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The 2024 General Election - July 4th


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I'm not sure that a belated bribe of 1p off this and 2p off that will make up for killing a few people's relatives through greed and gross stupidity while overseeing wholesale corruption and making every single key service in Britain worse.

But, if you call morons stupid you can get lazily labelled as a sandal-wearing, hate-marching, liberal-wokey-elitist, smug pinko, by triggered cunts, so I'll just politely assume those easily-led people who vote to be worse off are actually intelligent people just seeking attention through self-harm.

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8 hours ago, badgerx16 said:

The electorate are expected to cheer the slight cut in NI whilst ignoring the fact that the overall tax burden is due to be the highest for over 70 years. Smoke, mirrors, and sleight of hand.

Cheered on by 90% of the press telling us how lucky we are whilst they reduce further spending on many public services. 
Although Labour need to have better challenge than just going on about abolishing non-dom status. I can see them having a problem with ‘what is the difference?’ when they pledge not to borrow to improve anything.

Edited by whelk
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The tories are masters at deflection and transference ably assisted by the press. Claim that Labour will send your mortgage sky high, ignoring the Truss mess, tweeting 'the Conservatives cut tax, it's what we do', whilst overseeing the highest tax burden. Claim to be the party of economic growth, but their figures are dwarfed by Labours.

Inflation was Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Rishi. They can indulge loons from their fringes allowing them to influence policy, but if Labour step one inch out of line the press evoke visions of North Korea.

The biggest joke is the guff about north London elites, where the truth is, it's a conservative establishment run by tory elites and as soon an organisation doesn't play this game anymore like the Beeb, they scream lefties elites and want to close the place down.

Roll on the (revolution) general election.

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Fantastic news that the government have made minor adjustments to ensure that the average family is about £200 better off each year, right before the energy price cap was removed to mean that fuel bills will increase by c£200 a month. What great leaders we have to ensure that we are not negatively impacted by the fuel cap removal and that the average family will not feel the burden by tweaking things in other areas. We truly do have a fantastic government that really cares for us.

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I too have been critical of government on rare occasions but I have to say that Rishi is playing a blinder, people forget that there was no money in 2010, it was all wasted on Wokery by leftie lawyers and lesbian immigrants.

But our PM's done a fantastic job in unprecedented times - other than his trousers he's got all the big decisions right, he's shown strong leadership, had his tiny shoulder to the wheel, worked all hours, strained every sinew, put his little arm around business, he's delivered for hard working families while stopping boats with sewage barriers and banned Hate Marches.

Hunt's huge tax breaks are incredible too and will lift millions of people into slightly-less poverty, and the kids in Stockton going through bins for food today will have their spirits lifted by the slight cut in National Insurance, this will soften the blow of discovering through a refreshing dose of good old British public school honesty that they were born to forever live in shitholes.

As for the lazy feckless long-term sick and disabled scroungers bleeding us all dry, plenty of workplaces have defibrillators and Chemo Stations by the water cooler now, and it's unlikely that ill people will be getting hospital appointments anytime soon so they should all be free to work full 40-hour weeks and pay for their own luxury medication.

I know that's not what the terrorist-supporting, anti-growth coalition want to hear in their Islington tofu bars, but they need to back plucky Britain rather than talking us down using facts, statistics and empathy.

Go Rishi! 


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2 minutes ago, Jeremy Corbyn said:

Farage in the jungle saying he wouldn't rule out being the next Tory leader, having attended the Tory conference a couple of months ago...

He would have to win a seat first... not easy for an 8 time (or is it 9) electoral loser. Duckie would vote for him but I doubt that he could lead them back to power. 

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13 minutes ago, Tamesaint said:

He would have to win a seat first... not easy for an 8 time (or is it 9) electoral loser. Duckie would vote for him but I doubt that he could lead them back to power. 

You have been found guilty of posting in contravention of Weston SS's forum posting rules. You have been sentance to receieve a 'how shit must your holiday be' post from Weston SS.

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22 minutes ago, Jeremy Corbyn said:

Unless they make him a lord.

As a Lord he would not be able to enter the. HoC. As party leader of His Majesty's loyal opposition he would be expected to be there, so that cannot happen. Historically there have been several Lords serving as Prime Minister, but as the political influence and significance of the Lord's fell away entering the 20th century, it became an increasingly untenable situation.

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3 hours ago, rallyboy said:

I too have been critical of government on rare occasions but I have to say that Rishi is playing a blinder, people forget that there was no money in 2010, it was all wasted on Wokery by leftie lawyers and lesbian immigrants.

But our PM's done a fantastic job in unprecedented times - other than his trousers he's got all the big decisions right, he's shown strong leadership, had his tiny shoulder to the wheel, worked all hours, strained every sinew, put his little arm around business, he's delivered for hard working families while stopping boats with sewage barriers and banned Hate Marches.

Hunt's huge tax breaks are incredible too and will lift millions of people into slightly-less poverty, and the kids in Stockton going through bins for food today will have their spirits lifted by the slight cut in National Insurance, this will soften the blow of discovering through a refreshing dose of good old British public school honesty that they were born to forever live in shitholes.

As for the lazy feckless long-term sick and disabled scroungers bleeding us all dry, plenty of workplaces have defibrillators and Chemo Stations by the water cooler now, and it's unlikely that ill people will be getting hospital appointments anytime soon so they should all be free to work full 40-hour weeks and pay for their own luxury medication.

I know that's not what the terrorist-supporting, anti-growth coalition want to hear in their Islington tofu bars, but they need to back plucky Britain rather than talking us down using facts, statistics and empathy.

Go Rishi! 


Are you after a job at the Daily Mail?

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1 hour ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

If you actually believe he wouldn’t have won a seat had he stood as a Tory candidate, you’re deluded. 

If he had stood as a Tory in 2019 he would have stormed in. Finding a seat for him in 2024 could prove more difficult. 

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17 hours ago, Raging Bull said:

I genuinely don’t know who I’m gonna vote for this time around 

To be honest, I am not sure anyone should bother. They are all pretty much the same in terms of how life will be for the normal working class person. Sadly, boycotting the vote does not matter either as the winners will not care if there is a 30% turn out or a 60% turnout. I cannot see anything other than a Labour win in some fashion, be it outright or coalition. Something has to change. We cannot keep going with the current government.

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12 hours ago, east-stand-nic said:

To be honest, I am not sure anyone should bother. They are all pretty much the same in terms of how life will be for the normal working class person. Sadly, boycotting the vote does not matter either as the winners will not care if there is a 30% turn out or a 60% turnout. I cannot see anything other than a Labour win in some fashion, be it outright or coalition. Something has to change. We cannot keep going with the current government.

Not a particular fan of Starmer or Davey either but at least they won’t be using the public purse as a reward fund for their shady donors to quite same extent. Sunak and Hunt have curbed it a bit but under Johnson and Cameron it was rampant corruption. You’ve only got to look at the likes of Houchen (his uncle scored a great diving header in the 1987 FA Cup Final) and what allegedly went on in Redcar. There was bad stuff in the Blair years but this is fuck you territory to all of us working people, socialism for the super-wealthy. Public taxing at a postwar high above many actual socialist Labour governments but not public spending as in on the us as a nation, just a few of their buddies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Houchen,_Baron_Houchen_of_High_Leven


Even their own press have to admit it https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2023/06/20/boris-johnson-corrupt-conservative-party-rotten/


https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/the-baroness-the-ppe-cash-and-the-slow-death-of-trust/ https://www.ft.com/content/b37eef24-fec2-4b53-9908-a2a018080708

Edited by Gloucester Saint
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Starmer’s best PMQs by far today. Not only did he rip Sunak a new one, he showed him up to be the weak, incompetent, petulant man he is. He also cracked some funny jokes and showed some charisma (for those who critise him for being dull).

Sunak sounds more and more like Rik from The Young Ones. The Tories are toast with him leading the next GE campaign and have no one of any calibre to replace him. As much as it is depressing that we still have to wait for the GE, it will be fun watching them implode in the meantime.

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1 hour ago, Fan The Flames said:

Not meeting the Greek PM was pathetic willy waving by the little guy. But I am sure it made Dowden puff his chest out whilst swaggering around the HoP. Pair of twats.

It’s only effective if you’ve got a big enough willy that it looks impressive waving it about. Titchy is likely hung like a church mouse and has just made himself look like the prefect taking his ball home because literally everyone else is better at football than him.  Fuck me, even the Tory front bench were laughing at some of Starmer’s quips about him today. An absolute lame duck of a prime minister. He lost to Liz fucking Truss, for goodness sake.


Edited by The Kraken
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There is an irony to the Government's claims about the new "legally binding international treaty" with Rwanda, which, it says, guarantees that Rwanda will comply with what the UK Supreme Court requires, when Tory MPs are demanding the UK unilaterally tears up it's own binding international agreements over Human Rights.

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Even those who are Gullis-thick must see that the Rwandan fiasco has now been exposed as a ridiculously overpriced PR stunt which basically ties the UK into a pointless refugee swap.

The whole mad distraction has only ever existed to keep other issues off front pages.

But today is a big day for speechwriters, I expect Mr Party, the floppy-haired Eton death clown to bang out a greatest hits set featuring -

Unprecedented, Big Calls, Vaccinations, Shoulder to the Wheel, Arms around Business, Working all Hours, Straining every Sinew,  and the big Christmas hit, Followed the Science



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51 minutes ago, rallyboy said:

Even those who are Gullis-thick must see that the Rwandan fiasco has now been exposed as a ridiculously overpriced PR stunt which basically ties the UK into a pointless refugee swap.

The whole mad distraction has only ever existed to keep other issues off front pages.

But today is a big day for speechwriters, I expect Mr Party, the floppy-haired Eton death clown to bang out a greatest hits set featuring -

Unprecedented, Big Calls, Vaccinations, Shoulder to the Wheel, Arms around Business, Working all Hours, Straining every Sinew,  and the big Christmas hit, Followed the Science



You missed the classic "I got all the big decisions right." 

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1 hour ago, Guided Missile said:

Defending his Government’s record on migration, Sunak invoked his beloved football team Southampton FC: “Whether it’s controlling our borders or lowering our taxes, just like the Saints, the Conservatives are marching on.”

Haven't seen it but if Starmer didn't mention something about a 2nd division government then he's missed an open goal.

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1 hour ago, Guided Missile said:

Defending his Government’s record on migration, Sunak invoked his beloved football team Southampton FC: “Whether it’s controlling our borders or lowering our taxes, just like the Saints, the Conservatives are marching on.”

Didn't Saints get relegated with that as their motto ?

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