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1 hour ago, ChristopheVAFC said:

Front and back photo of the jersey I took yesterday.



Decent kit.
Out of interest do you ever see anyone wearing a Saints shirt in Valenciennes?

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8 minutes ago, spyinthesky said:

Decent kit.
Out of interest do you ever see anyone wearing a Saints shirt in Valenciennes?

Honestly, when I'm in Valenciennes I come across a lot of English club shirts (Manchester City and Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool especially) but otherwise no-one but me wears the occasional shirt I bought when I visited you.

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Really nice kit, it's a shame football shirts are so expensive these days or I'd be tempted to buy one myself. Don't even bother with Saints shirts much now.

The 'V' is a little reminiscent of our old Pony kit which I hated, this is much nicer. I also really like the Airdrie kits!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello friends!

First pre-season friendly match yesterday in front of almost 650 supporters.

Against a team we call the UNFP (union of professional football players), which isn't really a club but a training course for players without a club (unemployed). 

For this first match, the aim was to get the intensity right away and to get almost everyone playing (the players all played around 45 minutes).

Starting with a win is always good for morale and confidence. The aim is to continue our preparations before the start of the new season on 16 August. 




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15 hours ago, Convict Colony said:

What do you think of the fixtures then @ChristopheVAFC, not too sure about the teams myself and what is the vibe like in pre-season currently, you getting young blood in ?


The championship was announced yesterday afternoon. It's not going to be an easy championship, as there are a number of clubs who have played at the top level recently (Nimes / Sochaux / Dijon / Troyes or Bordeaux / Nancy).

I think that if we want to get back up there straight away, we'll have to give it our best shot from the outset, be keen to win games, and I think that with positive results, this will help to build a good dynamic for the group. 

I'm personally confident, but only the truth on the pitch will matter.

As a little anecdote, the calendar you shared comes from a page that I manage myself. Don't hesitate to subscribe :) (Allow me to do a little self-promotion haha)


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Nice one, do you have an X account as i stopped using facebook years ago, I found one on there but it looks old.

If you dont have a X account set it up and i'll be in there like swimwear (this will not make sense in google translate)

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Just a bit of clarification about your fixtures.
What is the situation regarding the uncertainty as to whether you will be playing Bordeaux or Troyes?
I guess Bordeaux would be the biggest name in your League with the stadium size and population of the city.
As a youngster I remember the Saints playing a midweek/mid season friendly against the Girondins at our old ground, The Dell.
This seemed quite exotic for many of us young lads at the time as very few of us had ever ventured abroad at the time.
Also does Valenciennes have to compete for support with a local rugby club?

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38 minutes ago, Convict Colony said:

I suppose the struggle is what it is the level in the 3rd division, which players would benefit, like could we send a under 21 there instead of on loan to carlise etc

With the presence of quite a few clubs with professional infrastructures (recent stadiums and training centres), I would say that the 3rd division championship, known as the ‘National Championship’, is looking more and more like a semi-professional championship.

After all, the 3rd division isn't the most attractive league in France, but this year, with the names of the clubs present, it could be interesting to follow.

As far as the players are concerned, this championship could give some of them a chance to make a name for themselves and show what they can do.

From what I know, some club presidents and governing bodies want the 3rd division to become more professional and be renamed ‘Ligue 3’ in the near future, which I think would be a good thing.

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43 minutes ago, Suhari said:

Loving the updates from our SR family.

Would be amazing if we could send a loanee or two to help out this season.

I'd love to have a few of your players but of course, between the Premier League and the French 3rd division, it's not easy.

We'll have to see what happens in the next few years. SR told us that they were here for the medium to long term, for several years.

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33 minutes ago, spyinthesky said:

Just a bit of clarification about your fixtures.
What is the situation regarding the uncertainty as to whether you will be playing Bordeaux or Troyes?
I guess Bordeaux would be the biggest name in your League with the stadium size and population of the city.
As a youngster I remember the Saints playing a midweek/mid season friendly against the Girondins at our old ground, The Dell.
This seemed quite exotic for many of us young lads at the time as very few of us had ever ventured abroad at the time.
Also does Valenciennes have to compete for support with a local rugby club?

I'll get back to you, don't worry.

As far as Girondins de Bordeaux are concerned, their situation is very, very, very complicated. They're on the verge of bankruptcy and will probably go out of business.

This summer, they have to replenish their accounts and raise around €40 million (£33,655,400), which is a lot of money for a football club. Bordeaux were in negotiations to be bought out by the Fenway Sport Group (owner of Liverpool). But the sale did not go ahead for the following reason: ‘This decision is explained in particular by the significant cost of the stadium in the coming years, but also by the general economic context of French football’.

The owner alone must come up with this sum before 24 July 2024, as they have an appointment with the French football regulator (DNCG).

The FFF (Fédération Française de Football) has indicated on the board ‘Bordeaux or Troyes’ pending the decision on 24 July, but all indications are that Troyes (17th and 1st relegated from Ligue 2) will be drafted in, as it seems impossible for Bordeaux to find the money in 8 days. For Bordeaux, it will be either National or lower (7th or 8th division in France). 

The rugby here at Valenciennes is not top level, it plays in the regional league I think... 

But relations between the football club and the rugby club are not at their best, because our current stadium was built on part of their old ground and they had to move further away...

However, since Sport Républic took over, our club has enjoyed a better relationship with local politicians (town hall / agglomeration / local enterprise...)

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4 hours ago, ChristopheVAFC said:

Sekou Mara, I'll take it from all the players, I'll even travel to your house to pick it up haha

He's not here.

But his mum's in the shower.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yesterday was the last friendly match before the league resumes next Friday.

We played Troyes, who had initially been relegated to the French National League but were promoted to Ligue 2 instead of Bordeaux. It was a rather interesting game, as we were 2-0 up and came back to 2-2.

Not everything is perfect, but there are positive signs.

Let's get on with the new season!


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17 minutes ago, washsaint said:

Troyes - crikey, how the mighty have fallen!  I remember when we signed Michael Svensson from them if memory serves me right.

Good luck for the new season Christophe

Troyes are owned by the City Group too. So interesting to see them drop so badly.

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9 hours ago, SuperSAINT said:

Troyes are owned by the City Group too. So interesting to see them drop so badly.

yep, multi-club ownership does suck when you only are a stepping stone to an EPL team at the top of the pyramid.

From what I've read, one of the reason to their demise from the 1st division to the 3rd in only 2 years, was city group's farm team strategy preventing them from enrolling any players older than 21 years old. They got very lucky to get reinstated back up to 2nd division just last month, thanks to Bordeaux forced relegation down to 4th division.

Edited by FredVaFC59100
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3 hours ago, FredVaFC59100 said:

ouais,  être propriétaire de plusieurs clubs, c'est nul quand vous n'êtes qu'un tremplin vers une équipe EPL au sommet de la pyramide.

D'après ce que j'ai pu lire, l'une des raisons de leur chute de la première à la troisième division en seulement deux ans, était la stratégie de City Group qui les empêchait d'enrôler des joueurs de plus de 21 ans. Ils ont eu beaucoup de chance de remonter en deuxième division le mois dernier, grâce à la relégation forcée de Bordeaux en quatrième division.

SR's management of our 3 clubs is not at all the same as City Group's management...

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I for one believe this season will be a succession of wins and sexy football for Valenciennes.

Both Fred and Christophe will be drunk after every game and shouting how happy they are about sports republic owners as valenciennes go the season unbeaten.

I am an eternal optimist but Aubagne are going to find out the hard way as you win the first game easily 2-0.


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Valenciennes will be the team to beat for all the other clubs in the league. 

According to the various predictions on the different networks, a lot of people see us at the top of the table.

Our objective is clear: to stay in the 3rd division for as short a time as possible and climb straight back up to Ligue 2.

I wish us as many victories as possible (I wish the same for you, my friends from Southampton and our brothers from Goztepe).

I hope we'll all be celebrating together next summer during the probable pre-season tournament between the 3 clubs :)

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Press article from my team today, folks, enjoy your reading.

Ahmed Kantari se confie avant la reprise : « Une anomalie que VA soit en National » - La Voix du Nord


Ahmed Kantari on his return to action: "It's an anomaly that VA are in the National".

After a season that saw them relegated to the National, VA are back in action, kicking off their league campaign on Friday against Aubagne with the aim of returning to Ligue 2 without delay. Ahmed Kantari expects his players to show resilience and humility.

How would you sum up your preparations?

"It's been a long preparation. That's what we wanted, we've worked hard physically. We had some very early arrivals (Papa Camara, Carnéjy Antoine, Rémy Boissier, as early as June) and others later on, so we found ourselves in a bit of no-man's-land between the two, which didn't allow us to work well tactically. In our system, pistons are important and we've had two of them arrive this week (Lucas Buades and Byani Mpata Lama last Wednesday)..."

You mentioned the importance of the pistons. Is your idea for this season to play 3-5-2?

"We ended up like that last season, which was interesting. I think we have the players with the qualities to play with three at the back, we also have strikers who are more comfortable when we play with two up front and number 10s like Flamarion and Aymen (Boutoutaou) who are very interesting between the lines. The idea is always to put the players in the best position to express themselves. We start from a base, but that didn't stop us from playing 4-3-3 at Lokeren (on 3 August), against whom we won 1-0. You have to know how to adapt, it all depends on the players you have available.

The main thing you were missing was a replacement for Allan Linguet, and you've been struggling to find one.

"It's been complicated in that position. We'd made good progress on a number of leads, and we'd even reached an agreement with a player who was due to join us at the start of the summer transfer window, but who ended up not being available. That embarrassed us and we had to start all over again. We fought hard to get Lucas (Buades) because it wasn't easy. We had a good feeling about him and then the club made an effort to find common ground with Rodez. We sensed that the player was keen to join the Valenciennes project. I think the arrival of someone like him, who was starting out as a regular in Ligue 2, is a strong sign. The same goes for Bakaye Dibassy, who has played in Ligue 1, and Rémy Boissier.

What does it show?

"It shows that Valenciennes isn't exactly a club like the others, that it's attractive. It's an anomaly today that this club is in the National. It's up to us to work hard to rectify this anomaly.

"We need a few reinforcements to improve this team. Then, yes, we'll be able to talk about goals.
What will be your objective for the season?

"The aim will obviously be to get back up as quickly as possible. Now, it's not enough just to say that. We're going to have sixteen or seventeen opponents (depending on whether Bordeaux play in the National or not) who will also have ambitions. We'll be discovering it for the first time, so there's bound to be a period of adjustment. We're not 100% ready yet, so we can't expect everything to be perfect straight away. There have been quite a few changes. But I'm convinced that with the players we have, we'll be able to have a great season.

Have the directors set you a target?

"No. They just want to win games. Once again, it's obvious that the club wants to get back into Ligue 2. But no one has said to me: 'You'll be back up there in a year's time, whatever happens'. We need a few reinforcements to improve this team. Then, yes, we'll be able to talk about an objective.

What reinforcements are you expecting?

"We don't have much room for manoeuvre with our centre-backs. We currently have four (for three positions) with Joachim (Kayi Sanda), Jordan (Poha), Lucas (Woudenberg) and Bakaye (Dibassy). On the left, we've recruited little Mpata Lama to complement Souleymane Basse, so we're fully occupied. On the right, we also need to support Lucas Buades because one season is a long time (1). And in midfield, we've lost David Kruse (transferred to IFK Göteborg in Sweden).

Where do you stand with Manga Foe Ondoa?

"I really like the player. Now we're embarking on a difficult mission. If someone doesn't want to commit to the club (by signing as a professional), how do you expect him to give 100% on the pitch? There's no such thing. The ball is in his court. The others (players) move on and I have a group balance to find. Today, I'm not even asking myself the question: he's a trainee pro, so he's in the reserves, with the players of his category, of his generation. He's simply not in my mind.

You mentioned the need to make a commitment. What qualities does a league like the National require?

"A lot of resilience.

What does that mean?

"Resilience means being able to endure things, to get back into the fight after difficult moments, to be able to play in contexts that you're not used to. Being somewhere between the pro world and the amateur world... It's not easy for a professional player who's only played in Ligue 2 or Ligue 1 to have that kind of mental stamina. It's a league in which anyone can beat anyone, a league in which you have to be very humble. To have that resilience and humility, you can't take yourself for what you're not and you have to want to be where you are, otherwise you can't be fully invested."

1. Young Tanguy Liénard, who was included in the squad after suffering a knee injury at the start of the preparations, will be out for several weeks.


VAFC 2024-2025
Linguet (?), Cuffaut (?), Sabanovic (Angers, rp), Bansé (Standard Liège, BEL, rp), Knockaert (stoppage), Doucouré (Lorient, rp), Jung (OFI Crete, GRE).

P. Camara (Jura Dolois), Antoine (Feirense, POR), Boissier (Dunkerque), Dibassy (no club), Buades (Rodez), Mpata Lama (Bordeaux B).


Papa Camara, Jean Louchet, Calvin Obin.


Souleymane Basse, Lucas Buades, Bakaye Dibassy, Joachim Kayi Sanda, Mamadou Kebbeh, Tanguy Liénard, Byani Mpata Lama, Jordan Poha, Lucas Woudenberg.


Rémy Boissier, Aymen Boutoutaou, Jules Collet, Ilyès Hamache, Julien Masson, Jean-Éric Moursou.


Carnéjy Antoine, Jovinho Flamarion, Kylian Kouakou, Makabi Lilepo, Mathias Oyewusi, Nick Venema.


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2 hours ago, Convict Colony said:

Both Fred and Christophe will be drunk after every game and shouting how happy they are about sports republic owners as valenciennes go the season unbeaten.


No, they'll be indulging in local gastronomic specialities: fruits de mer at Concarneau and Boulogne, roast chicken at Bourg-en-Bresse, wine tasting at Bourdeaux..

As for Chateauroux, avoid the Buffalo Grill next to our hotel de passage which we stayed at crossing France towards the ferry last week!

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6 hours ago, Convict Colony said:

I for one believe this season will be a succession of wins and sexy football for Valenciennes.

Both Fred and Christophe will be drunk after every game and shouting how happy they are about sports republic owners as valenciennes go the season unbeaten.



LOL, you are right, I'll get drunk many times this year! 

If my prediction of a mid table standing is correct, then I'll have a stress free season, just like George Costanza , not over reaching, and not falling behind!

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6 hours ago, ChristopheVAFC said:

SR's management of our 3 clubs is not at all the same as City Group's management...

Really ?  who are the ultimate money makers in both SR and City Group? Which team would SR decide to withdraw if both Saints and VAFC were to participate in the same European competition? What will a very promising VAFC's young player career path be ? 

I don't want to be sloppy second, and if the shoe was on the other foot Saints fans would feel the same I believe.

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58 minutes ago, FredVaFC59100 said:

Really ?  who are the ultimate money makers in both SR and City Group? Which team would SR decide to withdraw if both Saints and VAFC were to participate in the same European competition? What will a very promising VAFC's young player career path be ? 

I don't want to be sloppy second, and if the shoe was on the other foot Saints fans would feel the same I believe.

In multi-ownership management, there are always sporting differences between clubs, with Southampton in the Premier League ahead of us, then our friends from Goztepe in the Turkish D1, then Valenciennes.

All multi-club managers are faced with the question of which clubs to choose if 2 teams from SR were to play each other in the European Cup. And it's true that it can't be an easy choice.

Now, I think that every project takes time to become concrete, sometimes 1 year, sometimes 3 years or 5 years maybe...

In reality, I don't think that SR makes any difference between our 3 teams, and I continue to maintain my confidence in the rebuilding of my club.

Everyone has their own point of view on the matter. Personally, I'll believe in it for as long as it takes, and I'm convinced that we'll have better days very soon.

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26 minutes ago, spyinthesky said:

What sort of attendances are to be expected in the 3rd Division?
Will your home crowds be bigger than most?
What's the latest on Girondins?

This year, the club has decided to close the upper part of the stadium, so instead of a total of 25,172 seats, only 9,000 will be open. At the start of the season, I think we'll have around 5,000 people in the stadium, and then, in the event of a good season, the club will be able to modulate the capacity according to need and attendance.

I think we'll be in the top 5.

Estimed for me: Sochaux: 10k / Nancy: 7k / Valenciennes: 5k

Then the other clubs below 3k I think.

As far as Girondins de Bordeaux are concerned, their situation is almost desperate. Yesterday, they went before the commission and were unsuccessful. They have been demoted to the 4th division (National 2).

The directors of the National 1 championship are not taking anyone in Bordeaux's place, so the championship will be played with 17 teams instead of 18 for the time being. But we're not immune to last-minute changes.

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On 11/08/2024 at 17:00, ChristopheVAFC said:

Hello folks.

Yesterday, at fan day, the 2nd VAFC shirt designed by Hummel was presented.

It's a classic white shirt with a swan, the emblem of Valenciennes.

What do you think, friends?


That's a top-tier sponsor! Better than what we've been saddled with...

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10 minutes ago, kitch said:

That's a top-tier sponsor! Better than what we've been saddled with...

It's true that not everyone can have such a sponsor on their shirt.

TOYOTA has a factory not far from Valenciennes (a few kilometres away), and in the past, between 2004 and 2014, it was our main sponsor.

TOYOTA is one of the main employers in the area.


Capture d’écran 2024-08-13 121838.png


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46 minutes ago, ChristopheVAFC said:

The league resumes this evening for VA, who host Aubagne FC (promoted from the 4th division) at the Stade du Hainaut.

All they need is a win to get the season off to a good start.

Watch the match for free on YouTube:

VAFC Aubagne

Kick-off 7.30pm French time.

Allez VA! 🔴

I would watch it but unfortunately I am currently in australia so I will miss the demolition of Aubagne.

2-0 Valenciennes and christophe is down the pub

Beer Trainspotting GIF by MIRAMAX

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Back from the stadium just now. A short but precious victory against a tough opponent.

It's been tough right from the start of the league, but I think that's a good thing, as it gives us a chance to get into shape.

It was great to be able to celebrate a league win in the stands, and now we need to keep it up for the next few games.

Go VA!

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My first time watching Valenciennes and early on one player stood out. Of course it was the only one I'd heard of, Kayi Sanda. He handled his individual duties with some obvious class and was telling people what to do like he was running the show, which is impressive for a 17yo.

Poha also stood out (not just for the obvious reason; he defended really well too) and the keeper did well when called upon. I thought Buades and Venema also played well, and if someone teaches Oyewusi how the offside law works he could be alright too.

The left side is a bit of a concern; the defending was average and the better attacking plays - bar the goal - came down the right. They could've done a better job of seeing out the game too, with more focus on ball retention and maybe going to the corner flag in injury time. But you can never be too upset with a win and a clean sheet.

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9 hours ago, Convict Colony said:

Awesome a win and cleansheet 👍

It wasn't easy yesterday, though, and we gave ourselves a bit of a scare, but the main thing is there, and the 3 points will do us good and get the season off to the best possible start, I hope.

Thanks for your message, my friend.

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6 minutes ago, ChristopheVAFC said:

It wasn't easy yesterday, though, and we gave ourselves a bit of a scare, but the main thing is there, and the 3 points will do us good and get the season off to the best possible start, I hope.

Thanks for your message, my friend.

Have you kept any players that have surprise you, Christophe?

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3 hours ago, chiknsmack said:

My first time watching Valenciennes and early on one player stood out. Of course it was the only one I'd heard of, Kayi Sanda. He handled his individual duties with some obvious class and was telling people what to do like he was running the show, which is impressive for a 17yo.

Poha also stood out (not just for the obvious reason; he defended really well too) and the keeper did well when called upon. I thought Buades and Venema also played well, and if someone teaches Oyewusi how the offside law works he could be alright too.

The left side is a bit of a concern; the defending was average and the better attacking plays - bar the goal - came down the right. They could've done a better job of seeing out the game too, with more focus on ball retention and maybe going to the corner flag in injury time. But you can never be too upset with a win and a clean sheet.

Glad to read that you watched the game. By the way, all the matches and the whole season are available for free on YouTube.

There were some good things and some not-so-good things in this first match of the season, it's the run-in as they say, the time for the players to get their bearings...

Joachim Kayi Sanda is a very intelligent player with a lot of potential, and the club is doing everything it can to convince him to sign his first professional contract, and I think you can see why today.

Jordan Poha has been pretty interesting too, I think. And what can I say about our goalkeeper Jean Louchet, who was voted man of the match yesterday by a long way. He kept us in the game and kept the clean sheet.

All in all, I'm not too disappointed, even if we do need to do more to reassure ourselves in defence and be able to score more up front.

A bit more work, a bit more new blood (recruits), and I think we'll have a good season.

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8 minutes ago, SuperSAINT said:

Have you kept any players that have surprise you, Christophe?

From my point of view.

Jean Louchet: Very good match
Joachim Kayi Sanda: Reassuring, good match
Jordan Poha: Correct
Bakaye Dibassy (cpl.): Good but can still do better
Lucas Buades: Experience, good match
Remy Boissier: Good player, never gave up
Julien Masson: a level below yesterday, did the best he could
Biany Mpata Lama: interesting
Jovinho Flamarion: decent
Mathias Oyewusi: also correct
Nick Venema: very good and scored a goal


(Moursou, 76th): no opinion
(Woudenberg, 90th + 2): came on at the end of the match
(Boutoutatou, 76th): disappointing, lost a few hot balls
(Lilepo, 85th): also disappointing
(Antoine, 76th): no opinion



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