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just reading a few threads, such as Skacel and Pearson ones.


It seems that several posters whenever they see a post they disagree with they go on about Luvvies etc. I don't think any of the people are actually backing Lowe but some (probably immature and lacking of intelligence) hide from discussion resorting to name calling.


Thought it might help if all of these supposed Lowe luvvies identified themselves?



Do you want Lowe to stay?

Do you think Lowe is the best for the club?

Do you like him?


I am no for all three, as I am guessing most are. Doesn't stop anyone having different views on players, tactics, managers etc.


Please don't turn every post into playground name calling about Lowe - it is boring.

Please don't turn every post into playground name calling about Lowe - it is boring.


...and doesn't fit with NickG's agenda.


NO NO and NO. It's not even up for debate ffs. Anyone who claims to like and agree with Lowe needs sectioning under The Mental Health Act.



Do you want Lowe to stay?

Do you think Lowe is the best for the club?

Do you like him?



No but has anyone put themselves forward recently to replace him ?

No too divisive but has anyone put themselves forward recently to replace him ?

Don't know him


I don't like any of the Big Three involved with the club and can't see a benefit in a reshuffle. This doesn't mean I like/love/or lust after Lowe. It equally doesn't mean I want Crouch back either. I want new ownership in and until then I want stability from whatever muppet is incharge, which at the moment is Lowe.


Do I like Lowe. Why yes of course as long as he is running Zimbabwe, not our club, which is the ONLY way I could see him being better than anybody else on the planet at anything.


Meanwhile I want all 3 of the failures gone as one at the same time and NEVER to come back. I don't want one of them instead of another one - BECAUSE WE DID THAT AND IT DIDN'T WORK. All of them are as bad as each other and all of them are responsible for the mess we are in.


End of

Do I like Lowe. Why yes of course as long as he is running Zimbabwe, not our club, which is the ONLY way I could see him being better than anybody else on the planet at anything.


Meanwhile I want all 3 of the failures gone as one at the same time and NEVER to come back. I don't want one of them instead of another one - BECAUSE WE DID THAT AND IT DIDN'T WORK. All of them are as bad as each other and all of them are responsible for the mess we are in.


End of





and with that, I unsubscribe from this thread!!

to try and make a point to those on other threads, there are no luvvies, get over it!


I love it how you're trying to re-invent yourselves. Unfortunately many of us have been following these forums long enough not to be fooled.

I love it how you're trying to re-invent yourselves. Unfortunately many of us have been following these forums long enough not to be fooled.


It's blinkers off time Stanley. Everyone (okay, most) have been saying for ages that there just doesn't seem to be another option so it is felt we will support the current lot through lack of options. This has been explained to you over and over, but you instantly call those doing that Lowe Luvvies.

like lowe...


hmmm, one or two people on here are past liking lowe..they need lowe


We don't know what you think from one day to the next. You change your mind more often than Michael Wilde!

We don't know what you think from one day to the next. You change your mind more often than Michael Wilde!

i change my opinion as I see fit..things change and I put my opinion out there...


you on the other hand are obsessed..you even stated you would have manderic than lowe and refused to back wotte if he (did the impossible and) kept us up..



I love it how you're trying to re-invent yourselves. Unfortunately many of us have been following these forums long enough not to be fooled.


so hard to reply without insults!;)


try to be more open minded.

I don't want him to stay


I don't think he's best for the club


I don't know him so I can't say whether or not I like him. But I don't like what he's doing to the club


Sums up my thoughts exactly.


Can of worms...


Like? never met him, but going on some of teh things he's said publically, the arrogance and his UKIP politics its extremely doudtful that I would want to talk to hiim let alone like him


Want him to stay? - this is where I get most crap slung in my direction - but in my defence your honour, I have never said nor do I think he should stay- I have however acknowledged the bits hes doen well and where there is logic in what has been suggestted or tried .... even if it failed - that is only fair - but because I cant see any logic in CRouchs approach and dont want him either, its assumed I musty be behind Lowe - most posters see that but some seem to stick their fingers in their ears and go wibble blah wibble balh because its easier to dismiss me as a LOwe luvvie than to provide any positive arguments against my criticisms of crouch - Stand up Alpine.


Do I think he is best for the club - NO - irrespective of what he has achieved historically that was good, or whatever logic I see in some of his approaches - and yes I liked the IDEA of sports science, woodward in an appropriate roll and even the IDEA of a dutch duo - its now got to the stage where he needs to stake a sidewasy step - if only to help get teh club united again - I have no issue with him still being involved in an appropriate way but its time for new leadership that can galvanise the fan base and reinvigorate teh club - .... but its not Crouch IMHO.

i change my opinion as I see fit..things change and I put my opinion out there...


you on the other hand are obsessed..you even stated you would have manderic than lowe and refused to back wotte if he (did the impossible and) kept us up..




Of course i'd rather have Mandaric than Lowe. Any sane person would rather have a chairman that puts money into their club than have a paracite like Lowe at the helm.

I love it how you're trying to re-invent yourselves. Unfortunately many of us have been following these forums long enough not to be fooled.


Feck me this really takes the usicuit - jeez this is tantamount to saying, feck off you cant support saints because you dont agree weith me.... you spend way to much time ranting about how crap LOwe is and attacking those who have a slightly different opinion, yet also attack them when you see their opinion changiong with time or thier stance softening - WTF?????? that is the whle point of being balanced and rationale - if teh situation cahanges or the mistakes are compounded their should be a change of attitude - same goes for if suddenly something good were to miraculously happen...


That is the only difference between what the idiots who believ their are Luvviesa nd the so called luvvies is... the so called luvvies support what is good irrespective of who initiated it and criticise what ITHO is bad irrespective of who initiated it - with you guys its Lowe Bad everything the devils C*ck etc, or 'Crouch every thing good , I want him to bend me over and give me his hot man love' .... jeez and you have the feckin cheek to question our intelligence...you could not make it up.

Feck me this really takes the usicuit - jeez this is tantamount to saying, feck off you cant support saints because you dont agree weith me.... you spend way to much time ranting about how crap LOwe is and attacking those who have a slightly different opinion, yet also attack them when you see their opinion changiong with time or thier stance softening - WTF?????? that is the whle point of being balanced and rationale - if teh situation cahanges or the mistakes are compounded their should be a change of attitude - same goes for if suddenly something good were to miraculously happen...


That is the only difference between what the idiots who believ their are Luvviesa nd the so called luvvies is... the so called luvvies support what is good irrespective of who initiated it and criticise what ITHO is bad irrespective of who initiated it - with you guys its Lowe Bad everything the devils C*ck etc, or 'Crouch every thing good , I want him to bend me over and give me his hot man love' .... jeez and you have the feckin cheek to question our intelligence...you could not make it up.


No offence FC, but anychance of an edited version. I never read your posts because you bore me senseless.

Of course i'd rather have Mandaric than Lowe. Any sane person would rather have a chairman that puts money into their club than have a paracite like Lowe at the helm.

what good is it to put all the money in and still get relegated...lol


great idea stanley..

what good is it to put all the money in and still get relegated...lol


great idea stanley..


I'd swop places with Leicester right now. If we still have Lowe next season you mark my words we'll be in a relegation fight at the bottom of League 1.


Admin is here shortly and therefore I want him and his cronies gone and never to return.

It is not what I personally advocated but now it is about to happen then we have to make the most of our situation. Lowe and his mob must have no part hereafter.


NO, I do not like the man or his cronies and hopefully anyday now they will be gone, hopefully never to return....There is hope from the ashes.

I'd swop places with Leicester right now. If we still have Lowe next season you mark my words we'll be in a relegation fight at the bottom of League 1.



swapping places with leicester (in league 1) is not a great advert for manderics' astute acumen as a chairman who (and I quote) wanted (and funded) a return to the prem last season...


what a brilliant chairman he is..

Of course i'd rather have Mandaric than Lowe. Any sane person would rather have a chairman that puts money into their club than have a paracite like Lowe at the helm.


I know I shouldn't but you always get this wrong and it's starting to annoy me......it's parasite


There, feel better now

swapping places with leicester (in league 1) is not a great advert for manderics' astute acumen as a chairman who (and I quote) wanted (and funded) a return to the prem last season...


what a brilliant chairman he is..


Leicester have far better prospects for a return to the top flight than we have. For one they will only be one division away whilst we're floundering in League 1 next year.

i change my opinion as I see fit..things change and I put my opinion out there...


you on the other hand are obsessed..you even stated you would have manderic than lowe and refused to back wotte if he (did the impossible and) kept us up..




:lol: I second that emotion!


For the record i don't like Lowe. Certainly don't hate him though. No time for that.


And i echo the sentiments that the "big" three should all up sticks and eff off...


Never met him but his media persona doesnt make me wish to.I know through business a few people who hunt and fish with him and they say he's Ok and his father also.

I know I shouldn't but you always get this wrong and it's starting to annoy me......it's parasite


There, feel better now


I'll have to remember to keep spelling it wrong.;)






That being said, I have never actually met the bloke. For all I know he might just be an arrogant t()sser when he is in business mode but a really stand up kinda guy down the wine-bar. Although some how I doubt it.





That being said, I have never actually met the bloke. For all I know he might just be an arrogant t()sser when he is in business mode but a really stand up kinda guy down the wine-bar. Although some how I doubt it.


Wine-bar? Get her.


lol its funny how the usual suspects that highjack any thread that is not about Lowe refuse to answer a simple question on a thread that is just about lowe!


No to all 3 from me. As much as I think he has at least tried to do what he thinks is right for our club he has failed in far to many areas for anyone to realisticly want to keep him here.

No offence FC, but anychance of an edited version. I never read your posts because you bore me senseless.


Too many big words hey, or whould you prefer cartoons? If you think my posts are boring fair enough, but it pales into insignificance to the inane blinkered drivel that is pounded out by you and Alpine. I woudl say open you miind, but would question whether there is anything there....

Posted (edited)
lol its funny how the usual suspects that highjack any thread that is not about Lowe refuse to answer a simple question on a thread that is just about lowe!


No to all 3 from me. As much as I think he has at least tried to do what he thinks is right for our club he has failed in far to many areas for anyone to realisticly want to keep him here.


Not really funny at all saintJay... quite sad really because it shows we do have our quota of dence f**kers as all clubs do....

Edited by Frank's cousin

I think the more pertinent questions are:


Do you want Stanley to stay?

Do you think Stanley is the best for the club?

Do you like him?


I like him but his presence is clearly having a divisive impact on the fanbase and I think he should leave the club.

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