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I have never had a problem with AGV in any form but over the last couple of days i am getting a warning that Malware is turned off,i check setting to turn it back on but no change occurs,then out of the blue i check it again and it is on,im in no way gend up on how these things work but i have changed no settings ever.

Its never shown that it is conflicting with anything.



Also when i try to update AVG it often cannot connect,tonight it stated i had a bin file missing.


I have no idea why this is happening all of a sudden.

Any help or advice would be gratefully received,but in non techy speak if poss.


Thanks in advance.


Ive just googled "bin file missing" and it appears this can be a fairly common fault with a corrupted AVG update.


But i would still like some advice if poss,especially ref Malware on/off




What you do is get to the AVG website




and manually download the .bin files into a folder of your choice. You then update your AVG from the folder. That's Tools -> Update From Directory [isn't it nice to see these old labels like Directory. Never liked Folder].


You can possibly dispense with the Windows 8.0.176 .bin file, as that is the core program. Although it wouldn't do any harm at all to get the latest core files. Install the rest in order of date, even if you think the bottom one is unnecessary. AVG will be more resposive thereafter until the next problem. There are worms and viruses that are really having a go at making AVG difficult to access because it is so popular and good at what it does.


If you start getting that bloody awful Google redirect virus [which incidentally cuts off access to AVG] then seek out a program called ComboFix. It works a treat.

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