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Wotte says in the OS:

"I don't mind if players go out all together if it's a team thing, but I don't want them to go out on Friday night if there's a training session on Saturday morning. I have told this to the players".


I would have thought that not going out late the night before a match would be enshrined in contracts. So many times during the last few seasons we have heard of this happening. Is lax discipline a root course of our decline?


I think this is a one-off i.e. Friday night out as the Watford game was cancelled. The curfews always used to commence two days prior to a game so not big nights out on Thursdays and Fridays.


I've been critical of some of Wotte's comments up until now but have to say he's made some appropriate observations in this article. I especially like the one about having 23rd position in the table written on your nose!

Posted (edited)

A night out drinking can affect your concentration for up to 2 days.




**** (damn filter block) Can I write Pee ?



Edited by slickmick
Wotte says in the OS:

"I don't mind if players go out all together if it's a team thing, but I don't want them to go out on Friday night if there's a training session on Saturday morning. I have told this to the players".


I would have thought that not going out late the night before a match would be enshrined in contracts. So many times during the last few seasons we have heard of this happening. Is lax discipline a root course of our decline?


He doesn't say a Friday before a match on Saturday, he said Friday if there's training on Saturday.

I think this is a one-off i.e. Friday night out as the Watford game was cancelled. The curfews always used to commence two days prior to a game so not big nights out on Thursdays and Fridays.



My question was specific to any night before a match, not specifically before a game that has been cancelled, which is ok imo.


And do the curfews still exist?


I know people will say that the players are entitled to be out enjoying themselves,but they are well paid profesional athletes so maybe they shouldn't be out on the lash to start with.

They seem to be enjoying themselves. I can't see the problem.


JFP...I don't begrudge them a night out, but when certain said players allegedly show more passion in finging chips and laying into a fan than they do on the pitch for the shirt, then I do have a problem.


They are supposed to be 'professionals' FFS...any of us on here would walk over broken glass to pull on that Red and White shirt at The Dell or SMS - for five minutes only.


These b@stards get paid in excess of £5k per week and rub our fvcking noses in it.


TBF if we were riding high in the league no-one would have a problem with them on the lash - it's the fact that they should be putting in more on the pitch that rankles.


On a similar note, I heard a story the other day about Steve Fletcher of Bournemouth - a mate lives down in Bearwood and saw SF out running at 10.30 at night to keep fit - kind of explains why he is still playing now at what, 36???


I bet he could run McGoldrick until he vomited. THAT'S THE PASSION AND FIGHT THAT WE NEED....


Erm....how many times in a given season are there training seasons on a Saturday morning?


Herring rouge? Or am I missing something here?


Also, by "going out" is he also endorsing alcohol consumption in the days leading up to a game and/or training? Professional sportsmen should not be drinking alcohol at all during the season as it affects overall performance and fitness for greater periods of time than 24 hours.

"Prior Preparation"? A little redundant, don't you think JFP?


It would be, which has further reminded me that preparation was not one of the "six P's" either.


Prior planning prevents, pizz poor performance, is I believe the correct phrase.

Do you think the Manchester United team go out drinking/partying regularly during the season? Or do you think that they think like athletes and that's why they're at the top of their game and we're frankly shambolic...



It would be, which has further reminded me that preparation was not one of the "six P's" either.


Prior planning prevents, pizz poor performance, is I believe the correct phrase.


My version of phrase is something I heard some time ago, I think it was from the SAS bloke, McNabb. So you are probably right.


Could being told it's safer to stay home wake them up and bring in a siege mentality to the team?

Or could it make the situation even worse with our fragile team feeling worse with nights out being so risky?

JFP...I don't begrudge them a night out, but when certain said players allegedly show more passion in finging chips and laying into a fan than they do on the pitch for the shirt, then I do have a problem.


They are supposed to be 'professionals' FFS...any of us on here would walk over broken glass to pull on that Red and White shirt at The Dell or SMS - for five minutes only.


These b@stards get paid in excess of £5k per week and rub our fvcking noses in it.


TBF if we were riding high in the league no-one would have a problem with them on the lash - it's the fact that they should be putting in more on the pitch that rankles.


On a similar note, I heard a story the other day about Steve Fletcher of Bournemouth - a mate lives down in Bearwood and saw SF out running at 10.30 at night to keep fit - kind of explains why he is still playing now at what, 36???


I bet he could run McGoldrick until he vomited. THAT'S THE PASSION AND FIGHT THAT WE NEED....


Let's cut to the chase here. Nobody believes for one minute that a cheeky fan just said, "when are you going to do the business then" to a couple of players out on the town. We can all imagine the real conversation by a couple of jealous scrotes that had drank one bottle of lightning too many, and the players, being equally young scrotes retaliated.


What I think you have to take on board is that this was a day off from training, yet these two committed players were willing to do a full body workout on the scrotes. Nobody has yet come on here suggesting that they are going to get a pay rise or at least a bonus for their willingness to train on their night off.

Erm....how many times in a given season are there training seasons on a Saturday morning?


Training with a hangover? Don't be silly.

Let's cut to the chase here. Nobody believes for one minute that a cheeky fan just said, "when are you going to do the business then" to a couple of players out on the town. We can all imagine the real conversation by a couple of jealous scrotes that had drank one bottle of lightning too many, and the players, being equally young scrotes retaliated.


What I think you have to take on board is that this was a day off from training, yet these two committed players were willing to do a full body workout on the scrotes. Nobody has yet come on here suggesting that they are going to get a pay rise or at least a bonus for their willingness to train on their night off.


JFP...in response to this I offer two words that all players out for the night should remember...



Erm....how many times in a given season are there training seasons on a Saturday morning?


Herring rouge? Or am I missing something here?


Also, by "going out" is he also endorsing alcohol consumption in the days leading up to a game and/or training? Professional sportsmen should not be drinking alcohol at all during the season as it affects overall performance and fitness for greater periods of time than 24 hours.


Spot on and WGS did really well in tackling the drinking culture. Sure, Beatts went off the rails but it was dealt with and he went on to score 25 goals that season. I just think the players should stay out of the city's more notorious nightspots at the moment. I can remember an Ipswich-supporting friend telling me about David Johnson drinking champagne in a nightclub straight after they'd been knocked out the play-offs. Consequently, Johnson took a lot of flak in the local media and from fans.


It's ok when you are doing well but given the current performances and effort shown, the players must know they are not the city's favourite sons right now. Don't know why anyone would attack Saganowski though, he's one of the few players in the squad who is performing and seems to give a toss.

Don't know why anyone would attack Saganowski though, he's one of the few players in the squad who is performing and seems to give a toss.


As the club are remaining "tight lipped" on the Saga issue, I would assume it was nothing to do with a fan; more likely something in his private life that should be left that way.


I think that apart from training, or playing games they should be held in a cell and fed what is necessary to keep them fit. They shouldn't ever be allowed out. In no way are they entitled to a life outside of football.

As the club are remaining "tight lipped" on the Saga issue, I would assume it was nothing to do with a fan; more likely something in his private life that should be left that way.


Probably so, Saga is a popular player. Hope he can get another scoring run going though.

His comments on the OS are fair i'd say, what's he supposed to do tie them to a post between matchs and training...


His comments are spot on. But can he correct the lax culture within the club, and a lack of players' self-disciplinary skills, that has bean prevalent at St Mary's? This is the real test, and he has the next few matches to prove it. This could be an important key to avoiding erratic performances and escaping relegation imo.

As the club are remaining "tight lipped" on the Saga issue, I would assume it was nothing to do with a fan; more likely something in his private life that should be left that way.


What Saga issue?

I've obviously missed something here but I don't know what you're referring to?

Could someone summarise please?

Posted (edited)
What Saga issue?

I've obviously missed something here but I don't know what you're referring to?

Could someone summarise please?


x2? OK - seen it now

Edited by St_Tel49
Wotte says in the OS:

"I don't mind if players go out all together if it's a team thing, but I don't want them to go out on Friday night if there's a training session on Saturday morning. I have told this to the players".


I would have thought that not going out late the night before a match would be enshrined in contracts. So many times during the last few seasons we have heard of this happening. Is lax discipline a root course of our decline?


This was the friday before the Watford game, which was cancelled. They do mention this in the article.



I think you're correct.. Slick mick,

As a teacher of language.......I often take time to analyse mistakes, wrong attributions, poor synonyms and bad examples from my "foreign " students.

(non-native speakers).


More surprising ' though is that contributors to some threads on this site, who can scarcely spell their own names - come on and criticise

the Dutchman for his incorrect usage of OUR language during a quick fire interview with the media !...where he may have been mis-quoted anyway.



I think a Christmas party when you are league and European champions is fair enough. It was Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes I had in mind rather than a youth team player out of his depth. If only we had players with a fraction of their dedication and sense of duty.


Our mob dont' deserve a Christmas card let alone a party...


I see Wotte says 'the agression comes from other people, never my players'...


Ain't that the truth.

i think that apart from training, or playing games they should be held in a cell and fed what is necessary to keep them fit. They shouldn't ever be allowed out. In no way are they entitled to a life outside of football.





I think that apart from training, or playing games they should be held in a cell and fed what is necessary to keep them fit. They shouldn't ever be allowed out. In no way are they entitled to a life outside of football.


I think professional sportspeople are dedicated and do whatever is necessary to be at the top of their game for as long as possible.


They eat a professional athlete's diet.


They drink in moderation.


They stay fit and sharp.


But, like wide-mouth frogs, you don't see many professional footballers around Southampton do you??

Posted (edited)
As the club are remaining "tight lipped" on the Saga issue, I would assume it was nothing to do with a fan; more likely something in his private life that should be left that way.


Have I missed something?? Enlighten me a bit please.....!


Oops.......now seen above...apologies..

Edited by Channon's Sideburns
Have I missed something?? Enlighten me a bit please.....!


Oops.......now seen above...apologies..


The Echo reported he was sporting a cut above his right eye.

The Echo reported he was sporting a cut above his right eye.

If as alleged anyone had a pop at Saga then that is well out of order, we should be supporting the guy who is our best (only) hope of getting out of the more. For those who had a pop at McG and BWP I do not have this sense of outrage.


By the way someone above asked whether manure players regularly go out on the lash. I suspect you will find they do, Mr Rooney is hardly a paragon ov virtue. It is also clear that Liverpool players also are not complete Saints, ask mr gerrard about his nights out, whether on the lash or not, and whether behaving in such a way as to potentially impact his profession is really a good idea. the only difference with both these examples are that these 2 teams are top of the Prem, if we were top of the CCC would we have these issues, probably not. Sadly the idea that footballers are professional athletes and should avoid alcohol/tobacco/late nights etc is so far from reality as to be laughable, people in other sports have accepted that this sacrifice needs to be made, but generally footy players have yet to wake up to this need. Still I agree it must be tough for young kids when they have no role model, can't say I was a saint when I was their age either, but then I was also no athlete :)

Posted (edited)

What I fail to understand is that drinking and aggro "culture". It seems to happen only in England. I can go out in town here or anywhere in the country, occasionally come across a pro footballer and there never seems to be any hassle. Just chit-chat, a drink perhaps, and then let people go on with their lives, be they champions or relegation strugglers. My hometown club are second from bottom in our top league and no-one would ever dream of having a go at the players if they were to be seen in a restaurant or a bar. It's not we don't take things to heart, it's just none of our business. You might read the occasional press report that the manager has run the rule on players for breaking the curfew and that's it.

Edited by Belgiansaint
How can we expect our team to show discipline when the coach has a reputation of having none himself?





.... allegedly.


Put it this way Robbie, the team were on the slide under Burley, performances were sh1te, and they were not competing...


Push fast forward to January 2009, and wahey.....we're there again in a few poor managerial appointments....

Put it this way Robbie, the team were on the slide under Burley, performances were sh1te, and they were not competing...


Push fast forward to January 2009, and wahey.....we're there again in a few poor managerial appointments....


Burley lacked respect and we all know why... hic.


JP... hic.


and now Wotte.... errr well can't really type the noises for that (thank goodness).... allegedly.

Do you think the Manchester United team go out drinking/partying regularly during the season? Or do you think that they think like athletes and that's why they're at the top of their game and we're frankly shambolic...


Oh dear ummmmmmm do you really believe that .................

Oh dear ummmmmmm do you really believe that .................


I believe that the best players are generally those that keep their noses clean. Funny how you don't see David Beckham on the lash, for example... but these journeymen are out and about tucking into their chips and curry sauce...

I believe that the best players are generally those that keep their noses clean. Funny how you don't see David Beckham on the lash, for example... but these journeymen are out and about tucking into their chips and curry sauce...


George Best springs to mind though!!! ;)

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