original.......:rolleyes:

  alpine_saint said:
Oh, wow, the non-attendance jibe again. How original.......:rolleyes:


I bet your old mate Bern has never used that jibe though has he.;)


having been sat here with an empty reply screen for a while tells me how i've come to feel about this forum and the 2-3 before it (i've lost count), the sense of community has almost gone, people get hounded and labelled by the same few spouting the same old stuff, I've seen many thread winning posts ignored and bookended because of the same old crap derailing an otherwise content rich and worthwhile subject.




it's better than 606 :)

  ribbo said:
having been sat here with an empty reply screen for a while tells me how i've come to feel about this forum and the 2-3 before it (i've lost count), the sense of community has almost gone, people get hounded and labelled by the same few spouting the same old stuff, I've seen many thread winning posts ignored and bookended because of the same old crap derailing an otherwise content rich and worthwhile subject...


Spot on fella.

Every post gets hounded on by the same individuals. Jeez some are on 8,000+ posts, most of them one liners. Just check out this thread as an example.


Its like being in a pub and every conversation you start up, gets interrupted by the same annoying little tat with an opinion on every effing thing.


And in the said pub, he becomes the bloke that you see out of the corner of your eye, and you think 'oh sh1t not him again', and you try and move to another corner of the bar.... but guess what, the little twot has turned up and once again jumped into the conversation with his one-line piffle.


Do i contribute much.... nope.


In the end, the uber-posters wll hit 10,000 posts each and find himself agreeing with himself on every thread he starts....



When I first posted on this thread, it was in generic terms - agreeing there is an issue, and conceeding both sides are equally bad and responsible. My hope was that maybe we should all reflect on our own particular contributions to the decline in the site.


You should reflect on it, and ferk off. You don't watch the matches, you've never seen most of the players, you don't live in Southampton, you are not part of the community, you are not connected to SFC, you don't have any insights, you offer nothing to this community except bile and vitriol and you have 8000 posts. All the same. All tedious.


8000 posts - all saying exactly the same thing.


Crap like this is why good posters don't bother coming here any more.

  Red and White Army said:
You should reflect on it, and ferk off. You don't watch the matches, you've never seen most of the players, you don't live in Southampton, you are not part of the community, you are not connected to SFC, you don't have any insights, you offer nothing to this community except bile and vitriol and you have 8000 posts. All the same. All tedious.


8000 posts - all saying exactly the same thing.


Crap like this is why good posters don't bother coming here any more.


And this is the same old crap from you.


Amazing how having an ST or going to every match somehow gives a poster the right to judge their fellow poster, not only their opinion.


According to your arrogant yet moronic perspective, anyone who doesnt live in Southampton isnt allowed to support SFC. :rolleyes:

  alpine_saint said:
And this is the same old crap from you.


Amazing how having an ST or going to every match somehow gives a poster the right to judge their fellow poster, not only their opinion.


According to your arrogant yet moronic perspective, anyone who doesnt live in Southampton isnt allowed to support SFC. :rolleyes:


Looks like alpine got out of the wrong side of the bed AGAIN. As for the same old crap, have a look at yourself. I won't even mention ST holders or opinions as you seem to have one which you think is better :rolleyes:

  saintwarwick said:
Looks like alpine got out of the wrong side of the bed AGAIN. As for the same old crap, have a look at yourself. I won't even mention ST holders or opinions as you seem to have one which you think is better :rolleyes:


I got out of bed just fine, thankyou. I'm off skiing, and the sky is blue.


I dont know what your problem is, but you seem to be under the misapprehension that relentlessly stalking me and posting a wind-up in response to every post I make is either going to drive me off the site, or provoke me into some level of abuse which can only lead to my banning.


Good Luck. In the meantime, try growing up a bit, or having that obsession treated...:rolleyes:


Oh, and Red and White Army will be along soon to tell you to "ferk off", because not living in Southampton you have no right to an opinion, apparently...:rolleyes:

  St Marco said:
Most threads seem to be dominated by 3 or 4 posters who say the same things over and over, while a lot of the old posters who i feel are respected by the community have vanished. or simply stopped posting.

Well, it looks like it's happened again.


I think I'll have a play with my vacuum cleaner while the the same old argument continues.

  alpine_saint said:
Oh, wow, the non-attendance jibe again. How original.......:rolleyes:


It shouldnt matter how original it is, its fact and not even you can deny it. For someone who seems to be the font of all knowledge judging by your posts, people should realise you dont attend games and shouldnt really have a say on team issues because you dont watch us.


It's like me being a movie critic and panning Russel Crowe's new movie without seeing it because I didnt like Gladiator.


Despite this, you will argue something to the death (which makes you strangely endearing) that really you should have no opinion of.


As for the poster who said about living away from Southampton doesnt make you a Saints fan, I would urge you to disregard that comment and not regurgitate it in other arguments with people who share an opposing view to you but dont live in Southampton. We all know there are bigger reasons why people dont live in Southampton than just football. I live in London but am a Chandlers Ford boy, holding a season ticket until the 2003 season when I moved to Spain.

  St_Tel49 said:
Along comes the first one to drag the thread down.


I fail to see how me saying 'this site is great and if there is any blame it is on both sides of the argument' is dragging the tread down, but hayho your are entitled to your opinion.


I don't post on here very often now because it's the same old crap on every thread. It starts with a genuine point and descends into a slanging match between the usual suspects. Christ, it's even happened on this one. If I had my way then I'd ban some posters on here purely on the basis that their presence is negative and destructive. Obviously, in the name of fairness and freedom of speech that will never happen.


Until things improve at the club it will get no better. Things are so totally and utterly crap for the club at the moment that it's obviously going to reflect in fans attitudes.


Good times at SFC are a long, long way off so get used to it!

  alpine_saint said:
Oh, wow, the non-attendance jibe again. How original.......:rolleyes:


For once I agree with Alpine, non-attendance shouldn't stop someone having an opinion, whether they live in Shirley or Sydney, it matters not.


That said, those that do attend games will have a different perspective to those who didn't. Those that listened on the radio will have the Will Cope view, those that read the report on the internet will have the journalists view, and those that just saw the score on Teletext will have no ****ing clue.


People to realise that those views are not of equal value, but they equally valid. There were several games I saw this year where we played well, battled hard and lost - only to look at the message board and see it was the ****ist performance ever! People making concrete pronouncements at 4.45pm, who unless they live at St Mary's clearly weren't at the match! I'm not saying you can't have an opinion, just that it needs to be caveated with the fact it is second hand.


Even with only 2 wins at home this season I have seen some great football at St Mary's, crap results, but more good football than bad.

  alpine_saint said:
Oh, wow, the non-attendance jibe again. How original.......:rolleyes:
Not attending does not stop you having the right to comment, I wholeheartedly agree with that.Alos people living away or cant afford to attend also, but it is impossible to really see how the team are playing unless you have been there.You only have to watch Motd and them saying what a great game ande you think sometimes where did they get that from.

lost interest in football completely over the last few years, the soul has gone out of the game it is now really just about money.

the days of each club representing its community have gone, even our "youngsters" come from everywhere bar southampton.

  Alain Perrin said:
Even with only 2 wins at home this season I have seen some great football at St Mary's, crap results, but more good football than bad.


I think your points are valid, but the only thing you forgot was that even when supporters do get to see games live and in the flesh, then it's still a perception thing.


Because I would have to say that I have rarely seen great football at St Mary's, crap results, and more bad football than good.


There are a number of things wrong with the forum these days, but there are also a number that are right. If you don't like a poster then just don't bother reading their stuff, but you shouldn't argue against their right to say what they like in public.


For me the real downside is that like the sad demise of Navyred, there were intelligent posters on here who had stories to tell or interesting pieces of gossip that were relevant to us fans and helped us to understand some of what went on and some of the life of the club.


Unfortunately their words got drowned by the more arrogant ITK'ers or the I know more than you so I am superior types who of course, insisted that everything was FACT rather than simply saying "I heard". Who in their right mind would post something they heard these days?


As that decline set in, most of us in return then also retaliated, demanding, abusing and downright threatening them as liars or worse, demanding the "sauce" sic - so the wiser posters stopped the stories and this place became much the poorer because of it.


So in reality the forum is poorer, you only have to see how many are online to understand that, but it also reflects a far greater level of intolerance on all sides as the life we live of being Saints fans becomes more and more depressing


It isn't about the voicing of opinions being right or wrong, it isn't about the plants, it is simply about the intolerance shown to other posters. That could be censored, but then hey the entire world is like that these days.


R E S P E C T sang Aretha, shame that word has faded from the language on here

  um pahars said:
I think your points are valid, but the only thing you forgot was that even when supporters do get to see games live and in the flesh, then it's still a perception thing.


Because I would have to say that I have rarely seen great football at St Mary's, crap results, and more bad football than good.


That is true as a lot of us have different opinions of certain players.In the main though by watching the performance you do get a feel how the team is progressing or degressing.

  dubai_phil said:
There are a number of things wrong with the forum these days, but there are also a number that are right. If you don't like a poster then just don't bother reading their stuff, but you shouldn't argue against their right to say what they like in public.


For me the real downside is that like the sad demise of Navyred, there were intelligent posters on here who had stories to tell or interesting pieces of gossip that were relevant to us fans and helped us to understand some of what went on and some of the life of the club.


Unfortunately their words got drowned by the more arrogant ITK'ers or the I know more than you so I am superior types who of course, insisted that everything was FACT rather than simply saying "I heard". Who in their right mind would post something they heard these days?


As that decline set in, most of us in return then also retaliated, demanding, abusing and downright threatening them as liars or worse, demanding the "sauce" sic - so the wiser posters stopped the stories and this place became much the poorer because of it.


So in reality the forum is poorer, you only have to see how many are online to understand that, but it also reflects a far greater level of intolerance on all sides as the life we live of being Saints fans becomes more and more depressing


It isn't about the voicing of opinions being right or wrong, it isn't about the plants, it is simply about the intolerance shown to other posters. That could be censored, but then hey the entire world is like that these days.


R E S P E C T sang Aretha, shame that word has faded from the language on here


i alos cited Navyred s leaving here as a disappointment.if anyone knows him perhaps it could be relayed to him that he should come back on here.The criticism of the young lads has decreased and so he might be able to stomach reading it.I also have felt rage at the way the young players have been dismissed by some but argued why they are wrong to do so, surely that is the best way.

  nickh said:
That is true as a lot of us have different opinions of certain players.In the main though by watching the performance you do get a feel how the team is progressing or degressing.


I agree, and I don't think there is any replacement for seeing the games in the flesh or on the box, but even then it comes down to individual's perceptions and opinions.


So when Alain Perrin thinks he has seen more good than bad football at St Mary's, I certainly don't think he is lying or making it up, he's just calling it as he sees it (and everyone's threshold, perception, standard, insight, expectations, eyesight;), etc etc etc are all different) which is fair enough. Similarly, I honestly think it has not been a good season for results or standard of play.


As it is I probably only get to see 50% of our games each season (as I don't do mnay aways anymore), so I'm hardly in a position to really comment on the overall progress anyway!!!!!

  um pahars said:

As it is I probably only get to see 50% of our games each season (as I don't do mnay aways anymore), so I'm hardly in a position to really comment on the overall progress anyway!!!!!

Thats why i dont comment on the performances away.I will talk about goals if I have seen them on tv but I do like to read fans assessments who have been to those games.I do read some of the reports more avidly than others though.I think some have a record of being even handed and fair in their judgement and so take more of what they have to say than others who just put 'we were rubbish' and not give any insight into why.

When my kids were in Reception Class there was a big poster on the wall which read "IF IT WOULD MAKE YOU CRY, DON'T DO IT!"


Some posts are obviously set up for er......."robust debate" ........in which case fine.


Others are not, and its sad when the debate sinks into "robustness"


Poor old Alpine, you are so deluded. If someone is now drowned in negative how does that make them "happy clappy". I am not the least bit happy about this season but I am not going to slit my wrists (or make others feel that they want to after reading your posts) becuse my football club is rubbish right now.

You were spouting the same cr*p when we were fighting for a play off place mate. Get over yourself and get some therapy.

I have seen much football this season (but I have seen more than Alpine) so I don't comment much about the team. I wasn't born in Southampton (Londoner) but I have been a Saints fan since 1966 (really through thick and thin) and I would like to think tha allows me to have an opnion about what is going on and voice that opinion here.

Because I have seen good times and bad I'd like to think I have a balanced view on matters rather than the all is doom that some love to pedal. And do you what, at the end of the day it is just football. If you all you find in supporting this club is doom, negativity and anger, maybe you should do something else with your time?

  JohnnyFartPants said:
One of the things that annoys me most is the refusal of certain posters to recognise that just because your opinion is, "Well if Lowe goes, who is there?" then you might actually not be a Lowe Luvvie at all. Just someone wondering who will run things given that they all see rubbish at it.


Spot on. It is the old If you ain't for us your agin us arguement. The usual suspsects constantly use the Lowe Luvvie jibe to drown out any reasoned arguements and to back up their own agendas.


If you are not part of the lynch party get ready to get lynched yourself.


The final straw for me with some people was when Alpine said that he KNEW that we played crap because we lost. Never mind that I had actually been to the game but no my opinion was dismissed as rubbish just because of the final result.

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