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Wordpress / website creation


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Anyone on here any good with Wordpress? as I'm having problems with the website I have for my business! 

I need a bit of an expert, as I have quite a few questions....Im willing to pay for your time / knowledge. 

Hopefully there is someone that can help me out.



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Cheers for the reply. 

I've got a shop in Southampton and have been trying to set up a new website for it. I've got a quite a good general IT knowledge but have never created websites etc. 

I was having issues with editing the home page, its formatting went strange with text and icons being displayed at random sizes! Any changes I made were not being saved despite me "publishing" them. If I went to my site via a different browser / device I was still seeing the old broken page. It seems to be OK know, I don't know what caused it or what I did to fix it!

Having said that, my knowledge is very basic and I'm trying to teach myself as my site it pretty basic and I want to much more with it. 


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