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I've had an unused Netgear DG834 router kicking about the place for some time, but I couldn't remember my login password to my ISP. I did have it on record on an HDD, but that went west. Anyway, I managed to reveal the router password using AsterWin IE v1.03 [if that's a help to others who've forgotten theirs], and changed over the routers. But the interesting bit is that my internet surfing speed has definitely improved a bit over from when I was using my Zyxel 650R-31 router. Off the top of my head I can't think of a decent technical reason why.


for finding your passwords on netgears you used to be able to view the sorce of the admin page and it would appear in the html source code :) As for the increase in speed I do have a theory. Netgear was the only router manufacterer that built and deisgned their kit to specifically work with the UK telecoms systems i.e BT. All the other bodged their Amercian kit to work over here causing some performance issues


Nice one, exit2, but you've got to put the correct password into the Netgear first and then forget it. I hadn't quite got that far, as the password was buried in the Zyxel. Didn't know that Netgear had done that specific UK design tweak. That perhaps goes some way to answering the question as to why people have an overall good opinion of Netgear routers. I never used to be a fan myself, but I have to admit that in recent years they've become very good performers and very reliable too.

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