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Increase in Season Ticket Prices ?


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If that is the case, time will tell, there are a lot of ST holders undecided at the moment, an increase will help them make their minds up and tell the club to stick it, I know I will after 22 years.

From what I hear around me the vast majority of ST holders have made up their mind. They will not renew while Lowe is at the helm. I have been a season ticket holder for most of the 55 years that I have supported our club but it pains me to say that I will not be renewing this time around. It is the only way that I can make my small protest against Lowe. If he goes I will renew within 24 hours!

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Sometimes I think people make these things up to set off another whinge-fest against the board.

Is there an agenda here or were you just bored?


Like the ****** you came out with yesterday on another thread, about Crouch being responsible for the signing of Thomas, Euell and others. Maybe you were tired and emotional when you invented that one!!

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considering VAT went down 2.5% since the last lot even if the club keeps the same price of S/Ts the price has increased.

I dont believe it at all and of course there are 2 people who said no, what a surprise a rumour to cause even more resentment. Well i dont know the voting percentage on these things but 2 votes against the rest wont win.

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what would be really creative is if the club culd come up with a pricing structure and incentives to get 20,000 season ticket holders irrespective of which division we are in.


Its impossible.


Oh hang on, Norwich do it every year.


You are so right.


there are two ways out of the mess we are in.


1. White Knight.

Yeah right.


2. refocussing the club onto REAL community involvement, including, in fact leading with,STs a an attractive price.I guess there are plenty of people out there willing to back the club with a modest invesment (£200 for a ST in the corners?), but who are sick of being taken for mugs, by the great and good fighting amongst themselves.

Look at the turnout for Forest.

20000 STs at £200 average has got to be more than we got in ST revenue this season.



THIS is how to sell tickets.



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There is a reason why Lowe WILL put the prices up.


It is called playing on loyalty. There are many diehard ST holders who are the life blood of the club, they will pay whatever it takes to be a supporter through thick and thin. They will carry the can of the many many ST holders who will join ST holders like me in failing to renew whilst Lowe is at the Club.


Result? The ones who dont deserve to pay more - their sentiment of true support alone is admirable - will be exploited.




So the answer is. Do not renew. The best fans are being used. Ironic really. But, it is simply exploitation of the willing.

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There is a reason why Lowe WILL put the prices up.


It is called playing on loyalty. There are many diehard ST holders who are the life blood of the club, they will pay whatever it takes to be a supporter through thick and thin. They will carry the can of the many many ST holders who will join ST holders like me in failing to renew whilst Lowe is at the Club.


Result? The ones who dont deserve to pay more - their sentiment of true support alone is admirable - will be exploited.




So the answer is. Do not renew. The best fans are being used. Ironic really. But, it is simply exploitation of the willing.

I suspect that you are jumping on a very false rumour.

If they put the prices up it will reduce the s/t sales by at least 10%, so a false economy that RL will know is suicide.

I expect theyu will not do early bird. It will be put over as 'to be fair we dont dont know what league we are in' It will give the club 2 options keep the prices the same if we stay up, or cut them if we go down.Then I suspect the early bird price of last season will be used if we are relegated.IMHO

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