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Exactly, administration will bring out all of the potential investors who have been hiding in the woodwork, let's get done now rather than wait and take the points deduction next season which would almost ensures 2 seasons of League 1 before the season even starts.


Maybe a couple of years ago it would have doen, but honestly have you looked at the world economy recently? Just a heads up - it's screwed.


IMO now would be a very bad time to enter administration. A world wide recession is not a time that people take risks with investments. That just leaves fans as potential investors with money they can afford to lose. Except of course they've all had losses with everything tanking and probably don't have that much they can afford to lose either.


So what happens? SFC goes into administration? 10 point deduction. Can't find a buyer in time to emerge from administration in time for the league deadline? Right have another 15 point penalty and the forced sale of playing assets. Why hello league 2! And what's that - 7 thousand fans in a 30,000 seater stadium. I smell a winding up order...


Hopefully it won't come to that but please don't wish administration on us until the economy picks up a bit!

He'd go for it, alright.



IMHO, Lowe's view is that all that it would require to win supporters over would be some short term success. I think he believes that we are a fickle bunch.


Although to some extent he is correct, I just think he would never be able to pull it off,


But I don't believe that won't stop him wanting to get involved post administration, because not only might he consider there to be a potential bragain out there,



I would not rule him out.


Rather distressingly, maybe for both of us, I find myself in complete agreement with you on at least the quoted parts of your statement.


I would actually instal him as FAVOURITE to take the Club off the Administrator, should one be appointed. Still, what would I know. :D




I firmly believe that Lowe WOULD buy up the ashes, once Saints go into admin


I firmly believe that that has been part of his Grand Plan all along


Wait and see before you all shout me down

I firmly believe that Lowe WOULD buy up the ashes, once Saints go into admin


I firmly believe that that has been part of his Grand Plan all along


Wait and see before you all shout me down


If Lowe does rise from the ashes to remain in charge after administration that doesn't count as evidence that it was his plan all along.


Still I hope he doesn't.

I wouldn't be so sure about this.


IMHO, Lowe could call upon a number of associates who might be prepared to form a consortium post relegation.


I could easily imagine the Administrator just selling to the highest bidder who can quickly stump up the cash.


IMHO, Administration would not rule out the return of Lowe in some guise.


Stump up what cash, um?


Enough to pay off the overdraft and the stadium debt?


I don't think that's going to happen, although clearing the overdraft is a possibility.


In which case debt holders are going to have a big say in this because they need a business plan (and someone to implement it) that gives them a reasonable expectation of getting their money back.


Rupert doesn't exactly have the kind of track record to engender that confidence. He's not just the nightmare scenario for us but (hopefully) the least desirable option for an administrator and the debt holders too.


I'd be surprised if this is all down to the administrator.


And if it looked like going that way, that would be the time to pull out the real protests.

I firmly believe that Lowe WOULD buy up the ashes, once Saints go into admin


I firmly believe that that has been part of his Grand Plan all along


Wait and see before you all shout me down


I can't see Lowe heading a consortium with money from his friends, but if he does it'll fail anyway as Lowe is to Saints as Gerald Ratner is to fine jewelry.

I wouldn't be so sure about this.


IMHO, Lowe could call upon a number of associates who might be prepared to form a consortium post relegation.


I could easily imagine the Administrator just selling to the highest bidder who can quickly stump up the cash.


IMHO, Administration would not rule out the return of Lowe in some guise.




IMHO, going into Admin will GUARENTEE Lowe coming back in an even stronger position


All part of his Master Plan of coming back


Laugh if you will, but just wait and see

if Lowe buys up after admin he will be buying a business where the customer base is small because of his presence, for that reson i do not think he will buy it


I think you need to think again. Some fans believe Lowe has shafted the club and no doubt Lowe feels he has been subject to some unjust treatment by said fans. Just try and put your self in Lowe's shoes for a minute.


Now he knows that football is largely a result driven's business as you slip down the leagues you get an understanding of how many loyal fans you actually have that will support you to the bitter end. A good recent example would be Leicester and Man City. If we got relegated and put into Admin Lowe could build a business case based on the income from that loyal fan base and really put one over his more rabid critics and repay them for the damge they have done to the club and him personally. (Looking at it from his side)


If Lowe could buy it post admin with backing from his alledged consortium then surely the dish would be cold enough to deliver some sweet revenge for the ridiculous treatment dished out to him in May 2006 and this season when once again it's proven that the fans only decide they dislike someone when things don''t go their way. (Chelsea fans take note)No massive Lowe out campaign last August and all was quiet around May 2003 so perhaps Lowe felt he deserved some support in the bad times for delivering in the good.


I have no idea what his thoughts are but it is wishful thinking in the extreme that he won't seriously consider taking over the club post administration and be capable of putting together the strongest bid to the administrators. If it comes down to 'Lowe's Consortium or Crouch's Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club' who do you think the administrators will go for with business cases based on realistic estimates and not hopeful guesstimates and false dawns.


If you were Lowe what would you do? Walk away or turn the screw knowing he can always rely on the diehards and if he delivers as he has in the past the fickle 'only go in the good times' fans will eventually filter back and consign the bitter and twisted to a self imposed exile. I know what I would do If I was Lowe but hopefully there would be a third less 'wilde' way. Whatever happens I'll still be there until the club dies. Bo11ox to Southampton AFC etc.


If I'm honest the way some on here have behaved towards the club and those like me with more moderate views about Lowe and the board, it may actually be worth the risk of Lowe getting the club back to himself post administration at least we could get back to talking football and not politics and short of a an investor agreeable to the new consortium there would not be much the anti-Lowe crowd could do except try and force administration No 2 and oblivion but Lowe has proven he can be financially prudent and stick to his guns so that risk would be largely mitigated.


Perhaps administration is the way forward hiw about it Up Pahars, Stanley and Mr Holley to name just a few of the obvious suffering from blind hatred and boring us with their diatribe and more aggressive tactics. Won't be much good waving your season ticket in the face of moderate fans then Steve, would it? Blimey I'm talking myself into supporting a Lowe consortium for all the wrong reasons so best we all pipe down.

I can't see Lowe heading a consortium with money from his friends, but if he does it'll fail anyway as Lowe is to Saints as Gerald Ratner is to fine jewelry.


Who heads up H Samuel? Ratner is alive and well and doing ok all things considered so please stop your Ostrich act. Actually please carry on your ostrich act its amusing in a repetiitve and reactionary way.

Agreed! In fact I think the crafty blighter (notice how polite I'm being?) has a consortium lined up and waiting. I have been advocating this to all and sundry for about a year now.


So have I but no-one seemed to believe me!! I truly believe this was a large part of his plan (tied in with his reaction to us scoring and subsquently staying up [under Pearson] last season...."lucky bar stewards!") and some of Lowe's associates are circling like vultures around the SFC carcass. I'd guess they've little money to put in, but would all rub their hands together at the prospect of exploiting Saints further and making a tidy profit if we ever managed to clamber back into any exciting divisions of football!

Who heads up H Samuel? Ratner is alive and well and doing ok all things considered so please stop your Ostrich act. Actually please carry on your ostrich act its amusing in a repetiitve and reactionary way.


Somedunce by name, somedunce by nature. Lowe is a fool - that cannot be disputed, and Lowe is also a nasty person, but he's also a proud person and i cannot see him wanting to lower his standing in his circle of friends by losing them a considerable amount of money. Money is everything in the world Lowe and his friends live in and they measure each other on their respective bank accounts. If Lowe was to return post administration the feelbad factor and negativity would continue and would get worse and crowds would plummet and protests would escalate. Lowe is a busted flush who's past his sell by date and the sooner he recognises the fact he's a failure the better for him and us.

I think you need to think again. Some fans believe Lowe has shafted the club and no doubt Lowe feels he has been subject to some unjust treatment by said fans. Just try and put your self in Lowe's shoes for a minute.


Now he knows that football is largely a result driven's business as you slip down the leagues you get an understanding of how many loyal fans you actually have that will support you to the bitter end. A good recent example would be Leicester and Man City. If we got relegated and put into Admin Lowe could build a business case based on the income from that loyal fan base and really put one over his more rabid critics and repay them for the damge they have done to the club and him personally. (Looking at it from his side)


If Lowe could buy it post admin with backing from his alledged consortium then surely the dish would be cold enough to deliver some sweet revenge for the ridiculous treatment dished out to him in May 2006 and this season when once again it's proven that the fans only decide they dislike someone when things don''t go their way. (Chelsea fans take note)No massive Lowe out campaign last August and all was quiet around May 2003 so perhaps Lowe felt he deserved some support in the bad times for delivering in the good.


I have no idea what his thoughts are but it is wishful thinking in the extreme that he won't seriously consider taking over the club post administration and be capable of putting together the strongest bid to the administrators. If it comes down to 'Lowe's Consortium or Crouch's Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club' who do you think the administrators will go for with business cases based on realistic estimates and not hopeful guesstimates and false dawns.


If you were Lowe what would you do? Walk away or turn the screw knowing he can always rely on the diehards and if he delivers as he has in the past the fickle 'only go in the good times' fans will eventually filter back and consign the bitter and twisted to a self imposed exile. I know what I would do If I was Lowe but hopefully there would be a third less 'wilde' way. Whatever happens I'll still be there until the club dies. Bo11ox to Southampton AFC etc.


If I'm honest the way some on here have behaved towards the club and those like me with more moderate views about Lowe and the board, it may actually be worth the risk of Lowe getting the club back to himself post administration at least we could get back to talking football and not politics and short of a an investor agreeable to the new consortium there would not be much the anti-Lowe crowd could do except try and force administration No 2 and oblivion but Lowe has proven he can be financially prudent and stick to his guns so that risk would be largely mitigated.


Perhaps administration is the way forward hiw about it Up Pahars, Stanley and Mr Holley to name just a few of the obvious suffering from blind hatred and boring us with their diatribe and more aggressive tactics. Won't be much good waving your season ticket in the face of moderate fans then Steve, would it? Blimey I'm talking myself into supporting a Lowe consortium for all the wrong reasons so best we all pipe down.


I consider myself a die-hard fan, having been watching the team for over 50 years, and I accept that RL did do some good things for the club in his first few years. I also accept that prior 2003 there was no great groundswell of feeling against him, although it was probably just bubbling under the surface ( I remember a few mutterings when he turn out to play in a testimonial match). The basic problem is that once he got his place at the FA he seemed to suddenly see himself as some sort of football visionary. His (alleged) tinkering in team selection, signing of players, the appointment and subsequent involvement of SCW, Simon Clifford, right through to the current "Dutch Experiment" (and I,m sure others could add to this list!), have proved,to say the least, contentious! This coupled with his apparent belief that he is never wrong has resulted in him being the most divisive figure in the clubs history.


Whilst I would say that there are a number of fans who desert a club (any club) after relegation, most fans will accept the bad times when they happen provided the club concerned appears to give it their best shot. What fans find it diffucult to accept is when a club moves close to extinction through self inflicted wounds, whoever inflicts them. In most fans eyes, Mr Lowe is responsible for most of these wounds and is why they want him to goand never come back.

I think you need to think again. Some fans believe Lowe has shafted the club and no doubt Lowe feels he has been subject to some unjust treatment by said fans. Just try and put your self in Lowe's shoes for a minute.


Now he knows that football is largely a result driven's business as you slip down the leagues you get an understanding of how many loyal fans you actually have that will support you to the bitter end. A good recent example would be Leicester and Man City. If we got relegated and put into Admin Lowe could build a business case based on the income from that loyal fan base and really put one over his more rabid critics and repay them for the damge they have done to the club and him personally. (Looking at it from his side)


If Lowe could buy it post admin with backing from his alledged consortium then surely the dish would be cold enough to deliver some sweet revenge for the ridiculous treatment dished out to him in May 2006 and this season when once again it's proven that the fans only decide they dislike someone when things don''t go their way. (Chelsea fans take note)No massive Lowe out campaign last August and all was quiet around May 2003 so perhaps Lowe felt he deserved some support in the bad times for delivering in the good.


I have no idea what his thoughts are but it is wishful thinking in the extreme that he won't seriously consider taking over the club post administration and be capable of putting together the strongest bid to the administrators. If it comes down to 'Lowe's Consortium or Crouch's Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club' who do you think the administrators will go for with business cases based on realistic estimates and not hopeful guesstimates and false dawns.


If you were Lowe what would you do? Walk away or turn the screw knowing he can always rely on the diehards and if he delivers as he has in the past the fickle 'only go in the good times' fans will eventually filter back and consign the bitter and twisted to a self imposed exile. I know what I would do If I was Lowe but hopefully there would be a third less 'wilde' way. Whatever happens I'll still be there until the club dies. Bo11ox to Southampton AFC etc.


If I'm honest the way some on here have behaved towards the club and those like me with more moderate views about Lowe and the board, it may actually be worth the risk of Lowe getting the club back to himself post administration at least we could get back to talking football and not politics and short of a an investor agreeable to the new consortium there would not be much the anti-Lowe crowd could do except try and force administration No 2 and oblivion but Lowe has proven he can be financially prudent and stick to his guns so that risk would be largely mitigated.


Perhaps administration is the way forward hiw about it Up Pahars, Stanley and Mr Holley to name just a few of the obvious suffering from blind hatred and boring us with their diatribe and more aggressive tactics. Won't be much good waving your season ticket in the face of moderate fans then Steve, would it? Blimey I'm talking myself into supporting a Lowe consortium for all the wrong reasons so best we all pipe down.



Wow, Nineteen you are correct in the conclusion that there was not a 'Lowe Out' campaign last August...do you know why???


Because the majority of fans, myself included, although firmly against his return along with Wilde, at least appreciated that we had to try 'something' different.


With that in mind, they at least BEGAN with a clean slate.


However, the 'Total Football Revolution' was proved to be a crock of sh1te from the beginning, and after a promising start, we were treading water from early October.


Now, decent management would have recognised the trends of play, looked past the 'we were unlucky' excuses and changed things then.


But no, we blindly follow the Total Football path in a league where HONEST ENDEAVOUR AND PHYSICAL STRENGTH goes a long way towards gaining promotion...and we are still fvcking doing it now...




Therefore, even the most level headed Saints fan cannot sit by and watch the decline take us further into the abyss.



I consider myself a die-hard fan, having been watching the team for over 50 years, and I accept that RL did do some good things for the club in his first few years. I also accept that prior 2003 there was no great groundswell of feeling against him, although it was probably just bubbling under the surface ( I remember a few mutterings when he turn out to play in a testimonial match). The basic problem is that once he got his place at the FA he seemed to suddenly see himself as some sort of football visionary. His (alleged) tinkering in team selection, signing of players, the appointment and subsequent involvement of SCW, Simon Clifford, right through to the current "Dutch Experiment" (and I,m sure others could add to this list!), have proved,to say the least, contentious! This coupled with his apparent belief that he is never wrong has resulted in him being the most divisive figure in the clubs history.


Whilst I would say that there are a number of fans who desert a club (any club) after relegation, most fans will accept the bad times when they happen provided the club concerned appears to give it their best shot. What fans find it diffucult to accept is when a club moves close to extinction through self inflicted wounds, whoever inflicts them. In most fans eyes, Mr Lowe is responsible for most of these wounds and is why they want him to goand never come back.


I think thats a fair assessment. But would add that we do actually at present have two seperate issues in some respect - the financial survival and who the shareholders currently trust to avoid admin - and then the footballing side of things, the focus of fans on the footballing decions that have gone array. At times the two are linked, not always but certainly one impacts on the other. The question is about balancing the two... satisfying the oft unrelaistic demands and expectations of the fans, within the financial restraints of the revenues and liabilities. How you feel about Lowe, IMHO, if you take away all the bad PR rubbish and is Duke of Edinburgh tendancy for the gaff, is how you feel about that balancing act. Sure LOwe has had ideas re footballing that seem wierd and alien to fans, but thay have not all been without merit - just failed in implementation fro anumber of reasons... he has also however, made major errors which are compounded by the fact he refuses to acknowledge his mistakes or be humbled by them...


A new owner would be aware that Rupert holds back thousands of 'customers' from supporting any new venture.


Over estimate in my opinion.


Rupes will point to Saints vs Man Utd as an example of the fans staying away for reasons other than his presence.

I think thats a fair assessment. But would add that we do actually at present have two seperate issues in some respect - the financial survival and who the shareholders currently trust to avoid admin - and then the footballing side of things' date=' the focus of fans on the footballing decions that have gone array. At times the two are linked, not always but certainly one impacts on the other. The question is about balancing the two... satisfying the oft unrelaistic demands and expectations of the fans, within the financial restraints of the revenues and liabilities. How you feel about Lowe, IMHO, if you take away all the bad PR rubbish and is Duke of Edinburgh tendancy for the gaff, is how you feel about that balancing act. Sure LOwe has had ideas re footballing that seem wierd and alien to fans, but thay have not all been without merit - just failed in implementation fro anumber of reasons... he has also however, made major errors which are compounded by the fact he refuses to acknowledge his mistakes or be humbled by them...[/quote']

You are quite right Frank, there are these two sides to the coin, but the question I would ask is:- prior to relegation,how many fans thought too much about the financial side? Most went along to watch the football. As long as they got their moneys-worth on the pitch they were happy. End of story. It is however impossible to forget the financial implications of any club nowadays and if Lowe, as a business man,had just kept on top the of financial side, and left the football to those employed to deal with it, things could have been so different.

Over estimate in my opinion.


Rupes will point to Saints vs Man Utd as an example of the fans staying away for reasons other than his presence.

He might say that but he would be wrong. The ground was full because people wanted to see the World, European and Premiership Champions. Some top class footballers at SMS for a change. A break from the dross that we are having to put up with.

He might say that but he would be wrong. The ground was full because people wanted to see the World, European and Premiership Champions. Some top class footballers at SMS for a change. A break from the dross that we are having to put up with.


Exactly my point. There are many reasons why the fans are staying away, RL is the cause of several (both indirectly and directly).


That said I think if we were in the same league position with Crouch and Pearson, the net position would be little different. My opinion is that (at a push) 500 stay away because of Lowe (many more use it as a convenient reason in the face of a team that's not winning, no money or other commitments).

Over estimate in my opinion.


Rupes will point to Saints vs Man Utd as an example of the fans staying away for reasons other than his presence.





We came to the Saints v Man Utd match, because it had been a LONG TIME since we have had the chance to see Top Quality Football


The reason we are NOT seeing Top Quality Football every home match is because of Lowe's Policy's in the past


HIS actions Relegated us from the Prem, and HIS actions will shortly relegate us to Div 1


In all the time that Lowe has been associated with SFC, NOT ONCE has he shouldered the blame for anything


Ten plus Managers ..... not his fault

Lack of Funds to avoid Relegation from the Prem ..... not his fault

His Youth Policy this season that has failed .... not his fault

Dutch Total Football by Two Dutch unknowns which failed ....... not his fault

A massive drop in attendances .....not his fault




The man is an egotistical IDIOT, leading us to oblivion, partly out of revenge

Exactly my point. There are many reasons why the fans are staying away, RL is the cause of several (both indirectly and directly).


That said I think if we were in the same league position with Crouch and Pearson, the net position would be little different. My opinion is that (at a push) 500 stay away because of Lowe (many more use it as a convenient reason in the face of a team that's not winning, no money or other commitments).


The reason we're in this mess right now is because of that slimy **** Lowe. He is therefore the reason we get **** crowds now.

The reason we're in this mess right now is because of that slimy **** Lowe. He is therefore the reason we get **** crowds now.

I am not a Lowe supporter at all, but how do you explain the fact that crowds did not rise after he went in 2006 when everyone said they would?

It is however impossible to forget the financial implications of any club nowadays and if Lowe, as a business man,had just kept on top the of financial side, and left the football to those employed to deal with it, things could have been so different.


Lowe keeping on top of the finances? That's just about the only thing he is good at. The seeds of our current financial troubles were sown in the close season after our last parachute payment - summer 07. At that time Wilde's board of directors were in charge and they decided that they would sanction changes to the playing staff which saw a massive rise in the wage overhead. They agreed to that on the basis that the takeover being negotiated with a number of parties would come to fruition and would fund the high wage bill. While we had to sell Bale, Baird and Jones we should also have been shifting Idiakez, Lundekvam and Powell and not recruiting high earners like Stern John and Jason Euell.


If anyone is to blame for where we are now financially it should be Wilde as it was his team that were spending when we couldn't afford it.

I am not a Lowe supporter at all, but how do you explain the fact that crowds did not rise after he went in 2006 when everyone said they would?


Crowds didn't increase, but they didn't crash as they did on his return. It is a FACT that season ticket sales at Saints had the greatest %age decline in the football league (bar Morecambes) on his return. The Luvvies might not like it but you cannot dispute facts.

I am not a Lowe supporter at all, but how do you explain the fact that crowds did not rise after he went in 2006 when everyone said they would?


I think I'd have to agree with Stanley in that crowds would have plummeted if Lowe hadn't gone.

I think I'd have to agree with Stanley in that crowds would have plummeted if Lowe hadn't gone.

You are probably right but the point I was trying to make is that people didn`t come back when Lowe went last, so what make anybody think that the missing thousand will come back when he is gone again? Surely it is performances on the pitch that will bring them back, not just because Rupes is gone, and one doesn`t necessarily guarantee the other.

Crowds didn't increase, but they didn't crash as they did on his return. It is a FACT that season ticket sales at Saints had the greatest %age decline in the football league (bar Morecambes) on his return. The Luvvies might not like it but you cannot dispute facts.


First off stop labeling everyone who doesn't share your myopic view of the situation as Luvvies.


Second there is no dispute that Lowe accelerated the decline; however there is also no denying that crowds were declining in his absense, so for certain posters to continue on this monomanical 'Lowe is responsible for everything' rant seems illogical.


We know Lowe is a large part of the problem. What's more interesting it discussing what the other components are. The problem is that certain posters refuse to look beyond Lowe when examining what's wrong with our club.

Posted (edited)
The problem is that certain posters refuse to look beyond Lowe when examining what's wrong with our club.


That is because all roads lead back to Lowe. Lowe is the divisive figurehead, Lowe is the bungling idiot that hasn't got a clue about football, Lowe is the man who is primarily responsible for this clubs demise.

Edited by Mole
Exactly, administration will bring out all of the potential investors who have been hiding in the woodwork, let's get done now rather than wait and take the points deduction next season which would almost ensures 2 seasons of League 1 before the season even starts.


I just love the blind faith that experience of the last two years clearly has not undermined


Who heads up H Samuel? Ratner is alive and well and doing ok all things considered so please stop your Ostrich act. Actually please carry on your ostrich act its amusing in a repetiitve and reactionary way.



Signet Own H Samuel, of which Ratner is no longer a part of (For some considerable time), he has his own business geraldonline, which is struggling.


How strange for one of sundances post to be innaccurate :rolleyes:

Signet Own H Samuel, of which Ratner is no longer a part of (For some considerable time), he has his own business geraldonline, which is struggling.


How strange for one of sundances post to be innaccurate :rolleyes:




If it comes down to 'Lowe's Consortium or Crouch's Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club' who do you think the administrators will go for with business cases based on realistic estimates and not hopeful guesstimates and false dawns.



This is where you lose it Jon. If you had to choose between Lowe or Crouch (why by the way do you think it is funny to refer to Crouch's "Wheel Tappers and shunters Club". You share the same taste in insults as your alto ego Sundance Beast) when it comes to business ability, I am afraid that your man loses it big time.


Lets compare the most successful businessman on the South Coast who has made himself a multi millionaire with a daddy's boy whose firms are going bust.Hmmm that's a difficult one. I know who has the better business acumen ... and it ain't the man who put the bankrupt into Lowe and Oliver.

I think you need to think again. Some fans believe Lowe has shafted the club and no doubt Lowe feels he has been subject to some unjust treatment by said fans. Just try and put your self in Lowe's shoes for a minute.


Now he knows that football is largely a result driven's business as you slip down the leagues you get an understanding of how many loyal fans you actually have that will support you to the bitter end. A good recent example would be Leicester and Man City. If we got relegated and put into Admin Lowe could build a business case based on the income from that loyal fan base and really put one over his more rabid critics and repay them for the damge they have done to the club and him personally. (Looking at it from his side)


If Lowe could buy it post admin with backing from his alledged consortium then surely the dish would be cold enough to deliver some sweet revenge for the ridiculous treatment dished out to him in May 2006 and this season when once again it's proven that the fans only decide they dislike someone when things don''t go their way. (Chelsea fans take note)No massive Lowe out campaign last August and all was quiet around May 2003 so perhaps Lowe felt he deserved some support in the bad times for delivering in the good.


I have no idea what his thoughts are but it is wishful thinking in the extreme that he won't seriously consider taking over the club post administration and be capable of putting together the strongest bid to the administrators. If it comes down to 'Lowe's Consortium or Crouch's Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club' who do you think the administrators will go for with business cases based on realistic estimates and not hopeful guesstimates and false dawns.


If you were Lowe what would you do? Walk away or turn the screw knowing he can always rely on the diehards and if he delivers as he has in the past the fickle 'only go in the good times' fans will eventually filter back and consign the bitter and twisted to a self imposed exile. I know what I would do If I was Lowe but hopefully there would be a third less 'wilde' way. Whatever happens I'll still be there until the club dies. Bo11ox to Southampton AFC etc.


If I'm honest the way some on here have behaved towards the club and those like me with more moderate views about Lowe and the board, it may actually be worth the risk of Lowe getting the club back to himself post administration at least we could get back to talking football and not politics and short of a an investor agreeable to the new consortium there would not be much the anti-Lowe crowd could do except try and force administration No 2 and oblivion but Lowe has proven he can be financially prudent and stick to his guns so that risk would be largely mitigated.


Perhaps administration is the way forward hiw about it Up Pahars, Stanley and Mr Holley to name just a few of the obvious suffering from blind hatred and boring us with their diatribe and more aggressive tactics. Won't be much good waving your season ticket in the face of moderate fans then Steve, would it? Blimey I'm talking myself into supporting a Lowe consortium for all the wrong reasons so best we all pipe down.


i look forward to your next post on a football or game related thread


Why does any one think that Lowe who hasnt put a penny into the club, would suddenly do so to buy the club out of admin, even if he had the money? He is only here to try and salvage his investment!

Somedunce by name, somedunce by nature. Lowe is a fool - that cannot be disputed, and Lowe is also a nasty person, but he's also a proud person and i cannot see him wanting to lower his standing in his circle of friends by losing them a considerable amount of money. Money is everything in the world Lowe and his friends live in and they measure each other on their respective bank accounts. If Lowe was to return post administration the feelbad factor and negativity would continue and would get worse and crowds would plummet and protests would escalate. Lowe is a busted flush who's past his sell by date and the sooner he recognises the fact he's a failure the better for him and us.


If we went into admin and Lowe & Co bought it I would have to stop supporting Southampton FC as it would no longer be my club. As long as Lowe is involved in the decision making process I would have to stop going to see games...and this is from someone who was willing to give him one last chance this season. I think that the enduring presence of Lowe post admin would be the last straw for many people.

If we went into admin and Lowe & Co bought it I would have to stop supporting Southampton FC as it would no longer be my club. As long as Lowe is involved in the decision making process I would have to stop going to see games...and this is from someone who was willing to give him one last chance this season. I think that the enduring presence of Lowe post admin would be the last straw for many people.


I think that the high-lighted bit is the telling bit and I am sure applies to quite a few people on here.

I think that the high-lighted bit is the telling bit and I am sure applies to quite a few people on here.


Exactly - me too.


I wish others on here would see that - unfortunately they like to beat us all with the 'Lowe Class Issue'...which is ******..

Signet Own H Samuel, of which Ratner is no longer a part of (For some considerable time), he has his own business geraldonline, which is struggling.


How strange for one of sundances post to be innaccurate :rolleyes:


Well done, that is the correct answer and I trust you enjoyed your afternoons research. In business just like SFC its all peaks and troughs.


Interesting no one has considered what would happen if they put themselves in Lowe's shoes and genuinely tried to see things from his perspective. If you could understand how you would react to all this moaning and protests without a plan you may get a better answer as to what could happen post admin. As someone has already said there is a lot wrong at SFC beyond Lowe himself so try turning the mirror inward you may find the answer. Any mirror will do Stanley.

Well done, that is the correct answer and I trust you enjoyed your afternoons research. In business just like SFC its all peaks and troughs.


Interesting no one has considered what would happen if they put themselves in Lowe's shoes and genuinely tried to see things from his perspective. If you could understand how you would react to all this moaning and protests without a plan you may get a better answer as to what could happen post admin. As someone has already said there is a lot wrong at SFC beyond Lowe himself so try turning the mirror inward you may find the answer. Any mirror will do Stanley.


If I was in Lowe's shoes I would consider...


a) that my plan isn't working;

b) even my wife doesn't agree with me doing it;

c) the investments of my little cabal have actually lost further value since I returned;

d) realise that success isn't relegation and taking the club to its lowest ebb for 40 odd years;

e) the fact that I had WH Ireland to worry about...


You want any more examples????? ;)

Well done, that is the correct answer and I trust you enjoyed your afternoons research. In business just like SFC its all peaks and troughs.


Interesting no one has considered what would happen if they put themselves in Lowe's shoes and genuinely tried to see things from his perspective. If you could understand how you would react to all this moaning and protests without a plan you may get a better answer as to what could happen post admin. As someone has already said there is a lot wrong at SFC beyond Lowe himself so try turning the mirror inward you may find the answer. Any mirror will do Stanley.


If i was in Lowes shoes i'd do the honourable thing and resign for being an abject failure.



Interesting no one has considered what would happen if they put themselves in Lowe's shoes and genuinely tried to see things from his perspective. .


Funny enough, I have wondered what I would do if I was in RL shoes for the last few years.


Three conclusions I come to are:


1. Why does he hang around when the vast majority of the "customers" consider him a liability? If he wants to maximise shareholder value the disappearing out of the club would be a very good start. BUT

2. If I was him and I did stay I would invest a lot of effort in seeking to build better links with the community and the fans. The population in and around Southampton is 500,000 people? The club database has 80,000 names on it (I recall reading that somewhere). Start off with the junior fans - players to visit one school a week, children's shirts at cost price etc. I would reinvent the club as a community football club "belonging" to the city (even if legal ownership says otherwise)

3. I would not trust Wilde on the basis that he had used his shares to get me out once, her may do it again!



Posted (edited)

On another note, I went for an interview at SFC a couple of weeks ago, and was invited back for a second interview yesterday.... which I declined on the basis of thinking Lowe and Wilde were c*nts and I couldn't work for them or be silenced about my bad feelings for them.


Of course they might have had a bit of an issue about me arranging boycotts when the position was a full-time sponsorship sales exec job. :lol:


Now anyway, the point being.... would they be recruiting for full-time positions within the club if administration was round the corner?

Edited by StuRomseySaint
I think you need to think again. Some fans believe Lowe has shafted the club and no doubt Lowe feels he has been subject to some unjust treatment by said fans. Just try and put your self in Lowe's shoes for a minute.


Now he knows that football is largely a result driven's business as you slip down the leagues you get an understanding of how many loyal fans you actually have that will support you to the bitter end. A good recent example would be Leicester and Man City. If we got relegated and put into Admin Lowe could build a business case based on the income from that loyal fan base and really put one over his more rabid critics and repay them for the damge they have done to the club and him personally. (Looking at it from his side)


If Lowe could buy it post admin with backing from his alledged consortium then surely the dish would be cold enough to deliver some sweet revenge for the ridiculous treatment dished out to him in May 2006 and this season when once again it's proven that the fans only decide they dislike someone when things don''t go their way. (Chelsea fans take note)No massive Lowe out campaign last August and all was quiet around May 2003 so perhaps Lowe felt he deserved some support in the bad times for delivering in the good.


I have no idea what his thoughts are but it is wishful thinking in the extreme that he won't seriously consider taking over the club post administration and be capable of putting together the strongest bid to the administrators. If it comes down to 'Lowe's Consortium or Crouch's Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club' who do you think the administrators will go for with business cases based on realistic estimates and not hopeful guesstimates and false dawns.


If you were Lowe what would you do? Walk away or turn the screw knowing he can always rely on the diehards and if he delivers as he has in the past the fickle 'only go in the good times' fans will eventually filter back and consign the bitter and twisted to a self imposed exile. I know what I would do If I was Lowe but hopefully there would be a third less 'wilde' way. Whatever happens I'll still be there until the club dies. Bo11ox to Southampton AFC etc.


If I'm honest the way some on here have behaved towards the club and those like me with more moderate views about Lowe and the board, it may actually be worth the risk of Lowe getting the club back to himself post administration at least we could get back to talking football and not politics and short of a an investor agreeable to the new consortium there would not be much the anti-Lowe crowd could do except try and force administration No 2 and oblivion but Lowe has proven he can be financially prudent and stick to his guns so that risk would be largely mitigated.


Perhaps administration is the way forward hiw about it Up Pahars, Stanley and Mr Holley to name just a few of the obvious suffering from blind hatred and boring us with their diatribe and more aggressive tactics. Won't be much good waving your season ticket in the face of moderate fans then Steve, would it? Blimey I'm talking myself into supporting a Lowe consortium for all the wrong reasons so best we all pipe down.


So, basically you're saying Lowe is a spiteful, mean, vengeful oik that would not let personal gain [or loss] get in the way of his revenge?


What a nice man we have in charge :rolleyes:

On another note, I went for an interview at SFC a couple of weeks ago, and was invited back for a second interview yesterday.... which I declined on the basis of thinking Lowe and Wilde were c*nts and I couldn't work for them or be silenced about my bad feelings for them.


Of course they might have had a bit of an issue about me arranging boycotts when the position was a full-time sponsorship sales exec job. :lol:


Now anyway, the point being.... would they be recruiting for full-time positions within the club if administration was round the corner?


Someone needs to replace all those people Lowe has sacked :D

Wow, Nineteen you are correct in the conclusion that there was not a 'Lowe Out' campaign last August...do you know why???


Because the majority of fans, myself included, although firmly against his return along with Wilde, at least appreciated that we had to try 'something' different.


With that in mind, they at least BEGAN with a clean slate.


However, the 'Total Football Revolution' was proved to be a crock of sh1te from the beginning, and after a promising start, we were treading water from early October.


Now, decent management would have recognised the trends of play, looked past the 'we were unlucky' excuses and changed things then.


But no, we blindly follow the Total Football path in a league where HONEST ENDEAVOUR AND PHYSICAL STRENGTH goes a long way towards gaining promotion...and we are still fvcking doing it now...




Therefore, even the most level headed Saints fan cannot sit by and watch the decline take us further into the abyss.




Cant really disagree with anything there.


Anouncement any day now regarding Saints going into Administration.


Like many others, I would be gutted if Lowe has anything to do with Saints after going into administration, it would be the end for me.


I have to laugh at the idiot friends of Lowe who make statements that a few hundred

stay away because of this man...Luvvies and cheerleaders..you can't make it up.


Admin here we come and hopefully goodbye Lowe and Wilde.

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