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Who would be opposed to Mary Corbett being the club's chairman? Why not? Family connections a-plenty, true fan, and Delia has set the precedent for the fairer-sex. To be honest having a skirt at the head of the board table might have a unifying experience, an antidote to testosterone-rich business men...

Who would be opposed to Mary Corbett being the club's chairman? Why not? Family connections a-plenty, true fan, and Delia has set the precedent for the fairer-sex. To be honest having a skirt at the head of the board table might have a unifying experience, an antidote to testosterone-rich business men...




Karen Brady is also a football club chairperson it seems.

Isn't she in the nick for something or other again ?

Just because you're a lady chairperson it doesn't mean you're above all


What does this Mary sort look like? How old is she and what kind of rack has she got? I know this might seem unimportant but I only voted for Thatcher once I saw her norks.


Just fell of the office chair... gone and feckin broken a foot off one of the klegs so am now leaning to one side... LOL stop it now.

Karen Brady is also a football club chairperson it seems.

Isn't she in the nick for something or other again ?

Just because you're a lady chairperson it doesn't mean you're above all



She's not in the nick. Talk about propaganda lol.


She's simply been re-arrested.



I happen to think a female chairperson would be a great idea. Women are so much better at negotiation and keeping the peace than men.


They have no need to have a p***ing competition and are used to having to be better at any given role than their male counterparts.

She's not in the nick. Talk about propaganda lol.


She's simply been re-arrested.



I happen to think a female chairperson would be a great idea. Women are so much better at negotiation and keeping the peace than men.


They have no need to have a p***ing competition and are used to having to be better at any given role than their male counterparts.



What's the difference between "being arrested" and being "in the nick" then.


Nick being in police custody in common parlance.

She's not in the nick. Talk about propaganda lol.


She's simply been re-arrested.



I happen to think a female chairperson would be a great idea. Women are so much better at negotiation and keeping the peace than men.


They have no need to have a p***ing competition and are used to having to be better at any given role than their male counterparts.


Like Maggie did in the Falklands war ;)

She's not in the nick. Talk about propaganda lol.


She's simply been re-arrested.



I happen to think a female chairperson would be a great idea. Women are so much better at negotiation and keeping the peace than men.


They have no need to have a p***ing competition and are used to having to be better at any given role than their male counterparts.


I usually agree with you but this is bra burning feminist horse knackers, to be more than honest. Women do not often get the top job mainly due to taking long career breaks for kids and being a bit dim, but having said that, occasionally one can make it through. You don't need to look too far to find Mrs Thatcher who not only bombed the living daylight out of loads of naughty Argies (on her first warning),then also told George Bush Senior to not "go soft on me now" and commence bombing Iraq and if that was not bad enough stole milk from our own babies.


And you call that keeping the peace.


To be serious though, we do need a comepetitive chairperson so if a woman is not of this nature then it wouldn't work. I just wish they would compete outwardly and not inwardly.


They have no need to have a p***ing competition and are used to having to be better at any given role than their male counterparts.


and of course she isn't engaging in this sort of contest at the mo?


I've met Mary several times and she has always been personable, and approachable. She always expresses her opinions calmly and with conviction. She isn't the sort of person to be afraid to seek advice from others if she feels that would assist her to make the right decision. In short, she would be the perfect antidote to the egotistical and overbearing present incumbent.


Im more concerened who will the guy from Abu bring with him? Maybe he will want to appoint a new chairman, only Rupert can tell, so speak up Rupes, Did you go for your glass of wine after your meeting in Hextalls?

I've met Mary several times and she has always been personable, and approachable. She always expresses her opinions calmly and with conviction. She isn't the sort of person to be afraid to seek advice from others if she feels that would assist her to make the right decision. In short, she would be the perfect antidote to the egotistical and overbearing present incumbent.


And her rack?

I've met Mary several times and she has always been personable, and approachable. She always expresses her opinions calmly and with conviction. She isn't the sort of person to be afraid to seek advice from others if she feels that would assist her to make the right decision. In short, she would be the perfect antidote to the egotistical and overbearing present incumbent.


NO doudt she is Wes, but why swop one 'unqualified' chairperson for another?

Who would be opposed to Mary Corbett being the club's chairman? Why not? Family connections a-plenty, true fan, and Delia has set the precedent for the fairer-sex. To be honest having a skirt at the head of the board table might have a unifying experience, an antidote to testosterone-rich business men...


One objection: SHE doesn't want to be the SFC Chairperson. Bit of an obstacle there, I would have thought.

Im more concerened who will the guy from Abu bring with him? Maybe he will want to appoint a new chairman' date=' only Rupert can tell, so speak up Rupes, Did you go for your glass of wine after your meeting in Hextalls?[/quote']


This is far too big a "takeover rumour" to be buried in an obscure thread about an (fairly) obscure supporter.

Start a T.O thread man, get some mileage out of it.


You are hiding your light under the proverbial bushel.

This is far too big a "takeover rumour" to be buried in an obscure thread about an (fairly) obscure supporter.

Start a T.O thread man, get some mileage out of it.


You are hiding your light under the proverbial bushel.


He's got the right sort of post count to be able to start a TO rumour!!

He's got the right sort of post count to be able to start a TO rumour!!




Even I know Hextall's is a very smart city legal outfit.

But Rupert has pinkies in many pies, perhaps he was there on other business, but we shouldn't let that get in the way of all out takeover frenzy because that wouldn't be in keeping with our fine record in the matter.

Even I know Hextall's is a very smart city legal outfit.

But Rupert has pinkies in many pies, perhaps he was there on other business, but we shouldn't let that get in the way of all out takeover frenzy because that wouldn't be in keeping with our fine record in the matter.


That's the good thing about TO threads they're good learning threads for City novices. The crap that I've learnt about money markets and Stock market regulations in the last 3 years is incredible.


I'd never heard of Hextalls before today, so that's another new one!!

That's the good thing about TO threads they're good learning threads for City novices. The crap that I've learnt about money markets and Stock market regulations in the last 3 years is incredible.


I'd never heard of Hextalls before today, so that's another new one!!


I think they even have a "sports" arm.


Sport's Law, including an expert on "Football Creditors"


Oh my life. No thank you. She's clearly far too emotionally attached, it'd be like that stupid "fan on the board" idea magnified x100.


We need a clean sweep IMO. No current or former board members anywhere near the club. They've all proved themselves utterly inept.

I've met Mary several times and she has always been personable, and approachable. She always expresses her opinions calmly and with conviction. She isn't the sort of person to be afraid to seek advice from others if she feels that would assist her to make the right decision. In short, she would be the perfect antidote to the egotistical and overbearing present incumbent.



Absolutely Wes - however I don't think Mary would ever "envisage" herself in this position and would certainly never seek it. Some of the mocking reaction on here from respected posters such as FC are a little sad in my opinion.


I've got nothing against Mary Corbett but women don't make good managers in my opinion. The women bosses i've worked for have all been useless.

Only when they can use the old witholding sex routine.


Not sure it would apply in the SFC boardroom.....


Little bowls of pot pouri and smelly candles might help though.

Absolutely Wes - however I don't think Mary would ever "envisage" herself in this position and would certainly never seek it. Some of the mocking reaction on here from respected posters such as FC are a little sad in my opinion.


Mary is a terrific person and great company and would be a great addition to the board (for those that have not met her she brings that touch of the "Winchester Tennis Club Committee" to proceedings ie commitment, history, dignity etc, but I'm sure Leon will have a proven Chairman and Chief Executive in mind to take the heat post Lowe / Wilde.


All IMHO of course



Mary is a terrific person and great company and would be a great addition to the board (for those that have not met her she brings that touch of the "Winchester Tennis Club Committee" to proceedings ie commitment, history, dignity etc, but I'm sure Leon will have a proven Chairman and Chief Executive in mind to take the heat post Lowe / Wilde.


All IMHO of course




This will be fine at St Marys. If Rupert continues, we will have Tennis at one end and Hockey at the other for The Northam followers.:p

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