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Will you be attending the boycott?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be attending the boycott?

    • Yes, I will. Definitely.
    • Me too.

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Posted (edited)



Can't be arsed to front up money to pay for extra staff in Yates when there is some attention ho-bags trying to demean the boycott by setting up facebook groups against it, sabotaging polls and generally being dicks.


I have the website and the domain if anyone wants to take over.



Edited by StuRomseySaint

I would prefer a protest the same as the last one to be honest, a march from the bargate through town and a vocal protest outside SMS that way we can all get behind the team 100% and again voice our opinions afterwards if need be.


I can see what what you trying to achieve and I admire you for it but to me it doesn't make sense.


Stu, the idea of some form of additional protest is a good one and initially I concurred that a march away from the stadium would generate some good extra publicity. But having read other comments on the original thread, from people who would march there and go in to the game and others who held STs who would march, but felt that their protest would not be registered as they are counted in the attendance figures, I had a rethink and proposed the following solution:-


Firstly, the ST holders have already paid their money and because of the farcical way that the club assesses attendances, are deemed to be there at the stadium even if they did not attend. There must be a fair few ST holders who are equally fed up with the way that the club is going downhill fast under Lowe and the Quisling, yet because they coughed up for their STs before they arrived, feel that they ought to attend having paid for their tickets. And yet these ST holders could play a valuable part in the protest in return for the little personal sacrifice that many other fans are making.


They are the ones who could enter the stadium having already paid for their tickets and then as soon as the whistle blows to start the game they can file out of the stadium.


I'm wondering whether another possibility would be that instead of marching away from the stadium, those who have marched there, plus those who are boycotting the match and who would have marched away, all remain outside the stadium during the match. Supposing we made it a bit of an event, had some form of entertainment out there, ex-players, food and drink laid on and a live radio feed of the match. Imagine that the chanting and cheers/jeers came from outside the stadium and was captured on national television as a football version of Henman's Hill outside Wimbledon. How effective would that look, especially if the TV people made a visual comparison between the crowded areas outside in contrast to the wide spaces inside.


Another benefit of making a lot of noise outside, would be that if the match was being lost, we could all chant "come and join us" and might therefore attract additional numbers to leave the stadium and support the protest. Additionally we would be visible to the board members before the match, at half-time and at the end of the match. Depending on how the match went, many might join the protest outside if it goes badly, as there would already be a good crowd outside to begin with. It wouldn't matter whether the club disallowed the Northam to leave through the car park as they did the last game; they would hear the protest after the final whistle and come and join us.


If we march away from the stadium, that might look good initially, but human nature being what it is, many won't even make it as far as the City Centre and the visual impact would be gone fairly quickly.


If we all stayed outside the stadium during the match, the cameraderie and unity allied to something interesting to entertain us would maintain the visual impact throughout.


Your thoughts, please.


Once we begin the march away from the stadium, the media impact will vanish. If we stay outside the stadium during the match, we might well have additional exposure during the continuous match reports, as well as providing a focus for disgruntled fans who might leave the match and join us. If there is to be a poll, perhaps we ought to include this as an option too. Personally I'd stay outside the stadium for 90 minutes, but not bother with the trip to Yates, as my wife and youngest son will be in town shopping, so I'd just join them instead if I went back to the toen centre. I suspect that many others have reasons and similar excuses for not marching back too

Posted (edited)

In all honesty, am going to see what the views are this week. It might be worth putting it on hold for a game or two, just to give Saints a chance to turn it round. I dunno.... am in 2 minds!


The simple solution is to remain outside reception during the game, at least for the first half. I like the idea Wes, just not sure which might be the most practical way!

Edited by StuRomseySaint

Expect the club to insist the Police move on anyone "loitering" around the stadium after kick-off, so protesting during the game would have to be at a neutral venue.

  Guy said:
Expect the club to insist the Police move on anyone "loitering" around the stadium after kick-off, so protesting during the game would have to be at a neutral venue.


Exactly, I went for the option of not confirming anything with the police. If you don't ask, they can't say no. :-)

  StuRomseySaint said:
Can you call it " Will you be attending the boycott " or something.... I think I am going to throw up.


Done but I don't think you should be afraid to take the credit, personally. Especially if it's not a total disaster!


Staying outside the ground will have the stronger impact as it will be a visual demonstration to press, directors etc. of the numbers not attending.


To avoid being "moved on", can the group not simply keep marching slowly round the stadium?


I understand your reasoning and anyone who try's to organise anything to rid us of Lowe

deserves thanks and respect people who get off there bum and do something fair play to you I fully supported the last protest was at the bargate and on the march but i wont allow anything to stop me watching and supporting my team.


So if its a protest before or after the game march whatever I am in but I am going to the game to support the lads.


UTS Lowe out !


For someone who was initially sceptical of the march that me, Tomobz and Connor orgasnised for the Swansea match you have certainly thrown yourself in to the 'deep end' SRS...did you have cream or custard with the humble pie? ;)

  Guy said:
Expect the club to insist the Police move on anyone "loitering" around the stadium after kick-off, so protesting during the game would have to be at a neutral venue.


I don't for one minute believe that the Police would have a problem with fans outside the stadium as a static protest. As I said, the road is closed anyway during the match and they would probably prefer us to be there altogether rather than in town. Also, I suspect that they might resent the board attempting to order them to take action against a peaceful protest on the public highway which would technically be a neutral venue during the match.


Sorry, but I don't like this idea. As I indicated on the other thread the idea of walking out at the begining of a game would be really insulting to the players. Our protests should be only against the suits, not the team (or incumbent manager). Just think how it would be if you got yourself all ready to go out and win, you run onto the pitch and then see a lot of the fans get up and walk out? Sorry, but I think this is a bad plan and as such I will not be joining in. March to the ground, yes. Walk out on the team when they need our support the most is not on.


.. but I support your motives. Just not your method.


Can't really see the point of organising anything at Yates unless it is to keep people together to march back. Sit outside reception probably best unless we go for the sit in option this time and escalate to march out/demo outside reception for the Cardiff game. Could be interesting as there will be a bigger police presence.

  Thorpe-le-Saint said:
For someone who was initially sceptical of the march that me, Tomobz and Connor orgasnised for the Swansea match you have certainly thrown yourself in to the 'deep end' SRS...did you have cream or custard with the humble pie? ;)


Listen mate, I put my hands up and said 'fair play, good turnout, I was wrong' the day after.


What I think is that some of you, obviously including yourself, seem to be getting some sort of kick out of speaking to papers and media etc and regard yourself as messiahs! lol ...


2 of you even started Facebook groups about the event that I decided on sorting... then started knocking it! :rolleyes:


One of you three people even sat on Saintsgomarchingout.co.uk and clicked on No, I won't be attending in the Poll over 120 times!!!


Does seem like you guys seem to be getting a bit of the attention-hobag syndrome... you do your thing, let others do theirs.


For that reason, I am out! Can't be bothered to waste my time with some happy clappy kids throwing their toys out of the pram because someone has come up with a more extreme idea than them!


Good luck on the march there, fair play anyone who joins in! You are deluded if you think it will have even the slightest effect on Lowe and Wildes tenure.


IMO this seems to have turned from a march againts the suits to more of an attack on the club. The idea of holding off for a few weeks to have a re-think is a good one IMO.


I can imagine a bunch of Poopy supporters standing outside our ground giving it the biggun while we try to support our team inside but the idea of our supporters doing it makes me cringe in all honesty.


Wasn't the idea that with all these protests, we would fully back the players during the games. You can guarantee that it will be another home loss.


I intend to go to the game. I am happy to do the march in the same way as Swansea, and I believe it would attract more people this time having seen the successful turn out at the last one. However, I just feel that everyone walking out of the ground will surely condemn us to a defeat that we can ill afford....just my feelings on the idea.

  saintjay77 said:
IMO this seems to have turned from a march againts the suits to more of an attack on the club. The idea of holding off for a few weeks to have a re-think is a good one IMO.


I can imagine a bunch of Poopy supporters standing outside our ground giving it the biggun while we try to support our team inside but the idea of our supporters doing it makes me cringe in all honesty.


The thing is, if it doesn't get the full support, then you have to wait. If we lose against Preston then I can see Donny all over again... and maybe worse.


Maybe it's best to wait for the inevitable rather than give Lowe ammunition if the numbers are not there to describe it as 'The Lunatic Fringe' and pass it off as a small minority.


I don't know what the march there achieves, apart from earning the club a bit of extra cash through more fans being at the ground earlier! :-)


If you want to make a point, then get there before the Corporates get their and block their route into the stadium. How many would rebook the next game if their clients and customers had a rocky route into the stadium?


There is a million ideas out there.

  saint_ed said:
Wasn't the idea that with all these protests, we would fully back the players during the games. You can guarantee that it will be another home loss.


I intend to go to the game. I am happy to do the march in the same way as Swansea, and I believe it would attract more people this time having seen the successful turn out at the last one. However, I just feel that everyone walking out of the ground will surely condemn us to a defeat that we can ill afford....just my feelings on the idea.


LOL - We have only won once since May last year!

  StuRomseySaint said:
Listen mate, I put my hands up and said 'fair play, good turnout, I was wrong' the day after.


What I think is that some of you, obviously including yourself, seem to be getting some sort of kick out of speaking to papers and media etc and regard yourself as messiahs! lol ...


2 of you even started Facebook groups about the event that I decided on sorting... then started knocking it! :rolleyes:


One of you three people even sat on Saintsgomarchingout.co.uk and clicked on No, I won't be attending in the Poll over 120 times!!!


Does seem like you guys seem to be getting a bit of the attention-hobag syndrome... you do your thing, let others do theirs.


For that reason, I am out! Can't be bothered to waste my time with some happy clappy kids throwing their toys out of the pram because someone has come up with a more extreme idea than them!


Good luck on the march there, fair play anyone who joins in! You are deluded if you think it will have even the slightest effect on Lowe and Wildes tenure.


If it's extreme you want.



  saint_ed said:
Yes...I know, hence why we can't afford any more.


LOL - and how exactly are we going to help? They have played to 13,000 crowds, they have played to 32,000 crowds with the same results.


They have played to Saints fans cheering every kick, they have played to protests and boos through the whole game. And guess what...... the same results.


People should maybe realise that football fans on the terraces are not as important at home than some would like to think..... support counts in away games more, but still not enough to massively determine a result.

  StuRomseySaint said:
The thing is, if it doesn't get the full support, then you have to wait. If we lose against Preston then I can see Donny all over again... and maybe worse.


Maybe it's best to wait for the inevitable rather than give Lowe ammunition if the numbers are not there to describe it as 'The Lunatic Fringe' and pass it off as a small minority.


I don't know what the march there achieves, apart from earning the club a bit of extra cash through more fans being at the ground earlier! :-)


If you want to make a point, then get there before the Corporates get their and block their route into the stadium. How many would rebook the next game if their clients and customers had a rocky route into the stadium?


There is a million ideas out there.


I think the trick is to find an idea that is visable without being a detriment to the team/club. I think this would get more press coverage and support from all over the saints fan base.


So the march to the ground doesnt hurt the club but it makes a point. At the end of the match that march away could then take place. Bad result and the away march numbers would be Huge IMO but in both instances the basic message is that we as fans want the club to survive and will stick by it no matter what (can be said through gritted teeth) but want the people at the top who have dragged us down out of the club for good.


Boycotting games or marching out mid game or blocking corperates is either hurting the club financially or hurting the team through non support. If there are any money men out there that are interested in a footy club would it not be better for us to show how supportive we can be rather than how much we can twist the knife?


I dont claim to have the answers and all credit to you for trying to get something sorted out. But IMO we need something that most of the fans can get behind even if it seems a little less effective.


Stu, just quit changing your mind and changing the timings of things. There are at least three versions knocking around teh intarweb. Why the change from a walkout on 5mins to a walkout on 3mins? As has been said numerous times, all ST Holders will be included in the attendance figures regardless of whether they go in or not. There is no benefit in the ST holders that want to take part in the walkaway NOT going in and walking out; there is every benefit in them all going in and BEING SEEN to walk out. It's visible and can't be ignored. If everyone stayed outside then it's easy for them all to be dismissed as people who wouldn't have gone to the game / lunatic fringe / rent-a-mob.


A 3min walkout is pointless as many people will probably only just start to be getting settled in their seats. You should leave it at 5mins walkout, have everyone outside singing whatever... "walk out if you want Lowe out" "come and join us all outside" or whatever on 5mins and all the ST holders that are taking part can leave at that point to join the march away.

  Wes Tender said:
I don't for one minute believe that the Police would have a problem with fans outside the stadium as a static protest. As I said, the road is closed anyway during the match and they would probably prefer us to be there altogether rather than in town. Also, I suspect that they might resent the board attempting to order them to take action against a peaceful protest on the public highway which would technically be a neutral venue during the match.


The road is open until 1650, only closed after the final whistle.

  derry said:
The road is open until 1650, only closed after the final whistle.


Really? I hadn't realised that, as I have always been inside the ground. But I still don't think that it would be a problem for the Police to leave it closed, as it is not as if there is no other route available around it. Any traffic going in the direction of Ocean Village or the bridge can turn off either before or after Britannia Road.

  Essruu said:
Stu, just quit changing your mind and changing the timings of things. There are at least three versions knocking around teh intarweb. Why the change from a walkout on 5mins to a walkout on 3mins? As has been said numerous times, all ST Holders will be included in the attendance figures regardless of whether they go in or not. There is no benefit in the ST holders that want to take part in the walkaway NOT going in and walking out; there is every benefit in them all going in and BEING SEEN to walk out. It's visible and can't be ignored. If everyone stayed outside then it's easy for them all to be dismissed as people who wouldn't have gone to the game / lunatic fringe / rent-a-mob.


A 3min walkout is pointless as many people will probably only just start to be getting settled in their seats. You should leave it at 5mins walkout, have everyone outside singing whatever... "walk out if you want Lowe out" "come and join us all outside" or whatever on 5mins and all the ST holders that are taking part can leave at that point to join the march away.


A walkout, however good the idea, will not work imo..... only a few people will do it, and they will be shouted down by some of the superfans. Other superfans are trying to demean the protests etc.... in a nutshell, can't be arsed at the moment!


Like I said, have set the website up etc etc.... is up to someone else to take it on from here... for personal reasons I cannot see it through to the end and publicise it. If nobody steps up, then I guess it does not happen.

Listen mate, I put my hands up and said 'fair play, good turnout, I was wrong' the day after.


What I think is that some of you, obviously including yourself, seem to be getting some sort of kick out of speaking to papers and media etc and regard yourself as messiahs! lol ...


2 of you even started Facebook groups about the event that I decided on sorting... then started knocking it!


One of you three people even sat on Saintsgomarchingout.co.uk and clicked on No, I won't be attending in the Poll over 120 times!!!


Does seem like you guys seem to be getting a bit of the attention-hobag syndrome... you do your thing, let others do theirs.


For that reason, I am out! Can't be bothered to waste my time with some happy clappy kids throwing their toys out of the pram because someone has come up with a more extreme idea than them!


Good luck on the march there, fair play anyone who joins in! You are deluded if you think it will have even the slightest effect on Lowe and Wildes tenure.


well stu, to be hounest i think this has got out of hand and acusing us of trying to get our mugs on tv and that we dont really care about the football club ? what aload of rubbish! i have not been saying your protest was a bad way of expressing how we feel, i thought it was a great thing to do. but i do not think i will be attending as you are making fans argue and disagree. at a time when we should be united, you are splitting the fans. some may not see where i am coming from but some will. good luck to you and hope yours goes well. but for someone who slated what we were doing for the swansea game, only to come and organise one and because your doing it, its a good thing

  bowers-sfc said:
well stu, to be hounest i think this has got out of hand and acusing us of trying to get our mugs on tv and that we dont really care about the football club ? what aload of rubbish! i have not been saying your protest was a bad way of expressing how we feel, i thought it was a great thing to do. but i do not think i will be attending as you are making fans argue and disagree. at a time when we should be united, you are splitting the fans. some may not see where i am coming from but some will. good luck to you and hope yours goes well. but for someone who slated what we were doing for the swansea game, only to come and organise one and because your doing it, its a good thing


What ever happened to the Popular Peoples Front of Walkouts?

  StuRomseySaint said:
A walkout, however good the idea, will not work imo..... only a few people will do it, and they will be shouted down by some of the superfans. Other superfans are trying to demean the protests etc.... in a nutshell, can't be arsed at the moment!


Like I said, have set the website up etc etc.... is up to someone else to take it on from here... for personal reasons I cannot see it through to the end and publicise it. If nobody steps up, then I guess it does not happen.


I can't really agree with that.

I don't think there is a single person who will "shout you down" as you say. I won't be attending the march away from the ground as I cannot pull myself away from the football - plus I have a ST and as such I would be losing out if I boycotted, not Lowe.

Going off track a bit here, so back to the point - if I was going through the turnstiles and saw people marching out/away, I would not feel angry and have a go at you all. I, and I suspect many others, would applaud you for being able to put the club before your own lust for football.


I also have to agree slightly with Bowers_SFC. I know you don't mean to Stu, but this has divided the fans again. If you have attended the march towards the ground V Swansea you would have felt the unity. I am 100% certain you won't get that if there are two different protests going on.

IMO though, all of this is heading for a breaking point; I think that there will eventually be a pitch invasion, and there can be no denying that such a thing would be the single most effective way of making our point and receiving complete coverage.

  bowers-sfc said:
well stu, to be hounest i think this has got out of hand and acusing us of trying to get our mugs on tv and that we dont really care about the football club ? what aload of rubbish! i have not been saying your protest was a bad way of expressing how we feel, i thought it was a great thing to do. but i do not think i will be attending as you are making fans argue and disagree. at a time when we should be united, you are splitting the fans. some may not see where i am coming from but some will. good luck to you and hope yours goes well. but for someone who slated what we were doing for the swansea game, only to come and organise one and because your doing it, its a good thing


Yawn. Seriously, without trying to patronise you, read your post again.


I have not 'slated' your march to the ground, simply stated that it will achieve nothing than making a point, it does not affect the running of the club in any way.


The only way Lowe and Wilde will listen is by 'extreme' measures.... such as pitch invasions, boycotts, sit-ins etc etc.... not by a group of people marching to the ground singing Saints songs.


Nobody said you don't care about the club, but you are a kid, and don't remember the Branfoot days etc and possibly don't understand fully what the most effective way of protesting is, if getting rid of Lowe and Wilde is the aim.

  Saint_clark said:
I can't really agree with that.

I don't think there is a single person who will "shout you down" as you say. I won't be attending the march away from the ground as I cannot pull myself away from the football - plus I have a ST and as such I would be losing out if I boycotted, not Lowe.

Going off track a bit here, so back to the point - if I was going through the turnstiles and saw people marching out/away, I would not feel angry and have a go at you all. I, and I suspect many others, would applaud you for being able to put the club before your own lust for football.


Why not take it a step further. Everyone buy two tickets each, burn one and then walk out. That will learn them!!

  StuRomseySaint said:


Here are the 'near to final' protest details. More will follow shortly.


13:45 - Remember there is a march going down to the ground, there are various groups etc, if you can then join in with this one.


14:30 - Meet outside reception.


14:55 - Any STH's who want to go into the ground, feel free to do so.


15:03 - We will leave reception, STH's deposit your Season Ticket stubs as you leave, with a note attached should you wish. Non- STH's, please simply attach a note of why you have chosen NOT to attend.


15:15 - We should arrive at Yates, we have upstairs reserved and the use of the rest of downstairs if required. I am trying to negotiate playing Radio Hampshire upstairs for people who still want to listen to the game.


I have agreed with the management that families will be welcome into Yates for this game only.


16:45 - Protest over. People are free to walk back down to the ground should they wish but there is nothing organised.






Please can we have a poll with simply a ' I am definately attending ' option, I am not really interested in who ISN'T coming, I need to know who definately is, I have to give the landlord a deposit for the extra staff based on a minimum number turning up.


Please understand that I am not going to pay for 12 extra staff if only 100 people are going to turn up! So please be honest and let me know if you are coming!


I have decided the best way is to allow the people who want to go into the ground, to do so, and walk out on 3 minutes. The remainder can wait by reception. The shots of a large number of Saints fans outside reception at kick-off will make good publicity!


If someone can make up a leaflet which can be distributed in shops, pubs and at the Bristol game then I would really appreciate it. I am no good at that stuff! Please email it to info@saintsgomarchingout.co.uk and I will put it on the website for everyone to download and help with the distribution.


Lastly, I really don't have the time to do all of this on my own, so if anyone wants to get involved then please let me know!


or - 'meet me at the pub at quarter past 3, bring the missus and the kids if you want'

  Oz said:
waste of time


You know what mate, I agree... waste of time and waste of my money.


Our fanbase is too split to organise anything collectively.... let's hope for spontaneous action such as sit-ins, protests and pitch invasions.




It's time for drastic action to help force change. Since 1975 I have never deliberatly missed a home game but if it goes towards forcing the axis of loons out of SMS, I'll boycott.

  docker-p said:
It's time for drastic action to help force change. Since 1975 I have never deliberatly missed a home game but if it goes towards forcing the axis of loons out of SMS, I'll boycott.



A boycott of a home game is the only way forward.

It will hit the dicks who run the board and the PLC in the pocket.They could not give a **** if people leave five mins into the game or who marches to the game in an organised protest.They know that the tickets have already been sold and people will go to the game.

Do not buy a ticket, ticket sales wiil be down,forecasted earnings will be down,confidence in the board and chairman will go down in the eyes of the city and the result is one we all want.Lowe Out.

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