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Well bravo to you, you are obviously someone to aspire too, bet when u were at the gym ur then type who watches himself in the mirror as he lifts weights?


So in your whole life uve never had a 'lie in' or have you always been the uber man. Maybe you should write a book so we can all learn to be a bit more like you hmmm?


Do you know what ozzmeister, I am busy with a couple of other projects at the moment, but I will take on board your request and look in to the possiblity of writing a book.


I am certainly not vain, I work in a gym, I like the environment, but I am still fat....


I am however a 'healthy' fat. :cool:


btw, people who look in the mirror when lifting weights, generally are not being vain, it is because you need to keep a certain posture when lifting them, for the most effective results, hence looking in the mirror is the best way and is what any personal trainer or physical instructor will advise.

Do you know what ozzmeister, I am busy with a couple of other projects at the moment, but I will take on board your request and look in to the possiblity of writing a book.


I am certainly not vain, I work in a gym, I like the environment, but I am still fat....


I am however a 'healthy' fat. :cool:


btw, people who look in the mirror when lifting weights, generally are not being vain, it is because you need to keep a certain posture when lifting them, for the most effective results, hence looking in the mirror is the best way and is what any personal trainer or physical instructor will advise.


I will look forward to your book.


Fair enough what u say about the gym, but you know (especially working at the gym) there are some douche bags who just watch themselves, uve seen them u know who I mean the types who wear the stupidly tight tshirts.


Anyway this is off topic of the thread so apologies. Staying in bed all day, in my opinion, nice once in a while a bit pathetic if done regulary. It was just the student jibe that got on my nerves a bit. For the record Im not a student but a recent graduate and yes some students do spend the whole day in bed, but thats not a generalisation for all students. There are probably more stay at homes, claiming on the dole, with no intention to work for a living who spend all day in bed rather thanm those trying to do something with there life.

4) If it is a matchday, Wetherspoons opens at 9, get yourself in there for a Brekkie and Stella


There is a couple of examples to get you going, if you need any more ideas then don't hesitate to contact me.


Alcohol with breakfast isnt disgusting then, just sleeping late?

I will look forward to your book.


Fair enough what u say about the gym, but you know (especially working at the gym) there are some douche bags who just watch themselves, uve seen them u know who I mean the types who wear the stupidly tight tshirts.


Anyway this is off topic of the thread so apologies. Staying in bed all day, in my opinion, nice once in a while a bit pathetic if done regulary. It was just the student jibe that got on my nerves a bit. For the record Im not a student but a recent graduate and yes some students do spend the whole day in bed, but thats not a generalisation for all students. There are probably more stay at homes, claiming on the dole, with no intention to work for a living who spend all day in bed rather thanm those trying to do something with there life.


To be fair, my views on the majority of students are nothing but consistant. I think they are c*nts.

Of course it is acceptable to be out on the lash at 9am, much more productive than festering in your pit, wouldn't you agree?

Breakfast with beer has all the makings of a great day out.

Big breakfast in weatherspoons with loads of beer is a day fit for kings.

Until the next morning but who gives a stuff about that.


SRS is too cool for sleep. Unfortunately, I'll never be like him.


On that note, I'm off to bed. I'll probably wake up at about 1PM, watch Neighbours and Murder She Wrote in bed, before heading to my only lecture of the day at 4 O'clock although I might just miss it if it's raining. After that, I'll probably hit the town in some form of fancy dress - I'm thinking something cool like pub golfers - before coming back on here in the evening to see if Stu has given me any handy tips on how to improve my life.*


Night all xxx




* The contents of the above post may, or may not be 100% accurate.

Of course it is acceptable to be out on the lash at 9am, much more productive than festering in your pit, wouldn't you agree?


Whats productive about waking up early to drink beer?

SRS is too cool for sleep. Unfortunately, I'll never be like him.


On that note, I'm off to bed. I'll probably wake up at about 1PM, watch Neighbours and Murder She Wrote in bed, before heading to my only lecture of the day at 4 O'clock although I might just miss it if it's raining. After that, I'll probably hit the town in some form of fancy dress - I'm thinking something cool like pub golfers - before coming back on here in the evening to see if Stu has given me any handy tips on how to improve my life.*


Night all xxx




* The contents of the above post may, or may not be 100% accurate.


I think super heroes is the way forward.

On my days off I stay in bed until my fifth w*nk (the Loose Women w*nk).


I obviously do not endorse nor partake in such hideous behaviour myself. But I think you are probably meaning that at first you see this:



You start to think this:





Your mind wanders and this sort of image starts to dominate your thinking:




And before you know what's hit you kappow!


And she's like:




I always preferred Bernie TBH though.

Posted (edited)

Stu, does lifting weights whilst looking at yourself in the mirror make you 'look' hard?

Edited by hamster
for the purposes of decency

You shouldn't dis 'sleeping in' Stu, after all it is said of the hardest man on the planet (Chuck Norriss), that "he does not sleep, he waits".


I would not recomend upsetting Chuck Norris Stu, I heard that a blind man once stepped on his shoe. Chuck shouted "Don't you know who I am? I'm Chuck ****ing Norris!" The mere mention of his name cured the man's blindness. Sadly the first, last, and only thing this man ever saw, was a fatal roundhouse delivered by Chuck Norris.

If you work nights then generally you are a bit of a weirdo if it's by choice.

When I was in the army, I used to work 12 hours on, 12 hours off, 7 days a week when stagging on in Belfast, I used to finish at 8am and I would be up for 12 each day.


So I guess 12 is acceptable if you have been on nights.




F*cking oddballs, those shift-worker chaps.


Meh. Be is my favourite place. Apart from work days (when my Mum wakes me up) I'll get out of bed at around 2pm on weekends.

Also, when on holiday- me and my mates don't do anything in the day and stay in bed. Never seen a beach for about 4 years now!


Fair play to anyone who enjoys getting up early but I'm far too lazy and usually far too hanging so prefer to wallow in my own filth.


8:40am and I have...


- Walked the dog a couple of miles.

- Done the school run.

- Made my breakfast.

- Been to the shop.

- Had a shower.


And I am now showered and ready for work, which isn't until 12:30


Go me.


I am in bed now, eating cold pizza and smoking some white widow skunk, and on my 3rd can of guinness. I have been up since 6.12am playing poker against the yanks.

I am in bed now, eating cold pizza and smoking some white widow skunk, and on my 3rd can of guinness. I have been up since 6.12am playing poker against the yanks.


I have heard this is actually a good thing to do and alot of people make alot of money playing poker in the mornings against drunk/tired yanks due to the time difference.


Get up and have a shower, go downstairs and use the dining room table, give up the weed.


It will help your concentration levels which means you will earn more money.


No need to thank me.


I am disappointed to read this far and nobody has yet done the "well, with all that alcohol you drink compared to me i'll live 7 years 10 months longer than you, thus i'm getting more out of my life" arguement.


I'm always up early, be it for work or a weekend. If i'm hanging a nice run in the fresh morning air is always good, then take the Dog down the shop to get a newspaper, have a read of that, then a shower and i'm ready to go for the day.


My life is worthless, but I make the most out of the worthlessness.


This place is 932542395 times better now SRS is a member.

I only work 1 day per week so can lie in quite a lot, however I generally get up before 10 most days but have been known to lie in til 3pm on occasion.


I bet your bed sheets hum.

I have heard this is actually a good thing to do and alot of people make alot of money playing poker in the mornings against drunk/tired yanks due to the time difference.


Get up and have a shower, go downstairs and use the dining room table, give up the weed.


It will help your concentration levels which means you will earn more money.


No need to thank me.



OK, thanks for your help.

The whole lot of you are "stay in beds ":D I get up at 05.15 in the morning if working and 06.30 if a day off.


Yeah, but that's because you live in New Zealand mate. Everybody gets up frighteningly early there. They also start making their way off to bed aorund 9pm or so. ;)


nothing much interesting ever takes place before noon in my experience...


oh and wetherspoons breakfasts are utter sh:te...however i do endorse boozing at the earliest opportunity in the day...

nothing much interesting ever takes place before noon in my experience...


oh and wetherspoons breakfasts are utter sh:te...however i do endorse boozing at the earliest opportunity in the day...


i agree with everything you say Scu

I get up 2 hours before I go to bed and then walk 12 miles on my hands to work where I do a 27 hour day for £12 million and get home 4 hours before you even think about waking up



Of course that is your fault, not actually waking up before 1 is more lazy than actually choosing to not get out of bed till 1.


Normally, mongs who don't wake up without an alarm are either...


a) Fat

b) Weed smokers

c) Students

d) Fat weed smoking students


I am up by 7:30 every morning, don't even use an alarm.



Would you call yourself


a) Bitter

b) Angry and Bitter

c) A hate filled Daily Mail reader

d) An emotionally burnt-out husk of a man


Do you always wake up in a bad mood? I recommend that you drink heavily and beat up randoms (preferably fatties and students) on a weekend. That will help. Or smoke some weed man!


I'm up between 5.30 and 6 am every weekday morning, walk the dogs for a few miles. Then after the usual morning routines head off for work at about 8.30am. Usually finish work at 6pm, get home, have dinner then settle down to do some work for my degree (yes I work and am a student!).


Weekends, up by 6am to walk the dogs, then usual weekend stuff, plus studying.


For the record, none of this makes me feel better than anyone else, and just leaves me tired, grumpy and envious of those that can and do stay in bed for most of the daylight hours :(


I get up at 4:30am every morning due to my work hours. I start work from 6am or slightly early 5 days a week. I do finish between 12-2pm, depending on the day. I get paid till 2:30pm as well.

My life style is not that easy

I get up at 4:30am every morning due to my work hours. I start work from 6am or slightly early 5 days a week. I do finish between 12-2pm, depending on the day. I get paid till 2:30pm as well.

My life style is not that easy

Where do you work Calvin??


I always get up 3 hours before going to bed, so compared to me the rest of you are dole-scum.


Some weekends I don't go to bed at all! (which probably explains my terrible headaches, nasty voices and agonising mental break-down :rolleyes:)


Still, its better than being Johnny sleeps too much.

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