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Saints Greatest XI - Your Views and Opinions

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get real people, matt le tiss is only in your teams for sentimental reasons, yes he was fantastic for our club, a fantastic servant, but no way would he get in a saints all time team,


golac, watson, nichol, bridge

paine, ball, case, armstrong

keegan & ron davies


subs....... niemi. killer, williams channon, shearer


out of that team who would you drop for tiss????????????

Armstrong, Ball or Case


well tiss play centre midfield in place of ball or case or even steve williams ummm dont think so,


you must be joking to think he would do a better job at left midfield than armstrong, did you ever see them play?


People can be fickle. You may not believe it, but I remember groans and desperate mutterings from fans when players of the calibre of Ron Davies and Terry Paine failed to make things happen or score with the slightest of chances. The thing about Matt Le Tissier was that he was no ordinary player. He wasn't a great player in the conventional sense. He was a maverick; an enigma. If he was left out of the team, you could almost predict the result, because that dangerous element had been removed. But 10 seconds play from MLT could be the difference between 3 points or less. To look at his contribution with that traditional English eye is to totally devalue his worth. He was quite simply the most skillful player of his generation, and I say that knowing players like Gascoigne and Cantona were about at the time. They were more conventional and yet they had the aura of brilliance, but MLT was above even them.


Leave him out of an all-time team..? You must be off your head..! ;)

well tiss play centre midfield in place of ball or case or even steve williams ummm dont think so,


you must be joking to think he would do a better job at left midfield than armstrong, did you ever see them play?


MLT can replace Ball, Case or Williams, it's a no brainer and if you asked these three players they would agree as well.


you must be joking to think he would do a better job at left midfield than armstrong, did you ever see them play?


I've been going since 1955 so, yes, I have seen them all play. I actually think that Paine is the best player ever to play for Saints but MLT was a genius.

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