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42 minutes ago, Raging Bull said:

I think you should wind your sanctimonious neck in and stop telling people what they should or shouldn't do.

"I can fully understand why there is more excess deaths, all down to the pandemic and also the broken NHS"

Clearly you can't, because, as I've mentioned a couple of times now, the data is from the government and it states that only a small percentage of the excess deaths are due to missed appointments or covid.

There's all so the fact that the excess death rates around the world are still remarkably high in all nations that vaccinated heavily - so that sidesteps your NHS theory completely.

And just for reference, here's a link for some of the April data - link https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending21april2023

And here's an overview:

- Week 16

- 22.1% above the five year average

- 2540 excess deaths

- 615 involved covid

- 14'024 deaths in total of which 538 mentioned covid which equals 4.3% of deaths

"Covid infection can cause allsorts of longterm issues especially cardio related." 

A recent large scale study by the Israeli government has proven this to be completely untrue.

"The idea that 'vulnerable' should of been targeted is comical. defeine 'vulnerable' as thats potentially everyone in the country.

Letting rip the virus would of been a complete disaster, thousands more dead and thousands more with longterm health issues from infection."

Again, I've posted this before but I'll post it here, too - https://iea.org.uk/publications/did-lockdowns-work-the-verdict-on-covid-restrictions/

It CLEARLY states that lockdowns were a complete failure and only served to decimate our economy.

"Certainly some need educating in 'conspiracy' on world events and understand that youre chasing your own tail round and round."

If you're happy to simply believe everything you're told then good for you. I'm not, especially when they're asking me to take a novel form of treating a disease that has ZERO longterm studies, especially from a disease that me and my precious family have a 99.98% chance of surviving. Again, statistics directly from the government you so desperately trust.

I mean, we don't even know what's in these injections, they won't tell us. I mean, please do tell me what's in the shots @SaintsLoyal


You're citing the Tufton Street based right wing lobby group the Institute for Economic Affairs - one of the major organisations responsible for the utter fucking catastrophe we call Brexit - as a credible source of scientific data? Wow. 

Their abstract makes a fundamental error when considering the success of lockdowns: that they were designed to protect individual people from dying. They weren't. Their sole purpose was to prevent the NHS from being completely overwhelmed and collapsing under the demand on ICUs. In that respect, they succeeded.

  • Like 1
46 minutes ago, Raging Bull said:

you're happy to simply believe everything you're told then good for you. I'm not, especially when they're asking me to take a novel form of treating a disease that has ZERO longterm studies, especially from a disease that me and my precious family have a 99.98% chance of surviving. Again, statistics directly from the government you so desperately trust.

I mean, we don't even know what's in these injections, they won't tell us. I mean, please do tell me what's in the shots @SaintsLoyal


It’s funny you should say that, I saw a family drive past my house earlier and the bunch of cretins were all wearing seatbelts. Don’t they realise that less than 0.01% of car journeys result in an accident and there have been zero studies into the long term effects of seatbelts on prostate cancer.

As for what’s in the injections, it’s hilarious that you pretend you would have the first clue about the medical implications of any of the chemicals involved. Of course they won’t tell you, it’s corporate intellectual property worth billions. They won’t tell you the ingredients of KFC or Coca Cola either, are their products poisonous?

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, Lighthouse said:


As for what’s in the injections, it’s hilarious that you pretend you would have the first clue about the medical implications of any of the chemicals involved. Of course they won’t tell you, it’s corporate intellectual property worth billions. They won’t tell you the ingredients of KFC or Coca Cola either, are their products poisonous?

But the threat of losing your job and/or being excluded from much/all of society has not existed for having a KFC

28 minutes ago, Raging Bull said:

I think you should wind your sanctimonious neck in and stop telling people what they should or shouldn't do.

"I can fully understand why there is more excess deaths, all down to the pandemic and also the broken NHS"

Clearly you can't, because, as I've mentioned a couple of times now, the data is from the government and it states that only a small percentage of the excess deaths are due to missed appointments or covid.

There's all so the fact that the excess death rates around the world are still remarkably high in all nations that vaccinated heavily - so that sidesteps your NHS theory completely.

And just for reference, here's a link for some of the April data - link https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending21april2023

And here's an overview:

- Week 16

- 22.1% above the five year average

- 2540 excess deaths

- 615 involved covid

- 14'024 deaths in total of which 538 mentioned covid which equals 4.3% of deaths

"Covid infection can cause allsorts of longterm issues especially cardio related." 

A recent large scale study by the Israeli government has proven this to be completely untrue.

"The idea that 'vulnerable' should of been targeted is comical. defeine 'vulnerable' as thats potentially everyone in the country.

Letting rip the virus would of been a complete disaster, thousands more dead and thousands more with longterm health issues from infection."

Again, I've posted this before but I'll post it here, too - https://iea.org.uk/publications/did-lockdowns-work-the-verdict-on-covid-restrictions/

It CLEARLY states that lockdowns were a complete failure and only served to decimate our economy.

"Certainly some need educating in 'conspiracy' on world events and understand that youre chasing your own tail round and round."

If you're happy to simply believe everything you're told then good for you. I'm not, especially when they're asking me to take a novel form of treating a disease that has ZERO longterm studies, especially from a disease that me and my precious family have a 99.98% chance of surviving. Again, statistics directly from the government you so desperately trust.

I mean, we don't even know what's in these injections, they won't tell us. I mean, please do tell me what's in the shots @SaintsLoyal



You clearly need to do 'your research' a bit better, the old 99.8% is complete and utter bunkum and was a conspracy theorist hard on lie.  

Lockdowns are nasty but were 100% needed in a totally unknown situation., again you seem to want to spread the virus out of control and expect the NHS to look after it ?

I dont believe everything i see, far from it, but i would rather evaluate and not subscribe to well driven conspiracy bollocks thats totally got many hooked like you.

I see nothing at all in the excess deaths that points to a vaccine, we have just seen a world pandemic over two years and the subsequent after effects are no surprise.

What a miserable depressing life conspiracy theorists live in.

What happened to the 'new world order' anyway ? 

Do you share le tissiers ideloegy that rich elites drink the blood of children ?

All those footballers that collapsed on the pitch, not one had complications from a vaccine. 

And yet we have le tissier saying its vaccine related, scaring all in sundry.


I would say to people that believe all this conspiracy bunkum, is that 10% of it will have a valid query, the rest is driven to suck you in and you will end up chasing your tail.

Look up the looney Qanon and realise this has spread from america to the uk and social media has fuelled it.

The corner stone of falling into the trap of being a conspiracy theorist is the need 








  • Like 1
53 minutes ago, Lighthouse said:

They won’t tell you the ingredients of KFC or Coca Cola either, are their products poisonous?

You say that but I knew a former in-house lawyer for coca cola who left as he felt unable to take a salary from an organisation who he said "peddled poison to children". He never expanded on that statement, but he felt strongly enough about it to leave a great job. 

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Missus wants to go on a cruise this year. What do the MLT followers think of the chances we may fall off the edge of the world? Should I be worried that such incidents are covered up?

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, whelk said:

Missus wants to go on a cruise this year. What do the MLT followers think of the chances we may fall off the edge of the world? Should I be worried that such incidents are covered up?

We went to Norway earlier this month and I can assure you we didn't fall off - any further than that and I can not give any assurances....

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, egg said:

You say that but I knew a former in-house lawyer for coca cola who left as he felt unable to take a salary from an organisation who he said "peddled poison to children". He never expanded on that statement, but he felt strongly enough about it to leave a great job. 

I don’t care if KFC is coated in weapons grade plutonium and sodium poisonate, every major company in the world has closely guarded intellectual property, that’s proof of absolutely nothing in itself. It’s just another very obvious answer to a conspiracy-based belief system which only makes sense if you stick your head in the sand and ignore the frequent, massive, gaping holes in evidence and logic.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Lighthouse said:

I don’t care if KFC is coated in weapons grade plutonium and sodium poisonate, every major company in the world has closely guarded intellectual property, that’s proof of absolutely nothing in itself. It’s just another very obvious answer to a conspiracy-based belief system which only makes sense if you stick your head in the sand and ignore the frequent, massive, gaping holes in evidence and logic.

Here you go , you absolute drip. 

According to Joe, his uncle’s secret KFC recipe consists of the following 11 herbs and spices:

  • 23 tablespoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons white pepper
  • 12 tablespoon thyme
  • 12 tablespoon basil
  • 13 tablespoon oregano
  • 1 tablespoon celery salt
  • 2 tablespoons garlic salt
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon dry mustard
  • 4 tablespoons paprika
  • 1 tablespoon ground ginger
2 hours ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

Here you go , you absolute drip. 

According to Joe, his uncle’s secret KFC recipe consists of the following 11 herbs and spices:

  • 23 tablespoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons white pepper
  • 12 tablespoon thyme
  • 12 tablespoon basil
  • 13 tablespoon oregano
  • 1 tablespoon celery salt
  • 2 tablespoons garlic salt
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon dry mustard
  • 4 tablespoons paprika
  • 1 tablespoon ground ginger

Perfect! Honestly, you literally couldn’t have given a more textbook example of the wafer-thin, asinine arguments these bullsh*t conspiracies are based upon. Completely ignore the elephant in the room, the actual point of the argument; I.E. the fact that intellectual property exists and everyone from washing machine detergents to F1 teams tries to keep it secret. No, you’ve proven that I didn’t actually go scouring the internet for the spices on some friend chicken.

  • Like 2

Look at you… making it about you

yeah.. of course I looked that up especially for you. 🤣

why don’t you just let Matt have an opinion without you crying about it. 

typical liberal neighbourhood watch , all vaccines plus boosters, mask wearer. 
are you unhappy because you feel silly about being duped into taking it. 

2 hours ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

Look at you… making it about you

yeah.. of course I looked that up especially for you. 🤣

why don’t you just let Matt have an opinion without you crying about it. 

typical liberal neighbourhood watch , all vaccines plus boosters, mask wearer. 
are you unhappy because you feel silly about being duped into taking it. 

Fucking mask wearers. Not true men eh?

3 hours ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

Look at you… making it about you

yeah.. of course I looked that up especially for you. 🤣

I never suggested you looked it up. I’m sure you have all the spices in KFC’s seasoning committed to memory, in a non-standard text format, just like any other normal person.

3 hours ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

why don’t you just let Matt have an opinion without you crying about it.

He’s allowed his opinion, any sane person with a basic grasp of logic, reasoning and common sense is allowed to think he’s a complete fruitcake.

3 hours ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

typical liberal neighbourhood watch , all vaccines plus boosters, mask wearer. 
are you unhappy because you feel silly about being duped into taking it. 

Barely given it a second thought since 18 months ago, when I had my booster jab and needed a PCR test to go skiing. Tiss is the one who’s been tweeting about this incessantly for three years, with all his Twitter friends living rent free in his head.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
21 hours ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

Look at you… making it about you

yeah.. of course I looked that up especially for you. 🤣

why don’t you just let Matt have an opinion without you crying about it. 

typical liberal neighbourhood watch , all vaccines plus boosters, mask wearer. 
are you unhappy because you feel silly about being duped into taking it. 

I mean… he’s allowed an opinion, Im not at any point telling him he can’t have it, Im just exercising my right to call out his clear lunacy in much the same way you’re attempting to discredit anybody who’s opinions you don’t believe in

I was ‘duped’ to taking 3 of the vaccines I suppose, but mainly because I ccould understand the logic of attempting to create an immunity in those most likely to catch it, and thus reduce the spread… I mean… its a slightly easier to digest logic to that of a pre planned genocide conducted by Bill Gates

  • Like 1

I knew Lambert had some opinions pretty similar to Le Tiss, but he appears to have got himself involved with an absolute lunatic on social media who just seems to make stuff up with numbers to justify some sort of nonsense or other.



On 12/06/2023 at 18:27, Lighthouse said:

I never suggested you looked it up. I’m sure you have all the spices in KFC’s seasoning committed to memory, in a non-standard text format, just like any other normal person.

He’s allowed his opinion, any sane person with a basic grasp of logic, reasoning and common sense is allowed to think he’s a complete fruitcake.

Barely given it a second thought since 18 months ago, when I had my booster jab and needed a PCR test to go skiing. Tiss is the one who’s been tweeting about this incessantly for three years, with all his Twitter friends living rent free in his head.

Show me `his lunacy’ other than his opinion of Do whatever you need to do personally.. but try and check out everything first. 

yeah, that’s fucking mental behaviour, dummy. 

Your reasoning is, 

ooooh I wanna buy a car, 

ok, but make sure you believe the car salesman… he will tell you the absolute gospel truth  looooool  




That’s just unhinged ranting, I can’t help you there, sorry. Here’s an example of his lunacy, it’ll have to do, I have no more time to waste on the cretin.



5 minutes ago, Lighthouse said:

That’s just unhinged ranting, I can’t help you there, sorry. Here’s an example of his lunacy, it’ll have to do, I have no more time to waste on the cretin.



Were there lies about WMD?

Did we get the truth about COVID?

Has there been staged bodies in ukraine (and covid)?

Has the US public been given the full story about the 'laptop'?

  • Haha 1
51 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:

Were there lies about WMD? Yes.

Did we get the truth about COVID? Yes.

Has there been staged bodies in ukraine (and covid)? No

Has the US public been given the full story about the 'laptop'? Yes


  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Lighthouse said:

That’s just unhinged ranting, I can’t help you there, sorry. Here’s an example of his lunacy, it’ll have to do, I have no more time to waste on the cretin.



You (The leftards) are a cult. 
why is it inconceivable to you, you MAY be wrong.. 

Matt is even saying he may be wrong.. he just wants everything validated rather than just believing everything you hear on the MSM. 

Even someone as stupid as you can see that… surely. 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, AlexLaw76 said:

Were there lies about WMD?

Did we get the truth about COVID?

Has there been staged bodies in ukraine (and covid)?

Has the US public been given the full story about the 'laptop'?

It said the media lied you embarrassingly thick cunt.  

  • Like 1
26 minutes ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

You (The leftards) are a cult. 
why is it inconceivable to you, you MAY be wrong.. 

Matt is even saying he may be wrong.. he just wants everything validated rather than just believing everything you hear on the MSM. 

Even someone as stupid as you can see that… surely. 

We’ve all figured out that car salesmen are bullsh*tters. What we don’t do is think we’re special for figuring this out and waste our lives trying to source a used Audi from the local taxidermist.

  • Like 1
44 minutes ago, whelk said:

It said the media lied you embarrassingly thick cunt.  

They lie a great deal, especially about these subjects 

58 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:

They lie a great deal, especially about these subjects 

The guardian doesn’t lie. It’s this forums go to source of information whenever we need an opinion piece. 

10 hours ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

You (The leftards) are a cult. 
why is it inconceivable to you, you MAY be wrong.. 

Matt is even saying he may be wrong.. he just wants everything validated rather than just believing everything you hear on the MSM. 

Even someone as stupid as you can see that… surely. 

Quite perfectly said mate. This is the problem with 80% of the people I meet and talk to. They refuse to accept they might be wrong. I am open to both sides. Matt and his like may have some very valid points that may come to be true. Just as likely, they might be totally wrong. Who knows. It's a bit like flat earth theory and moon hoax. I have a mate who is well into it and he shows me his evidence etc. But, as I say to him, I don't really care. If the earth is flat, will I avoid cancer? Will I pay less tax? What effect will it have on my life. Bugger all, so who cares.

That said, in the case of Covid, I do care because if they have been unethical with the truth and people are dying because of it, they should be held to account. My guess is we will never know.

  • Like 1


Fucking hell Matt. You really didn't engage your brain before posting this did you 🤦

This is the problem with him. Just like David Icke before him, he may well have some valid points and genuine questions worth further exploration. But they get lost in the noise of all the rest of the deranged, conspiratorial bullshit he posts, so it's impossible to take him seriously.

2 minutes ago, Weston Super Saint said:

I thought the Russians staged some dead bodies in Ukraine - then one of them got up at the end of the video?

Ergo all dead bodies are fake and you can’t believe anything ever?

5 minutes ago, whelk said:

Ergo all dead bodies are fake and you can’t believe anything ever?

Not at all.  Just that Badger's response in the negative to "has there been staged bodies in Ukraine" is incorrect.


Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Weston Super Saint said:

Not at all.  Just that Badger's response in the negative to "has there been staged bodies in Ukraine" is incorrect.


 The specific accusation being bandied around by the tinfoil hat brigade is that the images from Bucha were staged. This has been proven to be bullshit by satellite imagery, but the loons simply moved on to these images being themselves faked.


 The 'movjng dead' were alleged to be Ukrainian SpecOps that the Russians claimed to have ambushed after a river crossing, but had the wrong uniforms and weapons, and indeed could be seen to be very much alive in the unedited video. So whilst staged, it was done by the Russians rather than Ukraine or NATO - as the conspiracy idiots want to believe.

Edited by badgerx16
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, badgerx16 said:

 The specific accusation being bandied around by the tinfoil hat brigade is that the images from Bucha were staged. This has been proven to be bullshit by satellite imagery, but the loons simply moved on to these images being themselves faked.


 The 'movjng dead' were alleged to be Ukrainian SpecOps that the Russians claimed to have ambushed after a river crossing, but had the wrong uniforms and weapons, and indeed could be seen to be very much alive in the unedited video. So whilst staged, it was done by the Russians rather than Ukraine or NATO - as the conspiracy idiots want to believe.

So you agree the answer to "has there been staged dead bodies in Ukraine", is yes?


Edited by Weston Super Saint
20 minutes ago, Weston Super Saint said:

So you agree the answer to "has there been staged dead bodies in Ukraine", is yes?


Strong in this one pedantism is.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

16… your age I take it. 

is Duncan Wolfie Smith Holley your Grandad ? 

you’ll grow out of it lad, hopefully. 

I graduated from university in 1981.


As the Yanks say, do the math. ( If you are able ).

Edited by badgerx16
4 hours ago, TheMidfieldGeneral said:

16… your age I take it. 

is Duncan Wolfie Smith Holley your Grandad ? 

you’ll grow out of it lad, hopefully. 

Got to admire the irony of the post really

9 minutes ago, Sheaf Saint said:

Oh dear lord, Matt.

I can think of plenty of good reasons not to set foot in a Nandos.

This, however, isn't one of them.

Won't be long before MLT will be severely limited in his choice of restaurant as loads of places will end up going cash free.

22 minutes ago, The Cat said:

Won't be long before MLT will be severely limited in his choice of restaurant as loads of places will end up going cash free.

Should come to the chippie near me, cash only which was a pain after queueing for 10mins to find out.

9 minutes ago, skintsaint said:

Should come to the chippie near me, cash only which was a pain after queueing for 10mins to find out.

Ours is the same.


Only just noticed this thread. Didn't realise Lambo had gone the way of Le Tiss. 😪

Just need Kevin Phillips, Shane Long and Joe Aribo to join in to complete the 'Premier League #7' set.

52 minutes ago, farawaysaint said:

Aw man I just checked his Twitter for the first time in a few months. He’s gotten worse somehow.. 

I dont follow Twitter so what is he saying.
I have met him a few times and he seems to come across as a bright, down to earth individual.
Seems to have been influenced somewhere along the line which is a shame.


A relative is a conspiracist theory type. He now says that the submarine accident was a big cover up as the Billionaire was due to face charges re corruption?? I cant recall exactly what it was, as I shut off as he started telling me 


It is interesting the we disregard people such as Icke as nutters, yet this video clearly shows way back in 1996, he knew what was coming. Personally, I believe Icke is probably what is called a shill. I think eh was planted to confuse us, as a lot of what he says is clever and makes sense and a lot of what he says is crazy, so you end up really not listening to him perhaps.



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