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Local business community would back Leon, reckons Dossie

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There certainly are lots of people who care about the club, but I doubt many of them (like me) could afford to hand over £1000 right here right now, regardless of whether we would get our money back eventually.


and for next weeks 'random people giving the club advice' section we will have Fiona Phillips explaining the art of the overlapping full back.

Read the article, he's saying that he thinks there is. :rolleyes:

All talk.It didnt happen when Wilde and Crouch were in charge before.In fact our financial situation was made worse.

Read the article, he's saying that he thinks there is. :rolleyes:


I did read the article, thinking they will and them actually doing it, is a world of difference.

I did read the article, thinking they will and them actually doing it, is a world of difference.


Yep. Headline should read "Man without any cash has unsubstantiated opinion that other people will give money to Leon Crouch". Not that compelling is it?


Just like the eminent local businessmen and Saints fans did when Wilde and Crouch rode into town last time, huh?


Yes, I am looking at you, Patrick Trant.


I do hope people aren't falling for this new stream of bullsh*t that Leon has opened recently.


It's amazing the list of rich businessmen who are Saints fans who get their names in the press but then come up short when it comes to parting with any readies...





David Frost

It's amazing the list of rich businessmen who are Saints fans who get their names in the press but then come up short when it comes to parting with any readies...





David Frost


It's just not Goodenough.


If only Richard Branson was about, wouldn't mind Virgin Saints :D

It's amazing the list of rich businessmen who are Saints fans who get their names in the press but then come up short when it comes to parting with any readies...





David Frost


The top two is fair enough OB but sadly we will never know with regard to Frost as Guy Askham chose his own pocket over the club in 1996.


A 'prominent' businessman comes out with what he believes is a way forward without having to back it up, as you are so 'well known' in the community why didn't you use this article to kick start your initiative ? its a nonsense that the Echo seem to let anyone get into print at the moment to talk about our situation, the comments section sums it up "I would put in £1000.....if I had it"


It's easy and costs nothing to say that you would put in money if certain conditions are met, which you know won't be met; it's easy and costs nothing to say you think this or that will happen, if something or other happens first.


If the local business community are genuinely ready to back Crouch, they know what to do: find a way to put up 4 million quid and call Crouch's bluff to see if he really has the 2 million to put up: do that, and Lowe & Wilde are gone, the club's overdraft can be rertired, and in theory all will look much rosier.


I'm not holding my breath on this one though: too many people over the past few years have claimed to be ready to do one thing or another to save the club, and none of it has actually come about. as far as I can see, Doswell is just engaging in the usual wishful thinking, alas.


It is a very good idea, whether it would work or not is another matter. This is exactly what Derby did to gain promotion to the Premier. But getting to the Premier and staying there are two different animals, something that just does not look possible under present conditions. Knowing this I wonder how many would consider this fanciful after what they have seen happen to Derby? The other point would be having businessmen line up behind Crouch, I can see that split being at best 50/50. Someone like Salz or Davies could achieve this, but they would have to put some of their own money in to get followers and there lies the major problem. Our best shot looks like someone picking us up from the ashes of administration, but it's more likely we end up ground sharing with Eastliegh going down that road.


For God's sake, Leon's already had one chance and he sucked hard. How many times do we have to tolerate the same people "having a play" with the club? F*** off the lot of you.

It appears nobody will put money into the club while Lowe has shares.


Anybody could have bought him out over the last few years if they'd really been willing to actually part with some cash rather than make a raft of empty promises.

It appears nobody will put money into the club while Lowe has shares.


Yeah, and when wilde ousted Lowe, and Lowe offered to sell his shares, lots of people came forweard to buy him out and put money into the club, didn't they ....


The truth is, it appears nobody will put money into the club.

Yeah, and when wilde ousted Lowe, and Lowe offered to sell his shares, lots of people came forweard to buy him out and put money into the club, didn't they ....


The truth is, it appears nobody will put money into the club.



not quite true rupert did not offer to sell his 6% , he moved the goal posts and said it was his shares, cowens, askhams, withers, richards, windsor-clive and anyone else he could call a friend

not quite true rupert did not offer to sell his 6% ' date=' he moved the goal posts and said it was his shares, cowens, askhams, withers, richards, windsor-clive and anyone else he could call a friend[/quote']


I think he was offered 65p share and turned him down, What a mug.


I thought the article in the Echo was a tad leftfield but not a million miles from the realms of reality - someone raising ideas about how we can get some sort of resolution to the last few years of madness need some element of due deference don't you think?:cool:

It's just not Goodenough.


If only Richard Branson was about, wouldn't mind Virgin Saints :D


Most of the kids still are.

Or could it be that now they aren't is why they always seem to be drained?:p


Local businesses would support the club and it's players, not Crouch, or any other individual.


I decided a couple of weeks ago that £400 to sponsor Saga for the rest of the season was good value. The (presumably) lovely and (definitely) efficient Danielle Lewis, the sponsorship executive at the club responded quickly to my email and even before I had signed the agreement, she had made sure that my companies name and logo appeared after Saga's name at the Donnie game. We lost, he scored, but, I tell you what, with my son next to me jumping into the air when he stuck the ball in the back of the net, while most of the stadium were fighting with each other or moaning, was one of the best moments I've enjoyed at the ground.


In addition to the enjoyment of having a player that is "mine" I get a signed shirt and two tickets to the presentation dinner at the end of the season and a chance to meet Saga with my son. What a bargain and even with the recession, without doubt the best £400 I've spent since my last visit to "Your Eyes Only".


Leon might be trying to rally the local businessmen behind some sort of power play, but why ruin the investment by further dividing the club. Phone Danielle up at the club up and tell her what you can afford to spend on sponsorship. In my opinion she'll try and involve you in the club and who knows, in addition to helping the club, you may feel part of it again.

and for next weeks 'random people giving the club advice' section we will have Fiona Phillips explaining the art of the overlapping full back.


She is sooo naughtyyy... I don't even understand what overlapping a full back is about. But I am prepared to let Fiona show me. :smt054

Local businesses would support the club and it's players, not Crouch, or any other individual.


I decided a couple of weeks ago that £400 to sponsor Saga for the rest of the season was good value. The (presumably) lovely and (definitely) efficient Danielle Lewis, the sponsorship executive at the club responded quickly to my email and even before I had signed the agreement, she had made sure that my companies name and logo appeared after Saga's name at the Donnie game. We lost, he scored, but, I tell you what, with my son next to me jumping into the air when he stuck the ball in the back of the net, while most of the stadium were fighting with each other or moaning, was one of the best moments I've enjoyed at the ground.


In addition to the enjoyment of having a player that is "mine" I get a signed shirt and two tickets to the presentation dinner at the end of the season and a chance to meet Saga with my son. What a bargain and even with the recession, without doubt the best £400 I've spent since my last visit to "Your Eyes Only".


Leon might be trying to rally the local businessmen behind some sort of power play, but why ruin the investment by further dividing the club. Phone Danielle up at the club up and tell her what you can afford to spend on sponsorship. In my opinion she'll try and involve you in the club and who knows, in addition to helping the club, you may feel part of it again.


That was a little ray of sunshine peeking through the dark ominous clouds of a jaded SAINTS fan - thanks GM

and for next weeks 'random people giving the club advice' section we will have Fiona Phillips explaining the art of the overlapping full back.


I'll look forward to that, I hear she's quite an authority on the subject.

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