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I don't take any of these suggestions as "digs" folks. We all have ideas about what makes this place tick - some good, some not so good, all worthwhile. I, for one, welcome any criticism, and I hope I don't generally give the impression that we're arrogant about doing things "our way".

I don't take any of these suggestions as "digs" folks. We all have ideas about what makes this place tick - some good, some not so good, all worthwhile. I, for one, welcome any criticism, and I hope I don't generally give the impression that we're arrogant about doing things "our way".


In the past there have been comments along the lines of "We are allowing you to use this site, it belongs to us." Just saying that this will undoubtedly changed now that we are all paying a fiver.

I don't take any of these suggestions as "digs" folks. We all have ideas about what makes this place tick - some good, some not so good, all worthwhile. I, for one, welcome any criticism, and I hope I don't generally give the impression that we're arrogant about doing things "our way".


Tbf whatever Baj and Steve do, they will face criticism and that is a fact.

well..can see that have taken our suggestions on board




much like SFC i guess


I thought much the same. Every thread on the subject just descends into people taking the mickey. Bit sad IMO.

Anything to bash Baj with TDD? Typical of you ;)


He has a point though.


A number of suggestions have been raised, but they seem to have all been dismissed out of hand.


So much for the customer is always right eh? ;)

Allow non-paid members to start threads. Keep the post limit (or even reduce it to 2?). Would instantly improve this dull place.


Very true. I know that at least 2 (maybe three can't remember) mods/admin agree on this point.


I was joking :(


Seriously, nothing was going to happen in a couple of days, was it though, even if all the suggestions were agreeable.


Well, I acknowledged all of them tbf mate. Clearly I don't agree with all of them but then if we all agreed about everything this site would be dead anyway, but I have read them all and responded where appropriate.


FWIW, this isn't my forum, Baj and Steve firmly hold the reins now, so you'll have to address any suggestions beyond "Can we make this a sticky?" to them.

I was joking :(


Seriously, nothing was going to happen in a couple of days, was it though, even if all the suggestions were agreeable.


But these issues were raised months ago and were just rejected.

But these issues were raised months ago and were just rejected.

Perhaps the forum is running ok (seizures aside) as it is though Hypo. Nothing makes one opinion more valid than another and you have to admit that no one would start a thread saying "This forum is exactly how I like it." even if it's true. We have to consider that a dozen unhappy people equates to a few thousand that are content with things as they are.


Again, we'll talk about all these proposals and suggestions but I'm not expecting anything radical to come of it, and that's not to belittle the suggestions in the first place.

Perhaps the forum is running ok (seizures aside) as it is though Hypo. Nothing makes one opinion more valid than another and you have to admit that no one would start a thread saying "This forum is exactly how I like it." even if it's true. We have to consider that a dozen unhappy people equates to a few thousand that are content with things as they are.


Again, we'll talk about all these proposals and suggestions but I'm not expecting anything radical to come of it, and that's not to belittle the suggestions in the first place.

who said anyone was unhappy..?


just that a few dozen have spotted a few things that can make this place better and more popular..?


no said anything about being unhappy..

Perhaps the forum is running ok (seizures aside) as it is though Hypo.


But surely that should be for the customers to judge. A questionnaire or poll would be ideal but it won't happen.


Nothing makes one opinion more valid than another and you have to admit that no one would start a thread saying "This forum is exactly how I like it." even if it's true. We have to consider that a dozen unhappy people equates to a few thousand that are content with things as they are.

But that's like saying everyone who didn't go on the anti-Lowe march supports what he is doing. Just because people don't bring it up does not mean that they see things like not allowing registered users to start threads as a good thing. The lack of activity in places like the lounge which used to be really busy and interesting should be evidence enough.


Again, we'll talk about all these proposals and suggestions but I'm not expecting anything radical to come of it, and that's not to belittle the suggestions in the first place.

Well then I have to ask at what point will things change? When quite a few choose not to renew? I think it makes sense to gain a consensus about where the forum is heading. It is run for us and we pay to use it so isnt it right that we should have a say?


cant remember when the current memberships run out..but I would like to think they would ask for suggestions, ask for ideas, gauge opinions on certain things well before they did run out....

Perhaps the forum is running ok (seizures aside) as it is though Hypo. Nothing makes one opinion more valid than another and you have to admit that no one would start a thread saying "This forum is exactly how I like it." even if it's true. We have to consider that a dozen unhappy people equates to a few thousand that are content with things as they are.

Again, we'll talk about all these proposals and suggestions but I'm not expecting anything radical to come of it, and that's not to belittle the suggestions in the first place.


I beg to differ.


We already know that there are only a few hundred full members, and that a lot of people MUST therefore have voted with their feet.


This site no longer commands membership figures in the couple of thousands, which is a shame.


that is the trouble with you mods (and ex mods) you seem to think this place is beyond getting better and any suggestion made by us peasants means we are either unhappy or moaning


nice one


I'm not talking as a mod at all, but as someone who also paid my £5 subsciption. The place could be better, but I don't think any of the stuff you have suggested will enable the place to stay open longer. The only thing that will do that is making some more money. The only way we're definitely going to do that is if SFC start performing, or Baj blitzes the place with advertising to secure the future. If the worst does come to the worst, I expect the place could go back to a free forum, but you would have to put up with the server crashing more regularly again.


It does amaze me that its the ones that say 'you take the internetz too seriously' that are the same people who think that this is a massive big deal.


Baj and Steve own this place as a business now, so it should be less for you guys to worry about than ever now.

that is the trouble with you mods (and ex mods) you seem to think this place is beyond getting better and any suggestion made by us peasants means we are either unhappy or moaning


nice one


Which is what prompted the thread in the fist place!


Oh well, at least I've got an answer to 'Is TSW a dead man walking?', as I think with the reluctance to even acknowledge that there might be a problem looming, I guess the chances of putting any measures in place to head the problem off are quite slim!


that is fair rnough thesaints fc...but why do you feel (and others) that making sensible suggestions to make this place better is being "unhappy" and/or "complaining"...


what you have posted is in YOUR OPINION...what I (and a couple of others) posted was in ours...


just pointing out some observations and get hacked off that they get dismissed as complaining or moaning...christ, and you think lowe disregards his customers..

that is fair rnough thesaints fc...but why do you feel (and others) that making sensible suggestions to make this place better is being "unhappy" and/or "complaining"...


what you have posted is in YOUR OPINION...what I (and a couple of others) posted was in ours...


just pointing out some observations and get hacked off that they get dismissed as complaining or moaning...christ, and you think lowe disregards his customers..


When someone takes something really seriously and demands something is sorted out about it, it does come across a bit like you're unhappy.


I think customers rights are a bit mellow dramatic in this situation. I wouldn't give someone a fiver and then expect to get all the rights and everything to go with it. Fair enough this is a business, but there is no profit to be made of it. As you can see it isn't even meeting its overheads at the moment. When I gave my £5 I saw it more of a donation to something that I've enjoyed for years and would rather pay £5 to continue doing than to lose out.


Just all seems a bit pedantic to me.

Posted (edited)

now you are being a *****..


I like this place and just making suggestions that will make it better (IN MY OPINION)...this has nothing to do with "taking da internez seriously"...ffs


I could not care less if no profit is made...simple thing..they need members to sign up/renew or they will have to change or pay the costs themselves (guessing it is not cheap) or ruin this place with 10X as many adverts etc..


how on gods green earth is putting up valid suggestions to make this place better than it already is constitute moaning....fair play to you if you saw your payment as a donation..still does not mean everyone else does or they will happily donate next time round..

Edited by Thedelldays
I beg to differ.


We already know that there are only a few hundred full members, and that a lot of people MUST therefore have voted with their feet.


This site no longer commands membership figures in the couple of thousands, which is a shame.

The number of "active" members, i.e. those who have been online at some point in the last month, is just under 2000 (it's on the front page).


Personally, I think having had nearly a third of that figure pay the subscription fee is actually a pretty good takeup.


As has been said by Ponty already, we do discuss most suggestions that are received. However, we don't discuss them the minute someone posts them, so given that this thread was only started yesterday, I don't think it's unreasonable to at least give us a bit of time to discuss them.


I know that at least 2 (maybe three can't remember) mods/admin agree on this point.

I've noticed you say this on a number of occasions, and yet strangely not a single mod or admin has suggested it to Baj or I.


that is the trouble with you mods (and ex mods) you seem to think this place is beyond getting better and any suggestion made by us peasants means we are either unhappy or moaning

I don't think we've ever said that or even suggested it. What we have said in the past is that we're happy with the way things are working at that particular time. Right now, we're working pretty hard to ensure that the forum isn't going to run into problems during matchdays. At the moment it's looking like that might not be sorted until after this weekend (apologies in advance), but in all honesty the vast majority of my spare time is spent on SaintsWeb-related activities. I'm not looking for thanks and/or praise for that, I'm merely stating that there are only so many hours in a day, and we are prioritising what we feel needs to be done and what would be "nice" to have in that order.


Absolute top priority is getting the performance issues fixed - someone suggested the other day that a chat-room linked to the main board during the game would take a load off the server as there wouldn't be 650 people pressing F5 at the same time. That may well be true, but in all honesty, I reckon it would probably take less time to fix the performance issues than it would to find chat software that integrates with vBulletin, install it, test it and then open it.


Without wishing to sound like a PLC chairman not a million miles from here, it does seem to be the same dozen or so people who regularly come up with these other (non-performance) problems, such as the number of forums, etc, while the majority don't appear to have any complaints.


As far as I'm concerned - and the other admins may not agree with me, I'm simply stating my opinion - the main board is the priority, as that is the main reason for the forum's existence. The majority of the other boards are there in order to keep non-Saints-related content off the main board. The vast majority of members - whether they're full members or otherwise - only come on here to use the main board. While it could be argued that a number of the off-topic boards could be merged into one, it was perceived as being the right move at the time. If we believe that it would make more sense to merge them back together again, we will do so.


I think it would be busier, at the moment I check maybe four of the different sub forums here but i'm sure there is stuff that interests me in other places I just don't have the time to look at all the different sub forums, if there where motoring, cricket, photography etc type posts in a general off topic forum then I would definatly take the time to read those posts and reply.

But by the same token, if you want to post about cricket, for example, isn't it easier that there's a sub-forum there specifically for that particular subject, rather than it potentially either a) get lost among other threads on a merged off-topic board, or b) get hijacked by the usual suspects who don't actually have any sort of interest in it? If all of them were merged together, clearly the number of threads in that forum would increase a lot, and for threads like some of the ones on the photography forum, they could go some time without a reply and then it could take someone who didn't know how to search the forum a long time to find it.


I think perhaps if people saw the amount of work that went into the forum for their £5 you wouldn't think your suggestions were being so horrendously over looked. Perhaps we should start mod work experience? There is always the option to go back to how we were before and rely on donations, however I think if we do that the future of this forum will be far less than what it is at the moment. IMO what Steve & Baj did saved the forum. Otherwise we would probably have run out of donations by now and we would have gone the same way as b-anter.


The fact that 99% of the members who have paid don't have a problem with the way things are run, and are happy with the way things are going perhaps suggests that things aren't as doom and gloom as you may think.

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