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Good Lad Andrew Davies

Saint Charlie

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All Kevin Phillips said was that it never felt right here and maybe he made a mistake.


Yet he gets a horrific amount of abuse from so-called Saints fans.


When he left us he said it was because he wanted to play in the premiership, something you can't blame him for. However when the baggies got relegated he didn't feel the need to leave them for the premiership, you have to wonder why he gets abuse.

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When he left us he said it was because he wanted to play in the premiership, something you can't blame him for. However when the baggies got relegated he didn't feel the need to leave them for the premiership, you have to wonder why he gets abuse.


Ah, so the average Saints fan is clairvoyant.



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I support my opinion (sniping in your book) with an argument. Saintwarwick has nothing better to say than what he thinks are witty little reposts using the original posters words.


I'm all okay with having an opinion fella, but feck me, I've never seen you say a decent word about the club, but as you said....all have opinions....

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I wish him all the best - he did a job for us and did it well.


Had to laugh yesterday though when Adrian Durham was talking about his move to Stoke on TalkSport - he made one of his many derogatory snipes in saying that 'Andrew Davies wouldn't be able to save Stoke from relegation as he wasn't very good - thats why he played for Saints'. I just wondered how his show co-host felt about the comment - Ian Wright...!!!

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Lol - I'm not sure how old you are Rod, but I assume you haven't got a job yet. To players (all players) this is just a job - a bloody great one, but just a job.


Getting a chance, whenever that arrives, to play in the top league is like getting a promotion at work. In my experience people will almost always take it unless a) they've no ambition b) they don't have confidence in their ability or c) personal circumstances.


Loyalty rarely comes into it - personally I think Le Tis fell into a) and c), he was only loyal to Saints because it was convenient to be so.


For Davies, clearly he's confident (as are we of him, otherwise we wouldn't be unhappy) and it's probably closer to his family and friends 'op Norf. No brainer really.


you misunderstood,probably on purpose I guess.

the point isnt about it being "just a job",the point is about what Davies said before he came here,and what he says now. playing football was said to be his main objective,which clearly isnt the case. if you do disagree,fine. but do try and adress the point I was making,rather than write an essay about loyalty and such-I`m really not interested in your views on that matter.

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I support my opinion (sniping in your book) with an argument. Saintwarwick has nothing better to say than what he thinks are witty little reposts using the original posters words.


I post an opinion which you dislike, you call this 'witty little reposts using the original posters words' I prefer to call it an alternative view, something you do not like as it does not fall into your category of "only alpine_saint is right and nobody dare challenge me"

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I post an opinion which you dislike, you call this 'witty little reposts using the original posters words' I prefer to call it an alternative view, something you do not like as it does not fall into your category of "only alpine_saint is right and nobody dare challenge me"


They are not opinions - they are sarcastic digs. If you really wanted a sensible discussion, you would have stated your case in your own words, rather than try (and fail) to be witty..

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They are not opinions - they are sarcastic digs. If you really wanted a sensible discussion, you would have stated your case in your own words, rather than try (and fail) to be witty..


They are not opinions in your eyes because they don't fit into your criteria of 'what I say is gospel' As I've said before you don't like my opinions because they offer an alternative view to your opinions and in your eyes only yours count.

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They are not opinions in your eyes because they don't fit into your criteria of 'what I say is gospel' As I've said before you don't like my opinions because they offer an alternative view to your opinions and in your eyes only yours count.


Yawn. You cant help yourself. You have nothing to say. All you are doing is trying to make me lose it in some pathetic hope to get me banned.


Not going to happen...

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Hillarious. Phillips was here longer and did more for us, but Davies goes on good terms with the fans for coming out with a couple of banal run-of-the-mill platitudes.


Have to agree. He signed a contract which he doesn't want to honour. He played a grand total of 26 odd games for Saints, and spent half a season out injured whilst continuing to pick up wages.


If he had been injured longer, he would've been able to stay here and continue to pick up wages. If hadn't got injured, but played crap, he would be able to stay (in the reserves) and continue to pick up wages, because the club has to honour THEIR side of the contract. If a player wants out, the contract means nothing, but if they're donkeys the club is stuck with them due to the contract.


Now it would be a different story if he had given several years stellar service to Saints, and then one of the big boys had come in for him. Then I'd say good luck to him.


Sorry, but I think he's an ungrateful git. I hope his career goes down the toilet. :toimonster:

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you misunderstood,probably on purpose I guess.

the point isnt about it being "just a job",the point is about what Davies said before he came here,and what he says now. playing football was said to be his main objective,which clearly isnt the case. if you do disagree,fine. but do try and adress the point I was making,rather than write an essay about loyalty and such-I`m really not interested in your views on that matter.


Loyalty and kissing the badge etc we should not be taken in anymore.

To be fair Agents dictate and no doubt Saints needed to move him on to save his wages. But you are right he is telling a different story to the one he gave on his arrival. My concern would you sign him without match fitness and full pre season. I suppose the price is right for a very good player and therefore worth the gamble.

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i hope he has an "eduardo" moment and is out for ages...


cheers davies.......you pleb


Pretty bloody harsh - a professional that sees fit to better himself - he did a job for us and had moved on. Wishing him a potentially career threatening injury is hardly fair.

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I'll be honest I find it a bit patronising, especially the bit about "hoping to play for Southampton again in the Premiership".


He should have just said, "Thanks for eveything, I enjoyed my time but want to play in the Premier League." The rest of it is just trying to play us for fools.


Now, how much of it actually came from his mouth is another matter all together....

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Well I think he was a very good player for us and wish him well...but I also think that £1.3m for a player that has just had an operation and not played since a very serious head and eye operation may be a good deal.

I had the same thing as he did when some **** from Whitbreads Fc headed my cheekbone and not the ball! Everytime I went for a header after that I was concerned the same would happen again.

I hope he makes full recovery as its his job but I think he just may not be as full blooded and committed in the future as he was here since that injury.

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Have to agree. He signed a contract which he doesn't want to honour. He played a grand total of 26 odd games for Saints, and spent half a season out injured whilst continuing to pick up wages.


If he had been injured longer, he would've been able to stay here and continue to pick up wages. If hadn't got injured, but played crap, he would be able to stay (in the reserves) and continue to pick up wages, because the club has to honour THEIR side of the contract. If a player wants out, the contract means nothing, but if they're donkeys the club is stuck with them due to the contract.


Now it would be a different story if he had given several years stellar service to Saints, and then one of the big boys had come in for him. Then I'd say good luck to him.


Sorry, but I think he's an ungrateful git. I hope his career goes down the toilet. :toimonster:

I don't hope his career goes down the toilet, but I really don't think he's the great guy that so many on here think. He clearly does not give a **** about Saints, and is only interested in the money. He talks a load of bull about going to a top club, Stoke, who is he kidding. Wonder how loyal he will be to Stoke when they are back in the CCC next season, as they will definitely be. Fact is he was brought in by Burley, who is no longer here, he has picked up a nice wage while playing 20+ games, and has had top class treatment here and now ****s off at the first opportunity. He is no better than SKP (and in fact has done much less for us). He is like nearly all players these days simply a mercenary. Nothing wrong with that, but all this bull on the OS, and all the fawning on here really makes me feel a little bit nauseous.


Bye bye Davies. Not totally convinced how good you are, enjoy your season in the Prem losing most weeks but picking up a bigger wage. See you next season (assuming we survive).

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Have to agree. He signed a contract which he doesn't want to honour. He played a grand total of 26 odd games for Saints, and spent half a season out injured whilst continuing to pick up wages.


If he had been injured longer, he would've been able to stay here and continue to pick up wages. If hadn't got injured, but played crap, he would be able to stay (in the reserves) and continue to pick up wages, because the club has to honour THEIR side of the contract. If a player wants out, the contract means nothing, but if they're donkeys the club is stuck with them due to the contract.


Now it would be a different story if he had given several years stellar service to Saints, and then one of the big boys had come in for him. Then I'd say good luck to him.


Sorry, but I think he's an ungrateful git. I hope his career goes down the toilet. :toimonster:




I have only just seen this thread and have to agree with you here.


Every time a player ditches us for another club someone pipes up with, 'Everyone on this forum would happily leave their job for a better paid one .....'


Its a weak comparison though as most of us have not signed a fixed term contract where we are pledging our allegiance for the next X years to a single company; most of us can leave whenever we want.


Davies chose to sign for us over Hull or Norwich, clearly he decided saints was the best option for him at the time. Only eight months later he gets a better offer and so is off. I don't blame him at all, it's the way football is these days, but to say 'Good lad' or 'best of luck' just because he has trotted out some trite platitude (and probably written by his agent) is far too much to ask.

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I have only just seen this thread and have to agree with you here.


Every time a player ditches us for another club someone pipes up with, 'Everyone on this forum would happily leave their job for a better paid one .....'


Its a weak comparison though as most of us have not signed a fixed term contract where we are pledging our allegiance for the next X years to a single company; most of us can leave whenever we want.


Davies chose to sign for us over Hull or Norwich, clearly he decided saints was the best option for him at the time. Only eight months later he gets a better offer and so is off. I don't blame him at all, it's the way football is these days, but to say 'Good lad' or 'best of luck' just because he has trotted out some trite platitude (and probably written by his agent) is far too much to ask.


The good lad comments are silly but he didn't ask for a move so it was probably "sold" to him by the powers that be. He is on a sticky wicket really. He has to state that he is happy to be going to Stoke but also make out he is gutted to be going.

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The good lad comments are silly but he didn't ask for a move so it was probably "sold" to him by the powers that be. He is on a sticky wicket really. He has to state that he is happy to be going to Stoke but also make out he is gutted to be going.




That may be true enough but Poortvliet's comments the other day suggested Davies' agent has been trying to engineer a move to the Premiership for some time. Davies may not have asked for a move but it seems he may well have encouraged one.


As I said, I do not really blame him for leaving once the premiership offer came in, but those that attempt to compare his situation to the average working mans are being totally unrealistic.


But it does seem that contracts mean virtually nothing to players these days as they know the agents call the shots. You only have to look at what happened in the Kenwyne Jones case to see how clubs are almost powerless to prevent a player leaving if he wants to.

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