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It's not worth responding to you any further as you're obviously just some spotty kid trolling for a reaction.
not has spotty has you i bet ,but good luck with your love affair with lowe.
Wotte was making decisions about the first team all season (Dyer's contract). Woote and jan were spun by the O/S as a pair. Therefore Wotte has had some input into the position we find ourselves in.
You are a long way from the real truth there.

This thread has confirmed my suspicions that all the usual suspects will go to any lengths to defend the indefensible,be it mis-representing Pearsons' record taking into the account his short tenure compared to Burleys and the situation he took over,or the

ludicrous notion that no-one can do the job other than Lowe.


This why these posters are termed Lowe luvvies and will no doubt continue to be so.

And here lies the fundamental problem with Saint's fans. Arguing about an impossible to prove point, again and again (and again, oh and again). There is no Pearson - the truth, only Pearson - opinion & conjecture.


Fact is that Lowe (the one who had to make a decision without hindsight) didn't think Pearson was the person to deliver on our meagre budget with a bunch of reserves/youth.


Pearson may have been a good manager for us, he may have done better than JP/Wotte - but no one knows. All the parameters (players, opposition, morale, luck) are different.


Arguing about it isn't going to change anyones mind, or change the results we have on the board.


If we focused on the future, not the past then perhaps we'd stand a better chance of getting out of the mess we are undoubtedly in.


... right I'm off to post something about the Reverse Takeover.


That's what Lowe would like you to believe. But most of us can see through that nonsense, and know Lowe got rid of Pearson because he (NP) was a Crouch appointee. And most of us knew that this was a disastrous decision the moment Lowe got rid of NP.

You are a long way from the real truth there.


Then why were they unveiled as a pair, then why was Wotte involved in team selection, then why was Wotte involved in contract decisions, then why was Wotte involved in transfer decisions, then why did Wotte comment on first team matters, why was he wheeled out with Jan at the AGM to answer questions etc etc etc etc etc etc?????


Wotte was all over the first team and the Club were not shy in telling us that (he even went out to the fans chats down the pub with Jan!!).


The way that Wotte has disassociated himself from everything Pre January 23rd 2009 is quite risible, as is the spin eminating from the OS and SMS towers who are now trying to make out it was all Poortvliet's doing and Wotte never had anything to do with it!!!!!

Then why were they unveiled as a pair, then why was Wotte involved in team selection, then why was Wotte involved in contract decisions, then why was Wotte involved in transfer decisions, then why did Wotte comment on first team matters, why was he wheeled out with Jan at the AGM to answer questions etc etc etc etc etc etc?????


Wotte was all over the first team and the Club were not shy in telling us that (he even went out to the fans chats down the pub with Jan!!).


The way that Wotte has disassociated himself from everything Pre January 23rd 2009 is quite risible, as is the spin eminating from the OS and SMS towers who are now trying to make out it was all Poortvliet's doing and Wotte never had anything to do with it!!!!!


Rather a government spin on 'A New Deal'. Jan steering the ship alone - certainly deserved a greater salary for the responsibility then!!

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