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  1976_Child said:
100% great idea. Proper recognition of the sterling work the services do on our behalf.


I watched a programme on Sky news a few weeks ago. One of those documentary type programmes with a sky reporter/news team


I was shocked to see what poor equipment that our troops were given. I'm sure they had three vehicles break down, one permanently and the engineers didn't have the correct tools to fix common mechanical problems.


The gunners guns constantly got jammed as they were not suitable for the terrain and when the Taliban fought openly with them they had men shot because of this.......I thought to myself "**** that for a living".


I was amazed at how vulnerable that our troops were due to not having correct tools/equipment.


The programme was called 'The Pathfinders', think that was the name of their regiment and it was on SKY, if you get chance to see it, watch it.


On the basis of that alone, I support the scheme. :)


I don't pretend to know or care a great deal about the forces, but it seems to me that our government is unable to equip the brave people who fight on the orders of our government properly, so they have to rely on purchasing or being supplied extra equipment from family and friends, and then when the do finally return home, hopefully in one piece and without either a ****ed up head or illnesses from whatever **** they were injected with, they still have to rely on schemes like this for support.


If our government were seen to actually back up their military plans with adequate facilities, maybe they could help chip away at a little bit of that behemoth of hatred that their voters currently feel for them.

  Baj said:
I don't pretend to know or care a great deal about the forces, but it seems to me that our government is unable to equip the brave people who fight on the orders of our government properly, so they have to rely on purchasing or being supplied extra equipment from family and friends, and then when the do finally return home, hopefully in one piece and without either a ****ed up head or illnesses from whatever **** they were injected with, they still have to rely on schemes like this for support.


If our government were seen to actually back up their military plans with adequate facilities, maybe they could help chip away at a little bit of that behemoth of hatred that their voters currently feel for them.

true...been on about this for ages....in a way it has always been a case but the recent conflicts have highlighted it..


trouble is, where does the money come from...I have always said, stop giving out hand outs to every tom **** and abdul that wants pitch up here and give EXTRA to the front line...but then you will be called a racist or something

  S13 SFC said:
Army Front Line = Chavs with no GCSE's


Some perhaps, but at least they are trying to better themselves if they are, and Chav or not they have my respect for it.


To be fair to the Government, at least they are doing something.


We do a small amount of work for this lot http://www.aspiredefence.co.uk/ and they have got a long term programme over 35 years. So far we have done some refurbs for them. The end product is good, but their existing facilities from housing to warehouses was generally very poor as a result of years of under-investment, chiefly by Tory governments.

  Thedelldays said:
true...been on about this for ages....in a way it has always been a case but the recent conflicts have highlighted it..


trouble is, where does the money come from...I have always said, stop giving out hand outs to every tom **** and abdul that wants pitch up here and give EXTRA to the front line...but then you will be called a racist or something


The correct saying is Tom, **** and Harry. You have chosen to use the name Abdul, with it's obviously racial connotations. If you are called a racist, which you are acting like, then don't cry about it.


Meanwhile, apart from your Freudian slip, I agree with your sentiments.

  EastleighSoulBoy said:
The correct saying is Tom, **** and Harry. You have chosen to use the name Abdul, with it's obviously racial connotations. If you are called a racist, which you are acting like, then don't cry about it.


Meanwhile, apart from your Freudian slip, I agree with your sentiments.


Why is using the name Abdul in the same context as Tom, Richard and Harry racist? It simply allows for a fairer representation of the diversity that occurs in all areas of modern british society as far as I can see.


True.......it shoud be 'every Tom....Shang Kow Sung...and Abdul'. Christ, open your mouth about anything, and you're decried as a racist. What ever happened to free speech!!

  Gingeletiss said:
True.......it shoud be 'every Tom....Shang Kow Sung...and Abdul'. Christ, open your mouth about anything, and you're decried as a racist. What ever happened to free speech!!

It never existed.



  EastleighSoulBoy said:
The correct saying is Tom, **** and Harry. You have chosen to use the name Abdul, with it's obviously racial connotations. If you are called a racist, which you are acting like, then don't cry about it.


Meanwhile, apart from your Freudian slip, I agree with your sentiments.

by excluding the "abduls" I am excluding a part of the UK...

  Thedelldays said:
by excluding the "abduls" I am excluding a part of the UK...


Your version of the common place expression was a more up to date version and gave a much clearer idea od what "every" could mean in this instance.


I LOVE people sho say "say it to my face". Draganov, just use words to argue with him instead of threats that make you look like the person he is implying. It's not a hard allegation to refute with logic or common sense, to be fair.


Shane, at the end of the day, while some pongos are morons, I respect them for having some ambition or engagement in a career, one that is ****ing demanding. Better than the oiks who are still smoking too much green and robbing houses at the age of 22. I mean, **** off and die.

  S13 SFC said:
Army Front Line = Chavs with no GCSE's


Stupid comment if ever there was one. It takes more than a GCSE to be brave enough to do what they do.


Are you just trying to be insulting on purpose?

  draganov said:
S13SFC posted the folowing


Army Front Line = Chavs with no GCSE's


Care to say that to my face or some of my mates who recently have returned from Afghan mush?




It takes an idiot to reply to this comment imho - 'hook line and sinker' spring to mind, why challenge someone you have never met? This is an internet forum after all, christ, get over it.


TBF my friend has just returned from Afghanistan and by the end he was getting very annoyed with the moronic chav thugs in his unit. They took the **** out of him because he was studying to be a pilot and was generally as thick as two short planks and considered violence to be the answer to everything. I'm sure that's not true for everyone though.

  hypochondriac said:
TBF my friend has just returned from Afghanistan and by the end he was getting very annoyed with the moronic chav thugs in his unit. They took the **** out of him because he was studying to be a pilot and was generally as thick as two short planks and considered violence to be the answer to everything. I'm sure that's not true for everyone though.

to be fair...those "thugs" are what parts of the front line need

Posted (edited)
  hypochondriac said:
So then you could say that S13SFC is at least partially correct then.

yes...clearly not all are like that but to do the job they do you are bound to get some nutters...


even in what I do (which is a technical job) you get a few mongs that slip through so the chances of them being in the infantry are pretty high

Edited by Thedelldays
  Thedelldays said:
yes...clearly not all are like that but to do the job they do you are bound to get some nutters...


even in what I do (which is a technical job) you get a few mongs that slip through so the chances of them being in the infantry are pretty high


It's not just infantry who serve on the frontline, you also have marines, tankies, artillery, medics, logistics, REME, Signallers, engineers, RMP, air force, army air corps, intelligence and naval air squadron operating in Afghanistan and most of these will be highly educated people who can be nutters.

  saintwarwick said:
It's not just infantry who serve on the frontline, you also have marines, tankies, artillery, medics, logistics, REME, Signallers, engineers, RMP, air force, army air corps, intelligence and naval air squadron operating in Afghanistan and most of these will be highly educated people who can be nutters.

i know...i was refering to the mongs


Do not agree with the perceived sentiment of S13's post, but front line lads are universally referred to as "Cannon Fodder" or "Stretcher Bearers" (ergo - expendable). I don't think he intended to offend.


Note: I do know what it feels like to not know whether my Dad would be coming home from a tour of duty.


I just watched Digby Jones (Lord) on his 'Jobs Search' program on tele.


There is this lad, 19 years old, just lost his job at Nissan. Honest to God, if I was him I would join the Army. Good pay, good mates and you get to shoot people.


Ok, a bit flippant, but why not? If I had my time again and I was 19 and this ****ing Brown-induced depression came my way I would sign up. Must be better than signing on every week...

  1976_Child said:
Must be better than signing on every week...


I watched that Ross Kemp in Afghanistan last night and I would rather sign on than go through what those lads are doing.


Then again im too old for that running around, getting shot at malarky.


Robsk and Jillyane

I take your point re


It takes an idiot to reply to this comment imho


What I was trying to imply was that if he met me or some of my mates who have recently come back from Afghan he would find out that they are not a bunch of chavs which he was clearly implying.


A lot of the people he is referring to have come back with serious injuries, limbless , blind, paraplegic etc. his comments did offend me as it would any other servicemen.

At the time of responding, I was annoyed with what he said and it probably did come across as aggressive. but if he saw what my role was ( I have just retired )and my colleagues do in the services , then if he had any sense he wouldnt post such crap.


By the way if you want to have an indication of what my mates do and what I did then I suggest you watch the Doctors and nurses documentary on itv Its about medics in afghan.

An idiot Im not but somebody sticking up for servicemen then I put my hand up to that


Regardless of your opinions on this war, or war generally, or pongos, any other forces - it's downright idiotic not to have human respect for what they do and sympathy for what they lose.

  Robsk II said:
Regardless of your opinions on this war, or war generally, or pongos, any other forces - it's downright idiotic not to have human respect for what they do and sympathy for what they lose.


Exactly. When I was in the RAF I lost my KFS and water bottle and nobody gave a *****.

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