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Do I want Lowe to stay - yes I do. But only until somebody better qualified knocks on his door and offers fair price for his holding. As JFP has highlighted, it is all very well wanting him gone but there are not a queue of suitable candidates waiting outside of his office to take over the job. Perhaps we just want him & MW to walk away and leave errr nobody in office.


Is Lowe best for the club - yes. At this current moment in time he is - because once again nobody has declared public interest in thier intention to take control. Somebody is better than nobody.


Do I like Rupert Lowe. Couldn't say - never met him. Although I would like to meet him and try to get his take on the many 'issues' that have seen us slide to where we are now. Some here do tend to forget that there are always 2 sides to every story, and we rarely get those 'straight from the horses mouth'.


So in essence, contrary to most on here I have responded 'yes', 'yes' and 'unsure'. Does that make me a Lowe Luvvie - I'll leave that to the rest of the board to decide and hang me as they see fit. The bottom line is though - whilst I would lose him and his team tomorrow, I do not see too many 'Knights in Shining Armour' storming to get into SMS these days.

Uhm darn two finger typing ******... i have corected said error just for you.


Still not got it quite right though, I thought you were taking the P out of Our Stan with the use of a 'c' instead of an 's'


dence => dense!!

Still not got it quite right though, I thought you were taking the P out of Our Stan with the use of a 'c' instead of an 's'


dence => dense!!


FRanks returned to his broken chair, symbolic of his broken heart, humiliated by his latest spelling error... made even worse by the fact it occured in a post questioning the intel... no not questioning, but making a statemnet of FACT about the intelligent of certain other posters.... embarrassed he lowers his fingers to the kyboard and plans his revenge...Hahahhahhahhahhah (evil sort of 1970s hammer horror laugh)

FRanks returned to his broken chair' date=' symbolic of his broken heart, humiliated by his latest spelling error... made even worse by the fact it occured in a post questioning the intel... no not questioning, but making a statemnet of FACT about the intelligent of certain other posters.... embarrassed he lowers his fingers to the kyboard and plans his revenge...Hahahhahhahhahhah (evil sort of 1970s hammer horror laugh)[/quote']




Wise words


Up to something surely - plotting against us for sure - I imagine him like Blowfeld in some sort of underground volcano that doubles up as a pig farm by day... need to get the geologists onto it and see if there is any anciaet volcanic igneous rock in teh Cotswolds and take our search from tehre, the trith of lowes evil scheming will out!


I don’t think anyone really knows him, possibly not even his wife.


He is capable of putting up strange and impenetrable barriers.


I used to have to deal with him, and tried to establish and build a working relationship.


I had no feelings about him either way – for or against – and tried to be ambivalent about him as a person.


From day one he never, ever gave any hint of treating me as an ‘equal’ in the working relationship, and his view was always that it should always flow in one direction – his.


I was even prepared to accept that to an extent. To be a good businessman you have to be prepared to tread over people and be a bit selfish and ruthless.


Like Duncan, I was phoned and called an “arsehole” and a lot worse beside (including one blistering tirade where he used a word beginning with ‘C’ which I didn’t think public schoolboys knew) but you accept that sort of thing as an occupational hazard.


I could even see his viewpoint and why he took certain courses of action on occasions. It didn’t make me popular with friends and fellow fans when I tried to explain it, but I felt it was only fair that people consider the options facing him.


To this day I think he was hamstring and placed in an invidious decision over the Dave Jones affair, knowing what he thought was going to happen, having been briefed by the Merseyside bizzies.


People who work with him and for him say he will unerringly reciprocate to those who show loyalty to him. If you are loyal to him, he will stand shoulder to shoulder to you through thick and thin to the bitter end.


I know people who say he is a very caring and considerate employer who shows a genuine interest in the welfare and wellbeing of those who work for him. There would always be fruit or flowers for those in hospital, and messages of condolence and floral tributes for any who had suffered a bereavement.


So, we’re not talking about an inherently evil person here. He is not the Spawn of Satan or The Lord of the Flies incarnate.


Do I like him?




Not for the way he treated me personally. I’m thick-skinned and when you work in the media you have to accept your share of brickbats. After all, you dish enough of them out.


I don’t like him because I learned the hard way I couldn’t trust him. He shafted me royally on one occasion, and when I tried to explain the consequences of his actions he laughed in my face.


Since then, I cannot trust any decision he makes for the club.


As I say, I don’t think anyone really knows him, perhaps apart from his father (there might be a Vito-Michael Corleone thing going on there!).


But I think he is a man quite capable of holding two completely divergent standpoints to serve his own purposes.


I think he is now adopting a similar bunker mentality to Hitler (no, I'm saying he is an evil Nazi dictator). He feels the very people he tried to lead have let him down, and are now not worthy of his leadership.


And like Hitler, I would not be surprised if he is prepared to pull the whole edifice down with him if he goes.


Gotterdammerung approaches!!

Up to something surely - plotting against us for sure - I imagine him like Blowfeld in some sort of underground volcano that doubles up as a pig farm by day... need to get the geologists onto it and see if there is any anciaet volcanic igneous rock in teh Cotswolds and take our search from tehre' date=' the trith of lowes evil scheming will out![/quote']


looking for oil at Jackson's farm and trying to work out a way to get assets of books of slh into lowe holdings

Up to something surely - plotting against us for sure - I imagine him like Blowfeld in some sort of underground volcano that doubles up as a pig farm by day... need to get the geologists onto it and see if there is any anciaet volcanic igneous rock in teh Cotswolds and take our search from tehre' date=' the trith of lowes evil scheming will out![/quote']


Frank, could I respectfully suggest you move to FireFox and it's built-in spell check too......(not that it's fool proof).


I think you may have part of your broken chair stuck somewhere because it's severely affected your typing skills!!


Nobody likes Lowe, but a few aren't so blinkered as to see him as the root of all evil. Most - if not all barring the trolls - posters want Lowe gone if only to shut up some of the monomanicial posters on here (it won't of course - people were still blaming Lowe for everything at the end of last season after he'd been gone for 2 years). However we'd like to see what comes after as something that would secure Saints long term future rather than a blind rush into the arms of administration.


To some posters on here holding the views stated above labels someone a 'Lowe luvvie'.


I thought we had all moved on from these questions and it was more about the next step that people were getting annoyed about?


Most, although some still obviously can't come to terms with his failure, stomp their feet and say 'there is nobody else', jeesh, think that he should go, and almost nobody knows him personally.


So, I thought the main debate had been about how to remove him, or should we allow him the rope by which to hang himself with and keep on supporting 'the team', regardless of who is in charge?


I thought the wranglings of the last month or so were between the Lowe out and the support the team crowds?


Some have tried to bridge the gap and some try to offer an alternative view. At the end of the day, I believe that if the majority of fans spoke with their feet and didn;t go, Lowe would be forced out. Others see that as counter productive and think we should fill the stadium and help keep us up. Thus, making us more of an attractive purchase.


Two things, I don't think Lowe will step aside, his pride or ego won;t let him, regardless of relegation or what not. Secondly, unless a Billionaire offers stupid money, I don;t see Lowe selling either.


So that leaves me with the option, in my mind, to stay away until he leaves. Personally, judging from track record, Lowe isn't the man to dig us out of this hole. I don't think he understands quite what to do. He experiments without considering the consequence, gets rid of people out of spite and runs the show like a spoiled brat. And where as I understand people questioning a worthy replacement, I don;t think the bar has been set too high by Lowe in order for someone to come in, make a few changes and put us back on course again.


This means action by the fans, for me, and without it, Lowe will stay and I will stay away.


Can I remind you of the words of (all hail) President Obama (all hail) just a couple of weeks ago


"know that people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy."


Unless and until anyone else comes forward, Lord Lowe is the only option. Like everyone else, I am hoping for someone with money to come forward and replace him!!!

I'd swop places with Leicester right now. If we still have Lowe next season you mark my words we'll be in a relegation fight at the bottom of League 1.



Could someone please explain the twisted logic the castigates one Chairman in the belief he is about to take us down in favour another who actually achieved that feat with his own team?


And then suggests swapping places right now?


For me it reads hatred for a man rather than love of a club.



Could someone please explain the twisted logic the castigates one Chairman in the belief he is about to take us down in favour another who actually achieved that feat with his own team?


And then suggests swapping places right now?


For me it reads hatred for a man rather than love of a club.




It would read like that to a Lowe Luvvie as you and your kindred spirits don't live in the real world. In the real world most people would much rather have a chairman who invests his own money than a leech like Lowe that has only ever sucked money out.

Could someone please explain the twisted logic the castigates one Chairman in the belief he is about to take us down in favour another who actually achieved that feat with his own team?


And then suggests swapping places right now?


For me it reads hatred for a man rather than love of a club.




It would read like that to a Lowe Luvvie as you and your kindred spirits don't live in the real world. In the real world most people would much rather have a chairman who invests his own money than a leech like Lowe that has only ever sucked money out.


And herein really lies the problem with threads such as this. Has Faz answered any of the questions posed - no. Therefore how do we (you) know whether he is pro/anti Lowe - we don't. He has merely made an observation (a correct one as well) about some of the 'logic' that you subscribe to.


You immediately take offence and label him with one of your childish tags. It's little wonder that few here take you, or your viewpoint, seriously.


Do I want him to stay? No

Do I think that he is the best - or only - option for us? No

Do I like him? I haven't met him so cannot say. I've met Andrew Cowen a couple of times and he came across well. Not impressed by Askham at all but never met Rupert.

What's the point of this thread ?


A re-statement of the bleedin' obvious ?



That's funny, when I say the exact same thing - no-one apart from the couple of wind ups on here want Lowe involved in the club - you tell me I'm wrong.


What gives?

I don’t think anyone really knows him, possibly not even his wife.


He is capable of putting up strange and impenetrable barriers.


I used to have to deal with him, and tried to establish and build a working relationship.


I had no feelings about him either way – for or against – and tried to be ambivalent about him as a person.


From day one he never, ever gave any hint of treating me as an ‘equal’ in the working relationship, and his view was always that it should always flow in one direction – his.


I was even prepared to accept that to an extent. To be a good businessman you have to be prepared to tread over people and be a bit selfish and ruthless.


Like Duncan, I was phoned and called an “arsehole” and a lot worse beside (including one blistering tirade where he used a word beginning with ‘C’ which I didn’t think public schoolboys knew) but you accept that sort of thing as an occupational hazard.


I could even see his viewpoint and why he took certain courses of action on occasions. It didn’t make me popular with friends and fellow fans when I tried to explain it, but I felt it was only fair that people consider the options facing him.


To this day I think he was hamstring and placed in an invidious decision over the Dave Jones affair, knowing what he thought was going to happen, having been briefed by the Merseyside bizzies.


People who work with him and for him say he will unerringly reciprocate to those who show loyalty to him. If you are loyal to him, he will stand shoulder to shoulder to you through thick and thin to the bitter end.


I know people who say he is a very caring and considerate employer who shows a genuine interest in the welfare and wellbeing of those who work for him. There would always be fruit or flowers for those in hospital, and messages of condolence and floral tributes for any who had suffered a bereavement.


So, we’re not talking about an inherently evil person here. He is not the Spawn of Satan or The Lord of the Flies incarnate.


Do I like him?




Not for the way he treated me personally. I’m thick-skinned and when you work in the media you have to accept your share of brickbats. After all, you dish enough of them out.


I don’t like him because I learned the hard way I couldn’t trust him. He shafted me royally on one occasion, and when I tried to explain the consequences of his actions he laughed in my face.


Since then, I cannot trust any decision he makes for the club.


As I say, I don’t think anyone really knows him, perhaps apart from his father (there might be a Vito-Michael Corleone thing going on there!).


But I think he is a man quite capable of holding two completely divergent standpoints to serve his own purposes.


I think he is now adopting a similar bunker mentality to Hitler (no, I'm saying he is an evil Nazi dictator). He feels the very people he tried to lead have let him down, and are now not worthy of his leadership.


And like Hitler, I would not be surprised if he is prepared to pull the whole edifice down with him if he goes.


Gotterdammerung approaches!!


Thanks Florida, you have clearly have know him better than most on here and there was some good balance there. I find any claims that Lowe is evil a bit daft - he's a misinformed man doing his job not particularly well. If you want the nearest thing you'll get to evil in an SFC context, look at Askham and Wiseman and Bowyer's shares - that was seriously unpleasant. Lowe isn't anywhere near as bad as those two or Richards et al but I still want him gone as his decision-making since 2003 has been appalling.


By the way, to the person who posted that he needed "buying out" - we've all been over this millions of times before but he is an appointed CEO with a barely 6% share. If Wilde or Askham's share proxy told him to go tommorrow, you wouldn't see him again.

Do I want Lowe to stay - yes I do. But only until somebody better qualified knocks on his door and offers fair price for his holding. As JFP has highlighted, it is all very well wanting him gone but there are not a queue of suitable candidates waiting outside of his office to take over the job. Perhaps we just want him & MW to walk away and leave errr nobody in office.


Is Lowe best for the club - yes. At this current moment in time he is - because once again nobody has declared public interest in thier intention to take control. Somebody is better than nobody.


Do I like Rupert Lowe. Couldn't say - never met him. Although I would like to meet him and try to get his take on the many 'issues' that have seen us slide to where we are now. Some here do tend to forget that there are always 2 sides to every story, and we rarely get those 'straight from the horses mouth'.


So in essence, contrary to most on here I have responded 'yes', 'yes' and 'unsure'. Does that make me a Lowe Luvvie - I'll leave that to the rest of the board to decide and hang me as they see fit. The bottom line is though - whilst I would lose him and his team tomorrow, I do not see too many 'Knights in Shining Armour' storming to get into SMS these days.


Trouble is Micky, his holding is neither here nor there at less than 6%. There would be better qualified CEOs out there, it's just that Saints haven't had a decent one since Alan Woodford. Our only benchmarks are Askham, Hone and Wilde who all make Robert Chase from Norwich and Bill Archer from Brighton look like Steve Gibson in comparison, so dreadful were they. No wonder people think Rupert is preferable! Rupert did pretty well 1997-03 but you can't rely on past glories and he's dropped some howlers with managers since then and wasted the first parachute season in the CCC on bullsh!t and gibberish and increased the overheads when income had slumped. Not smart when the Sky money has run out. Hone then built on 3 years of poor performance from Rupert beautifully and really acclerated the decline.


Wilde could fire Lowe tommorrow but we'd still be stuck with the main shareholders although at least we wouldn't have hopefully to put up with any more JP/Wotte brainwaves. The advantage might be that with such a divisive figure gone - and he really lost the plot at the AGM - the fans might start to engage again. Remember, us fans turned out in large numbers for the stadium rallies in the 1990s and we backed him for the majority of the time so his advocates can't get away with saying the fans didn't back him. We also filled SMS as promised and briefly, we did get a team under WGS to grace it.

Trouble is Micky, his holding is neither here nor there at less than 6%. There would be better qualified CEOs out there, it's just that Saints haven't had a decent one since Alan Woodford. Our only benchmarks are Askham, Hone and Wilde who all make Robert Chase from Norwich and Bill Archer from Brighton look like Steve Gibson in comparison, so dreadful were they. No wonder people think Rupert is preferable! Rupert did pretty well 1997-03 but you can't rely on past glories and he's dropped some howlers with managers since then and wasted the first parachute season in the CCC on bullsh!t and gibberish and increased the overheads when income had slumped. Not smart when the Sky money has run out. Hone then built on 3 years of poor performance from Rupert beautifully and really acclerated the decline.


Wilde could fire Lowe tommorrow but we'd still be stuck with the main shareholders although at least we wouldn't have hopefully to put up with any more JP/Wotte brainwaves. The advantage might be that with such a divisive figure gone - and he really lost the plot at the AGM - the fans might start to engage again. Remember, us fans turned out in large numbers for the stadium rallies in the 1990s and we backed him for the majority of the time so his advocates can't get away with saying the fans didn't back him. We also filled SMS as promised and briefly, we did get a team under WGS to grace it.


I agree entirely with what you say. But the problem remains that we need somebody (with investment) to come in and take the club forward. We on this board are all biased - we all believe that our club is the 'beesknees' and totally investible. The problem is though - when you look at the bigger picture, so are probably 50 - 60 other clubs in this league. Lots of clubs now have great facilities, good grounds (check out the likes of Darlington), and they are very investible. We have a decent set up, but we are not alone in that.


As for Lowes shareholding - I accept, he could be put out on his ear tomorrow, but it appears unlikely now. And, if that were to happen, as you rightly say it would still leave us with a dubious bunch still holding the cards - we need a completely new deck in my opinion.


I, like many, want change - but let's be honest, we apparently have been seeking investment for some years now - and (rumours apart) we appear to be absolutely no further forward. In fact - as most here would agree - we are moving backwards apace..!!

It would read like that to a Lowe Luvvie as you and your kindred spirits don't live in the real world. In the real world most people would much rather have a chairman who invests his own money than a leech like Lowe that has only ever sucked money out.


Have you actually answered the original question yet?

That's funny, when I say the exact same thing - no-one apart from the couple of wind ups on here want Lowe involved in the club - you tell me I'm wrong.


What gives?


At least he said his peice and left it alone. 1 or 2 others are still here name calling when they havnt even answered the OP.

just reading a few threads, such as Skacel and Pearson ones.


It seems that several posters whenever they see a post they disagree with they go on about Luvvies etc. I don't think any of the people are actually backing Lowe but some (probably immature and lacking of intelligence) hide from discussion resorting to name calling.


Thought it might help if all of these supposed Lowe luvvies identified themselves?



Do you want Lowe to stay?

Do you think Lowe is the best for the club?

Do you like him?


I am no for all three, as I am guessing most are. Doesn't stop anyone having different views on players, tactics, managers etc.


Please don't turn every post into playground name calling about Lowe - it is boring.

what a pointless topic we all know that you are a lowe lovie and now with this thread desperate to drum up any last remanent of support for your hero (the duck hunter supreme)lowe,lets get him out, get our club and support back.and perhaps you could go with him!end of.

i change my opinion as I see fit..things change and I put my opinion out there...


you on the other hand are obsessed..you even stated you would have manderic than lowe and refused to back wotte if he (did the impossible and) kept us up..



no need for name calling.grow up little boy!

I agree entirely with what you say. But the problem remains that we need somebody (with investment) to come in and take the club forward. We on this board are all biased - we all believe that our club is the 'beesknees' and totally investible. The problem is though - when you look at the bigger picture, so are probably 50 - 60 other clubs in this league. Lots of clubs now have great facilities, good grounds (check out the likes of Darlington), and they are very investible. We have a decent set up, but we are not alone in that.


As for Lowes shareholding - I accept, he could be put out on his ear tomorrow, but it appears unlikely now. And, if that were to happen, as you rightly say it would still leave us with a dubious bunch still holding the cards - we need a completely new deck in my opinion.


I, like many, want change - but let's be honest, we apparently have been seeking investment for some years now - and (rumours apart) we appear to be absolutely no further forward. In fact - as most here would agree - we are moving backwards apace..!!


I think the type of investment Micky would be different now to what it would have been in say 2003 given the world economy. It would need to be about simply stabilising the club first and building up gradually over 2-3 years to be able to have a go at the CCC top 6, assuming we could stay up this year. The big issue isn't Rupert at all - those "anyone could buy me out for £25m" quotes at the fans forum were Rupert blowing his chest out - but the tangled web of shareholdings. Wilde will try to save his shares until the last moment he can and Askham's group seem lost in the headlights, just like they always were. Crouch talks the talk but for me, hasn't walked the walk as yet. Until we unravel the share maze, we'll never know what the real options on the table might be - as you've identified, there are plenty of clubs out there that come with less hassle (but often more debt than us). Marcus Evans clearly found Ipswich easier to deal with for example!


I feel that it suits the above to have Lowe as target practice at this moment but Wilde could turn in an instant. What we do have in our favour is a proven ability to sustain PL level once the silly overseas money subsides - and it's starting to - and the fanbase to go with it. The past XIs are a whos-who of football and our geographical location and the need to regenerate Southampton the city which has decayed badly in the last few years also make a good case. Having a decent regional airport shouldn't be overlooked either.

+1 just for Saintjay.


Not that i really needed to bother as it's bloody obvious i'd say this.:rolleyes:


Still its nice to see you post on a thread and actually answer the questions on it ;)

I think the type of investment Micky would be different now to what it would have been in say 2003 given the world economy. It would need to be about simply stabilising the club first and building up gradually over 2-3 years to be able to have a go at the CCC top 6, assuming we could stay up this year. The big issue isn't Rupert at all - those "anyone could buy me out for £25m" quotes at the fans forum were Rupert blowing his chest out - but the tangled web of shareholdings. Wilde will try to save his shares until the last moment he can and Askham's group seem lost in the headlights, just like they always were. Crouch talks the talk but for me, hasn't walked the walk as yet. Until we unravel the share maze, we'll never know what the real options on the table might be - as you've identified, there are plenty of clubs out there that come with less hassle (but often more debt than us). Marcus Evans clearly found Ipswich easier to deal with for example!


I feel that it suits the above to have Lowe as target practice at this moment but Wilde could turn in an instant. What we do have in our favour is a proven ability to sustain PL level once the silly overseas money subsides - and it's starting to - and the fanbase to go with it. The past XIs are a whos-who of football and our geographical location and the need to regenerate Southampton the city which has decayed badly in the last few years also make a good case. Having a decent regional airport shouldn't be overlooked either.


Once again - I concur. But for fear of being branded a Lowe Luvvie again (not that it actually bothers me!), we should remember that the measures taken this season by the board were those designed by Lowe in order to stabilise the club. Now, it is a lot easier to stabilise any business with a large injection of cash / capital, than it is by trying to cut the clothe to fit the budget.


I don't particularly like Lowes methods, but neither do I know enough about the internal affairs of the club to know if any other options are available to him. It strikes me that nobody takes on the job of running any business, let alone a football club, in order to deliberately drive it down the pan.


Your point about regeneration in general is noted. I left Southampton some 4 years ago, so I am unaware of it's current economic / social standing. But it is generally accepted that, for some reason, a successful football team often bodes well for a successful and vibrant City.

his holding is neither here nor there at less than 6%. There would be better qualified CEOs out there,


You know we're in trouble when the best reason for keeping Lowe is because people think there are no alternatives out there in an big, wide world.


I would probably accept someone with £100m to waltz in, but in the absence of that option, I would just settle for a competent CEO, and independent and non divisive Chairman.


How provincial are we to think that there are no alternatives to Lowe as CEO. Fck me, what's going to happen when he eventually retires???


I presume we cease to exist:rolleyes::rolleyes:


I actually prefer it when people list a number of positive reasons why Lowe should remain in situ. I may not agree with all of them, but they're a hell of alot more reasonable than, "there's no one out there willing to do it!!!":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

And herein really lies the problem with threads such as this. Has Faz answered any of the questions posed - no. Therefore how do we (you) know whether he is pro/anti Lowe - we don't. He has merely made an observation (a correct one as well) about some of the 'logic' that you subscribe to.


You immediately take offence and label him with one of your childish tags. It's little wonder that few here take you, or your viewpoint, seriously.

i think you are spot on with that post, but he gives us all a good laugh on this forum.


Do you want Lowe to stay?


Yes based on the known alternatives


Do you think Lowe is the best for the club?


No but not through any fault of his own, we all make mistakes and being hard nosed about it goes with the territory. I have my doubts that if he left we would see significant increases in crowd numbers and unity. The current civil war in the fan base will take some healing Lowe or no Lowe.


Do you like him?


I don't know him but is it important if he has the best skillset currently available to us. Sorry NickG its a bit of a childish question - if you're in hospital and there is one available surgeon who can hopefully save your life do you ask yourself if you like him and if not protest?



Questions that simply can't be answered Yes or No as we need to know the why. Anyway my simplistic responses above. IMO those who simply reply No No No need to consider the situation beyond simple prejudice.

Questions that simply can't be answered Yes or No as we need to know the why. Anyway my simplistic responses above. IMO those who simply reply No No No need to consider the situation beyond simple prejudice.


If only everyone was as intelligent as you somedunce.

if you're in hospital and there is one available surgeon who can hopefully save your life


LMFAO for you're 1/3..


As if there really is only ONE surgeon available to save us.:rolleyes::rolleyes:


I'd be up for sacking the Trustees of the Hospital if they thought there was only one surgeon in the whole country available to use.


HTH from the Itchen/Chapel corner boyz


Do i want Lowe to stay?-Of course not.

Do i think Lowes best for the club?-Just look at the amount of fans who have stopped going and how he splits the fanbase.

His bad decisions have helped put us where we are now.

Do i like him?-Cant say because ive never met him.


Can I say a big and genuine thank you to Micky and saint1977 for offering the first real intelligent debate on the issue I've seen on this site for a very long time.


And also a thank you to Stanley for once more demonstrating that he has nothing intelligent to offer to the issue and should be disregarded as a troll.

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